Chapter 70 – Boldly take action and kill Pang Li!

However, Zheng Hao’s eyes were half-closed, his gaze fixed on Li Guanqi on the stage as he said coldly, “Hmph! The outcome is clear, you’ve won!”

Li Guanqi suddenly turned his head, his pure white eyes staring intently at the master of the Azure Sky Hall.

As disbelief filled the other’s eyes, Li Guanqi lifted his leg and kicked Pang Li’s chin!


Pang Li’s jawbone shattered, blood mixed with broken teeth spraying out.

His body was sent flying into the air by the tremendous force.

Then Li Guanqi took a deep breath, twisted his waist, and fiercely punched Pang Li’s pubic region!!

The punch, filled with Primordial Energy, directly shattered Pang Li’s pubic region!

“You little beast, how dare you!!!”

Zheng Hao’s Pressure exploded around him as he stood up, ready to leap forward.

The Old Man’s furious voice suddenly rang out, his hand holding a sword appearing instantly in front of Zheng Hao.

A cold long sword thrust sharply into his throat with a flick!

“Don’t you f***ing move a muscle!!”

Pang Li’s eyes bulged, blood spraying onto Li Guanqi’s face.

His body was sent flying by the force, yet Li Guanqi’s face suddenly appeared before him!

At this moment, Li Guanqi’s expression was fierce, his pure white eyes now threaded with blood.

Unable to contain the murderous intent in his heart any longer, he grabbed Pang Li’s left arm and slammed his knee into it!

Crack crack!!

Bones, white and bloodied, pierced through the skin.

Immediately after, Li Guanqi’s hand grasped Pang Li’s head, raised his arm high, and smashed it down onto the stage!!


The stage shook, the flagstones shattered, leaving a foot-deep crater!

Red and white matter splattered everywhere.

The entire Purple Sun Hall fell silent, so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Only the occasional sound of swallowing could be heard.

After standing up, Li Guanqi’s chest heaved violently, not even glancing at the person on the ground.

Zheng Hao’s eyes were filled with rage, but the sword at his throat sank half an inch deeper!

Gritting his teeth, Zheng Hao’s eyes were fixed on the youth on the stage.

Finally, with a lingering fear, he glanced at Li Nanting, whose eyes were filled with murderous intent, and with a cold huff, he waved his sleeve.

“Very well, very well! Such a disciple of the Great Xia Sword Sect!”

Li Nanting withdrew the bloody sword, silent.

Zheng Hao looked at Li Nanting and said gravely, “We’ve made an enemy today. I hope he doesn’t fall into my hands in the future!”

Li Nanting scoffed, “Made an enemy? Do I look like I’m afraid of you?”

On the stage, Li Guanqi’s appearance was terrifying, his face splattered with red and white matter, yet he didn’t bother to wipe it off.

Looking at the silent crowd below, Li Guanqi spoke, “Don’t think of me as cruel.”

“If I were the one at a disadvantage today, I believe Pang Li would not have let me off easily either.”

“If any of you are dissatisfied, come up to the stage. I’ll stand right here and wait for the duration of a stick of incense.”


The disciples of the Purple Sun Hall seemed as if they were choked, unable to utter a single word.

Li Guanqi’s actions on the stage had left a deep impression on them.

Li Guanqi leaped down from the high platform, his aura only slightly diminished.

Ye Feng rubbed his hands together, patted the fat man beside him, and said, “Brother, time to pay up.”

The fat man’s face twitched, he counted his Spirit Stones and said softly, “Wait here for the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, I’ll gather it and bring it to you.”

Ye Feng shrugged and replied, “Then just send it to where I’m staying, I don’t dare wait here for the duration of a stick of incense.”

Afterward, the Old Man led the group away on Sword flight.

When they returned to their residence, Li Nanting stopped and said softly, “Guanqi, come with me.”

Li Guanqi nodded silently and followed the Old Man into the room.

Seeing this, the others gathered around Ye Feng and said, “That Li Guanqi… his aura is too fierce!”

“Yeah, I’ve killed a few people too, but to torture someone like he did…”

Before anyone else could speak, Ye Feng’s expression darkened.

He stood up and headed to his room, turning back with a cold face, “Fierce aura?”

“He’s fierce towards you?”

“Your words truly disgust me.”

“Even if it wasn’t Yu Sui’an in trouble today, if it had been any one of you, I believe Li Guanqi would still have chosen to issue a challenge!”

“He’s not only protecting Yu Sui’an, but he’s also upholding the conduct of a disciple of the Great Xia Sword Sect!”

“If today he had groveled before the disciples of the Purple Sun Hall, tomorrow the entire Northern Region’s Sects would know that the disciples of the Great Xia Sword Sect are spineless!”

With that, Ye Feng felt there was no point in saying more and simply returned to his room.

The others stood there, looking at each other, until one of the silent female disciples softly said.

“If Junior Brother heard these words, he would surely be heartbroken.”

“Just as Ye Feng said, Li Guanqi’s actions today were indeed a bit bloody.”

“But from today onwards, when the disciples of the Purple Sun Hall see any disciple of the Great Xia Sword Sect, they will not dare to bully them recklessly.”

After speaking, the girl also left.

Only two disciples with ashamed faces were left, sighing before returning to their rooms.

Entering the room, Li Nanting first cleaned the young man’s face with a clean cloth.

He spoke softly, “You must learn to control your emotions, and never let the seeds of inner demons take root in your heart.”

“You may kill, but I’m only worried that today’s methods will trouble your mind.”

Li Guanqi was silent for a while before suddenly saying, “He threatened to find an opportunity to kill Yu Sui’an in the future.”

Li Nanting nodded slightly, no wonder Li Guanqi had looked at him and then decisively killed his opponent on the stage.

It was for this reason.

Li Nanting just smiled and patted his shoulder, not blaming him.

He simply said softly, “Take a Clarity Pill before cultivating these next few days.”

“Don’t let it affect your state of mind, I’m afraid you might develop inner demons.”

“Alright, go rest. Tomorrow you should be able to test the Spirit ruin.”

Li Guanqi nodded and then returned to his room.

As soon as he stepped out, he saw the fat man from earlier carrying ten Storage Bags looking for Ye Feng.

The fat man, upon seeing Li Guanqi, trembled slightly and after tossing the Storage Bags to Ye Feng, he turned and ran.

Ye Feng caught the Storage Bags and grinned, handing seven of them to Li Guanqi.

“You take seven, I take three, after all, I didn’t lift a finger, haha.”

Li Guanqi smiled faintly and said, “Thank you.”

After saying that, he still tossed two Storage Bags back to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was taken aback, secured the Storage Bags, and said softly, “No need to thank me, I just spoke my mind, time to sleep.”

As night fell, people from the other five Sects also arrived at the Purple Sun Hall one after another.

Li Guanqi sat on the bed, unable to enter cultivation for a long time.

“Sword Spirit, do you think I did something wrong?”

The Sword Spirit’s voice echoed softly in his mind, “Why doubt yourself?”

“Hadn’t you already made up your mind when you threw that punch?”

“As for the methods… to me, all this is child’s play, hardly bloody.”

“After observing you for some time, I actually think it’s your nature that will allow you to survive in this cruel Cultivation World.”

Li Guanqi smiled faintly, swallowed a Clarity Pill, and thought to himself, “Indeed, I was resolute when I threw that punch, so why dwell on it?”

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