Chapter 104 – One big and one small, stealing fat fish

After Zhou Zhi and his companion said their goodbyes,

Li Guanqi tidied up the house inside and out, feeling the fullness in his pubic region.

Suddenly, he muttered to himself, “I’m suddenly in the mood for some barbecue…”

However, after rummaging through his storage ring, all he found was an iron pot.

Looking at the iron pot in his hands, a playful smile appeared on Li Guanqi’s lips.

He took out a jade slip and cleared his throat before speaking.

“Ye Feng, how’s your injury? Feeling any better?”

Soon, Ye Feng’s somewhat weak voice came through.

“Much better, Master gave me a lot of tonics, I’m practically bursting with energy these days.”

Li Guanqi pursed his lips and said softly, “Since you’re all fired up, why not come over for some barbecue?”

“Where? The other courtyard or Jade Bottle Peak? I’ll be right there!”

Ye Feng’s urgent voice transmitted from the jade slip.

The young man’s eyes shifted as he spoke softly, “Ah, Lin Dong is here too. We’ve got plenty of big fish and meat for the barbecue, but I was thinking of having some roast chicken.”

“Could you find a way to bring one over?”

“But Lin Dong said he’s bringing spirit fish, so whatever you bring can’t be too shabby.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Feng thumped his chest with a bang.

“Che, just relax, Li. There might not be spirit poultry on Heavenly Gold Peak, but there is on Heavenly Wood Peak!”

After putting down the jade slip, Li Guanqi immediately sent a message to Zhong Lin.

“Old Zhong, I had a narrow escape from death, and today Ye Feng insists on having a barbecue at my Jade Bottle Peak.”

“He’s bringing two spirit hens, so you decide what to bring.”

“Oh right, I heard the pill furnaces at Heavenly Pillar Peak’s Pill Refining Hall make for an excellent barbecue oven…”

Zhong Lin’s message came quickly in response.

“Don’t worry, what I bring won’t be any worse than what Old Ye’s got.”

Li Guanqi put down the jade slip and pondered what else was needed.

“That Lin Dong… I’ve just recovered from my injuries, and both Zhong Lin and Old Ye said they’re bringing something to visit me.”

Lin Dong’s honest voice came through, “Then I’ll be right over.”

“Shengan, it’s been a while. Later, Ye Feng and Lin Dong are coming to Jade Bottle Peak for a barbecue.”

“But none of these guys are bringing drinks. Could you bring some when you come?”

In the Outer Sect’s training room, Li Shengan, who had just awakened from his cultivation, was somewhat surprised.

He had heard about Li Guanqi’s rapid progress in the Inner Sect.

He thought he’d never have any more dealings with these people in his life.

After hearing the message in the jade slip, Li Shengan grinned and said directly.

“Don’t worry, it’s just drinks, right? I’ll bring you the best spirit wine!”

After putting down the jade slip, Li Guanqi smiled contentedly.

“Ah, isn’t that everything?”


A slightly childish voice came from behind Li Guanqi.

“Roar! Little Blind, I heard everything, you know!”

“Trying to get a free ride, huh~”

Li Guanqi’s expression froze, and he turned around but saw no one. He flashed to the edge of Jade Bottle Peak and looked down.

Then he saw a scene that made him laugh and cry.

Yu Sui’an, dressed in a floral jacket, had one foot caught in a tree branch on the cliffside, swinging back and forth.

Upon seeing Li Guanqi, she still remembered to hold down the corners of her clothes, lest her round belly be exposed.

Li Guanqi gently raised his hand, and the Cang Lang Sword traced a beautiful arc, quickly landing beneath her.

After the little girl landed, she stood tall and proud, looking up at Li Guanqi with her hands behind her back.

She pointed at Li Guanqi and said, “Humph, caught you, didn’t I!”

Li Guanqi pulled her over and spanked her a few times.

“Ah! Ouch! Don’t hit me.”

Li Guanqi laughed softly, “You daredevil, only at the fourth level of Qi Refining and you’re climbing Jade Bottle Peak. What if you fell?”

Yu Sui’an didn’t listen to him and ran off far away.

