Chapter 91 – Thunderous Strike, Thousand Machine Umbrella

Li Guanqi swiftly grabbed Zhong Lin, their figures flickering and leaping across the rising buildings several times!


Li Guanqi had just landed when Zhong Lin, still steadying himself, was suddenly thrown out!

In the pitch-black space, although no sound of breaking air was heard, Li Guanqi could feel the flow of the air around him changing.

His hand flashed, and he slashed his sword four times in an instant!

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Several crossbow bolts were struck down, one after another, followed by several figures flashing away into the darkness.

Zhong Lin, watching from mid-air, couldn’t help but widen his eyes in shock.

“One breath! Four slashes!”

With a strained throat, Zhong Lin floated down to the ground.

Everything had happened too quickly, so fast that Zhong Lin hadn’t even realized why he had drawn his sword.

It wasn’t until sparks flew in the darkness that he realized enemies were hidden in the shadows.

Zhong Lin, landing swiftly, drew his long sword with a wary look and asked, “Should we pursue them?”

Li Guanqi shook his head, handing Zhong Lin a set of night clothes and whispered, “Put these on first. Don’t chase a desperate enemy; let’s first figure out what’s going on underground.”

The two changed clothes and began to explore deeper.

Boom! Boom!

A series of soft sounds came, and suddenly, torches flared up unexpectedly.

The lit torches illuminated the entire space.

Li Guanqi pulled Zhong Lin to a halt and surveyed their surroundings; they were standing on a huge platform.

Surrounding them was a structure resembling a circular apartment building.

The central platform connected to buildings on both sides, and the courtyard was like an open structure, with only the platform slowly rotating.

Looking up, the dome above was filled with densely packed gears silently turning.

At the center of some gears were demon pills, glowing faintly!

It was then that Li Guanqi unraveled the mystery in his heart, murmuring to himself.

“So these intricate mechanical structures are powered by demon pills from within demon beasts!”

Looking down, the platform beneath their feet had twelve levels!

Meaning, this city that delved deep underground had a total of thirteen levels.


The platform beneath them began to move rapidly, and countless iron spheres the size of buckets flew out from the space around them!

Zhong Lin, witnessing this scene, was horrified and exclaimed, “Not good! It’s a barrage of projectiles!”

When the ten iron spheres came within about thirty feet of them, they unexpectedly hovered in place.

Then, the iron spheres emitted a faint glow, accompanied by a rapid mechanical noise.

Click! Click!

Zhong Lin instantly took out two ordinary shields from his storage bag and tossed them to Li Guanqi.

However, Li Guanqi didn’t catch them; instead, he exhaled a breath of turbid air and took a bold step forward!


The surface of the ten projectiles suddenly revealed numerous grooves, followed by a barrage of darts shooting towards them!

Li Guanqi, while listening intently, extended his divine sense to its limits, covering a radius of fifteen yards.

His sword moved as fast as a torrential storm, each strike precisely hitting the incoming darts, the force so terrifying that even his arms trembled slightly.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Li Guanqi’s sword moved swiftly, even using slashing motions to deflect the hidden weapons aimed at Zhong Lin.

The barrage of hidden weapons lasted for the duration of half an incense stick!

Zhong Lin, holding two shields behind Li Guanqi, was already exhausted, with many hidden weapons piercing through the shields.

Yet, despite this, Zhong Lin still held the shields firmly behind him.

Seeing Zhong Lin’s pierced shoulder, Li Guanqi’s eyes narrowed, and he quickly helped him leap to a nearby staircase.

After taking a pill, Zhong Lin’s complexion turned slightly pale, and Li Guanqi hurriedly took out some spirit stones.

Zhong Lin didn’t refuse, grasping the spirit stones and beginning to absorb their energy.

The two then communicated telepathically for a moment before suddenly bursting towards the direction behind them!


Behind the tall metal structure, the figure of a black-clothed person flashed by!

But Li Guanqi wouldn’t give him the chance to escape; Zhong Lin had already cut off the person’s retreat from behind!

Seeing the two approaching in a pincer attack, the person decisively threw two black spheres at them!

Li Guanqi’s nose twitched slightly, and without hesitation, he dodged aside.

With a powerful push from his feet, he moved so quickly that in just a few breaths, he was upon his opponent!

His sword thrust at an extremely tricky angle.


A four-foot-long white umbrella suddenly blocked the path of the long sword.

Seeing the umbrella, Li Guanqi frowned, having never seen someone use an umbrella as a weapon before.

Then, his thrusting sword suddenly changed direction, using the momentum to continue stabbing at his opponent!

At the same time, his foot lashed out fiercely towards the opponent’s knee!


As Li Guanqi changed his move, his opponent also kicked out, and their knees collided fiercely.

At the same time, the white umbrella snapped open, and dozens of sharp blades sprung out from its edges!

Caught off guard by the sudden change, Li Guanqi quickly raised his sword to block in front of him.

His upper body leaned back sharply, his hand supported on the ground, and his right leg swung up like a massive axe towards the opponent’s jaw!

The edges of the opened umbrella now each had a sharp blade.

The white umbrella pressed down and spun rapidly, each blade covered in a layer of golden glow.

Li Guanqi’s spirit tensed, and he instantly retracted his leg, tapping the ground with one hand and retreating swiftly.

But then, Li Guanqi unstrapped the sword box from his body!


The sword box landed heavily on the ground, emitting a dull thud.

The metal floor beneath Li Guanqi’s feet suddenly dented, forming a deep pit!

As the opponent retracted the white umbrella and stepped back, he found the same dark shadow appearing before him again!


The sound of a sword being drawn!

Li Guanqi’s sword in hand changed its move mid-air, his back slightly arched, as he unleashed a slashing strike!

Li Guanqi bellowed in a low voice, “Thundering Strike!”

The sword was as fast as lightning!

The cold sword light flashed through the air in an instant!

The black-clothed person’s pupils shrank to the size of pinpoints, his right hand quickly pressing a button on the umbrella handle.

Suddenly, the sharp blades around the umbrella shot out, tracing lethal arcs in the air towards Li Guanqi!

At the same time, the black-clothed person drew an incredibly thin long sword from the handle of the umbrella.

Li Guanqi’s form remained unchanged, the energy in his sword shifting from being stored in the sheath to being stored in the midst of the strike.

Clang! Clang!

In an instant, sparks flew in mid-air, but they couldn’t stop Li Guanqi’s fierce momentum.

As Li Guanqi landed, a cold gleam flashed across his trailing eyes!

The sword broke!!

Li Guanqi stood behind the black-clothed person, his chest heaving violently, while the figure behind him incredulously looked at the broken sword in his hand, clutching his neck as blood gushed out, collapsing powerlessly to the ground.

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