Chapter 108 – The “red code” has appeared!

The sudden sound startled He Gu, and when he turned around, the manager was standing expressionless at the door of the office.

Seeing the manager, He Gu shook his head and said, “Didn’t see anything.”

As he spoke, He Gu returned to his desk and sat down, feeling suspicious.

Every time the manager came to check the post before, He Gu could hear the crows cawing, but not this time?

Could it be that the crows don’t always caw before the manager checks the post?

Or were the previous times just coincidences?

Or… is there a special reason this time, so the crows didn’t caw?

As He Gu pondered, the manager glanced at him, walked in expressionlessly, and looked out the window.

Then, the manager turned around and said coldly, “Your only employee has been dealt with, and now you’re in charge again.”

“I just finished coordinating with the personnel department. I’ll assign a new person to you tomorrow, with the number 452. Arrange for the new person to be on duty tomorrow night.”

After speaking, the manager walked out of He Gu’s office expressionlessly.

After walking to the door, he turned back and added, “By the way, you better stay away from that window, otherwise… don’t blame me for not warning you when you can’t turn back!”

After leaving this inexplicable remark, the manager left with big strides.

Watching the manager’s figure disappear at the end of the corridor, He Gu walked to the window and looked out again.

The crows and cats outside the window were gone, and there was dead silence in the darkness.

Shaking his head, He Gu sat back at his desk and thought carefully.

So far, He Gu had seen six rules and obtained six pieces of hidden information.

After thinking for a while, He Gu took out his phone and opened the album, carefully reviewing the hidden information one by one:

“When alone with someone, they may guide you to the light, or they may drag you to hell.”

“What heals you may also be poison.”

“In the places you dare not look, the truth may be watching you.”

“Classifying by color is one of the simplest and most efficient methods of classification.”

“When necessary, purple is your protective color.”

“Numbers are reliable.”

“The first hidden message probably means that the people I’ve been alone with can either help me or pose a fatal threat… People like Old Ma pretend to help me, but actually want to kill me. There’s no way to accurately judge whether anyone is good or bad…”

“Perhaps this message can also be interpreted as: the people I’ve been alone with can both help me and pose a fatal threat to me?”

Thinking of this, He Gu’s heart tightened.

If this interpretation is true… then 111 and 401… while helping themselves, they may also have other motives!

“As for the second hidden message, it should refer to the medicine and the bandage, which seem to heal my wounds, but are actually poison!”

“The third… the places you dare not look, the truth… does it refer to the wooden boxes in the warehouse? Or the delivery passage?”

He Gu had already peeked into the wooden boxes in the warehouse and did not find any clear clues.

It was the delivery passage… the things in the box had told He Gu twice that it was waiting for him inside, and even urged He Gu to go in quickly…

Perhaps the truth really is inside?

But once he sticks his head into the delivery opening, he will be “dealt with.” Maybe he should go in like Old Ma, with his backside facing in?

As He Gu thought, he shook his head and sighed.

Although there are many clues pointing to the delivery passage now, He Gu won’t take the risk until he gets more specific information.

And the remaining three pieces of information are still a mystery to He Gu.

“Classifying by color… what other hidden meanings do colors have? What is it classifying?”

“When necessary, purple is your protective color… should I wear purple clothes? Or does a person wearing purple clothes provide protection when necessary?”

“Or connecting it with the previous clues… does it mean I should wear purple clothes and enter the delivery passage?”

“Numbers are reliable… does it refer to something related to the numbers? Or dates? Or time?”

At this point, He Gu felt like the various pieces of information in his mind were tangled together, and he seemed to see some clues vaguely, but they were not clear.

This feeling is actually very torturous.

He Gu has already obtained enough hidden information. If he can fully interpret the meaning of these pieces of information, he might be able to pass the level directly!

However, these pieces of information themselves are shrouded in mystery and cannot directly guide He Gu.

The meaning of the hidden information in this instance is more like placing some clues in advance. Only when He Gu solves the corresponding puzzles can he use this information to prove its authenticity.

Before that, these pieces of information are almost no different from nonsense.

He Gu sat on the chair, carefully pondering, and listed out some clues other than the hidden information, comparing them in his mind.

From the known clues so far, the only thing He Gu can infer is that the “truth” is very likely to be inside the delivery passage, and He Gu probably needs to wear purple clothes to go in.

However, this is only a highly probable guess, and it is far from enough to support He Gu to take the risk.

Time passed by second by second.

He Gu sat on the chair, lost in thought, almost ignoring the passage of time.

This late night was particularly quiet, and even the manager did not come to check the post again.

After an unknown amount of time, He Gu’s walkie-talkie suddenly rang:

“Rustle… 444… 444 received a response.”

It was the manager’s voice.

He Gu picked up the walkie-talkie and responded, “I’m here.”The manager’s voice came through the intercom again: “A new shipment has arrived at Warehouse 44, but Warehouse 44 is currently being cleared. Redirect the goods to Warehouse 45 for now.”

“You’re on your own tonight, you’ll have to handle it personally.”

After hearing the manager’s instructions, He Gu glanced at the time on his phone and realized it was already 5:04 in the morning.


He Gu picked up the intercom to respond and stood up to head out.

Soon, He Gu arrived at the entrance of Warehouse 444.

The clearing was still underway, with several people dressed in white hazmat suits moving boxes of goods from the warehouse to a small truck parked at the entrance.

Next to it was another truck, with a person dressed in green standing in front of it.

Upon seeing He Gu, the man quickly approached and said after glancing at He Gu’s work badge, “I’m the driver for this delivery. What should we do with these goods?”

He Gu replied, “Our manager said to store them in Warehouse 45 for now. Move your truck over here.”

While talking, He Gu walked next to Warehouse 44 and opened the rolling shutter door of Warehouse 45.

The driver quickly drove the small truck loaded with goods over and reversed it to the entrance of the warehouse.

Two loaders dressed in green immediately began unloading the goods.

He Gu took a quick look; there wasn’t a lot of cargo, and it would probably take just over half an hour to finish.

Soon, the unloading and storage process began.

Having done this a few times before, He Gu was already skilled at it, scanning each item unloaded from the truck with a portable barcode scanner.

After about 40 minutes of busyness, the last box was finally moved down.

Just as He Gu was about to scan it into the inventory, he suddenly heard crying coming from inside the box.

“Wuu wuu wuu…”

The sound seemed like that of a child!?

A chill ran down He Gu’s spine, but he discreetly glanced at the driver and the loaders.

They seemed to have no reaction, as if they couldn’t hear the crying from the box?

Seeing this, He Gu didn’t dare to show that he could hear it and continued to scan the items without any change in expression.

However, after the scanner passed over it, the display suddenly lit up with a bright red color…

PS: First of all, I owe an apology to all the readers waiting for an update!

I was held up with something yesterday and couldn’t write, regrettably leading to a missed update.

I am very sorry, everyone!

I won’t bother with excuses; I will make up for the missing chapter in the next few days, and as compensation, I will add two more days of updates. (I will specify which days are for making up the missed content and which are the additional updates.)

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