Pointing at him, she said, “I don’t care, I want to eat too!”

After saying that, the little girl tilted her head and raised her eyebrows, “There are two fish in Grandpa Xu’s yard, right outside in the little pond, so fat~”

“Imagine how delicious they would be if they were grilled~”

The little girl said this while salivating.

Li Guanqi thought to himself, “She does have a point…”

“When the others arrive, it won’t do for me to have prepared nothing.”

With that, Li Guanqi took the little girl on a Sword flight, and in an instant, they flew towards Heavenly Thunder Peak.

However, as they returned to Heavenly Thunder Peak,

Ye Feng sneaked into the back mountain of Heavenly Wood Peak.

The disciples in charge of breeding the spirit poultry greeted Ye Feng one after another.

“Brother Ye, what brings you to Heavenly Wood Peak? Looking for someone?”

Ye Feng didn’t expect there to be disciples on guard here. He laughed it off and pretended to leave.

After covering his face with a veil and scouting for a while, he seized the opportunity when the disciple wasn’t looking.

In a flash, he grabbed two hens and ran.

The disciple stood by the window, dumbfounded, watching the scene unfold.

Turning to his fellow disciple, he said, “Did… Brother Ye just take us for fools?”

The young man beside him shrugged helplessly, “Maybe that’s Brother Ye’s hobby…”

The honest Lin Dong went to the back mountain of Heavenly Earth Peak and used his points to buy a lot of beef and mutton.

As for Zhong Lin, the young master of the Sunyang Mountain, he also arrived at Heavenly Pillar Peak.

Looking at the towering Pill Refining Hall in front of him, he hesitated for a long time before entering.

Moments later…

“Which damn rabbit stole the pill furnace!!”

“Don’t let me catch you!!”

Zhong Lin, descending from Heavenly Pillar Peak, could no longer keep his composure and took off running, throwing out his Sword for flight!

Zhong Lin, who had just broken through to Foundation Establishment the day before, was still a bit wobbly on his Sword flight.

The others were all heading towards Jade Bottle Peak.

At this time, Li Guanqi and Yu Sui’an had already sneaked to the outside of Elder Xu Zhengjie’s other courtyard.

The two figures, one big and one small, crept along the wall, aiming for the two green spirit fish in the pond at the courtyard gate.

“Hey~ Is the Second Elder around?”

Yu Sui’an turned her head, put her finger to her lips, and frowned.

“Shh! Grandpa Xu should be in the backyard sunbathing in his chair right now.”

“Don’t talk!”

Li Guanqi nodded quickly in response, and then they cautiously approached the courtyard gate.

As they got close, Yu Sui’an’s eyes lit up at the sight of the big fat fish up to her chest.

Rolling up her sleeves without a second thought, she jumped in and caught one. Luckily, the water only reached her little legs.

“Ah! I got it! I got it!!”

“Quick, run for it!”

The little girl struggled to jump out with the big fish in her arms and took off down the mountain with her legs pumping.

Seeing this, Li Guanqi also grabbed a fish and ran, picking up the little girl by the collar along the way.

The two boarded the Sword flight and flew towards Jade Bottle Peak.

In the other courtyard,

Xu Zhengjie frowned as he looked at the old man beside him.

“Old Li… coming straight to my pond to catch fish, isn’t that a bit too much?”

Li Nanting gently rocked in his chair, an amused smile on his aged face.

“Hahaha, what’s the big deal?”

“Later, let little Baozi call you Grandpa Xu a few more times, and you’ll be willing to pass on all your life’s work to her.”

“It’s just two spirit fish, let her have a taste.”

Xu Zhengjie tapped his pipe and muttered, “That’s true.”

“But… it’s quite interesting that the Sect has produced three little bastards all at once.”

“One stealing chickens, one stealing a furnace, and one coming straight to my house to steal fish.”

Li Nanting opened his eyes and glanced at him with a smile, “What, little Baozi stealing fish doesn’t count as stealing, and she’s not one of the little bastards?”

“Hmph, can little Baozi be the same? She’s my great-granddaughter. What’s wrong with eating two fish?”

Xu Zhengjie puffed out his beard and glared as he spoke.

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