Chapter 106 – Counter-kill! Come in quickly

The speed of those two shadows was too fast!

At this moment, He Gu had just struck with a stick, and before he could retract his strength, he was about to turn around, and one of the shadows had already swooped behind He Gu.

The next moment, He Gu felt a chill on his back, followed by a sharp pain at the back of his neck, as if he had been bitten by a bug.

After the pain, He Gu’s face turned pale in an instant, feeling as if his body had been disconnected from his brain, and he was instantly paralyzed.

At the same time, another shadow also swooped to He Gu’s feet, leaping as if to pounce on He Gu’s head.

At this moment, a hand suddenly reached out from the side and grabbed the shadow directly.

It was 401 who made the move!

At this point, He Gu was paralyzed and unable to move, unable to turn his head to see what was happening behind him.

But a series of stumbling footsteps came from behind He Gu, sounding as if 401 was fighting with the shadow!?

At the same time, 449 was not idle.

He Gu heard a series of hurried footsteps rushing towards him from behind, and then saw 449 circling around to his front, grinning at him, holding a sharp scalpel in his hand and aiming it directly at He Gu’s forehead.

He Gu was desperate to break free, but his body was completely unresponsive and he couldn’t exert any force!

The next moment, the scalpel had already fallen on He Gu’s forehead.

A tingling sensation came from his forehead, followed by a rush of warmth, and bright red blood flowed down his nose.

It was at this moment that He Gu suddenly felt his body “reconnecting.”

After realizing this, He Gu suddenly lifted his foot and kicked out.

449 had just taken out a syringe filled with dark red blood, ready to inject it into He Gu’s forehead, and never expected He Gu to break free so quickly.

This unexpected kick hit 449 in the chest, sending him flying and crashing into a pile of goods, knocking over a pile of wooden boxes, and then lying motionless on the ground.

At the same time, He Gu heard a piercing cry from behind him, “How is this possible! You… you have antibodies in your body…”

Before the voice could finish, it immediately left He Gu’s back, turning into a shadow and fleeing towards the delivery entrance.

Its speed was fast, but 401’s speed was faster!

Before He Gu could figure out what was going on, he saw 401 rushing to the delivery entrance at a speed that defied logic, reaching out to grab the shadow.

The shadow had almost rushed into the delivery entrance, but was still caught by 401 by the foot.

He Gu noticed that it was a grayish foot, covered with black mucus, and there were webbed-like things between the toes.

And the creature’s body seemed to merge with the blackness inside the delivery entrance, making it impossible to see clearly, only the foot was visible.

The foot was caught by 401 and struggled violently inside the delivery entrance.

However, 401’s hand was steady, not moving at all, one hand holding its foot, the other calmly pulling out a syringe with a needle from his pocket, and then firmly injecting it into its leg.

“Ah—no! You can’t do this!”

“You can’t do this! This will anger it! Let me go!”

At the moment the needle was injected, a piercing scream came from inside the delivery entrance.

The creature seemed to have encountered the most terrifying thing in the world, crying out in despair.

401 turned a deaf ear to its voice, as if he couldn’t hear it at all, focusing on operating the syringe in his hand.

As 401 slowly pulled the plunger, a purplish-red blood slowly flowed into the syringe.

Soon, 401 had filled the syringe with a tube of purplish-red blood, and then released the foot.

After being drained of a tube of blood, the foot had already stopped struggling, turning into a charcoal-like color, and weakly drooping on the conveyor belt.


The conveyor belt suddenly started up on its own, slowly sending the exposed foot into the delivery entrance…

He Gu watched all this, feeling a bit creepy, and looked at 401 warily, “What are you doing…”

401 waved his hand casually, “Don’t worry, I’m just taking something I want on the side, it doesn’t concern you.”

“I got what I wanted, so it’s not in vain for me to help you, and you don’t need to remember my favor.”

With that, 401 carefully put away the syringe, turned and walked outside the warehouse.

When he reached the door of the warehouse, 401 turned back and reminded, “I wasn’t here tonight, you can handle the rest however you want.”

With that, 401’s figure had disappeared outside the warehouse door.

For a moment, the warehouse fell into a deathly silence.

He Gu looked at the mess in the warehouse, and then at 449, who was lying like a dead dog on the side, feeling a bit complicated.

He sighed softly, then went to check on 449’s condition.

It was only then that He Gu noticed that 449’s chest had caved in a large area, with obvious broken ribs, and the power of He Gu’s kick had exceeded his imagination.

This time, there was no steel plate protecting him, and 449 was now bleeding from his mouth and nose, his eyes unfocused, and obviously had no chance of getting up again.

He Gu sighed, picked up 449 like a chick, and turned to walk towards the delivery entrance.

When he reached the delivery entrance, He Gu took a deep breath to adjust his mindset, and then forced himself to push 449’s head into the delivery entrance.

The next moment, He Gu suddenly heard a series of urgent “footsteps” coming from inside the delivery entrance, as if something was quickly crawling out from inside.

Immediately after, He Gu smelled a familiar, unpleasant odor.Two seconds later, He Gu felt a sudden lightness in his hand as the head of 449 exploded entirely.

The scene was somewhat gory, and even though it wasn’t the first time He Gu had witnessed such a sight, he still felt a bit queasy.

Dropping the headless corpse of 449, He Gu stood in front of the delivery entrance, took a long breath, and felt a sense of relief wash over him, followed by a hint of bewilderment.

After spending nearly half a minute to compose himself, He Gu was about to use the walkie-talkie to arrange for the cleanup as per the rules.

But just at that moment, He Gu suddenly heard a light chuckle coming from inside the delivery entrance.

“So delicious… hehe… I didn’t expect you to deliver another tasty one so soon…”

It was a sharp and unpleasant voice.

He Gu was momentarily stunned, then quickly realized that this was the creature he had released from the box the night before last, the one that had helped him take down 411!

Wasn’t it supposed to have gone into the delivery tunnel already?

Why was it still here?

While He Gu was still in shock, the voice spoke again: “Come on in, I can hardly wait to collaborate with you further…”

“Hehe… Trust me, the sooner you come in, the better for you. If you’re late, you might not get the chance…”

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