Chapter 106 – One hundred martial arts competitions, be prepared

“Tch, look at you, so lacking in ambition.”

Ye Feng found Lin Dong’s words rather dull.

Yet Li Guanqi chuckled softly, “You can’t say that about Dong. That’s his dream.”

“It’s just that he’s content for now. Maybe he’ll have other dreams in the future.”

“People are different. You can’t look down on someone just because their dreams seem small.”

“How could you, who have never suffered life’s hardships, possibly understand Dong’s feelings?”

Lin Dong picked up his cup, clinked it with Li Guanqi’s, and downed the strong liquor.

Zhong Lin and Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Li Guanqi turned to Li Shengan, who had become much more composed, and asked with a smile, “What about you, Little Fatty? Do you have any dreams?”

Li Shengan, head bowed with a smile on his face, replied, “Originally, I was content with just getting by in life.”

“Having the fortune to enter the path of immortality, I didn’t think too much at first.”

Saying this, Little Fatty slowly raised his head and grinned at Li Guanqi.

“At first, I just wanted to find someone to rely on.”

“But you made me realize that it’s better to rely on oneself.”

“So… I also want to climb as high as I can on the great Dao, no matter where I reach, I won’t consider it a loss.”

“Even if I can only see part of the scenery from halfway up the mountain, I won’t have too many regrets.”

Li Shengan’s eyes shone with brightness as he spoke, and everyone could hear the determination in his words.

Then, everyone’s gaze naturally turned to Li Guanqi.

The youth smiled slightly, lying on the ground with his hands behind his head.

Feeling the breeze atop the mountain, Li Guanqi slowly opened his eyes and reached out towards the sky.

He murmured softly, “I want to have a group of brothers and sisters by my side, to see the immortal realms.”

That short sentence alone shocked everyone.

The youth didn’t speak of becoming some sort of powerful being, as if such things were destined for him.

He simply stated calmly that he wanted to become a mighty cultivator capable of ascending to the immortal realms, which at the very least required reaching the legendary Mahayana phase!

Ye Feng pursed his lips and muttered, “Typical Li, with great talent comes great confidence.”

“Talking about ascension as if it’s nothing.”

But after the youth finished speaking, a mysterious gleam flickered in Ye Feng’s eyes.

That night, the young men with dreams in their hearts drank themselves into a stupor.

Only Yu Sui’an was left to devour the roast meat.

The next morning, the group, who had all established their foundations, chose their own cultivation peaks near Li Guanqi’s Jade Bottle Peak.

After settling everything, Ye Feng simply found Li Guanqi and sat on the edge of a cliff, saying softly,

“Li, since you’re not in a hurry to break through and need to polish your foundation…”

“How about… you spar with me? I don’t want to fall too far behind you.”

Li Guanqi smiled slightly and replied softly, “Sure, but you’ll have to pay.”

“And be prepared to endure a lot of hardship.”

Ye Feng waved his hand grandly, “Don’t worry, I’ll cover all the spirit stones needed for cultivation!”

In the following days, disciples of the Great Xia Sword Sect often saw a figure with a bruised nose and swollen face, running to Heavenly Water Peak every day.

It had to be said, Ye Feng’s talent was indeed great, and his understanding of the sword Dao was quick.

Li Guanqi himself was also busy, visiting the Sword box altar every other day to have the Sword Spirit help activate the Illusionary Realm of Baihao.

This time, the heroic phantom he faced was a woman wielding an Emei spike.

According to the Sword Spirit, in the coming days, Li Guanqi not only needed to improve his swordsmanship,

but also understand the combat styles of those who wield different weapons.

Every three times, the Sword Spirit would conjure a heroic phantom with different weapons to spar with him.

This meant that Ye Feng was in for a tough time during the day!

Ye Feng, covered in bruises, constantly cursed under his breath, “What’s gotten into Li lately? Such fury, and his strikes are so ruthless!”

As the sun rose, Li Guanqi still sat on the mountain peak, facing east.

Wisps of white mist were inhaled through his nose, while he exhaled turbid air from his mouth.

As the cultivation technique within him circulated, the Primordial Energy in his pubic region, already refined, was hammered and refined again.

The strands of Primordial Energy, now a third smaller than before after refinement, coursed through his fingers.

Recently, he had encountered many strange and unusual weapons in the Illusionary Realm of Baihao.

Undeniably, each heroic phantom had a profound understanding of their weapon.

And after each battle, the Sword Spirit would explain the deficiencies to him.

His strength improved, which also meant Ye Feng’s strength improved.

Often, while meditating at night, he could see someone on Ye Feng’s mountain practicing swordsmanship desperately.

Perhaps influenced by the atmosphere of Thousand Peaks Mountain, Ye Feng no longer slept in.

With his Royal-Grade Spirit Root talent, his strength had been soaring lately.

However, just as Li Guanqi entered a state of cultivation, he suddenly received a message from his master.

“Guanqi, come to my other courtyard.”

Li Guanqi then rose and flew on his sword towards Heavenly Thunder Peak, encountering many returning fellow disciples along the way.

They all nodded slightly as they passed by Li Guanqi.

His deeds in the secret realm had already spread throughout the Sect.

Although half a month had passed since the secret realm closed, what was strange was that Purple Sun Hall had not sent anyone over.

After all, the secret realm was temporarily borrowed by the Great Xia Sword Sect for Purple Sun Hall.

Now that the secret realm was shattered, logically, Purple Sun Hall should have sent someone to inquire about the cause.

Moreover, Li Guanqi noticed that the Elders of various peaks often went out for a few days and then returned.

And Elder Qin Xian had not returned, although it was announced that he was in seclusion, but Li Guanqi knew the truth.

“It seems… this matter won’t end well, just don’t know if it will cause a major conflict.”

“Never mind, let’s see what Master wants first.”

When Li Guanqi arrived at the entrance of the other courtyard, he found that Second Elder Xu Zhengjie was also there.

Along with Senior Sister Gu Ran, the three of them looked towards Li Guanqi.

Li Guanqi stepped into the courtyard and bowed to the three, “Disciple Li Guanqi greets Master, Second Elder.”

“Junior brother greets Senior Sister.”

Gu Ran smiled slightly, teasing, “You kid, your realm is now equal to mine, I really need to work harder on my cultivation~”

Li Nanting smiled slightly, clearly seeing that Li Guanqi’s realm had been solidified recently, without the previous sense of instability.

He nodded in satisfaction and spoke softly, “The reason I called you here is to tell you something.”

“The centennial competition among a hundred Sects in the Northern Domain has been scheduled, in one month.”

“I called you here to let you and your Senior Sister prepare. The Great Xia Sword Sect has ten spots, including the two of you.”

Li Guanqi was slightly taken aback, thinking to himself, “The competition among a hundred Sects? Goodness… a hundred Sects participating?”

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