Chapter 5 – Sword Immortal Changgeng, re-cultivating to the Yellow Spirit Realm

Chen Qingyuan used to have extremely high talent, but he was only a fleshly body. According to ancient records, the golden Dao Bone symbolizes a perfect foundation, flawless, and has unimaginable benefits for future cultivation.


In the vast territory of the Northern Wilderness, there are countless stars. Chen Qingyuan was once a well-known Heaven's Pride in the Northern Wilderness, with a broad knowledge. Even so, he had never heard of anyone who could cultivate the rumored Golden Bone without imperfections.


The preciousness of this golden Dao Bone was clear in Chen Qingyuan's heart, and it could be considered priceless.


"Elder, this…" Chen Qingyuan did not remain in a state of joy, and his expression gradually became complicated, hesitantly saying, "This is too precious, and I feel unworthy to accept it."


"By the order of the Respected Elder of the Restricted Zone, the Dao Bone is to be given to the Young Master."


The old man shook his head to indicate that it was not his credit, and explained the specific situation.


"The Restricted Zone." Suddenly, Chen Qingyuan thought of the red-dressed girl, feeling a lingering fear and an inexplicable sense of longing.


"Young Master, rest well. I will leave first."


After saying this, the old man left the secret room.


In the quiet secret room, Chen Qingyuan fell into deep thought.


After a long time, Chen Qingyuan organized his thoughts and understood his own situation, no longer indulging in random thoughts.


With an imperfectionless Dao Bone and a perfect foundation, as long as Chen Qingyuan's Dao Heart was firm in the future, his achievements would be immeasurable.


Chen Qingyuan changed into a clean and neat outfit and walked into the courtyard.


In a corner of the courtyard, the old man sat on a wooden chair, with a cane by his side, and was chopping wood with a broken sword in his hand.


Watching the old man chop wood, Chen Qingyuan hesitated for a moment, then walked over. "Elder, why would you ruin such a good sword?"


"The sword is broken. What use is it, no matter how good it is?" The old man said indifferently.


"My foundation is broken, Elder,  you repair it with great supernatural power? The sword is broken, is there really no way?" Chen Qingyuan really didn't want to see such a good sword used for chopping wood, and felt reluctant in his heart.


"I've tried many times, all failed."


The old man's chopping action paused slightly, and a complex look flashed in the depths of his eyes.


After hearing this, Chen Qingyuan didn't know how to respond, and fell silent.


"What is the name of this sword?"


After a while, Chen Qingyuan asked.


"Rise Sun." The old man pondered for a long time before revealing the name of the sword.


"Rise Sun… I seem to have heard it somewhere." Chen Qingyuan muttered softly, feeling like he had heard of it, and thought deeply. After a moment, Chen Qingyuan suddenly looked up, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, then turned into awe, and exclaimed, "You are Sword Immortal Changgeng!"


Hearing this title, the old man's body trembled slightly, his expression complex, and his voice hoarse. "It's been many years since anyone called me that."


Obviously, the old man admitted his identity.


At their first meeting, the old man was unwilling to reveal his identity. However, after seeing Chen Qingyuan merge with the mysterious Dao Bone just now, the old man changed his mind.


"It's really you, unbelievable."


Chen Qingyuan was stunned, his emotions fluctuating greatly, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.


Sword Immortal Changgeng, originally named Li Muyang. He was once a world-renowned powerhouse, coming from the top swordsmen of the Northern Wilderness.


According to records, the last time Sword Immortal Changgeng appeared was ten thousand years ago. It was said that he went to the Central Province, also known as the Imperial Province. He split the symbolic Purple Cloud Mountain, representing the will of heaven and earth, with a sword, only to pursue the pinnacle of the Sword Dao.


The sword split the Purple Cloud Mountain, provoking the wrath of the heavens, and brought down divine punishment.


In that battle, Sword Immortal Changgeng was defeated, and everyone thought he had died and disappeared, buried by the laws of heaven.


Since then, the life of Sword Immortal Changgeng has become a legendary story, and has been regarded as an insurmountable monument by countless Sword Cultivators.


"It's all just empty fame, long gone with the wind."


Li Muyang was indifferent to these things.


"Senior Sword Immortal is a top figure, why would you stay here?"


Chen Qingyuan had heard the story of Sword Immortal Changgeng since he was a child and respected him greatly.


