Chapter 144 – Who dares to be so bold?

Chen Qingyuan’s name was not unknown to the upper echelons of the Four Holy Sects.

As the direct disciple of Vice Principal Yu from the Dao Yi Academy, he had recently fought a battle with Zhangsun Fengye at the Song Family, a sparring match among equals that ended without a clear victor.

This statement echoed in the great hall, causing everyone’s face to change with shock.

An elder signaled to the hall’s guards with a glance, and they retreated to the side. The situation had taken a turn and could not be dealt with simply.

Many eyes turned to Han Shan, finding it hard to imagine how he had formed a connection with Chen Qingyuan, and it seemed to be a rather good one at that.

“Old Han, tell us exactly what’s going on. Don’t be afraid, I’m here,” someone said.

Chen Qingyuan had introduced himself, and the elder who had rebuked him earlier now clamped his mouth shut, not daring to utter another word.

“Brother Chen…” Han Shan met Chen Qingyuan’s gaze, his voice choked with emotion, unsure of how to begin.

Han Shan had never expected Chen Qingyuan to arrive so quickly, as if a ray of light had pierced through the endless darkness before him. This feeling broke through Han Shan’s defenses, the hardness gone, his eyes misting with tears, his throat sour.

Han Shan was clueless about the Dao Yi Academy, but judging by everyone’s reaction, Chen Qingyuan seemed to be quite influential.

Now was not the time for questions. Han Shan calmed himself and recounted the events of the past few days in brief.

When Han Shan spoke of Han He insulting his mother and master, his teeth were clenched with barely concealed rage.

It didn’t take long for Chen Qingyuan to understand the whole story, and he was furious.

His brothers were his to tease, and no one else was allowed to do so.

Moreover, when Chen Qingyuan bullied Han Shan, it was nothing more than teasing over spirit stone resources, and Han Shan, clear-hearted, was happy to be “cheated” by Chen Qingyuan. It was their way of brotherhood.

“You’re Han He, right?”

Chen Qingyuan scanned the crowd, his gaze landing on Han He as he took a few steps forward: “You like to fight so much, I’ll join you.”

Seeing no response from Han He, Chen Qingyuan continued, “Scared? No worries, I’ll fight you with one hand tied behind my back.”

Han He had heard of Chen Qingyuan’s feats; this was a true evildoer, a formidable figure, and he dared not accept the challenge.

“If you’re still scared, then I’ll fight you with both hands and feet tied.”

In front of the Four Holy Sects’ high-ranking officials, Chen Qingyuan showed no respect, uttering arrogant words.

“Someone like you, who dares to bully my brother, if he had the same cultivation resources as you since childhood, a single slap would be enough to kill you.”

Chen Qingyuan’s words left Han He, the second young master, with an ashen face, unable to utter a single retort.

“Chen Qingyuan, this is the Four Holy Sects.”

Holy Lord Han Yingyang unleashed a strand of oppressive aura, attempting to curb Chen Qingyuan’s insolence.

“I know.”

Facing Han Yingyang’s pressure, Chen Qingyuan didn’t retreat but instead met his gaze and said calmly.

“Although you are a young hero, you cannot spout such wild words in the great hall of the Four Holy Sects, it’s disrespectful.”

Han Yingyang had to maintain the dignity of the Four Holy Sects.

“Disrespectful?” Chen Qingyuan laughed: “Could it be that the Holy Lord is hard of hearing and didn’t catch what my brother just said? If there’s any disrespect, it should be the second young master of the Four Holy Sects, right? Insulting someone’s mother, bullying a mentor, is this the etiquette of the Four Holy Sects?”

Zhangsun Fengye, who stood to the side enjoying the drama, found Chen Qingyuan’s temperament to his liking, bold and decisive.

Once Chen Qingyuan started confronting someone, he never held back.

These words left Han Yingyang speechless, temporarily silent, pondering how to respond.

But Chen Qingyuan was relentless and continued: “As far as I know, Han Shan’s mother was originally your Dao Companion, Holy Lord, and hundreds of years ago, she perished in the struggle for your position. Whether it’s the familial bond or her contributions, Han Shan doesn’t deserve this treatment.”

Chen Qingyuan had learned of these matters while chatting with Zhangsun Fengye on the way here.

“As I understand it, the second young master and Han Shan are not much different in age. That means, Holy Lord, soon after securing your position, you quickly took a new love. It’s understandable to remarry after your original partner’s death, and even if it was a bit quick, it’s acceptable. However, treating the son of your original Dao Companion like this, aren’t you afraid of being ridiculed by the world?”

Chen Qingyuan spoke fearlessly once again.

“The affairs of the Four Holy Sects are none of Young Master Chen’s concern.”

Han Yingyang was furious but dared not lash out, only managing to say through gritted teeth.

If he had known this would happen, he would never have allowed Zhangsun Fengye to come, or at least would have chosen a different time.

He had been careless!

Han Yingyang’s hands, hidden beneath his sleeves, clenched tightly as he fought the urge to strike.

“I and Han Shan are half-brothers, his affairs are mine. Let me make one thing clear, don’t think you can take advantage of me, you’re not qualified to act as my elder. As for your so-called family affairs, I’m getting involved, what can the Four Holy Sects do to me?”

Backed by the Dao Yi Academy and the Song Family of the Ancient Clan, Chen Qingyuan truly wasn’t afraid of the Four Holy Sects.

There were many powers in the world, and Chen Qingyuan couldn’t possibly be on good terms with all of them.


Unable to bear it any longer, Han Yingyang struck out at Chen Qingyuan, intending to seal him as a punishment. After this affair was over, he would explain the situation to the Dao Yi Academy and offer an apology.

He actually dared to make a move!

Zhangsun Fengye watched the excitement without worry, his excitement growing.

If a young person contended with Chen Qingyuan, the Dao Yi Academy would certainly not intervene. But Han Yingyang, as a Holy Lord and a being of the Mahayana Realm, bullying the weak, that was not right.

Perhaps some onlookers would say it was Chen Qingyuan’s rudeness at the Four Holy Sects that led to this situation. But they didn’t consider what humiliation Han Shan and his master would face if Chen Qingyuan didn’t step in.

In the world of cultivation, there was never any fairness or reason, it was all about relationships and who had the stronger fist.

Everyone has a different standpoint, and naturally, they act differently.

In that instant, Chen Qingyuan was not panicked.

He deliberately provoked Han Yingyang, wanting to escalate the situation.

Some matters are better resolved when they are blown out of proportion.

Chen Qingyuan believed his master had left some means within him.

Even without them, with the protection of the Jade Bracelet, and Han Yingyang not daring to strike fatally, he would be fine.


Suddenly, a terrifying pressure burst forth from within Chen Qingyuan, directly shattering Han Yingyang’s palm strike.

At the same time, a mysterious light flashed, and a blurred figure appeared in the void.

“Who dares to be so bold?”

A projection of Yu Chenran’s will, which would only be triggered when Chen Qingyuan faced a grave danger, appeared.

It’s over! The situation had escalated!

At the sight of this projection, the high-ranking officials of the Four Holy Sects gasped, a chill surging through them, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

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