Chapter 168 – Western Border’s Eighteen Meridians, Pear Blossom Palace in the Southern Region

A few months ago, Chen Qingyuan often played chess and drank tea with Zhangsun Fengye, never losing a single game.

Later, he would meditate with his eyes closed in the elegant pavilion.

The journey was relatively smooth, with occasional encounters with bandits lurking in the depths of the starry sky. Upon seeing the warship of Misty Palace, they chose to retreat, not daring to rob.

Two years later, the warship crossed the Chaotic Sea, heading straight for the Imperial Province.

With the Elders of Misty Sacred Ground overseeing, no one dared to block their path.

“Strengthen the barrier!”

The Grand Elder stood at the highest point of the warship, observing the various movements in the Chaotic Sea, and ordered.

The Elders stationed at various corners of the warship received the command, took out a large number of high-quality spirit stones, reinforced the prohibition, stabilized the warship, and resisted the terrifying laws of the star sea.

Thus, the warship drifted in the chaotic star domain for over a year, consuming a large amount of resources, and finally reached a remote region of the Imperial Province without any major incidents.

“Luck was on our side, we didn’t encounter a star sea storm.”

Having crossed the Chaotic Sea, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Star sea storms are caused by terrifying laws, with no pattern whatsoever. Once encountered, they bring endless trouble.

“The specific location of the Hundred Veins Banquet is on Baichen Star in the Yundou Star Domain.”

With the direction confirmed, the warship increased its speed and headed straight there.

“The forces in the Imperial Province are intricate and numerous. To avoid trouble, we must proceed cautiously and not trespass into the territories of certain ancient sects and sacred grounds.”

Even though Misty Palace is considered a top force in the Northern Wilderness, it dares not rampage through the Imperial Province.

The Imperial Province is teeming with powerful figures, so caution is always wise.

Around the Misty Palace warship, many flying Dao Treasures appeared, such as war chariots, treasure ships, and mobile caves.

All were items from various sacred grounds in the Northern Wilderness.

“Stay close to the Misty Palace warship, don’t get separated.”

The various forces from the Northern Wilderness traveled together, looking out for each other. Even if they accidentally offended some forces in the Imperial Province, it would make them wary and prevent excessive actions.

The Imperial Province’s territory is vast, with thousands of star domains and billions of stars.

The Nine Regions are the core of the Imperial Province, and the Yundou Star Domain is one of them.

The Hundred Veins Banquet stirs the heavens.

All renowned ancient sects and sacred grounds in the Imperial Province are eligible to participate.

At this moment, the Yundou Star Domain is bustling, gathering nearly ninety percent of the Imperial Province’s top Heaven’s Pride.

Baichen Star is a massive planet with a diameter of thirty million kilometers.

The surface of this star is wrapped in a layer of strange laws, with no living creatures inside, a truly desolate place.

However, every ten thousand years, Baichen Star experiences a massive storm that changes the laws in various places. Consequently, the entrance to an ancient secret realm opens and remains open for about a hundred years before closing.

In other words, the Hundred Veins Banquet will last for a hundred years. After that time, the beings within the ancient secret realm will be forcibly expelled by an unknown force, unable to resist.

“We’ve arrived.”

After several more months, the Misty Palace warship stopped in the void of a star sea.

“Up ahead is Baichen Star. I can sense many powerful auras, some even stronger than our clan’s Old Ancestor.”

Flying Dao Treasures from the Northern Wilderness gathered in the same area, numbering over twenty.

“As expected of the Imperial Province, truly prosperous!”

Along the way, everyone saw various immortal palaces, bridges and teleportation arrays in the starry sky, and various ingenious law-related items.

“May the competition for the Hundred Veins Banquet go smoothly.”

The older generation was tense, worried about the safety of the younger generation.

Entering Baichen Star will inevitably come with unimaginable dangers, putting their lives at risk.

“Old Wu, we’ve arrived.”

Chen Qingyuan knocked on Wu Junyan’s door, which was surrounded by prohibitions.

Hearing Chen Qingyuan’s voice, Wu Junyan tidied his clothes, lifted the prohibition, and opened the door.

After three years of travel, they finally reached their destination.

Everyone gathered at the front of the warship, looking towards Baichen Star, each lost in their thoughts.

War chariots were parked in the void around Baichen Star, exuding a powerful pressure and an imposing aura.

Chen Qingyuan and the others watched this scene, feeling apprehensive about the various forces of the Imperial Province, their hearts tightening.

“There are still seven years before it opens. You can adjust your mindset, don’t be too tense.”

The Grand Elder approached and said to everyone.

“We understand.”

Zhangsun Fengye cupped his hands in salute.

During this period, Zhangsun Qian had not disturbed Wu Junyan even once, allowing him to feel quite at peace.

“The world’s heroes gather here, such a grand event is rare to see in ten thousand years.”

“Old Xu, come have a drink.”

“Old Wan, it’s surprising that you’re willing to protect the Dao for your descendants.”

“In this competition, our clan’s youngsters probably don’t stand much chance. It’s good enough for them to gain some experience.”

The powerful figures from the various sects of the Northern Wilderness revealed their true forms, sighing in unison.

Past grievances were temporarily set aside by the old men. As forces from the Northern Wilderness, they had to unite at this time; otherwise, scattered strength would easily be bullied.

A group of old men gathered in a corner of the void, drinking and chatting, discussing matters related to the Hundred Veins Banquet and information about some of the top Heaven’s Pride in the Imperial Province.


A few days later, a series of black war chariots broke through the starry sky barrier, arriving near Baichen Star.

Counting them, there were eighteen massive war chariots, containing terrifying power.

“The Eighteen Veins of the Western Border.”

Zhangsun Fengye glanced and identified their origin.

“The ancient sects of the Eighteen Veins have stood in the Western Border for hundreds of thousands of years, with deep foundations and countless powerful figures.”

During his seclusion at the Academy, Chen Qingyuan had read many ancient texts, one of which recorded the Eighteen Veins of the Western Border.

“Are they strong?”

Wu Junyan asked in a cold voice.

“Each vein’s strength is no less than Misty Palace.” Chen Qingyuan replied solemnly, “The Eighteen Veins of the Western Border are very united. In times of danger, they stand together, unlike the Northern Wilderness where everyone acts independently and schemes against each other.”

“The Heaven’s Pride of the Eighteen Veins will surely act together, making them hard to deal with.”

Zhangsun Fengye said seriously.

“So, the people of the Western Border are indeed not easy to be enemies with.”

Hearing this, Wu Junyan roughly understood.

If you fight one person from the Western Border, the others will swarm in.

After some time, a colorful sea of flowers appeared in the starry sky, stretching for a hundred thousand miles, attracting much attention.

Above the sea of flowers, a huge rift tore open in the void.

Following that, a white jade warship emerged from the rift, landing on the sea of flowers. Behind it were many flying treasures capable of traversing the chaotic star sea.

“The Pear Blossom Palace of the Southern Region!”

Seeing this beautiful sea of flowers and the emblem on the white jade warship, Chen Qingyuan’s eyes changed slightly.

According to ancient texts, Pear Blossom Palace is a dominant force in the Southern Region, far surpassing Misty Palace and other sacred grounds in strength.

What is most impressive is that everyone in Pear Blossom Palace is female.

A group of women ruling the Southern Region for countless years, it’s hard not to be famous.

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