Chapter 112 – I seem to know? Cat group attack!

Soon, the manager came to the door of He Gu’s office again.

But this time, he just glanced at the door and walked away without stopping.

Watching the manager’s departing figure, He Gu glanced out the window again.

Last night, when the manager came to check the post for the last time, the crow didn’t caw, but a crow outside the window was flapping its wings desperately.

And this time when the manager came to check the post, there was also a crow flapping its wings outside the window.

Does this mean that every time the crow doesn’t caw, it’s the manager’s last check of the post for the night?

If this speculation is correct… perhaps the crow’s call outside the window not only indicates that the manager is about to come and check the post, but also contains other information!

Such as… how many times will the manager check the post tonight?

Or when will the next check be?

Thinking of this, He Gu immediately opened the memo on his phone, listing one by one the times the manager came to check the post in the past few nights, and recalling the crow’s calls at the time.

Looking at the times the manager came to check the post, there was indeed no regularity.

But in combination with the crow’s calls, He Gu quickly discovered a certain pattern.

“It seems like… I really found the pattern!”

A flash of excitement crossed He Gu’s mind, and he opened a document folder on the desk, flipping to the page with the rules.

【The numbers are reliable】

Looking at this hidden information, a look of sudden realization appeared on He Gu’s face.

“So that’s what it means…”

“After observing for one more night, if the time the manager comes to check the post tomorrow night really fits this pattern, then it can be basically confirmed!”

He Gu closed the document folder, muttering to himself in a low voice, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Nothing happened in the second half of the night, and the manager didn’t come to check the post again.

Until 5:40 in the morning, He Gu went to Warehouse No. 44 first, and took back the list of goods for the night from 452.

Then he returned to the office to fill out the duty report, and then got off work.

This time, He Gu didn’t detour to the Security Department, but went straight to Cafeteria No. 4 after work.

Just as He Gu was halfway there, he suddenly heard a shrill cat cry from the side of the road.

He Gu turned his head and saw a “corpse cat” with half of its face already rotten and maggots crawling out, slowly emerging from the darkness, staring coldly at him.

At the same time, several “corpse cats” came from different directions, forming a siege against He Gu, all with fierce faces, approaching him.

Seeing this, He Gu’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly took out the remaining ham sausage from his pocket, opened the package, and broke it into pieces and threw it on the ground.

However, those “corpse cats” didn’t even look at it, and they all stared at He Gu intently, while sniffing and sniffing, as if identifying the scent of their prey.

These cats were coming for He Gu!

He Gu’s back went cold, and without a word, he turned and ran.



The group of cats immediately let out a chilling cry, and quickly caught up.

Naturally, He Gu couldn’t outrun the cats.

Before he had run a few steps, the closest “corpse cat” had already caught up to He Gu, leaping up from his feet and biting at his waist.

He Gu’s scalp tingled, and he forcibly twisted his body to avoid it, while swinging the aluminum crutch in his hand at the “corpse cat.”



A muffled sound accompanied by the sound of a hot iron burning on flesh rang out, and the “corpse cat” that pounced let out a shrill scream, fell to the ground and struggled for a while before standing up, but didn’t dare to pounce again.

However, during this gap, several other “corpse cats” also pounced one after another.

He Gu noticed that the targets of these “corpse cats” were all his waist and abdomen!


He Gu narrowly avoided the bites of several “corpse cats, but the cats’ movements were too agile, and soon a small tear appeared in He Gu’s clothes around his waist.

And those “corpse cats seemed tireless, except for two cats that He Gu had hit with the aluminum crutch and didn’t dare to approach, the other four “corpse cats” quickly launched a new round of attacks.

He Gu tried his best to dodge, while wielding the aluminum crutch to drive away the cats, and at the same time, he quickly thought about why he had suddenly attracted the attack of the cat group.

Looking at the targets of these “corpse cats’ bites, He Gu suddenly realized that their target was the pocket at his waist!

And in that pocket, there was a small vial of crow’s blood!

Even the inside of that pocket was stained with some crow’s blood!

It was the crow’s blood that attracted the cat group!

But at this point, He Gu had no other choice but to dodge and counterattack with the aluminum crutch.Since He Gu obtained that cane, he hardly ever let it out of his grasp, and the cane clearly had a significant restraining effect on evil spirits and the like.

It was fortunate that he had the cane in hand; otherwise, He Gu might have really had no way to deal with those “Decay Cats”!

Even with the power of the cane, He Gu still had to exert a great deal of effort to repel the group of “Decay Cats.”

And when dealing with the last Decay Cat, He Gu couldn’t dodge in time and a gash was torn open on the back of his left hand by a cat’s claw.

Luckily, the cut wasn’t deep, just barely breaking the skin and bleeding a little, so it wasn’t serious.

After driving away the group of “Decay Cats,” He Gu looked worriedly at the several tears in his clothes at the waist and abdomen, caused by scratches or bites.

The material of the work clothes was quite sturdy. Although there were a few tears, the pockets weren’t bitten through, and the contents inside didn’t fall out.

What worried He Gu was the information behind this incident.

He Gu had crow’s blood in his pocket, which attracted the attack of the cats…

This was something that 111 had not informed He Gu about beforehand.

Did he also not know that crow’s blood would attract the attack of the cats?

Or was it a deliberate concealment?

If 111 knew that crow’s blood would attract the cats, then his purpose in having He Gu smear the crow’s blood on the manager’s clothes was…

What exactly was his goal?

He Gu faintly sensed a whiff of conspiracy.

Subsequently, He Gu couldn’t even bother to go to the cafeteria for breakfast and hurriedly ran back to his dormitory.

After returning to the dormitory, the first thing He Gu did was to take off his work clothes, and without minding the dirt, he picked up the set of work clothes he had changed out of the previous afternoon and put them on again.

After doing all this, He Gu threw the changed clothes into the corner of the bathroom, closed the bathroom door, and then lay down on the bed, exhausted.


Blue Star, China Paranormal Event Command Center.

“It seems that He Gu’s storyline and progress are now completely different from the other participants.”

“The other four challengers were all attacked by 449 last night. Among them, the two who traded their blood for the contents of the box are dead, only the Muay Thai Bro and Trap Bro survived.”

“Muay Thai Bro? Trap Bro?”

“Yeah, the challenger from Thailand and the one from the Windmill Country, one is a Muay Thai expert, and the other used traps to kill the security guard. Those are the nicknames netizens gave them.”

“So, including He Gu, there are only three people left alive now!”

“Actually, if the three of them can just find a way to survive another 7 days, they could clear the game. But according to the content we decrypted from 424’s last notebook… sigh… rather than passively clearing the game, I hope they can find a way to actively escape from this pharmaceutical factory…”

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