Chapter 189 – Some people are born extraordinary

Jiang Xun turned his head to meet the person's gaze, remaining silent for a moment before deciding to speak, "I recognize it."


This wasn't a secret. Few among the younger generation knew, but the old fellows of the Imperial Province could easily find out with a little investigation.


In other words, the origin of the celestial sword couldn't be hidden, so it was better to be open about it.


"This sword is called Yan Ku. It once belonged to an ancestor of our Dongli Sword Sect."


When he said this, Jiang Xun deliberately raised his voice a bit.


Immediately, many people nearby heard it clearly, and the news spread quickly to every corner.


"What? This celestial sword actually belonged to an ancestor of the Dongli Sword Sect? Is that true?"


"Based on what I know about the Sword Disciple of Dongli, he never lies. It's probably true."


"The Sword Disciple practices the Pure Yang Sword Dao and has always been straightforward in his actions, never engaging in scheming. The origin of the Yan Ku Sword must be as he says."


"How did the ancestral sword of the Dongli Sword Sect end up here?"


The gathered Heaven's Pride exclaimed in shock, starting a heated discussion.


Chen Qingyuan and the others, who were at a distance, also heard it.


"Yan Ku…"


For some reason, Chen Qingyuan felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.


A wave of sadness surged in his heart, and he remained silent.


Song Ningyan noticed Chen Qingyuan's unusual state and asked softly with concern, "Senior Brother, are you alright?"


"I'm fine." Chen Qingyuan's thoughts were pulled back to reality. He gently shook his head, his deep eyes fixed on the celestial sword, his voice low, "I feel like I've seen this sword somewhere before. It's a strange feeling, hard to explain."


"Perhaps, Donor Chen has some fate with this sword."


Daochen Buddha's child clasped his hands together and said softly.






Chen Qingyuan couldn't explain the exact reason.


He guessed that it would take some time in the future to unravel these mysteries.


In the clouds, Jiang Xun performed the sword techniques of the Dongli Sword Sect, attacking the celestial sword. He wanted to awaken the sword's spiritual wisdom and bring it out of the ancient secret realm.


After using various methods, Jiang Xun failed completely.


"Why is this happening?"


Jiang Xun felt very distressed. He thought that with the appearance of the Yan Ku Sword, he would have a chance to take it away. Who knew reality would be so cruel? No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move the Yan Ku Sword an inch.


Without communicating with the sword spirit of the Yan Ku Sword, it was impossible to restore its original form, let alone take it away.


"What should I do?"


Jiang Xun stood at a high place, lost in thought.


Many Heaven's Pride gathered here, witnessing the appearance of the Yan Ku Sword, greatly shocked.


Unfortunately, the sword's power was too overwhelming. Even if they had the desire to claim it, they didn't have the capability.


"Let's go take a look too."


Chen Qingyuan wanted to see the Yan Ku Sword up close.


Song Ningyan and Daochen Buddha's child followed closely.


When they reached the barrier of the Yan Ku Sword's sword aura, an unusual situation occurred shortly after.


The barrier loosened!


In an instant, the gathered Heaven's Pride were excited beyond measure.


"Did the Yan Ku Sword just now sense the fluctuations of the Dongli Dao Technique?"


Jiang Xun was stunned for a moment, giving himself a rather reluctant explanation.


What a coincidence!


Chen Qingyuan noticed the barrier dissipating and thought to himself.


Just now, there were hundreds of Heaven's Pride standing at the barrier, and the sword aura barrier didn't change at all.


But when Chen Qingyuan and the others approached, there was a change.


Was this really a coincidence?


Daochen Buddha's child seemed to sense something unusual. He turned to look at Chen Qingyuan, his eyes complex and filled with doubt.


Back in the Buddhist Sect of the Eastern Land, Chen Qingyuan had shown an extraordinary side. Just by standing outside the Buddhist Cauldron, he had helped the sect completely obliterate a demon.


That incident was known only to the high-ranking members of the Buddhist Sect and was not to be spread.


Even Chen Qingyuan, who was involved, didn't know the specific process of suppressing the demon within the Buddhist Cauldron.


"Some people are born extraordinary, with deep and far-reaching karma."


Daochen Buddha's child thought to himself.


In the time it took to drink a cup of tea, the barrier completely shattered.


Jiang Xun couldn't hold back any longer and rushed towards the Yan Ku Sword.


Seeing that there was no danger, the others followed suit.


Observing the Yan Ku Sword up close, every inch of it was breathtaking.


At this moment, the Yan Ku Sword had retracted its powerful sword aura, resembling a withered mountain.


"What did the ancestor go through back then?"


Jiang Xun extended his trembling hand, touching a chipped part of the blade, where a few indelible bloodstains remained.


Judging by the damage to the Yan Ku Sword, Jiang Xun could guess that the ancestor had undoubtedly gone through an unimaginable battle three hundred thousand years ago.


"The spiritual wisdom of this sword must have been damaged."


Everyone speculated.


Normally, if the sword body suffered such severe damage, its spiritual wisdom would hardly remain intact.


"It must be in great pain!"


Chen Qingyuan subconsciously touched the Yan Ku Sword and sighed softly.


Many people secretly used Mystic Arts, trying to communicate with the spiritual wisdom of the Yan Ku Sword to control it.


Chen Qingyuan noticed all these small actions but did not stop them.


"Let's go!"


After taking a deep look at the Yan Ku Sword, Chen Qingyuan suggested leaving.


"Where to?"


Song Ningyan frowned and asked in confusion.


"Let's look around. We can't stay in one place forever!"


Chen Qingyuan didn't want to stay here any longer, feeling a sense of melancholy.


Daochen Buddha's child and Song Ningyan didn't object to Chen Qingyuan's suggestion.


So, the three of them turned their backs on the crowd and walked away.


After Chen Qingyuan and the others left the area, a gentle breeze suddenly blew from the direction of the Yan Ku Sword, reaching Chen Qingyuan's position, lifting his clothes slightly. It wasn't cold, but rather gentle.


The sword fell to the mortal world, just to see you off.


All the past had already scattered with the wind.


"The barrier has reappeared."


Daochen Buddha's child glanced back at the Yan Ku Sword a thousand miles away, his eyes narrowing slightly.


The sword aura barrier had reformed, driving away all the nearby Heaven's Pride.


Once might be a coincidence, twice an accident, but what about three times?


"How strange."


Song Ningyan noticed the reformed barrier but didn't think deeply, only finding it odd.




With a pure heart, Daochen Buddha's child sensed traces that others couldn't perceive. He turned towards the Yan Ku Sword and bowed with clasped hands.


As they continued their journey, Daochen Buddha's child's eyes remained fixed on Chen Qingyuan, deep in thought.


You have left, no need to hide your edge.


The Yan Ku Sword stood in this land, with many Heaven's Pride only able to observe from a distance, unable to touch it.


Even Jiang Xun, the Sword Disciple of Dongli, was no exception.


Leaving the place of the Yan Ku Sword, Chen Qingyuan's mood gradually improved, returning to his usual self, often teasing Song Ningyan.


More than ten days later, Chen Qingyuan heard some news that greatly surprised him.


"Wu Junyan fought against thirteen Heaven's Pride of the Imperial Province alone and won!"

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