Chapter 82 – The child has grown up and can’t be beaten anymore

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

Cultivating alongside Zhao Yichuan?


Chen Qingyuan's eyes widened in extreme unease, and he quickly voiced his concern: "Predecessor, shouldn't I be cultivating with my Master?"


"Your Master sent a Sound Transmission just now, asking me to help instruct you."


Zhao Yichuan gave Chen Qingyuan a "kind" smile.


No way!


Is there such a heartless master? You're screwing me over like this?


Originally, Chen Qingyuan thought that even if he accidentally called Zhao Yichuan a "bastard" in front of everyone, it wouldn't matter since he was cultivating at Yunxi Residence and didn't have to worry about Zhao Yichuan giving him a hard time for the time being.


However, Chen Qingyuan never expected his Master, Yu Chen, to pull such a move, directly handing him over to Zhao Yichuan. This was practically sabotage.


"Predecessor is busy, let's forget it! I can manage on my own, no need to trouble you."


Chen Qingyuan gave an awkward smile, hoping to escape this predicament.


"I only have one Disciple, Song Ningyan. Teaching her while keeping an eye on you isn't troublesome."


Zhao Yichuan wasn't about to let Chen Qingyuan slip through his fingers.


Kid, there are indeed many who curse me. However, you're the first to dare call me a bastard to my face, aside from the Dean and the two Vice Deans.


Even though you are the heir of the Qing Sect, I still need to properly discipline you and, in the process, enhance your personal abilities.


Zhao Yichuan's smile sent shivers down Chen Qingyuan's spine.


He wanted to flee but had nowhere to run.


Master, I hate you.


With a trace of resentment in his eyes, Chen Qingyuan was forced to follow Zhao Yichuan to a mysterious place.


"Hey! You're in for it now."


Song Ningyan hailed from a top force in the core region of the Northern Wilderness, with Powerful Figures in her clan and some understanding of the Dao Yi Academy. Her purpose in coming to the Dao Yi Academy was to become Zhao Yichuan's Disciple.


"You're not much better off."


Chen Qingyuan snorted.


Both had changed into the Academy's attire, clad in white robes and skirts, spotlessly clean.


"Who is your Master?"


Even now, Song Ningyan was unclear about Chen Qingyuan's situation in the Dao Yi Academy.


From the recent conversation between Chen Qingyuan and Zhao Yichuan, Song Ningyan could vaguely infer that Chen Qingyuan's Master was no minor figure; otherwise, how could he have Zhao Yichuan take the time to give Chen Qingyuan some instruction?


"I'm not telling you." Chen Qingyuan remained wary of Song Ningyan.


"Suit yourself."


Song Ningyan narrowed her eyes slightly and stopped asking.


After half an hour, they arrived at a mysterious space with an ancient tower standing tall.


The tower had thirty-three levels, each with its own special Laws, and was one of the foundations of the Dao Yi Academy.


"Follow me."


Zhao Yichuan unlocked the Prohibition of the ancient tower and walked with his hands clasped behind his back.


The first level of the tower was pitch black, as if it was an endless dark space.


Zhao Yichuan flicked his finger towards the depths of the space, instantly dispelling the darkness and illuminating every corner.


Then, a black river surged forth, flooding the space.


Holding one in each hand, Zhao Yichuan kept Chen Qingyuan and Song Ningyan from being swallowed by the dark waters: "This is the Black River, which can enhance mental strength. When you reach the end of the Black River, it means your mental strength has reached a satisfactory level."


The Black River was turbulent, forming hundreds of whirlpools.


To reach the end of the Black River, one could only rely on strong mental strength.


"Good luck."


The next moment, Zhao Yichuan let go.


"Splash, splash"


Two sounds of falling into water, Chen Qingyuan and Song Ningyan plunged into the river at the same time.


The Laws of this space had been activated by Zhao Yichuan, their Cultivation Levels sealed, making them like Mortals, unable to use Dao Techniques, let alone fly.


"I wasn't ready yet!"


Chen Qingyuan screamed inwardly, instantly engulfed by the river, his body continuously sinking.


On the other side, Song Ningyan also didn't expect to face such a test upon just entering the door; it was truly torturous. However, she didn't have time to ponder this and hurriedly sought a way to pass the test.


Chen Qingyuan's body kept sinking as if there was no end.


"Stay calm."


He closed his eyes and began to feel everything around him.


Gradually, Chen Qingyuan's descent slowed down. At a certain moment, his body finally stopped.


Invisible mental strength wrapped around every part of Chen Qingyuan's body, shielding him from the Laws of this space.


Then, while enduring immense pressure, Chen Qingyuan faintly felt his mental strength slowly improving.




Outside the ancient tower, Zhao Yichuan stood in white robes, expressionless.


"They've just started, and you've thrown them into the tower; isn't that asking too much?"


Vice Dean Lin Wenchou arrived, disapproving of Zhao Yichuan's actions.


"People of the main vein must possess overwhelming strength over their peers. If they endure, they can truly become core Disciples of the Dao Yi Academy. This requirement isn't too high."


Zhao Yichuan said solemnly.


"At least let them understand what entering the ancient tower means!"


Lin Wenchou chuckled bitterly and spoke.


The ancient tower was perilous, and without sufficient strength, one could be in mortal danger. Over the years, many Heaven's Prides have died in the ancient tower, figures who would be renowned in any domain.


"When they reach the peak, I will tell them. If they can't make it, there's no need to speak of it."


Zhao Yichuan didn't take Lin Wenchou's words to heart, his face indifferent.


"You, kid, always have that sour face and like to snap at people. I really want to give you a good beating."


Lin Wenchou puffed up in anger.


"Go ahead and beat me!" Zhao Yichuan was nonchalant: "In a few years, when I become stronger, I'll beat you back."


"…" Lin Wenchou was left speechless.


If it were anyone else, Lin Wenchou would have beaten them without any psychological burden. But Zhao Yichuan was different; he was the Dean's personal Disciple, with a frighteningly high talent.


In a while, Zhao Yichuan might even take over the position of Dean of the Academy.


Sigh! The child has grown up; it's not good to be hands-on anymore.


If only I had known this day would come, I should have disciplined him well when he was young.


Lin Wenchou sighed helplessly: "You should know the backgrounds of that girl Song and Little Chen by now! Don't kill them off, or else if this good karma turns bad, our Dao Yi Academy might not be able to withstand it."


"I have my measures."


Zhao Yichuan remained cold as ice.


"You don't have a clue, I'll stay here just in case! If something does happen, I can still remedy it."


Lin Wenchou was genuinely worried about Chen Qingyuan and Song Ningyan, so he came directly to the ancient tower to prevent any accidents.


"As you wish."


Zhao Yichuan's attitude was cold, his face showing indifference.


Inside the ancient tower, Chen Qingyuan felt as if his body was being torn apart, his soul as though pricked by countless needles, the pain unbearable and hard to endure.


"I might really lose my life."


Chen Qingyuan dared not relax in the slightest, enduring the severe pain, honing his mental strength.

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