Chapter 120 – First, let’s go explore the road

He Gu stood motionless in the corridor on the first floor, afraid to make even the slightest noise that might disturb the two people below.

Listening to their conversation, He Gu broke out in a cold sweat.

Although he had long harbored suspicions, suspecting that 111 and 401 might have ulterior motives, hearing their recent exchange still sent chills down his spine.

He Gu was almost certain that the “sweet fruit” they referred to was himself!

These two were actually plotting to devour him!

What then was their purpose in going to such lengths to help him before?

Perhaps… it had something to do with their hunting methods?!

At this thought, He Gu’s heart sank further.

If 111 and 401 decided to make their move, He Gu knew he likely wouldn’t stand a chance against them, even without their resorting to any schemes.

Fortunately, from the sound of it, they weren’t planning to act tonight, giving He Gu a little more time.

Still, He Gu was puzzled.

For such an important matter, why would they discuss it openly in the hallway?

And for him to just happen to overhear it?

Something didn’t feel right.

Regardless of what was really going on, He Gu knew he didn’t have much time left.

Finding a way to clear the level and leave was his top priority!

After standing still in the corridor for nearly half a minute, ensuring there were no further sounds from below, He Gu quickly left.

Leaving the dormitory building, he headed straight for Cafeteria No. 4.

While getting his meal, He Gu deliberately chose a serving of medicinal skin.

Despite his aversion to it, he had eaten it a few times before.

Even if it were poison, it wouldn’t kill him immediately and could help heal wounds.

He convinced himself to eat it as a final preparation for healing his hand and clearing the level.

With a grimace, He Gu forced down half of the medicinal skin.

Then, while eating his meal, he discreetly wrapped the remaining piece in a napkin he had prepared earlier and tucked it into his sock.

He might encounter a security search on his way to work, and this was a necessary precaution.

After all, the remaining half was intended for the black cat.

After finishing his meal, He Gu felt an itchy and painful sensation on the back of his left hand, seemingly the effect of the medicinal skin.

However, after waiting for a while, the sensation faded without any noticeable improvement in the wound.

Perhaps the medicinal skin was no longer as effective on the blue uniform?

He regretted eating it at all.

With a sigh of resignation, He Gu headed to the inner warehouse area without giving it further thought.

Sure enough, he encountered a security check on the way, but he wasn’t searched.

He Gu arrived at the inner warehouse area with the small piece of medicinal skin, unscathed.

Once there, he checked storage rooms 44 and 45, then waited at the door for 452 to arrive for work.

After 452 arrived and was thoroughly checked by He Gu, they entered storage room 45 to start their shift.

He Gu then returned to his office.

Just as he reached the door of his office, he was stopped by 401 from next door.

401 came up, slung an arm around He Gu’s shoulder, and followed him into the office, whispering, “I’m almost certain now, my subordinate will act either tomorrow night or the night after!”

“And I’ve discovered someone might be backing him up. Whether I survive will depend on you!”

He Gu sneered inwardly while outwardly agreeing, “Be careful. We’re allies, and of course, I’ll help you.”

401 nodded solemnly, patted He Gu’s shoulder, and returned to his own office.

If He Gu hadn’t overheard 401’s conversation with 111 in the corridor earlier, he might have been fooled by 401’s demeanor!

The sense of urgency in He Gu’s heart intensified. Tomorrow night or the night after… if he couldn’t clear the level before they acted, the risk would be significant!

Perhaps he should strike first?

But 111 and 401 were clearly not easy targets, and even if He Gu took the initiative, the risk would be great.

Frustrated, He Gu pondered his options and sighed softly.

He decided to check the delivery passage later.

If he could clear the level and leave before they acted, it would be ideal, avoiding a direct confrontation and many risks.

But if push came to shove, He Gu was prepared to fight back rather than sit and wait for doom.

As He Gu strategized, he anxiously awaited the manager’s first patrol.

Time ticked by.

Tonight, the manager seemed to be taking his time.

Finally, at 21:57, the sound of a crow cawing came from outside.

“Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!”

He Gu counted silently, feeling a surge of relief.

Five caws!

The crow had cawed five times!

This meant that the manager’s next patrol would be in five hours!

These five hours should be enough for He Gu to explore the delivery passage!

Soon, the manager appeared at the end of the corridor.

At the same time, it struck ten o’clock, and He Gu took out his homemade “fake medicine” from the drawer, hiding it in his palm, and pretended to take medicine from a bottle in his pocket.

To avoid being searched by security on his way to work in the morning and revealing his deception, He Gu had left his last two “fake pills” in the office earlier.

Now, after taking one, he was down to his last “fake pill.”

The manager’s patrol was routine, and he left after making the rounds.

After the manager left, He Gu noticed 401 from the neighboring office also got up and left.

This unsettled He Gu, who felt 401 might be preparing a scheme against him.

After waiting a few minutes, He Gu also left his office.

He Gu made a token inspection of storage room 45, then seeing no one around, quickly left the inner warehouse area through a side door, circled around, and headed straight for Building No. 3.

He Gu walked on edge, sticking close to the walls and shadows, constantly vigilant for patrolling security guards.

Fortunately, it seemed the security patrols were more frequent during the workers’ shifts, and He Gu encountered no guards on his way to the back of Building No. 3.

He climbed through a window into the first-floor restroom, took a purple uniform from the ceiling and changed into it on the spot, pocketing items like a syringe, a vial of crow’s blood, and crow feathers, then hid his blue uniform back in the ceiling and left through the window again.

He Gu then cautiously made his way back to the inner warehouse area, on high alert for any security guards.

Once inside the inner warehouse area, he stood in a dark corner to observe, and seeing no one outside, he sprinted towards storage room 44…

PS: I’m struggling a bit with the final stages of writing, and I’m not in a good state.

It’s not that I want to delay the updates, it’s just really hard to write (crying).

I apologize to everyone, let me sort out my thoughts, and I will make up for the owed updates in the next few days.

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