Chapter 94 – Five jade pendants, Senior Brother

Just as Li Guanqi was eagerly wanting to test out the Cang Lang Sword.


From within the two kneeling puppet bodies on the ground, there came a series of mechanical whirring sounds.

The two seven-foot-tall puppets transformed into palm-sized silver spheres in just a few breaths!

Click! Clack!

Two light sounds rang out as two hexagonal jade tokens fell out from within the spheres.

Li Guanqi sheathed his sword and casually picked up the scabbard below.

The dark green scabbard was adorned with three cyan jade rings and sword ornaments, carved with exquisitely beautiful patterns.

However, Li Guanqi’s thoughts were not on the sword, as he swiftly moved to the altar.

Delightedly, he collected the spheres and then picked up the two jade tokens from the ground.

Looking at the jade tokens in his hand, Li Guanqi slightly furrowed his brow, not understanding why such things would fall out from the spheres.

“Could it be the power of the spheres that drove this?”

On the jade tokens, one depicted a tall mountain, while the other showed a long sword.

The Sword Spirit appeared once again!

She looked at the jade tokens in Li Guanqi’s hand and asked with a solemn expression, “Does this Mo family relic have a name?”

Li Guanqi replied in a deep voice, “Dikun City!”

The Sword Spirit’s eyes flickered, and she turned to look at the tightly shut doors, whispering, “You may need to continue upwards!”

“Collect as many of these jade tokens as possible; they are very useful!”

Li Guanqi wanted to ask for more information, but it seemed that the space here was suppressing the Sword Spirit.

With no choice, the Sword Spirit retreated back into the Sword Box.

After securing the jade tokens, Li Guanqi faced the stone door and slowly opened it.

Looking at the stairs leading up and down, Li Guanqi ultimately chose to ascend!

He believed that the Sword Spirit’s words were reasonable.

But upon reaching the eleventh floor, the altar above had nothing on it.

He looked up at the floating altar above his head and flew up towards it.

He actually flew straight up!

However, the altar on the tenth floor was filled with traps, and Li Guanqi, surrounded by danger, eventually activated the spheres, donning the sphere armor.

In an instant, the sound of metal clinking rang incessantly by his ears.

Li Guanqi breathed a sigh of relief, moved his body, and found that the sphere had shrunk considerably to fit his body size.

Moreover, it was as light as a feather to wear, and the rotation of his wrists and other joints was not affected at all.

This left Li Guanqi in awe; he had not expected the sphere to be designed so ingeniously!

Sure enough, after passing through the traps on this level, another jade token appeared.

But this token was engraved with countless hidden weapons and darts.

Yet, when he ascended another level, there was still nothing.

Li Guanqi stood still, his brow slightly furrowed, and he murmured softly, “It seems that these levels have already been passed by others, probably those black-clothed people.”

“But why didn’t they clear them all?”

On the final floor separating the twelve levels, the black-clothed person with a purple sleeve band looked at the two jade tokens in his hand with an ugly expression.

“We only cleared one level?”

“This first-level jade token was even sneakily picked up from someone else!”

“Can you be any more useless?!!”

The remaining dozen or so black-robed people were silent as cicadas in winter, none daring to say more.

Instead, the black-robed person with a yellow sleeve band sneered coldly, “Heh, we’re useless, but I didn’t see you trying to break through the twelve levels of the sphere.”

The leader snorted coldly but said nothing more.

After all, the power of the mechanisms in Dikun City was too great for them to contend with.

Then the man murmured softly, “No matter what, we must get our hands on the Thousand Mechanism Disk!”

“That Blind… if there’s a chance, let him go up!”

“With our understanding of the Thousand Mechanism Disk, we can surely kill him and collect the bounty as well.”

On the second-floor altar, Li Guanqi casually passed through its traps and counted the jade tokens in his hand.

A total of five, some of which had been abandoned for who knows how many years.

Looking at the five jade tokens in his hand, they were:

“Mountain, Wave, Long Sword, Dart, Blazing Fire,”

After storing them away, Li Guanqi still found no trace of any disciples from the Great Xia Sword Sect.

Even Ye Feng had been left behind in that pavilion.

Li Guanqi pondered the identities of those black-clothed people in his mind.

“Could they be the remnants of the Mo family within this relic?”

“But this secret realm was given by the Purple Sun Hall, these people couldn’t possibly be living within the relic.”

“That means…”

“These people might have come in even earlier than them.”

“But the Sect had clearly only opened it once, how could they have sneaked in?”

“Could it be… related to the foreign invasion a few days ago?”

Question after question arose in Li Guanqi’s mind, feeling like a tangled mess, impossible to unravel.

But he had a feeling that the cause of these events was probably within these questions.

Looking down at the dozen or so altars beneath his feet, Li Guanqi leaped down!


He landed on the stairs of the twelfth floor and slowly descended the final flight of stairs.

However, just as he entered the room, countless staircases identical to the ground appeared on the surface of Dikun City!

Ye Feng was hiding in a pavilion, bandaging a through-and-through wound on his abdomen.

His face was pale, the wound had turned black, and he was weak all over.

Hearing the noises outside, he quickly moved to the window and carefully observed.

Then he saw a familiar figure!

Zhou Zhi was currently in a white robe splattered with a lot of blood, but his eyes were still sharp.

Ye Feng stood up, opened the door, and called out, “Zhou… Brother Zhou…”

Zhou Zhi quickly moved to steady the pale-faced Ye Feng.

“Did you also encounter those people?”

“Quick! I have an antidote pill, take it now.”

Zhou Zhi supported Ye Feng and hurriedly took out his antidote pill for Ye Feng to swallow.

After helping Ye Feng into the room and closing the door, he quickly tore off the makeshift bandage and tore his own white robe.

Looking at the blackened wound, Zhou Zhi took out a dagger, lit a candle with a fire starter, and began to heat the dagger.

Zhou Zhi, with a resolute face, had clearly also been through a fight with the black-clothed people before.

Zhou Zhi said with a heavy voice, “The poison in your body has begun to spread, this piece of flesh must be cut out!”

Ye Feng’s breathing was already disordered, his consciousness somewhat unclear.

But he firmly nodded, signaling Zhou Zhi to proceed!

The dagger was now red-hot, and Zhou Zhi took a deep breath, his hand with the dagger swiftly slicing through!

A scent of seared flesh came through, and Ye Feng’s hands twisted as his body suddenly arched straight!!

With a twisted face, Ye Feng’s mouth oozed a trace of blood, and Zhou Zhi immediately used his hand to pry open his mouth and reached inside!

The intense pain made Zhou Zhi grunt.

Blood dripped down his fingers, but his movements did not stop for a moment.

After a few breaths, the blackened flesh around the wound had been cut away, and black blood pooled on the ground.

Looking at the unconscious Ye Feng, Zhou Zhi slowly withdrew his fingers from his mouth.

Looking at his bitten finger, Zhou Zhi didn’t bother to bandage it and quickly sprinkled golden healing powder on Ye Feng’s wound.

After bandaging him up, he carried him upstairs.

Sitting by the bed, Zhou Zhi bandaged his finger and his eyes flickered with a cold glint.

“Whoever you are, I will make you pay!!!”

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