Chapter 105 – Start the fight!

Upon hearing the manager’s words, He-Gu instinctively halted in his tracks.

The second floor of Building 3!

He-Gu vividly remembered his last visit to Building 3, where he got trapped by the elevator on the second floor.

That entire floor exuded an eerie and sinister atmosphere…

What was most fatal was the instant-death rule: inside Building 3, one could not refuse any request from someone in purple clothing!

Now, with the manager hell-bent on getting rid of him, if he were to go to Building 3…

At that thought, He-Gu felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

“Alright, I’ll replenish it for you now.”

He-Gu sighed helplessly, turned around, and walked back to the office.

The manager’s lips curled into a cold smirk as he handed He-Gu two forms: “These are the sign-in sheets, fill them out for both yesterday and today.”

“Also, the duty report from last night and the storage receipts, get them all sorted. I’ll come back to collect them later.”

After saying this, the manager added: “You’d better not wander off. If I don’t see you when I return, you’ll have to submit these documents yourself.”

With those words, the manager patted He-Gu’s shoulder with a meaningful gesture and left the office.

Watching the manager leave the office area and enter the stairwell, He-Gu sighed helplessly.

Clearly, the manager intended to keep He-Gu here while he delivered items to 449.

But He-Gu had no choice but to stay.

After all, even if He-Gu managed to stop the manager from delivering the items to 449 this time, it would only delay the adversary’s actions.

The crisis was not averted, and the suspense was even more torturous.

For this reason, sending He-Gu to the second floor of Building 3 to take risks seemed like a bad deal.

He-Gu sighed and sat down to start filling out the sign-in sheet and the duty report from the previous night.

Both forms were simple in content but required tedious details, taking He-Gu several minutes to complete.

After finishing the forms, He-Gu began to regulate his breathing and mindset, preparing for the challenges that might soon arise.

Before long, He-Gu suddenly felt a slight dizziness and a weak sensation in his limbs.

Without needing to check the time, He-Gu knew it was noon—the time when those in blue uniforms became weak.

He-Gu looked up discreetly and saw other supervisors in the adjacent offices showing signs of discomfort and weakness.

However, He-Gu himself, just like the previous night, felt only a slight effect, which was minimal.

A few minutes later, even that slight sensation had faded.

He-Gu was completely unaffected by the period of weakness!

Soon after, the manager returned from the stairwell, expressionless, and walked towards the other end of the corridor.

As the manager passed by He-Gu’s office, he seemed to glance at He-Gu intentionally.

He-Gu mimicked the others, showing a face of weakness and helplessly peeked from his desk.

The manager’s waist bag was still on his hip, but it was noticeably deflated.

He-Gu glanced indifferently and continued to feign weakness on the desk.

The manager did not linger and walked straight to the end of the corridor, disappearing around the corner.

Less than two minutes after the manager left, He-Gu’s walkie-talkie crackled with 449’s urgent voice: “Supervisor! There’s a problem with the goods in the warehouse, come and take a look!”

Hearing this, He-Gu’s heart sank, followed by a sense of relief.

It had finally begun.

He-Gu stood up, took a deep breath, and walked out “weakly” with his aluminum alloy cane.

As He-Gu reached the office door, 401 from the neighboring office also stood up and silently followed.

Thus, He-Gu and 401 walked down the stairs one after the other, heading straight for Warehouse 44.

On the way, 401 whispered, “You go in first. Once the thing in the box comes out, I’ll make my move.”

He-Gu nodded silently, adjusting his breathing while walking, suppressing the nervousness and a trace of inexplicable excitement in his heart, trying to keep his body in good condition.

Soon, He-Gu arrived at the entrance of Warehouse 44.

449 stood inside, hands in his pockets, still wearing that restrained smile: “Supervisor, take a look. Just now, there were smashing noises coming from these boxes, and before long, they all broke!”

He-Gu swept his gaze over the piles of goods in the warehouse, and his pupils shrank sharply.

Three boxes had been smashed open!

Damn, so more than one box could be broken!

Although He-Gu could guess that smashing more boxes would probably cost much more than just a piece of medicinal patch, the sight still made him want to curse.

Standing at the doorway, He-Gu took one last deep breath and stepped into the warehouse.

No backing down!

At this point, only fighting hard could pave the way to survival!

Although three boxes had been broken open, he was not affected by the period of weakness. If he could take 449 by surprise and act quickly, the contents of the boxes would pose no threat to him!

He-Gu thought to himself as he briskly walked towards the broken boxes.

At this stage, the trepidation and unease in He-Gu’s heart had vanished, replaced by a rage that screamed, “I’ll beat the hell out of you.”

He-Gu stopped in front of the pile of goods, and 449 followed closely behind him.

In that instant, He-Gu swung his aluminum alloy cane backward without warning.

He-Gu remembered that 411 had also attacked him suddenly like this, meaning it did not violate the rules.

449 seemed to be prepared, swinging out a wrench from nowhere to block as He-Gu turned with his cane.


The sound of metal clashing echoed as He-Gu’s longer cane, though lighter, was not as effective as the wrench in this situation.

However, He-Gu, unaffected by the period of weakness, swung with such force that it surprised even himself.

Although 449 blocked the blow with the wrench, he staggered and nearly fell, the wrench flying from his hand.

He-Gu didn’t give 449 a chance to react, stepping forward and kicking towards 449’s chest.


A muffled sound rang out as He-Gu’s kick landed solidly on 449, who collapsed backward with a caved-in chest, flying out on impact.

He-Gu’s kick was strong enough to break 449’s ribs!

Just as He-Gu thought 449 was completely incapacitated and prepared to drag him to the delivery port for “disposal,” 449 struggled to his feet.

Coughing and retreating quickly, 449 pulled a deformed steel plate from beneath his clothes while creating distance from He-Gu.

The force of He-Gu’s kick had been blocked by this steel plate!

Of course, even though the steel plate saved his life, 449 was still severely shaken and barely able to stand, his face turning the color of liver.

“You… you’re not weakened!”

449 cried out in horror, but He-Gu had no time for words and charged at him with the cane.

“Strike now!”

In panic, 449 shouted as he ran along the wall, trying to escape.

At the same time, He-Gu caught a glimpse of a dark shadow darting towards his back.

Having witnessed how the contents of the box had controlled 411, He-Gu was on guard.

Sensing the movement, He-Gu swung his cane without hesitation toward his back.


The aluminum cane seemed to hit a lump of putty, making a crisp sound.



The sound of searing flesh and a scream almost coincided as a dark shadow flashed into the nearby delivery port.

In that moment, He-Gu saw two more shadows flanking him from behind…

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