Chapter 47 – The monster riot, grab the city gate

The group had been rushing for a while when they finally caught a blurry glimpse of the enormous Sect ahead.


The Sect covered an area close to ten thousand meters across, resembling a colossal fortress.


However, the sound of commotion once again reached their ears.


Li Guanqi raised his hand, signaling everyone to stop and hide behind some rocks to take a look.


They saw six or seven first-rank demonic beasts besieging several youths in earth-toned robes.


Li Guanqi's brow furrowed; they were disciples from the Zhenyue Mountain.


They must have found some treasures and were discovered by these beasts.


Moreover, two of the disciples were already injured, and at this rate, they wouldn't last much longer.


Li Guanqi quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind and ultimately decided to lend a hand!


Ye Feng, seeing this, asked quietly, "Old Li, you're going to help?"


Li Guanqi quickly explained, "We have to help! It's not because we have a good relationship with Zhenyue Mountain."


"We've already killed disciples from the Qixian Sect, and there are people from the Wanxian Sword Faction who are against me, like Zhao Yuanlin."


"The Wanxian Sword Faction and the Zixiao Pavilion have clearly joined forces, and we've already had a conflict with the people from Orient Loong God Island."


"At this time, we must also pull in an ally for ourselves!"


Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement, realizing that Li Guanqi was not someone who overestimated himself; he could analyze the current situation with a cool head.


Then, they all ran towards the battlefield a hundred meters away at top speed.


Li Guanqi shouted in a deep voice, "Brothers of Zhenyue Mountain, hold on, we're here to help you!"


The disciples from Zhenyue Mountain brightened up upon hearing this, but the leading disciple still transmitted a cautious message, "Still, be careful!"


The three from Zhenyue Mountain, protecting the two injured, began to distance themselves to the other side.


With Li Guanqi and his group joining the fray, the situation on the field changed instantly.


First-rank demonic beasts could not compare in size or strength to the two second-rank beasts they had encountered earlier.


Especially since Ke Qin's abilities were particularly effective against these beasts, with the sound waves from the ancient zither, mixed with spiritual power, disrupting the beasts' consciousness.


Soon, Li Guanqi and his group had slain four Purple Demon Lizards.


The disciples from Zhenyue Mountain also managed to kill the last two.


Li Guanqi had Lin Dong extract the demonic cores from the beasts, while he approached the disciples from Zhenyue Mountain.


The leading disciple was slightly burly with a resolute face.


He came before Li Guanqi and the others, cupped his fists in gratitude, and said in a deep voice, "Zhenyue Mountain, Shen Qi! Thank you, saviors from the Great Xia Sword Sect!"


His words were sincere, as they knew that if Li Guanqi and his group had wanted to harm them, they would have done so already.


With the formidable strength they had shown, there was no need for any other schemes.


Li Guanqi introduced his companions to the other party and then said in a serious tone, "This area is rife with demonic beasts; we shouldn't linger. Let's head to that Sect together."


Shen Qi nodded, and then both groups proceeded towards the direction of the great mountain.


Along the way, Li Guanqi also learned about their recent ordeal.


It turned out that the people from Orient Loong God Island had stolen eggs from the Purple Demon Lizard's nest and inadvertently led the disaster to them.


"You guys are really unlucky, not only did you miss out on the benefits, but you also got injured."


Li Guanqi said with a chuckle.


The more Shen Qi thought about it after hearing this, the angrier he became.


"If I catch those from Orient Loong God Island, I'll definitely teach them a lesson!"


"Hey, by the way, I heard from Orient Loong God Island that you had a conflict with those sneaky grandsons from the Qixian Sect?"


Li Guanqi just smiled and didn't say anything, while Ye Feng shrugged and spoke up from the side.


"Those grandsons tried to ambush us when we came in; we killed three of them."


Shen Qi's pupils shrank, but he kept a calm expression on his face.


Li Guanqi observed all this, and without stopping Ye Feng from speaking, he did so to warn the people from Zhenyue Mountain not to have any sneaky thoughts.


Just as the group was nearing the Sect that resembled a city wall, Li Guanqi suddenly stopped in his tracks.


He crouched down, touched the ground with his hand, and his expression changed dramatically!!!


"Run!! Something's not right!!"


Upon hearing Li Guanqi's words, the members of the Great Xia Sword Sect didn't hesitate and started running.


This level of execution left Shen Qi slightly stunned, but he quickly started running as well, urging the others to follow.


"Brother Li! What's happening? Why are we running?"


Shen Qi shouted anxiously from ten meters behind.


Li Guanqi replied with a grave expression, "A large pack of demonic beasts is charging in our direction!"


"Lots of them!! Lots of them!!"


The group had just started running when, eight hundred meters away from the towering walls and gates of the Sect, a cloud of dust suddenly rose hundreds of meters behind them!


Li Guanqi turned back sharply, only to see hundreds of demonic beasts advancing in unison, with the dark bat from earlier among them in the sky.


The ground trembled, and the beasts roared.


The group of ten wished they had an extra pair of legs.


They were located to the south, and to their left, other figures appeared, running swiftly towards the Sect.


Li Guanqi's expression hardened; it was the people from the Wanxian Sword Faction and the Zixiao Pavilion, and even the people from Orient Loong God Island and the Qixian Sect were mixed in with them!!


Li Guanqi's face turned icy as he said sternly, "Speed up!! We can't let them get in first!!"


The plain offered no place to hide.


Their only chance was to enter the Sect ruins and close the gates!!


However, the people from the Wanxian Sword Faction and Orient Loong God Island had also seen them.


Luo Hu's face turned cold as he said, "Senior brother!! Hurry!! We must get in first!"


The speed of both groups increased again, and Li Guanqi's heart sank as he calculated their pace.


If he didn't come up with a plan, the others would definitely lock them out to die!


Li Guanqi looked back at Shen Qi and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to stop them! To prevent them from closing the gates after they get in."


"Try to be as fast as you can!"


Without waiting for Shen Qi's nod, Li Guanqi's muscles tensed, and he launched himself from the ground, leaving a deep pit behind, his body shooting forward with explosive speed.


His terrifying speed was even faster than a cheetah.


Ye Feng, watching from the side, smacked his lips; others might not know, but he was aware of how heavy Li Guanqi's Sword box was!


Carrying a five-hundred-pound stone Sword box, his speed was still incredibly fast!


Li Guanqi raced forward, the wind howling in his ears, long sword in hand, heading straight for the nearest people from Orient Loong God Island.


Seeing Li Guanqi charging at them, Luo Hu's eyes flashed with a ruthless glint.


He still remembered the humiliation he suffered at the Great Xia Sword Sect, but fortunately, he had joined Orient Loong God Island.


Luo Hu coldly said, "Fellow senior brothers, that Blind from the Great Xia Sword Sect seems to want to stop us from getting in!"


At his words, the two remaining disciples from the Qixian Sect immediately showed a glint of murderous intent.


"Then let's kill him first!!"

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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