Chapter 173 – The karma between the Buddhist Sect and Pear Blossom Palace, Yumu’s head

The monk saved a young girl in the Southern Region, but was severely injured while fending off a powerful enemy.

The girl stayed by the monk’s side, taking care of him with great dedication.

Over time, the girl developed feelings for the monk. Similarly, the monk began to feel something unusual in his heart.

At first, the monk tried to sever the emotional string in his heart.

However, every attempt ended in failure.

Years passed, and the monk decided to part ways with the girl, believing that time would wash away everything.

Unexpectedly, the girl refused to let the monk leave, grabbing his hand.

It was the first time the monk had felt the touch of a woman, and his heart wavered slightly. Coupled with his deep affection for the girl, his years of cultivation nearly crumbled.

The girl, holding the monk’s hand, confessed her love and hoped he would leave the monastic life to become her Dao Companion in the mortal world.

In that moment, the monk’s heart wavered.

Fortunately, the monk’s resolve was strong enough. He suppressed his turbulent emotions, withdrew his hand, and decisively refused.

He thought this ill-fated relationship would end there, but it was just the beginning.

Later, while the monk was helping people in the Southern Region, he encountered the girl again. The once young girl had become a core disciple of Pear Blossom Palace, with outstanding talent and the favor of her elders.

Upon their reunion, the girl refused to part with the monk and had a new argument: “Buddhism speaks of fate. Our meeting today is a gift from the heavens. I won’t let go again.”

The monk began to flee, and the girl pursued him relentlessly.

This chase continued for a hundred years.

The monk lost. His Buddhist heart eventually cracked. Constant evasion led to dire consequences.

Afterward, the monk faced his heart and confessed his feelings to the girl.

The girl was overjoyed and tried her best to persuade the monk to leave the monastic life.

With a cracked Buddhist heart and a destined relationship with the girl, the monk agreed to leave the monastic life after much contemplation.

The monk planned to return to the Eastern Land to sever his ties with the Buddhist Sect before returning to the Southern Region.

“I’ll wait for you,” the girl said expectantly.

However, the monk returned to the Eastern Land and vanished without a trace.

Years later, the girl went to the Eastern Land herself, only to find that the monk had not encountered any danger but had become a high monk in the Buddhist Sect. She didn’t understand and sought an answer, standing in front of the temple for three hundred years.

Yet, three hundred years of waiting did not grant her a meeting with the monk.

Disheartened, the girl left.

Years later, the girl became the Holy Lord of Pear Blossom Palace, wielding immense power in the Southern Region. She returned to the Eastern Land, hoping to understand the promise of the past.

Unfortunately, she still didn’t get to meet him.

The monk only sent a message: “Fated but not destined.”

The girl wanted to storm the Buddhist Sect and force her way into the temple to see the monk she remembered. But this was a sacred place of Buddhism, and despite her immense power, she couldn’t break in.

In the end, the girl left, casting a despairing glance at the Buddhist Sect.

Since then, she never returned to the Eastern Land.

That girl was Liu Nansheng, the Holy Lord of Pear Blossom Palace.

As for the monk, his Dharma name was Xuankong, the current abbot of the Buddhist Sect.

This story, after many years, spread to various regions.

Liu Nansheng hated him to the core, not because he broke their promise, but because he refused to see her from beginning to end. In Liu Nansheng’s memory, the image of the monk grew increasingly blurred, and she felt sorrowful whenever she was alone.

The monk refused to see her, perhaps because his Buddhist teachings were not profound enough.

If I were to meet you, my Buddhist heart would shatter.

In other words, Old Monk Xuankong lacked the courage to meet Liu Nansheng.

It wasn’t that he didn’t love her, but that he was helpless.

There were hidden aspects of this story that the common people didn’t know, and perhaps Liu Nansheng didn’t either.

Maybe only the old monk knew and didn’t want to reveal them.

After Zhangsun Fengye’s narration, Chen Qingyuan and the others were enlightened.

“The abbot of the Buddhist Sect actually has such a story with the Holy Lord of Pear Blossom Palace. This is unbelievable!”

Zhangsun Qian, listening to the gossip, exclaimed in disbelief.


Chen Qingyuan was dumbfounded and, after a long pause, managed to squeeze out two words.

He had seen the abbot of the Buddhist Sect in person, with a serene and dignified appearance, never imagining such a past.

“Is it true?”

Wu Junyan found it hard to imagine the abbot of the Buddhist Sect having worldly desires, as he had never experienced such feelings. To him, all women in the world were but skeletons, and even if they were naked, they wouldn’t stir his heart.

“Absolutely true,” Zhangsun Fengye nodded.

Receiving a definite answer, Wu Junyan’s throat moved, deeply shocked by this revelation.

Now, watching Daochen Monk being teased by the female disciples of Pear Blossom Palace, everyone found it easier to understand.

“The debts of the old generation are being repaid by the younger generation.”

Chen Qingyuan felt sorry for Daochen Monk.

In this tense moment, the presence of Daochen Monk lightened the mood of the Heaven’s Pride, who watched with interest to see how long Daochen Monk could endure.

Facing the allure of the many heavenly maidens, Daochen Monk simply sat cross-legged on the ground and began chanting Buddhist scriptures.

This continued for a month.

Daochen Monk remained unmoved.



“Forget it.”

The girls, tired of playing, decided to stop teasing Daochen Monk. No matter how they tempted him, even using illusions, they couldn’t stir his heart.

Seeing that the heavenly maidens of Pear Blossom Palace had stopped their antics, Daochen Monk slowly stood up and walked towards the territory of the Northern Wilderness.

Before leaving, Daochen Monk bowed to the girls to show his respect.

Seeing Daochen’s politeness, the girls who had teased him felt a tinge of guilt.

“What’s he going to do in the Northern Wilderness?”

Many people watched Daochen Monk’s every move.

Soon, Daochen Monk spotted Chen Qingyuan standing on a warship, his eyes lighting up with joy as he quickened his pace.

“Greetings, Donor Chen.”

Standing in the void, Daochen Monk bowed to Chen Qingyuan.

Chen Qingyuan hurriedly returned the salute, “Buddha’s child.”

“For the Hundred Veins Banquet, may I accompany Donor Chen?” Daochen stated his purpose directly.

“Huh?” Chen Qingyuan was stunned and asked, “Why?”

“Among the Heaven’s Pride from various realms, I only know Donor Chen,” Daochen explained, unable to reveal that it was the abbot’s instruction, so he made up a suitable excuse.

“As long as Buddha’s child is willing, of course, you can,” Chen Qingyuan understood and naturally wouldn’t refuse.

“Thank you, Donor.”

Daochen smiled slightly, expressing his gratitude.

Then, Daochen stood in the void beside the Misty Palace warship, closing his eyes to rest.

Zhangsun Fengye invited Daochen to come inside as a guest, but Daochen politely declined.

Currently, Daochen only trusted Chen Qingyuan and preferred to keep his distance from other forces and cultivators.

Various forces were pondering the intentions of the Buddhist Sect of the Eastern Land. If they truly sought the fortune of the ancient secret realm, sending just one disciple seemed a bit hasty.

If not for the secret realm’s fortune, what could a young disciple accomplish?

These doubts made the powerful figures furrow their brows, unable to find peace of mind.

Two years would pass quickly.

The Hundred Veins Banquet was about to begin, and the Heaven’s Pride from various realms were secretly preparing, hoping to obtain extraordinary fortune and make a name for themselves.

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