Chapter 113 – Just as I thought

He Gu didn’t sleep well at all.

From the moment he fell asleep, he was dreaming non-stop.

The content of the dream was somewhat similar to yesterday’s, but this time, when he dreamt of Little Yin, their positions were swapped.

And when he dreamt of Old Ma, it was He Gu who stewed Old Ma in the pot.

In the dream, smelling the meaty aroma wafting from the pot, He Gu’s mouth watered with craving, and his stomach grew hungrier.

Just as he was about to dig in, he woke up from sheer hunger.

After waking up, He Gu felt a chill in his heart, finding it hard to imagine the psychological scars he might have had if he had woken up any later.

It took a while for He Gu to collect himself after sitting up in bed. He picked up his phone to check the time—it was only 16:43, and the alarm wouldn’t go off for another hour.

But now, He Gu was completely devoid of sleepiness, and above all, he was starving.

Having pulled an all-nighter and skipped breakfast, this level of hunger wasn’t something most people could withstand.

After stretching a bit, He Gu decided to wash up and go out to eat.

However, after freshening up and straightening his collar in front of the mirror, He Gu suddenly noticed something new on his forehead.

When he first put on the supervisor-exclusive glasses a few days ago, He Gu noticed a blue mark on his forehead.

Later, he found similar marks on others wearing blue clothes, and didn’t pay much attention to it since they were more or less the same.

But now, the blue mark on He Gu’s forehead had changed shape.

Previously, it was a square-like mark, but now it seemed to have spread out, extending several faint shadows outward, resembling the faded streaks left by jeans on legs.

Upon closer inspection, He Gu realized that the mark on his forehead vaguely resembled a flower, yet it wasn’t fully formed!

This change on his own body made He Gu feel extremely uneasy.

Previously, wearing a green uniform and turning all white meant “the fruit was ripe,” turning brown meant becoming “something else,” and turning blue-grey meant “being eroded”…

Following this logic, the change in the mark on He Gu’s forehead likely meant he was transforming in some direction!

This was definitely not good news!

This change added a sense of urgency to He Gu’s heart.

He couldn’t stay here any longer; he had to find a way to clear the level and leave as soon as possible!

In fact, even without this incident, He Gu was already feeling anxious.

He Gu had made a dozen “fake pills” before, and following the principle of not putting all eggs in one basket, he only carried a few on him.

After the fourth floor “disappeared,” many of He Gu’s belongings were left in the dormitory there and couldn’t be retrieved.

Up to now, He Gu only had three “fake pills” left on him!

This meant that if he couldn’t think of another way within three days, avoiding taking the pills wouldn’t be so simple!

After mentally calculating for a while, He Gu took a deep breath and left the dormitory.

He filled his stomach with a meal at the cafeteria, and then, while it was still early, he wandered around the factory area.

Of course, He Gu wasn’t aimlessly wandering; he was subtly visiting various convenience stores in the living areas, indirectly inquiring about chalk or anything else that could be used to make “fake pills.”

However, after a long search, He Gu found neither chalk nor any other materials to make “fake pills.”

As the sky gradually darkened and it was almost time to start work, He Gu had no choice but to return to the inner warehouse area.

Just like yesterday, upon arrival, He Gu carefully inspected warehouse 44, not daring to be careless to prevent any mishaps.

After ensuring there were no hidden “contraband” in warehouse 44 that could threaten him, He Gu stood at the door waiting for his only subordinate, 452, to come to work.

After 452 arrived, He Gu, as usual, conducted a full-body check on him.

Finding no issues, He Gu breathed a sigh of relief, gave a few brief instructions, and then returned to his office.

Just as He Gu arrived at his office, 401 from next door came looking for him, speaking in a hushed, mysterious tone: “We’re allies, right?”

Seeing 401’s serious expression, He Gu felt a slight sinking feeling, but firmly nodded: “Of course.”

401 seemed relieved at this and continued in a low voice: “Here’s the thing, I have a subordinate in green who might be harboring thoughts against me.”

He Gu was taken aback: “You mean…”

401 nodded: “I have a feeling he might make a move in the next few days, and I’ll need your help then.”

He Gu frowned slightly: “You’re so capable… and you’re not sure?”

401 had managed to take out 369 without even waiting for his weakened period, securing his position as a supervisor.

Now he was worried about being taken out by his own subordinate?

401 shook his head with a wry smile: “I’m not as invincible as you think… Anyway, if my subordinate makes a move, I’ll need your help with the thing in the box!”

At that moment, He Gu keenly noticed that 401 was subtly glancing at his forehead while speaking.

A sense of alertness rose in He Gu’s heart, but he didn’t show it on his face, going along with 401’s words: “Alright, call me when your subordinate makes a move.”

Although He Gu wanted nothing to do with other troubles, he still agreed verbally—for now. Whether he would actually help would depend on the situation.

Moreover, He Gu had a nagging feeling that just as the mark on his forehead changed, 401 came to him saying he might need help in the next few days…

Adding to that, He Gu had gone to get crow’s blood under the guidance of 111, but was attacked by a group of cats last night, and after the attack, such a change appeared on his forehead…

He Gu couldn’t help but connect these events together!

After reaching an “agreement” with He Gu, 401 didn’t waste more words and returned to his office.

He Gu watched 401’s retreating figure intently, then turned to look out the window.

“Putting aside other matters for now, the most important thing tonight is to confirm whether my guess from last night is correct…”

He Gu murmured to himself, taking out his phone and waiting quietly.

Time ticked by.

To ensure accurate results, He Gu didn’t even bother to patrol the warehouse.

The wait was excruciating.

As He Gu was nearly dozing off, the sound of crows finally came from outside.

“Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!”

He Gu immediately checked the time on his phone: 21:24.

Then, he opened a document in his notes and recorded: 21:24, six crows cawed.

Two minutes later, the manager appeared on time for the inspection.

As the manager left, He Gu resumed the tedious and long wait.

Time slowly passed.

After enduring most of the night, the sound of crows came again.

“Caw! Caw!”

This time, the crows cawed twice.

He Gu quickly checked the time: 03:24.

Seeing the time, a flash of excitement crossed He Gu’s eyes, and he quickly opened the document in his notes, adding another entry: 03:24, two crows cawed.

Two minutes later, the manager appeared as expected.

After the manager left, He Gu continued to wait, both hopeful and anxious, occasionally checking the time on his phone.

Finally, as He Gu’s agonizing wait continued, the time reached 05:23.

Seeing this time, He Gu stared intently at the clock on his phone, his breathing becoming rapid.

One minute later.

The moment the time on He Gu’s phone switched to 05:24.

“Flap flap flap…”

The sound of crows flapping their wings came from outside.

He Gu leaned back in his chair, exhaling a long breath, a satisfied smile on his face.

“Just as I thought…”

PS: Just got through “520,” feeling a bit weak… cough cough…

I can’t manage to add more chapters today, let me take a breather, the owed 5 chapters will definitely be delivered!

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