Chapter 120 – Displeased Zhong Lin, met his match

The melodious and graceful zither sound slowly drifted from the high platform on the first floor.

The zither sound was as refreshing as a spring, as soft as drizzle, and as gentle as a spring breeze.

Those who were waiting for their drinks all paused slightly in their actions.

Such an ethereal sound involuntarily made people close their eyes to savor it carefully.

It made people want to put down all the burdens in their hearts, just to enjoy this moment of tranquility.

After the piece ended, everyone was still immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

Everyone swiftly moved to the side of the staircase and looked down.

A few were taken aback to find a woman sitting at the zither on the stage, dressed in blue brocade with a floral pattern.

Her face was covered with a light blue veil, and although she wore a touch of makeup, her eyes were pure.

Especially her fair jade hands that were still slightly red.

Ye Feng whispered, “Isn’t that the girl who sells osmanthus cakes? How did she end up performing in a high-class brothel?”

Zhong Lin frowned slightly and after pondering for a moment, he said softly, “Perhaps she has her own difficulties at home.”

Li Guanqi merely glanced and didn’t say much.

The sorrows of the world are too many to manage; some people are just trying their best to live each day.


The attendant, who had been waiting at the side, bowed and said, “Young Master, what are your orders?”

Li Guanqi took out a silver ingot worth a hundred taels with a wave of his hand.

Not too much, but definitely not a small amount.

“Order some tea for the lady playing the zither downstairs.”

The waiter took the silver, bowed, and said, “Thank you, sir. I will let her know.”

Li Guanqi waved his hand and said softly, “No need for that, just bring the drinks quickly.”

The waiter bowed and hurriedly retreated, saying, “Right away, I’ll go and hurry them.”

The food and drinks were served, and everyone began to feast heartily.

However, at that moment, there was a knock at the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

Li Guanqi frowned and saw that the woman was standing outside the door.

With a wave of his hand, he opened the door, and the woman first bowed deeply to everyone from outside, then stepped into the room.

Seeing that the men were not accompanied by beauties, her eyebrows relaxed a bit.

Her voice was as gentle and lively as before, but with a touch less enthusiasm.

She didn’t feel embarrassed about seeing them here again.

With a slight opening of her lips, she said softly, “My surname is Song, first name Zhian. I’ve come to offer a cup of tea as a token of gratitude.”

After speaking, Song Zhian picked up the teapot from the table next to her and poured a cup of tea for each person.

After Song Zhian offered the tea, she prepared to leave, but at that moment, Zhong Lin slightly frowned.

He picked up his wine cup and said softly, “A hundred taels of silver just to offer a cup of tea? Not even playing a piece on the zither?”

Li Guanqi turned his head and looked at Zhong Lin with calm eyes.

Realizing his mistake, Zhong Lin quickly drank his wine and waved his hand at Song Zhian.

The woman stood there, clutching her skirt tightly with both hands, her head lowered as she spoke softly.

“I can, but it will cost extra.”

Song Zhian’s voice was very soft, but she spoke with firmness about the additional payment.

Li Guanqi had already lost interest by then; even if she played the zither now, it would have lost its flavor.

A silver ingot flew towards the woman, and Li Guanqi said softly, “Take it, after all, the inn won’t take a cut of this hundred taels.”

“No need to play the zither. If you feel like it and wish to play again in the future, I would be willing to listen once more.”

Song Zhian’s eyes beneath the veil instantly reddened as she looked at the silver ingot in her hand.

Her lips trembled slightly, but she just looked deeply at Li Guanqi twice, bowed, and left the room.

Li Guanqi, who had lost all interest, turned to Zhong Lin and said calmly.

“Do not use your status as an immortal to look down on anyone. I came here just to listen to music and drink.”

“Everyone is born equal, it’s just various circumstances that lead some to a life of wealth and ease, while others are born into poverty but with fiery souls.”

After saying this, disappointment was hard to hide in Li Guanqi’s eyes…

Although Ye Feng also came from a decent background, he never put on airs, including in his interactions with Lin Dong.

Zhong Lin’s face changed continuously, and his eyes were somewhat complex.

The group left Qingxiao Tower in silence, but as they prepared to fly out of the city on their swords,

They saw Song Zhian, thinly clad, her face full of joy, braving the cold wind as she carried bags of medicinal herbs back home.

This scene deeply touched Li Guanqi’s heart, reminding him of that snowy night when he too had been like this.

Only he hadn’t been as fortunate as Song Zhian to encounter a young lad willing to give silver.

The other three had their own thoughts, with Ye Feng looking curiously at the complex-looking Li Guanqi.

Lin Dong looked back and forth between Zhong Lin and Li Guanqi, wanting to say something but ultimately remaining silent.

The next morning, the elders of the sect called everyone up early.

Qin Xian instructed Senior Brother Wu Bing to take them to Tianyu Mountain to register their sect identities.

Wu Bing was dressed in a green robe with embroidered edges, a green jade belt, and a gold crown with a floral pattern.

His face was as white as jade, his eyebrows like swords, and his tall figure exuded a masculine energy.

Wu Bing looked at the ten disciples in front of him and chuckled, “My fellow junior brothers and sisters, follow me.”



Wu Bing’s figure turned into a fiery red streak and leaped into the sky.

The rest of the disciples followed him on their swords.

Li Guanqi’s mind trembled; to his senses, Senior Brother Wu Bing seemed very dangerous!

That feeling made his hair stand on end!

“So strong!”

Li Guanqi said softly, “Sword Spirit, if it were him, would he qualify to become a heroic spirit in the Illusionary Realm of Baihao?”

The Sword Spirit’s voice echoed in his mind, “It’s very likely, but he’s not there yet. However, he has great potential.”

Li Guanqi nodded silently; anyone spoken of like this by the Sword Spirit was truly one in a million.

Soon, everyone followed Wu Bing to Tianyu Mountain, where the base was bustling with noise, and countless sect disciples came flying in on their swords.

The three large platforms that seemed huge were now somewhat crowded.

Heading straight for the third platform, everyone landed, and Wu Bing looked back at Li Guanqi and said.

“Junior Brother Li, you lead them to wait here for a while. I’ll go register our sect identities and then come back to take you over.”

Li Guanqi smiled and nodded, saying softly, “Go ahead, brother. We’ll wait here.”

As Wu Bing flew off, Li Guanqi turned and said softly, “Let’s wait here for a bit, everyone.”

However, just as Wu Bing had left, three groups of people came towards them!

Li Guanqi’s eyes narrowed, and he murmured softly, “Seven Strings Sect, Orient Loong Island, Zixiao Pavilion.”

The leading disciples of the three major sects also saw Li Guanqi, and their eyes were filled with hostile glares.

At that moment, the leader of Zixiao Pavilion turned and walked away with his disciples.

But the disciples of Seven Strings Sect and Orient Loong Island walked straight towards them!

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