Chapter 46 – Exciting and thrilling, Beast Taming Sect

Li Guanqi made a split-second decision!


"Run! Back the way we came!!"


Simultaneously, Li Guanqi swiftly pulled out a jade slip and spoke in a deep voice, "Ke Qin! Keep us updated on the whereabouts of those two beasts!!"






Everyone dashed out, pushing their speed to the limit.


At the same time, Li Guanqi changed out of his drenched clothes.


Ke Qin's voice continuously transmitted from the jade slip.


"Eighty meters!"


At this moment, they were still at least one hundred and fifty meters from the cave entrance!


"Sixty meters!"


"Thirty meters!"


Everyone had pushed their speed to the peak, and Li Guanqi's Divine Sense rapidly swept above their heads!


"Ten meters!"


Li Guanqi could even hear the muffled sounds coming from the ground!


They were now just around the corner from the cave entrance, merely thirty meters away.


Li Guanqi instantly halted and transmitted his voice, "To the top of the cave!"


Ye Feng immediately understood Li Guanqi's intent, and they all swiftly climbed to the top of the cave!


Zhong Lin, however, slipped and fell a meters down.


Li Guanqi quickly supported Zhong Lin's foot and with a strong push, sent him up.


"They're in!"


The Crimson-Eyed Demon Ape and the Dark Bat had entered the cave!


Li Guanqi chose his position and leaped into the air, his limbs bracing against a protruding pillar to keep from falling.


Everyone held their breath, the sounds growing closer to their ears.


The muffled noise became increasingly clear.


They exchanged glances, holding their breath in tension.


The intense feeling made their hearts race uncontrollably, their senses sharper than ever.




A massive beast slowly passed beneath them.


Li Guanqi could even see the filthy fur of the Crimson-Eyed Demon Ape.




The ape scratched its head, and its hand came within an inch of touching his foot!


Thump thump thump thump!


Li Guanqi felt his heart nearly leap out of his throat.


The demon ape finally walked towards the corner ahead.


Then, a pitch-black Dark Bat entered.


Its thin, membrane-like wings folded in as it walked forward, using its elbows to touch the ground.


Although bats have poor eyesight, their hearing is like Divine Sense, able to locate everything.


Gradually, the Dark Bat also reached the corner.




The Dark Bat stopped.


This pause sent shivers down everyone's spines!!


Then, the Dark Bat's nose twitched slightly, and Li Guanqi instantly turned to Zhong Lin, transmitting his voice rapidly.


"After you harvested the Bi Valley Grass, did you erase your scent?"


As soon as he spoke, Zhong Lin's face turned pale!


Without hesitation, Li Guanqi transmitted, "Run!!"


Tap tap tap!


As they landed, the Dark Bat instantly turned its head towards them!


It then opened its mouth and emitted a piercing sonic wave!


Almost the moment they touched the ground, the sonic wave reached their ears.


Everyone's orifices bled, their minds reeling!


"Cover your ears, run!!"


Li Guanqi shouted, pulling Lin Dong and Zhong Lin as they sprinted outside.


The jade slip flickered, and Ke Qin's voice came through again.


"The Wanxian Sword Faction and the Zixiao Pavilion have returned!"


Li Guanqi's thoughts raced. It seemed the others also knew there were treasures inside the cave.


They wanted to try their luck again, but Li Guanqi could no longer concern himself with that.


The roars of the two beasts behind them seemed to shake the heavens.


The cave walls trembled, and stones fell from above.


Their speed reached its limit, and they finally ran out of the cave.


As soon as they emerged, they saw Ke Qin. Li Guanqi, without time for explanations, bellowed, "Go! In the opposite direction!"


The five of them didn't hesitate and quickly circled the mountain, fleeing from the back.


The ten members of the Wanxian Sword Faction and the Zixiao Pavilion had just reached the cave entrance when they spotted the group.


Zhao Yuanlin frowned, thinking to himself, "Why would people from the Great Xia Sword Sect come out of this cave?"




Then they saw two beasts, nearly mad with rage, and as soon as they saw them, the chase became even more frenzied than before.


The group kept sprinting northward, and after what felt like an eternity, they stopped after covering nearly three thousand meters.


They collapsed on the ground, their vital energy nearly depleted.


Ye Feng, gasping for breath, couldn't help but mutter while looking at the composed Li Guanqi, "What a freak!"


Li Guanqi instructed everyone to quickly absorb spiritual energy, then said in a deep voice, "I got two things from beneath that pool."


Lin Dong and the others had guessed that Li Guanqi had found treasures below, but there hadn't been a chance to ask.


"What things? What could be under the water?"


"Quick, show us, what treasures did you find?"




A whole chunk of silver stone hit the ground.


Ye Feng and Zhong Lin's eyes were filled with disbelief!!


Zhong Lin said gravely, "Taiyi Precious Silver! Such a large piece could sell for ten thousand Spirit Stones!"


Ye Feng nodded slightly, then added, "You mentioned two things? What's the other?"




A golden stone suddenly appeared in Li Guanqi's palm.


Even Zhong Lin couldn't recognize it.


But Ye Feng blurted out, "Xuanbao Spirit Sand! My goodness! Such a large piece, at least thirty thousand Spirit Stones!"


"We're rich!!"


Li Guanqi didn't waste words, storing the items before saying, "Once we get out, we'll sell these and split the proceeds."


Ke Qin, who had been silent, suddenly looked up and said softly, "Do I… do I get a share too?"


Li Guanqi smiled slightly and replied softly, "Of course, you did well just now. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have reacted in time."


The people in the cave all smiled broadly.


But they all knew that without Li Guanqi, they might have been beast fodder by now.


Li Guanqi's decisiveness also earned their admiration.


Li Guanqi stood up, looked into the distance, and said softly, "Let's talk while we walk. There seem to be many structures ahead."


"Perhaps this is a secret realm of some Sect, and there's more than just the treasures outside."


After the division of spoils, everyone was eager.


Li Guanqi, however, glanced back nonchalantly.


Wanxian Sword Faction, Zixiao Pavilion…


"We haven't seen anyone from Zhenyue Mountain or Orient Loong Island, and there should be two left from the Seven-String Sect."


"But the jade slip no longer shows their positions; they must have sensed something."


They quickly ran towards the vague cluster of buildings, and along the way, they saw two other realms.


Both were separated by a Barrier, the Ice and Snow Realm and the Volcano Realm.


Throughout the journey, Li Guanqi avoided many beasts with his powerful Divine Sense.


At the same time, a question arose in his mind.


"Why are there so many beasts here… Could it be that these four different realms are meant to nurture these beasts?"


"Could this be a Beast Taming Sect?"

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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