Chapter 109 – Three great elements of infants, breaking the formation curtain

“Junior Brother, try to select secret techniques from the higher shelves.”

“The sword techniques on the lower shelves are mostly of lower grades, and it would be somewhat wasteful for you to use this opportunity on them.”

Li Guanqi had just picked up an ancient tome when Gu Ran’s voice whispered in his ear from behind.

Li Guanqi’s movements paused slightly; he couldn’t reveal to Gu Ran that the Sword Spirit could compensate for the deficiencies of this incomplete volume.

He could only shrug and respond, “Senior Sister, this technique suits me well.”

“Some techniques may be of high grade, but they might not be the most suitable for me.”

But who knew Gu Ran would say earnestly, “Junior Brother, I know you’re talented.”

“But precisely because of that, you can’t waste your talent.”

“Suitability is important, but the grade of the secret technique manuals is equally crucial.”

“Even if a Yellow-grade technique suits you, it’s fundamentally inferior to a Profound-grade technique.”

Gu Ran spoke with deep conviction, “Opportunities like this are rare, so try to choose a sword technique of sufficiently high grade.”

“You picked this technique right away; why not look around more? Perhaps there are others that would also suit you.”

Li Guanqi shook his head slightly and said softly, “Thank you for your kindness, Senior Sister. I understand the reason, but this sword technique is indeed the most suitable for me.”

Seeing his decision, the woman rolled her eyes at him and said no more, turning to carefully select her own techniques.

The Sword Spirit’s voice slowly rose in his mind.

“This little girl could achieve great things if she specializes in Spirit Spells in the future.”

Li Guanqi asked with some surprise, “Oh? Why?”

His surprise stemmed from the fact that the Sword Spirit rarely praised others.

The Sword Spirit murmured, “This little girl has a somewhat special constitution, but it’s not particularly powerful.”

“However, due to this constitution, she has a strong empathic ability towards many people and things.”

“And her soul is quite resilient, making her very suitable for studying Spirit Spells.”

However, Li Guanqi let it go in one ear and out the other, instead asking,

“Hehe, then Sword Spirit, do you know any particularly powerful Spirit Spells?”

“If you look down on them, you could teach them to me.”

But who knew the Sword Spirit would revert to its usual aloofness, scoffing coldly.

“Spirit Spells? Mere trifles!”

“In this world, all techniques can be broken with a single sword; what’s the use in learning them?”

Li Guanqi’s spirit was shaken; he could clearly sense the immense confidence and pride in the Sword Spirit’s voice when it uttered those words!

“Uh… impressive! Just listening to you gets my blood boiling!”

“So… in the end, you don’t know any, right?”

“No worries, how could anyone possibly know everything?”

“With our relationship, you can just say it; I won’t laugh at you.”

The Sword Spirit huffed coldly, too lazy to explain too much.

Li Guanqi, not receiving a response, touched his nose feeling somewhat dejected.

He then began to search through the shelves for movement techniques.

His current movement technique was too low-grade, and even his burst speed couldn’t keep up with the strength of his physical body.

After searching, he found a movement technique called “Cloud Wanderer” on the top shelf.

The book contained only one sentence.

‘When the movement technique is mastered, one need not fear those who have just entered the Golden Elixir stage!’

Li Guanqi was secretly delighted and placed the ancient tome into his storage ring.

After he stored the technique, outside the door, Ling Daoyan opened his eyes and smiled faintly.

He took a sip from his wine gourd, then slowly closed his eyes again, gently tapping the chair next to him as it rocked.

“You’ve got a good eye, brat. It wasn’t in vain that I took out my private collection.”

“But… the Purple Micro Demonic Sword only has two moves, although powerful, but…”

“Hmm… should I inform Lu Kangnian?”

But then, as if the old man thought of something, he stopped there and just murmured softly.

“He doesn’t seem like a fool; perhaps he has his reasons.”

However, the old man’s squinted eyes twinkled with sharpness, and the tapping of his fingers carried a deadly aura, his thoughts unknown.

Finally, Gu Ran also chose two suitable techniques and left with Li Guanqi.

After bidding farewell, Li Guanqi soared into the sky on his sword towards Jade Bottle Peak.


A terrifying pressure descended upon the Great Xia Sword Sect like the might of the heavens!

That dreadful pressure spread through the Void, and three figures in purple robes appeared above Heavenly Sword Peak!

The leading old man had white hair and a youthful face, with a hooked nose and triangular eyes.

His face trembled slightly as he raised his hand to gather a golden Magical Longsword that was dozens of feet long.

Then, with a fierce gesture, he pointed towards Heavenly Sword Peak!!!

“Lu Kangnian, come out to me now!!”


Terrifying power gathered in the sky, and the weather changed abruptly as thick clouds obscured the sun.

The sharpness of the golden Primordial Energy caused all disciples of the Great Xia Sword Sect, even those a thousand feet away, to feel a stinging sensation on their skin.

Even from a distance of over a thousand feet, Li Guanqi could still see the giant Magical Longsword falling towards Heavenly Sword Peak!


A loud noise echoed as a layer of blue light shielded against the descent of the Magical Longsword, sparks flying everywhere. The barrier rippled violently like a cold pond struck by a stone.

In an instant, everyone inside sensed the anomaly, and all disciples and Elders within the Great Xia Sword Sect took to the skies on their swords!

The white-haired old man’s eyes were as sharp as knives, and with a cold snort, the descent of the Magical Longsword intensified!


The barrier shattered, and just as the Magical Longsword was about to land on the main hall of Heavenly Sword Peak,


A figure slowly emerged above the main hall!

It was Lu Kangnian, dressed in a green robe.

Seeing Lu Kangnian appear, the old man scoffed.

“Bold! I thought you were going to play the turtle, hiding inside the protective formation and not coming out!”

At this moment, Lu Kangnian’s eyes were cold, and behind him, nine Magical Longswords circled and flew.

With a flick of his finger, the Magical Longswords one after another soared into the Void!

The tiny Magical Longswords collided with the tip of the giant golden Magical Longsword.

Thud! Thud, thud!!

The booming sounds were continuous.

The terrifying force caused all ten main peaks of the sect to tremble slightly.

It wasn’t until the fourth Magical Longsword flew out that the golden Magical Longsword in the sky finally shattered!

Behind Lu Kangnian, Qin Xian also appeared, along with another Elder who was not often seen.

All three Elders in purple robes had intense fluctuations of Primordial Energy around them.

Following a cold snort from the leading Elder, a tremendous pressure burst forth from him.

This pressure was like the might of the heavens, smashing down head-on!

Including Li Guanqi, all disciples of the Great Xia Sword Sect who had risen into the sky on their swords could not maintain their form and fell awkwardly through the Void!

Li Guanqi flew down from his sword, steadying himself on the peak of a mountain.

Lu Kangnian’s voice was cold as he said sternly, “The three Elders of Purple Sun Hall come knocking, and you start by trying to break the gates of my Great Xia Sword Sect, what a grand display of power!”

“Today, if you don’t give my Great Xia Sword Sect an explanation, it might be a bit hard to justify!”

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