It was no exaggeration to say that as long as Li Muyang was willing, he could easily establish a top power.


"Sharpening the sword."


Even though he had failed countless times, Li Muyang never gave up.


"Sharpening the sword in this way?" Chen Qingyuan looked at the firewood all over the ground and couldn't understand for the time being.


"Young Master, what do you think is most important for a Sword Cultivator?"


Li Muyang put down the broken sword in his hand and looked at Chen Qingyuan.


"According to common sense, it is very important for a Sword Cultivator to have a sword that fits them and superior Sword Dao techniques," Chen Qingyuan continued, "But I think that no matter which path you take, the most important thing is still the Dao Heart. Cultivation starts with the heart."


Hearing this answer, ripples appeared in Li Muyang's eyes, and he remained silent.After a long while, Li Muyang let out a long sigh: "If in my youth I had the wisdom of the Young Master, I would never have ended up with such a fate. The principle that one must first cultivate the heart on the path of cultivation, I only truly understood it in my later years."


Li Muyang was not honing a sword, but rather his own Dao Heart.


In his youth, Li Muyang considered himself to be exceptionally gifted, everything going smoothly for him, pressing down his peers so that none dared to raise their heads. Later, at the height of his power, he even proclaimed himself the third in the world, making countless Sword Dao experts look up to him in admiration.


Why the third in the world?


Heaven and earth are the first and second.


He claimed to be the third in the world, and no one in the world dared to claim the first or second, for fear of angering the Dao of heaven and earth.


Later on, unable to find a suitable Sword Cultivation opponent, Li Muyang believed his strength had reached an extremely high level. He went to the awe-inspiring Purple Cloud Mountain, drew his sword, and struck, wishing to compete with heaven and earth.


Unfortunately, Li Muyang was defeated and from then on, he vanished from sight.


"May I ask Elder, where is the other half of the treasured sword?"


Chen Qingyuan had been looking at the rusted Broken Sword.


Why the treasured sword rusted was because the Spiritual Wisdom was dormant, turning it into an Ordinary Soldier. One day, if Li Muyang could reforge his Sword Heart, he would be able to revive the treasured sword, revealing its former sharpness.


"It remains on Purple Cloud Mountain."


Li Muyang gazed into the distance, lost in a myriad of thoughts.


The Purple Cloud Mountain in the Central Province, that was a forbidden place.


Chen Qingyuan followed Li Muyang's gaze, silent.




In the days that followed, Chen Qingyuan began his cultivation.


On the first day of re-cultivation, Chen Qingyuan stepped into the Postnatal Realm.


The Postnatal Realm and the Prenatal Realm are the foundations of cultivation, each with nine levels.


In just one month, with the talent of his Imperfectionless Dao Bone and his own comprehension, Chen Qingyuan broke through the ninth level of the Postnatal Realm and ascended to the Prenatal Realm.


After stabilizing his foundation for several days, Chen Qingyuan continued to work hard to improve his Cultivation Level.


This lifestyle continued for half a year, and Chen Qingyuan cultivated to the early stages of the Yellow Spirit Realm.


"To establish a foundation and reach the Yellow Spirit Realm in half a year, it's inconceivable."


If Li Muyang had not seen it with his own eyes, he would have found it hard to believe. In his memory, without relying on Spirit Pills and the infusion of power from stronger cultivators, merely by absorbing the Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth, no one could compare to Chen Qingyuan.


Moreover, Chen Qingyuan's foundation was extremely solid, without a single flaw.


"I've finally reached the Cultivation Level of the Yellow Spirit Realm."


Chen Qingyuan had achieved his first goal and could finally take a breather.


Then, Chen Qingyuan stayed inside the house and took out a dark bracelet from the items he carried with him.


The reason Chen Qingyuan was able to walk out alive from the Sky Abyss Restricted Zone was that he had made a pact with the Red-Dressed Girl. To help the Red-Dressed Girl accomplish nine tasks, and then their karma would be considered resolved.


Chen Qingyuan had no right to refuse such a request.


Only by re-cultivating to the Cultivation Level of the Yellow Spirit Realm could he use the special secret technique taught by the Red-Dressed Girl to unlock the Prohibition on the bracelet.


"What is the first thing she asked me to do?"


After busying himself for half a day, Chen Qingyuan lifted the Prohibition, and a strand of consciousness entered the bracelet.

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