Chapter 107 – Are there words under the table? What are you looking at?

“No matter if you want to continue climbing up and eat more fruit, or want to escape from all this, you will eventually have to come in.”

“But before you come in, it’s best to get a purple outfit… hehe…”

The sharp and unpleasant voice quieted down after saying these two sentences, and then the stench disappeared as well.

He Gu stood in front of the delivery port, frowning and pondering over its words.

Being cautious of the rules, He Gu didn’t dare to respond to its words. Even though it was no longer in the box, it was always better to be cautious.

But what did it mean by “the earlier you go in, the more advantageous it is”?

Suddenly, He Gu remembered that in the incomplete diary of 411, it also mentioned “what it said,” and also mentioned the “purple city”!

From the contents of the diary, it seemed that “it” told 411 some “methods,” but at the time, 411 found it difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and seemed to have someone verify it.

Now, in light of what he had just heard, He Gu suddenly realized that the “it” mentioned in 411’s diary might be referring to the thing that came out of the box and entered the delivery channel!?

In other words, the “method” mentioned by 411 was very likely the one He Gu had just heard!

He Gu vaguely felt that he might be one step closer to the truth…

But for now, everything was just speculation. Without enough certainty, He Gu would absolutely not take the risk.

“Rustle… 449… 449, please respond.”

As He Gu stood in contemplation, the sound of the walkie-talkie came from the side of 449’s body.

He Gu could tell that it was the voice of the manager.

Naturally, 449 couldn’t respond.

After a few seconds, the walkie-talkie of 449 rang again: “Rustle… 449! Respond!”

The manager’s voice sounded annoyed.

After a few more seconds, the manager’s voice also came through He Gu’s walkie-talkie: “444, respond.”

He Gu picked up the walkie-talkie and said softly, “Manager, I’m here.”

After saying this, the walkie-talkie fell silent.

Obviously, the manager already knew the result.

He Gu let out a sigh, only then did he remember that the rules mentioned that after someone was “taken care of” by him, they should promptly arrange for the clearing of the warehouse.

Thinking of this, He Gu picked up the walkie-talkie again and switched to the third channel: “Warehouse 44, clear the warehouse.”

There was a series of electrical sounds in the walkie-talkie, followed by silence.

He Gu put away the walkie-talkie, picked up the slightly bent aluminum crutch, and walked to the door of the warehouse, waiting quietly.

A moment later, a series of hurried footsteps sounded.

He Gu looked up and saw the manager hurrying over in this direction.

Upon seeing He Gu standing at the door of the warehouse, the manager’s footsteps clearly paused for a moment, and he looked at He Gu with a gloomy face, then slowed down and walked into the warehouse.

“Hello, Manager.”

He Gu greeted indifferently.

The manager glanced at him, said nothing, and walked into the warehouse without a word.

After entering the warehouse, the manager walked to 449’s body, looked at it in silence for a while, squatted down to take 449’s work badge, and then turned and walked out of the warehouse without a word.

Outside the warehouse, the manager stopped, turned to He Gu, and said in a deep voice, “Arrange for the clearing of the warehouse, then go back to the office for duty.”

Leaving these words behind, the manager strode off into the distance.

He Gu looked at the manager’s back, frowned slightly, and felt that the manager’s reaction… was a bit too calm?

At this time, He Gu saw a black van and a small truck slowly driving in from the entrance of the warehouse area.

Thinking that dealing with the person in white clothes would be a big trouble, He Gu no longer lingered, turned and left the warehouse, returning to his office.

Just as He Gu sat down in his office, 401 came in again from the next door.

“By the way, 111 asked me to tell you that after resolving tonight’s matter, the manager won’t bother you in the near future, so you can rest assured.”

“He also said, don’t forget what you promised him.”

Leaving these two sentences behind, 401 turned and went back to his own office.

Sitting at his desk, He Gu let out a long sigh.

The big stone that had been weighing on his mind for the past few days had finally been moved, and He Gu felt much more relaxed.

But He Gu did not relax completely.

In the world of strange tales, you never know where the danger will come from in the next moment.

Although 111 said that the manager wouldn’t bother him in the short term, it might not be trustworthy.

It might even be 111 who wants to take his life next!

Feeling weary, He Gu leaned back in his chair, turning the chair left and right to relax a bit, while carefully pondering over various clues.

In this situation, He Gu’s legs were placed under the table, and every time he turned the chair, the hem of his pants would rub against the bottom of the drawer under the desk.

After a few rubs, He Gu suddenly felt that something was not quite right.Every time his pant leg brushed over the bottom of that drawer, it felt as if it was scraping against sandpaper, the texture was very coarse.

Is there something under this drawer…?

He Gu’s spirits lifted, and he immediately sat up straight, reaching out to feel around.

His fingertips encountered a rough texture; the wooden bottom of the drawer was somewhat abrasive, a patch of coarse fuzz!

In the next moment, He Gu pushed back his chair and dove under the table, awkwardly squatting on the ground to look at the underside of the drawer.

The original paint on the bottom of that drawer had been scraped off in a large area, with clear traces of carved letters.

“Core… Repair… Escape…”

It was obvious that someone had carved a message here before, but it had been scraped away, leaving only a few words barely recognizable.

He Gu turned on his phone’s flashlight, examining the traces closely.

Someone had left a message carved under this table… was it meant to convey something to future generations?

But who had left this carving?


Or was it a manager who had sat in this office earlier?

And who had scraped these words away afterward?

As He Gu pondered, he suddenly noticed some subtle marks.

After the carvings were scraped away, a large patch of rough wood shavings was exposed, which naturally was what had snagged on his pant leg.

At this moment, on these wood shavings, one could still see some very fine, fiber-like blue fuzz, probably rubbed off from He Gu’s pants.

However, besides that, He Gu also discovered a few strands of purple fibers that were not easy to see.

If the blue fibers could have come from He Gu’s or the previous manager’s pants, then these purple fibers…

Could it be that someone who wore purple clothes had used this desk before?

“Tap tap tap…”

As He Gu was thinking, a strange noise suddenly came from outside the window.

This startled He Gu, who was still under the table.

He quickly crawled out from under the table and hurried to the window. Peering closely through the glass, He Gu saw a crow less than 2 meters away from the window, frantically flapping its wings.

The crow was flapping vigorously, but it seemed to be tethered by an invisible string, spinning in place without being able to fly away.

Below the crow, a black cat and four “zombie cats” were positioned on all sides, all looking up intently at the crow in mid-air.

Just as He Gu wondered what would happen next, the manager’s voice suddenly rang out from behind him:

“What are you looking at?”

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