Chapter 97 – The battle formation confronts, the crisis appears

The silver puppet vanished from its spot after shattering the stone statue, reappearing atop its original square.

Li Guanqi, with his head bowed, had blood-red eyes. He now understood that the stone statues below were somehow linked to his own life.

Merely shattering one statue, the pain was more intense than his first medicinal bath.

But he had figured out how to control the puppets below.

He stopped tending to his wounds, letting the blood flow down the spikes below.

Blood as the guide, Divine Sense as the aid.

Li Guanqi’s mind instantly plunged into the Thousand Mechanism Disk below!!

A flood of information about the Thousand Mechanism Disk surged into his mind.

A sinister smile curled at the corner of his mouth as Li Guanqi slammed a jade token engraved with a longsword onto the ground!

Countless luminous patterns on the ground converged on the jade token, which burst into brilliant light.

A longsword appeared beside the puppet’s left hand. It drew the sword and charged at the opponent with both hands!

However, just as it crossed its own square, the puppet had barely stepped onto the first square of the opponent’s side.

The man opposite waved his hands violently, as if moving something.

Li Guanqi controlled the puppet to retreat a step in midair.

But it was this step that saved him from a treacherously cunning trap!

The square the puppet was about to step on split open, and countless metal spikes shot up from the stone slabs on either side.

The slabs, like the covers of a closing book, slammed shut!


Had Li Guanqi not reacted swiftly, the puppet would have been impaled by the spikes.

The puppet burst with power from its feet, continuing its charge towards the opponent’s stone statue!

The pitch-black puppet, wielding dual swords, struck fiercely.

But it was blocked by the silver puppet standing still with its longsword.

Li Guanqi swiftly changed tactics, his sword piercing directly through the puppet’s head from behind!!


The puppet dissipated into specks of Spirit Light, and the stone statue behind it also exploded!!

“Ah!!! Ah!!!”

Heart-wrenching screams filled the air as the man clutched his head, frantically pounding the ground.

“Strike while the iron is hot, take your life while you’re down!”

Bloodshot eyes filled Li Guanqi’s gaze, but he didn’t waste a moment.


But he found his puppet immobilized as if bound in place!

The man with disheveled hair suddenly looked up!

Even hundreds of meters apart, Li Guanqi could clearly see the man’s bloodied face.

The man slapped down a jade token furiously, roaring.

“Die!! I want you dead!!”

The blue spirit lines on the disk began to move forward five rows!!

Li Guanqi only had ten rows of squares, meaning he had lost a hundred squares!


The silver-armored puppet leaped, reaching the purple bricks almost instantly.

As it maneuvered, it quickly approached the stone statue beneath Li Guanqi’s platform.


A special platform rose before Li Guanqi.

On the stone slab, a miniature disk model appeared, with grooves and several jade tokens beside it.

These could be inserted into specific squares.

As Li Guanqi placed his palm on the disk, a wealth of information flooded his mind, which he rapidly assimilated.

At this moment, the silver-armored puppet was only one square away from Li Guanqi’s stone statue!

The crowd behind him tensed, shouting, “Junior Brother!! Be careful!!”

“Why isn’t the black puppet moving?!”

The Black-clothed Person opposite sneered viciously, while his followers in black robes relaxed, chuckling.

“Hahaha, these fools don’t know the Thousand Mechanism Disk is turn-based.”

“It seems we can definitely reach the fourteenth layer this time!”

Although the man with the scarred face was surprised to see the platform rise before Li Guanqi, it was clearly too late. Just one more step from his controlled puppet, and the second statue would be destroyed!!

As the puppet took a large stride, the sword it raised seemed to grip everyone’s hearts!

But Li Guanqi fiercely embedded a jade token with a mountain engraving into the disk before him!


In an instant, a massive mountain appeared, filling all the squares of the last row!

The puppet’s strike landed on the mountain!


A loud rumble echoed, but the mountain barely shook.

Li Guanqi quickly inserted another token, engraved with a rectangular illusion, into the disk.

The man with the scarred face’s expression darkened, muttering, “Damn! He got the Guardian Mountain token!”

The puppet shifted lightly, trying to bypass the mountain and attack the black-armored puppet directly.

Li Guanqi smirked coldly, then saw the silver puppet step on a square and get instantly shifted back three steps!

The man with the scarred face’s complexion changed drastically, exclaiming, “What’s going on?!”

“Why was the puppet moved back to the position it just crossed?!”

Then he looked up at Li Guanqi, murmuring, “No… what is that platform before him?”

Li Guanqi wouldn’t give him the chance to ponder. Once the puppet’s restraint lifted, he controlled it to shoot forward instantly!

Taking advantage of the opponent’s confusion about the rules of the Thousand Mechanism Disk, he aimed for a decisive kill!

The pitch-black puppet, swords in hand, sparked flames as the blades dragged across the ground!

But at that moment, the pupils of the man’s eyes were trembling slightly.

Spiritual power poured into the platform below, and a similar platform rose.

But the black-armored puppet was too fast; the Black-clothed Person wiped the blood blurring his vision in a panic.

He pressed the only jade token in his hand onto the disk!

In a daze, the man with the scarred face saw the token engraved with countless hidden weapons.


Li Guanqi, with his eyes tightly shut, furrowed his brow, controlling the puppet to retreat explosively.

But then, the blue stone slabs in all eight directions around him suddenly sank!

From beneath the ground, eight giant crossbows slowly rose!

Each crossbow had a long wooden box with thirty arrows, their tips gleaming with a chilling light.

Seeing the thick crossbow bolts, Li Guanqi unhesitatingly controlled the puppet to retreat explosively!!

At the same time, he pressed a jade token engraved with hidden weapons onto the disk.

As the eight crossbows were being loaded, twelve squares behind the black-armored puppet suddenly sank.

Twelve metal columns, as thick as water buckets, slowly rose and then swiftly turned towards the opponent.

At the same time, the columns’ shells began to split, and in an instant, each column divided into sixty-six slender metal rods!

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