Chapter 139 – Lin Changsheng and Sword Immortal enjoy tea, with profound and unfathomable strength

“Mystic Azure Sect’s Lin Changsheng pays respects to Predecessor Sword Immortal.”

Today, Lin Changsheng is dressed in a snow-white robe, resembling both a modest gentleman and a banished immortal.

Having merged with the inherited memories and significantly increased in strength, Lin Changsheng sensed a Powerful Figure hidden within the Flow Star Domain. With a bit of secret divination, he located the Sword Immortal and came to visit.

“An honored guest graces my doorstep, please come in.”

Li Muyang greeted with a slight smile and a welcoming gesture.

The term ‘honored guest’ already conveyed much.

Lin Changsheng was momentarily taken aback, then regained his composure.

For someone of Sword Immortal’s capabilities, knowing about Mystic Azure would not be difficult.

The two proceeded to the courtyard inside the house, where Li Muyang poured a cup of tea for Lin Changsheng.

“Thank you, Predecessor.”

Lin Changsheng expressed his gratitude and took a sip of tea.

“No need for formalities.”

Li Muyang walked with a limp, his clothes thin, resembling a flickering candle in the wind, likely unrecognizable to his former adversaries.

The once dazzling Sword Immortal Changgeng, who, apart from the Dao of Heaven and Earth, proclaimed himself the third in the Sword Dao, who would dare claim the first or second?

“I wonder, why does Predecessor choose to live in seclusion here?”

Lin Changsheng voiced his curiosity directly.

“Fate, I suppose!”

There are some things Li Muyang could not reveal, so he simply laughed it off.

“In my youth, I heard of the great name of the Sword Immortal and admired him immensely. Never did I imagine that one day I would sit and share tea with Predecessor.”

Lin Changsheng had heard of Sword Immortal Changgeng’s fame since childhood, a name that thundered in his ears.

“You flatter me,” Li Muyang shook his head and chuckled self-deprecatingly, “I’m just an old man now.”

“A thousand years ago, your battle with the Dao of Heaven and Earth was honorable despite the defeat.”

Lin Changsheng spoke earnestly, his eyes filled with admiration.

Who in the world would dare to draw their sword against the grand Dao of Heaven and Earth?

To this day, the renown of Sword Immortal Changgeng still spreads to every corner of the world, commanding respect and reverence.

“Perhaps, in this lifetime, I may have another chance to battle.”

Li Muyang glanced at his lame leg and spoke softly.

A lame leg, he had ten thousand ways to heal.

His seclusion for tens of thousands of years was to reforge his sword, to reshape his Sword Heart.

When he is ready, his limp will naturally heal. The Broken Sword used for chopping wood will also be restored.

“There will be such an opportunity,” Lin Changsheng firmly believed, “It’s just a pity, I may not be able to witness it with my own eyes.”

After saying this, Lin Changsheng sighed, resigned to fate.

“Do you plan to walk the same path as the sages before you?”

Li Muyang caught the implication in Lin Changsheng’s words and asked.

“Yes,” Lin Changsheng nodded lightly.

“Actually, you don’t have to do this,” Li Muyang said, “Mystic Azure has done enough, how many people remember the grace of Mystic Azure?”

Such grace is too great; rather than remembering, it’s easier to forget, which brings peace of mind.

A favor for a grain of rice, a grudge for a bushel.

Such is reality.

“I’ve thought about not taking this path, but I can’t help it,” Lin Changsheng pondered, “At the birth of the demon abyss, innocent people were controlled by demonic thoughts, cannibalizing each other. Newborn babies, before even seeing the beauty of the world, became food for demons…”

Indeed, the actions of most powers in the Imperial Province were despicable, but Mystic Azure did not act for those powers, but to protect this land and the ordinary beings living in every corner of it.

This was the will of the first ancestors of Mystic Azure, passed down to this day.

This ideal is not understood by ordinary people.

Many may think the sages of Mystic Azure foolish, yet it is these ‘fools’ who ensure a peaceful life for all beings.

Without the perseverance of Mystic Azure’s ancestors, the world would now be a dark land, with demons lurking in every corner, and no place of peace.

“Upon reflection, I am not as great as the predecessors of Mystic Azure, I cannot do what they did. If not for their efforts, I probably would have been eaten by demons at birth. There would be no Sword Immortal Changgeng of this era.”

Li Muyang admitted his inferiority.

“Before heading to the demon abyss, I will visit the various powers of the Imperial Province.”

Lin Changsheng finished the tea on the table and spoke softly.

“Do you seek revenge?” Li Muyang’s eyelids twitched.

The powers of the Imperial Province not only failed to suppress the demon abyss together but also seized many resources of Mystic Azure, forcing Mystic Azure into hiding.

“Revenge is something others can do,” Lin Changsheng had no interest in revenge, finding it meaningless. However, he could not let those in the Imperial Province act arrogantly: “This trip is to collect protection fees.”

The burdensome task of revenge, let the Junior Brother handle it. When the Junior Brother grows up and learns of the causes and consequences, those powers in the Imperial Province will not have good days ahead.

A debt of gratitude must be repaid, and so must a grudge.

This is Chen Qingyuan’s life principle.

“Protection fees?”

Li Muyang was startled, then burst into laughter, “That’s a good idea, and you must not collect too little.”

“Thirty thousand years of protection fees, of course, cannot be less, they must be made to feel the pinch,” Lin Changsheng’s eyes sharpened, “I learned this from my Junior Brother.”

“Should I also pay some protection fees?”

Li Muyang joked.

“Predecessor jests.”


The two shared a laugh and continued their tea.

After a while, Lin Changsheng prepared to leave.

Before departing, Lin Changsheng made a request, “Predecessor, if Mystic Azure Sect faces difficulties in the future, please offer a bit of care.”

“Of course.” Li Muyang had remained in the Flow Star Domain over the years partly to covertly protect Mystic Azure Sect, ensuring its lineage would not be extinguished.

He could not suppress the demon abyss with his life, but he would do what he could.

“Thank you, Predecessor.”

Lin Changsheng bowed in gratitude.

Li Muyang returned the gesture.

Thus, Lin Changsheng stepped out the door, striding towards the horizon, leaving behind a lingering afterimage.

“The Dao of Mystic Azure’s inheritance is truly profound and unfathomable. In less than a hundred years, his Cultivation Level has reached such heights, unbelievable.”

Li Muyang recognized Lin Changsheng’s Realm and marveled as he watched him depart.

Without exaggeration, even if Lin Changsheng went to the Imperial Province, he would be among the top combatants.

The Dao Technique of inheritance, like an ancestral blessing, can save years of arduous cultivation. Of course, this technique also has significant drawbacks; once the blessing is complete, one’s Cultivation Level is fixed, unable to advance without extraordinary Fortune.

However, anyone who can inherit such memories is highly gifted. After the blessing, they would at least reach the late stage of the Great Vehicle Realm; how many can cultivate to this step on their own?

Before heading to the Imperial Province, Lin Changsheng planned to visit the Academy.

It might be difficult to return from this trip; he wanted to see Chen Qingyuan one last time.

“Unexpectedly, Mystic Azure still has such capable individuals.”

Inside the Academy, Yu Chenran sensed the unusual fluctuations of the Law, his eyebrows twitching in surprise.

Immediately, Yu Chenran lifted the Prohibition of the Academy, preventing others from noticing, and welcomed Lin Changsheng in: “Dao Friend, please come in.”

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