Chapter 109 – The Little Girl and 414

“Beep beep beep beep beep…”

The screen of the portable scanner flashed with a bright red light, accompanied by a series of urgent alarm sounds.

He Gu was stunned for a moment, then his body shook, and he quickly shouted, “Get out of the way!”

Previously, 411 had told He Gu that if a “red code” box appeared, he must immediately close the door of the warehouse and then call the supervisor.

And now, He Gu was the supervisor.

According to the supervisor’s manual, Rule 5, Article 8: If a “red code” box appears in your warehouse, please immediately take the box to the door of “Warehouse 0.”

Thinking of this, He Gu immediately turned around and closed the rolling door of Warehouse 45.

Then he picked up the wooden box that had a “red code” and walked quickly outside.

He Gu had seen on the map in the supervisor’s manual that “Warehouse 0” was in the adjacent storage area, which seemed to be the “restricted area” that 411 had mentioned to He Gu before.

At this moment, He Gu himself didn’t know how much strength he had, but he didn’t feel tired at all carrying this wooden box. He walked quickly along the route he remembered and walked out of the gate of the internal warehouse area towards the adjacent storage area.

A few minutes later, He Gu arrived at the storage area.

The storage area was actually the place where He Gu had just gotten off the car that day. Looking around, there were rows of warehouses and rows of trucks parked.

It seemed that there was no need to work the night shift here. At this time, all the warehouses were tightly closed, and the entire storage area was dead silent, without a single person in sight.

He Gu walked alone, carrying a wooden box, and his footsteps echoed throughout the entire storage area.

There was also the sound of a child crying inside the box.


From the moment He Gu saw the box, this crying had been continuous, never stopping for a moment.

He Gu’s scalp tingled as he listened, and with the surrounding dead silence, it was a bit creepy to walk with a box that had the sound of a child crying.

Finally, after walking with this wooden box for seven or eight minutes, He Gu arrived at the location marked “Warehouse 0” on the map.

This was an old warehouse built of red brick walls, roughly three stories high and covering an area equivalent to two and a half basketball courts.

On the already decaying wooden door, a large “0” was written in bright red paint.

He Gu placed the box at the door, took out the supervisor’s manual from his pocket, opened the map, carefully compared the location, confirmed that this was the right place, and turned to leave.


At this moment, the old and heavy wooden door of “Warehouse 0” suddenly opened a crack.

He Gu turned around and saw a person wearing a white protective suit squeezing out from the crack in the door.

The moment he saw this person, He Gu immediately shifted his gaze, avoiding eye contact with him.

At the same time, He Gu tried to ignore him and leave directly.


At this moment, the person spoke, his voice low and hoarse, as if there was a sock stuck in his throat.

Thinking of Rule 5, Article 6: Please do not refuse any requests from the person in the white suit.

He Gu stopped in his tracks, still looking elsewhere, as if he couldn’t see him.

“Which warehouse did the box come from?”

The person in the white suit asked.

He Gu looked elsewhere and said, “Warehouse 45.”

The person in the white suit nodded and didn’t say anything more. He reached out and grabbed a corner of the box in a very strange way, lifted the wooden box with one hand, and turned to return to the warehouse.

Seeing this, He Gu also turned and prepared to leave.

At the same time, the crying of the child inside the box stopped, but a timid voice came out, “Big brother, is that you?”

Hearing this voice, He Gu’s whole body stiffened.

It was the voice of the girl in the red dress!

Was she inside the box!?

He Gu’s steps paused slightly, and he pretended to casually glance back.

And at that moment, the person in the white suit who was carrying the box and preparing to enter the warehouse also turned to look in He Gu’s direction.

He Gu quickly moved away and dared not linger, continuing to walk forward without a sound.

Inside the box, the voice of the little girl continued, “Big brother… don’t forget what you promised me. Until we meet again…”

The person in the white suit carried the box into the warehouse, and the warehouse door was closed heavily, and the voice of the little girl stopped abruptly.

Thinking back to the girl’s words just now, He Gu suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

This kind of talk… doesn’t seem like a good thing at all!

Wasn’t the little girl in the dormitory on the fourth floor?

How did she suddenly end up locked in a box?

Were the other “red code” boxes also containing girls in red dresses?

Or people wearing red clothes?No, the little girl was clearly not “human.”

Or perhaps, was there a child inside the red-coded box?

He Gu was reminded of the fourth rule in Rule One: Remember, there are no children inside the factory area;

For some reason, He Gu suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

With these thoughts in his mind, He Gu absentmindedly returned to the inner warehouse area.

The delivery driver was still waiting at the entrance of Warehouse 45, and only left after pulling He Gu to sign the delivery note.

He Gu took the delivery note back to the office, completed the duty roster for the night, and placed it on the desk. It was now 6:14.

By this time, the other night shift supervisors had mostly left.

He Gu packed up his things and also left work.

However, as he descended the stairs, He Gu saw that the rolling shutter door of Warehouse 45 was only half-closed.

He Gu was certain he had closed the door earlier!

Thinking this, He Gu’s heart tightened, and he hurriedly walked briskly to the entrance of Warehouse 45.

The warehouse lights were off, the door was half-open, and the inside was pitch black.

He Gu didn’t dare to enter rashly. With an aluminum alloy cane in one hand and his mobile phone in the other, he turned on the flashlight and bent down to take a peek inside.

However, as soon as He Gu bent over, he saw a burly figure standing inside the door, also bending over, staring at him with a vacant expression.


He Gu’s scalp tingled, and he instinctively took two steps back.

It was 414!

That bandit-like, tall, and burly fat man!

Wasn’t he the one who left carrying that woman in red last time… How did he appear here again!?

He was actually inside Warehouse 45!

At this moment, 414 was bending over, his arms wrapped behind him, clearly in the posture of carrying someone.

However, his back was empty, and the woman in red was nowhere to be seen.

He Gu gripped the aluminum alloy cane in his hand and glanced again at the people in white next door at Warehouse 44, who were busy “clearing the warehouse.”

In this situation… If he opened the door and let those people in white see, would they help deal with 414?

He Gu was uncertain and ultimately didn’t dare to act rashly, carefully bending over again to take another look inside.

But this time, there was no sign of 414’s figure behind the door.

He Gu’s heart tightened, and he leaned forward with the flashlight in hand.

With the faint light from his mobile phone’s flashlight, He Gu saw a burly figure in the depths of the warehouse, head facing out and buttocks facing in, crawling backwards along the conveyor belt towards the delivery passage…

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