Chapter 110 – Crow carcass

414 also went into the delivery passage!

Seeing this scene, He Gu’s heart was filled with unease.

At this moment, several people in white coats who were clearing out the No. 44 warehouse suddenly came out and walked towards He Gu in unison.

Seeing this, He Gu’s heart tightened, and he quickly took a step back, lowering his head and refusing to look into their eyes.

At this moment, one of the white-coated individuals spoke up, “Did the red code just go off in this warehouse?”

He Gu didn’t look at any of them and replied, “Yes, the red code went off.”

Upon hearing He Gu’s response, the white-coated individuals suddenly stepped forward and stood at the entrance of the No. 45 warehouse. One of them didn’t say a word and forcefully pulled down the half-open rolling shutter door.

“How many times do I have to say it! When the warehouse has a red code, it must be closed immediately, and it cannot be opened until dawn!”

The white-coated person’s voice was filled with anger.

He Gu was suspicious, but he didn’t want to argue with them, so he nodded and said, “Okay, I got it.”

Upon hearing He Gu’s response, the white-coated individuals didn’t continue to make things difficult and turned back to the No. 44 warehouse to continue their work.

He Gu breathed a sigh of relief and didn’t linger, quickly turning and leaving.

He Gu left the main gate of the warehouse area and headed straight towards the security department along the asphalt path.

At this time, it was the peak time for the workers to finish their night shifts, but on this road, He Gu hardly encountered anyone.

He Gu walked along the asphalt road and quickly arrived outside the fence of the core area.

Originally, He Gu thought he would encounter the questioning of the patrolling security guards, but as he walked, he didn’t encounter a single security guard.

In this way, He Gu followed this quiet asphalt road all the way to the front of the two-story building of the security department.

At this time, there were many security guards loitering in front of the security department building, and many people were moving around on the second floor corridor.

Judging from the situation, it seemed to be the time for the night shift security guards to change shifts?

As He Gu passed by the front of the building, he glanced at the office on the first floor, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

At this time, there was no one in the office, and the No. 315 storage cabinet was still on the desk.

Unfortunately, there were too many security guards outside, so He Gu couldn’t go in to get the items from the cabinet.

After taking a glance, He Gu quickly left.

He Gu went to the No. 4 cafeteria for breakfast and then returned to his dorm to sleep.

He Gu didn’t sleep well, and he had several dreams in a daze.

At one moment, he dreamed of Little Yin doing various unspeakable things on top of him, and at another moment, he dreamed of Old Ma putting him into a boiling pot. He even dreamed of himself, like a walking corpse, carrying a little girl in a red dress and helping her find her mother in a dark ruin.

At six o’clock in the afternoon, He Gu was awakened by the alarm clock.

After waking up, He Gu was covered in sweat, feeling as if he had just been pulled out of a water tank.

After much hesitation, He Gu still walked into the bathroom that had always made him uneasy and quickly took a shower, then changed into work clothes and left the dorm.

Before leaving, He Gu used the intercom to call his new subordinate, 452, and asked him to wait for him at the No. 4 cafeteria.

Soon, He Gu arrived at the entrance of the No. 4 cafeteria.

A slender young man in a green work uniform immediately ran up to greet him, “Good morning, Supervisor.”

He Gu glanced at his work badge and saw that it was 452.

This young man still looked a bit immature, and his words were somewhat restrained, and He Gu even saw a shadow of 449 in him.

This made He Gu secretly vigilant, always worried that he was also sent by the manager to deal with him.

But for now, 452 hadn’t shown any signs, so although He Gu was wary, he didn’t show hostility towards him.

“According to the rules, today is your first day in our group…”

He Gu repeated what he had said to 449 to 452, and 452 immediately went to get food.

Soon, 452 came back with two trays of food.

He Gu habitually glanced at the food on the trays, making sure there was both meat and vegetables, and there were a total of 7 items, which was an odd number, as was the rule for his own tray.

At this moment, He Gu unexpectedly found that there was no medicine skin in the two meals that 452 had gotten.

According to the rules, whatever 452 got, He Gu had to eat.

For He Gu, it was a good thing that 452 didn’t get any medicine skin.

During the meal, neither of them spoke, and the meal was eaten in silence.

Soon, the meal was finished, and He Gu took 452 to the warehouse area.

As usual, He Gu briefly explained the work content and precautions to 452 on the way.

After arriving at the No. 44 warehouse, He Gu conducted a body search on 452 under the pretext of “preventing contraband from entering the warehouse,” and also carefully inspected the warehouse.

After confirming that there were no problems, He Gu relaxed slightly, let 452 take over the shift, and returned to the office himself.

This night was particularly calm.He Gu had been sitting in the office for nearly two hours, during which he had also inspected the storeroom twice, but nothing had happened.

It was as if all the events had come to an end, leaving He Gu somewhat unaccustomed to the calm.

It wasn’t until 21:41 that the cawing of crows outside the window once again shattered the silence.

“Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!”

Just like before, the crows’ cries were urgent and piercing.

Hearing the cawing, He Gu instinctively glanced towards the end of the corridor; the manager had not yet appeared.

After a moment’s thought, He Gu walked to the window and pressed his forehead against the glass to look outside.

Through the glass, He Gu saw a familiar scene.

A black cat, with a crow in its mouth, was crouching with its fur bristling, slowly backing away.

In front of it, four “zombie cats” with menacing eyes were advancing towards the black cat.

Soon, the black cat and the four “zombie cats” were fighting again.

This time, the black cat seemed even more ferocious than before. Unable to bite because it was holding the crow, it managed to fend off round after round of attacks from the “zombie cats” with just its claws.

Eventually, the black cat and the leader of the “zombie cats” were entangled in a fight.

The two cats fought as ordinary house cats would, with such speed that He Gu could barely see what was happening before he noticed that the leader of the “zombie cats” had already been pinned to the ground by the black cat.

The black cat held the “zombie cat’s” head down with its front paws, while its hind legs kicked rapidly.

In an instant, the already tattered belly of the leading “zombie cat” was completely torn open by the black cat’s hind claws, and its rotten, pus-filled innards were kicked out.

The “zombie cat” screamed pitifully, and only after losing a large chunk of flesh from its head did it manage to break free from the black cat’s grasp, dragging its intestines as it ran into the darkness without looking back.

Seeing this, the remaining “zombie cats” also immediately sprang into the distant darkness.

This time, the black cat had won!

He Gu, who had been watching with amazement while leaning against the glass, was curious to see what would happen next.

Unexpectedly, the black cat turned its head and gave He Gu a cold glance, then suddenly dashed towards the window.

The black cat was incredibly fast, and before He Gu could react, it had leaped up, hurtling straight towards the glass.

“Holy shit!”

He Gu yelped and quickly dodged backward.

But before He Gu could straighten up, the black cat had already pounced “onto his face.”


There was a crisp sound as the black cat hit the glass.

If it weren’t for the layer of glass, the black cat would probably have been clinging to He Gu’s face by now.

It was only at this moment that He Gu managed to straighten up, looking at the pane of glass with lingering fear.

After hitting the glass, the black cat turned and leaped into the darkness, disappearing from sight.

He Gu was puzzled when he suddenly noticed something new on the outer windowsill.

Upon closer inspection, there lay the body of a crow, silent on the windowsill…

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