Chapter 63 – Prepare to lay the foundation, and the whole family observe

The news of Li Guanqi forcefully ascending to the fifteenth level of the Sword Tower in the Qi Refining stage spread quickly throughout the various peaks of the Sect.


Li Guanqi, however, quietly returned to his courtyard alone.


Days passed by, and Li Guanqi's swordsmanship continued to advance rapidly.


The speed of his sword in hand grew faster, and striking thrice in a single breath was his current limit.


Even under the Sword Spirit's most stringent demands, Li Guanqi could complete the task in the shortest time.


During this period, Li Guanqi profoundly realized just how terrifying the Sword Spirit's comprehension and unique insights into the path of the sword were.


The Sword Spirit would even have him swing with the force of ten thousand jun without a sword in hand.


Or have him wield the Sword Box to unleash a fierce Sword Light.


In the end, no matter what, Li Guanqi couldn't do it and asked only one question.


"Why do this?"


Leaning against a stone pillar, the Sword Spirit softly said, "Momentum."


"These things can't be rushed; take your time to understand."


"Even the most talented and monstrous beings comprehend the momentum of the sword through a process of constant battle and growth."


At this point, the Sword Spirit paused slightly, then said, "You can start preparing for Foundation Establishment soon."


"Your thirteenth level is already perfect; there's no need to delay Foundation Establishment."


Li Guanqi shrugged his shoulders, recalling what his master had told him yesterday.


In half a month, the Spirit Ruin would open, and before that, everyone would visit another Sect.


Li Guanqi took out a jade slip and whispered, "Master, I'm ready to establish my foundation."


Upon hearing this news, Li Nanting hurried back from Heavenly Gold Peak.


As he entered, he saw the mountain of logs in the backyard and the sweat-drenched Li Guanqi.


The old man couldn't help but say, "You're practicing too hard, my boy. Take a break."


After checking the young man's body, Li Nanting's admiration resurfaced, but this time he found that the young man's Pubic Region was brimming with energy.


The vast primordial energy nearly filled the vast sea of energy in the Pubic Region.


Li Nanting said solemnly, "Then meditate well tonight, and prepare for Foundation Establishment tomorrow."


With that, the old man got up and left.


After all, Li Guanqi was the first among the newly accepted disciples to break through to Foundation Establishment.


In just five short months!


Such speed was almost unprecedented in the entire history of the Sect.


Even Ye Feng of Heavenly Gold Peak had only just broken through the tenth level of Qi Refining.


But it seemed he would be able to join him in opening the Spirit Ruin.


Li Guanqi was about to break through to Foundation Establishment!!


This news quickly spread throughout the entire Sect, and brothers and sisters from Heavenly Thunder Peak also found Li Guanqi, each sharing their own experiences of breaking through.


Some even shared their experiences of breaking through after failures, which earned them a scolding from Gu Ran.


The group was noisy and boisterous, but eventually, under Gu Ran's expulsion, everyone left.


Before leaving, Gu Ran gave Li Guanqi a Clarity Pill, patted his shoulder, and smiled.


"Don't worry, little junior brother, you'll definitely be fine!"


Li Guanqi smiled and nodded. After everyone left, he felt a surge of excitement.


The Sword Spirit mocked, "Foundation Establishment is just the first step on the path to immortality. What's there to be nervous about?"


"With me here, the lowest you'll start at in this life is Void Refinement."


Li Guanqi pursed his lips and retorted, "Stop, stop, stop. Brag all you want, but leave me out of it."


"Void Refinement indeed… I'm only establishing my foundation tomorrow! Foundation Establishment! I'm as fragile as an ant in front of a Golden Elixir Realm cultivator."


Li Guanqi got up and returned to his room, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter how much he tossed and turned.


The thought of being able to perform Sword Flight excited him so much that he couldn't sleep.


He simply got up to meditate and cultivate, adjusting his breath and state of mind.


The next morning.


The plaza of Heavenly Sword Peak was packed with people, all eager to see how this genius, who had only been in the Sect for five months, would establish his foundation!


A giant screen, hundreds of meters wide, dominated the plaza.


And within the screen was the situation at the Ascension Platform of Heavenly Pillar Peak.


For Li Guanqi's Foundation Establishment, the Sect Master had specially opened an Earth-level Ascension Platform!


It's worth noting that there are only three Earth-level Meditation Rooms, typically one used by Qin Xian, the enforcer, and the other two almost exclusively for Elders in seclusion.


This showed how much Lu Kangnian valued Li Guanqi's Foundation Establishment.


Inside the Meditation Room, only Li Guanqi and Li Nanting were present.


Li Nanting smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. I've already told you many times about the details of breaking through to Foundation Establishment. Relax."


"Here's a Calming Pill. Take it, and once its effects kick in, begin your cultivation."


Li Nanting handed over the Calming Pill and the Foundation Establishment Pill to the young man.


Li Guanqi could clearly feel the old man's palms sweating as he grinned and said, "Don't worry, Master."


The old man took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Focus on your breakthrough! I'll be outside to protect you."


As the old man left the Meditation Room, Li Guanqi's breathing gradually steadied.


Ye Feng and Zhong Lin stood together, silently watching the scene.


Ye Feng couldn't help but feel secretly relieved, "Thank goodness I didn't bet with him. His talent is truly heaven-defying!!"


Li Guanqi took a deep breath and then swallowed both the Calming Pill and the Foundation Establishment Pill!




The sea of energy in Li Guanqi's Pubic Region instantly began to whirl.


A mysterious force enveloped him, and in an instant, the power of the Calming Pill began to dissolve.


His entire state of mind became much more serene.


The Sword Spirit's voice echoed in his mind, "Guard the spiritual platform, return to the origin!"


Li Guanqi's mind instantly focused, and his Divine Sense surged into his Pubic Region.


He declared in his heart, "Come on!!"




Following the Sword Spirit's guidance, Li Guanqi began to furiously circulate his internal cultivation technique, impacting the primordial energy in the sea of energy in his Pubic Region.


The terrifying pressure crazily compressed the mist-like primordial energy, which was also the most critical step.


To liquefy the primordial energy in the Pubic Region!


And to forge the entire Pubic Region into a solid 'container'!


Soon, the power of the Foundation Establishment Pill began to take effect, and the impact became much more forceful.


Gradually, the primordial energy in the Pubic Region began to show signs of liquefying.


Meanwhile, the Sword Spirit visualized thirty-six special acupoints in Li Guanqi's mind.


"Break through these thirty-six acupoints; it will greatly benefit your future cultivation!"


Without any hesitation, Li Guanqi began to mobilize the primordial energy within his body to strike these acupoints.


Although the Sword Spirit didn't explain why, Li Guanqi chose to trust her.


Because he could feel that from the moment he took the Sword Box, his fate had been tightly linked with the Sword Spirit.


Unless the Sword Spirit didn't want to regain her power, she would not harm him.


Moreover, Li Guanqi didn't need to guess to know that his grandfather must have left some contingencies.


"Then… let's go all out!!"

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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