Chapter 126 – First round ranking, ninety-two

Gu Ran, wielding a Thunder Whip in each hand, was like a female executioner.

The whips danced with such agility, lashing out at her opponent like a fierce storm.

The disciple from Six Yang Academy was desperately trying to fend off the attacks with his sword.

But with every strike, the thunderous arcs from the Thunder Whip transmitted through, paralyzing him.

Half of his body was nearly numb, and he was in so much pain he couldn’t even speak.

His right hand was pitch black, blood dripping steadily from the hilt of his sword.

His entire arm was charred, skin cracked, with countless electric arcs flickering and jumping.

Finally, the disciple couldn’t bear it any longer, his chest heaving as he opened his mouth.

“I admi…”


The Thunder Whip viciously struck his mouth!

Instantly, the corners of the disciple’s mouth split open, his lips turning black from the burn.

Gu Ran’s eyes were icy as she scolded, “If I let you finish that sentence today, I’ll take your surname!”

The disciple was flung several meters away, and before he could regain his balance, he was bombarded with a flurry of whip strikes!

The half-paralyzed youth hadn’t even steadied himself when his back was lashed several times.

He stumbled forward!

A look of terror flashed in the young man’s eyes, ignoring his injuries, he tried to speak again.

“I admi…!!”


Another whip strike landed on his mouth, this time with even more force.

The youth, his mouth full of blood, spat out two teeth, looking up at the sky where Ge Qing was frantically waving his hands, blood filling his mouth as he could only whimper.

Crack! Crack!!

Gu Ran’s Thunder Whip showed no mercy, relentlessly striking his body.

The convulsing youth lay on the ground, starting to foam at the mouth.

Finally, an Elder from Six Yang Academy couldn’t stand it any longer and intervened.

“Enough! We concede!!”

However, Gu Ran inside the barrier looked coldly at the Elder.

She then looked up to the sky and said, “If I’m not mistaken, a concession only counts if the disciple on the arena says it, right?”

Ge Qing, expressionless, looked at the Elder and softly said, “That’s correct.”

The Old Man became frantic, saying in a deep voice, “We, the Elders of Six Yang Academy, have already declared our defeat!!”

“Why doesn’t it count?”

Ge Qing glanced at the Old Man with an indifferent look and softly said, “Those are the rules! Do you have a problem with that?”

The Old Man opened his mouth, but after seeing Ge Qing’s icy gaze, he was like a duck whose throat had been squeezed, unable to utter a word.

He glared at Gu Ran and said bitterly, “Very well! I’ll remember this, Great Xia Sword Sect!”

However, upon hearing this, rage ignited in Gu Ran’s heart!

Her hands conjured the Thunder Whip from the Spirit Spell, lashing out wildly at the disciple from Six Yang Academy!

Five breaths!

Ten breaths!

The ferocious whip strikes continued until the disciple’s body was charred black, and he lay silent before she stopped.

The Elder didn’t leave, just stood there watching Gu Ran finish it all!

Gu Ran dispelled the Spirit Spell in her hands, her eyes fiercely meeting the Elder’s.

“When your Six Yang Academy killed disciples of our Great Xia Sword Sect, our feud was sealed!”

“If you seek revenge, come at me!”

“I hope we meet in the next round! You scum!”

Gu Ran, with her slightly dark skin, was fearless before the Elder’s murderous gaze.

Because Qin Xian stood behind her, unafraid of the Elder’s potential outburst.

At this point, all the disciples on the arenas had finished their battles.

Aside from Ye Feng, who had seriously injured his opponent, Zhong Lin and the others hadn’t managed to stop their opponents from conceding.

In other words, out of ten disciples from the Great Xia Sword Sect who participated in the competition, the first round ended with one dead and three seriously injured!

Six Yang Academy also suffered heavy losses, with two dead and four seriously injured!

The Elder’s face turned ashen as he suddenly cracked a sinister smile at Qin Xian.

The Elder, with his hands behind his back, glanced over the faces of the Great Xia Sword Sect disciples.

“Great Xia Sword Sect… heh, take care of yourselves.”

“I’ll remember your young faces, and I’ll be watching when you die in agony.”

Then the Elder turned and gestured, “Let’s go!”

After the people from Six Yang Academy left, the onlookers burst into jeers.

After all, their actions were clearly a case of trying to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice.

They had hoped to intimidate the other disciples of the Great Xia Sword Sect with ruthless tactics, but they didn’t expect the Great Xia Sword Sect’s disciples to be even more ruthless!

Those of lower realms but with a desperate fighting spirit also caught everyone’s attention.

At this time, the Great Xia Sword Sect’s points were displayed on the record stone.

Among the early stage Foundation Establishment disciples, only Zhong Lin and Lin Dong won, meaning out of four disciples, one died and one was injured, resulting in zero points.

Among the three middle stage Foundation Establishment disciples, only Ye Feng won his fight.

Lin Qingyu and another seriously injured disciple ended up with a deduction of two points.

Li Guanqi, Yu Ye, and Gu Ran, who should have had nine points, ended up with only seven!

If they had all won, it would have been nineteen points, and a full victory would have added an extra point, making it twenty.

But after the first round, the Great Xia Sword Sect only had a meager seven points!

Other Sects, even with their wins and losses, were around twelve points.

Qin Xian looked at the record stone, which showed their Sect ranked ninety-second, and sighed.

“Let’s go back and heal our wounds, we’ll talk about the rest later!”

Everyone nodded solemnly and flew off into the sky.

At this moment, none of them had the heart to watch the other Sects’ battles.

It wasn’t until nightfall that Qin Xian emerged from his room, relieved.

Looking at his disciples, the Elder softly said, “It’s okay now, their lives are saved, and their foundations aren’t too badly damaged.”

Qin Xian pondered for a moment, then said, “Let’s go, we’ll talk in the great hall.”

When everyone arrived, they found that Tu Kui and Li Nanting, the two Elders, were also present.

However, their faces were extremely grim, clearly outraged by the day’s events.

But the helplessness on their faces also let everyone know the cruelty of the Centennial competition among a hundred Sects.

Qin Xian only said one thing.

“The upcoming matches will definitely be more intense, and the opponents will be even more ruthless!”

“So… I’ll say it again, the glory of the Sect doesn’t require you to sacrifice your lives!”

“Life comes first!”

Returning to their rooms, everyone seemed worried, and Ye Feng and the others went to Li Guanqi’s room.

However, the spectators around Tianyu Mountain.

After watching the fight between the Great Xia Sword Sect and Six Yang Academy, watching the other Sects’ battles felt tasteless!

Everyone was looking forward to seeing the Great Xia Sword Sect, known for their spirited disciples, fight again tomorrow!

Unknowingly, the Great Xia Sword Sect had caught everyone’s attention.

Even though they were at the bottom of the points ranking, that didn’t stop many from favoring them!

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