Chapter 119 – I felt like it, it’s none of your business

Chen Qingyuan brought out some fine wine he was carrying, poured a cup, and handed it to Song Wenxian: "A humble cup of wine, please don't disdain it, Predecessor."


After taking a sip, Song Wenxian commented: "The wine's a bit lacking, but you, you're quite the interesting fellow."


What Song Wenxian truly wanted wasn't the wine, but to get closer to Chen Qingyuan and deepen his understanding of him.


"I'm just an ordinary person, nothing interesting about me."


Feeling the gaze of an old man upon him, Chen Qingyuan felt goosebumps all over.


"How did a youngster like you manage to become a disciple of Old Yu?"


Song Wenxian hadn't been able to find out the details of the discipleship, only knowing that Yu Chenran had suddenly taken on a disciple, which surprised many.


"It's a bit complicated to explain."


Chen Qingyuan scratched his head, unsure of where to start.


Regarding this matter, Chen Qingyuan was also somewhat at a loss. He only knew that his Grandmaster, Shangguan Rong, had visited the Dao One Academy hundreds of years ago and had an exchange with his Master, Yu Chenran.


Later on, Chen Qingyuan inexplicably entered the Dao One Academy and thus became Yu Chenran's disciple.


"No worries, I have plenty of time. Just tell me what you know."


With such an attitude, Song Wenxian made it clear he wanted to get to the bottom of things before he would leave.


This is too clingy!


Chen Qingyuan muttered to himself, though he naturally didn't dare to say it out loud.


"As for the story behind my discipleship, there's no harm in telling you, Predecessor. But didn't you mention a reward earlier?"


The details of his discipleship didn't involve any secrets, so it was fine for Chen Qingyuan to speak of them, as many in the Dao One Academy knew of it.


However, before answering Song Wenxian's questions, he had to brazenly ask for the reward for his victory.


Fair is fair in a wager, after all.


"Take it!" Song Wenxian gave Chen Qingyuan a look, casually took out a Heaven and Earth Bag, and tossed it to him: "Consider it a meeting gift from this old man."


"Thank you, Predecessor." Chen Qingyuan's face lit up with a smile as he quickly stowed away the Heaven and Earth Bag: "Speaking of my discipleship, that involves another Master of mine…"


For the next while, Chen Qingyuan roughly recounted the events leading up to it.


Song Wenxian listened patiently while frowning more and more; the more he heard, the stranger it seemed.


As the Old Ancestor of the Song Family, he wouldn't normally investigate a young person. It was only because he heard that Yu Chenran had taken a disciple that he became interested in Chen Qingyuan.


However, according to Chen Qingyuan's story, he was originally a disciple of the Mystic Azure Sect from the Flow Star Domain, under the tutelage of Shangguan Rong, though the two had never actually met.


Hundreds of years ago, Shangguan Rong had gone to the Dao One Academy…


Song Wenxian secretly used a Dao Technique to confirm that Chen Qingyuan wasn't lying and thought to himself: "The Flow Star Domain is remote, and even its top forces are at most led by Tribulation Crossing Cultivators. How could a mere Tribulation Crossing Cultivator find the address of the Dao One Academy? And to converse with Old Yu, the Vice Dean? That's nonsensical."


Something was off, very off!


Song Wenxian fell into deep thought.


After Chen Qingyuan finished his story, Song Wenxian still hadn't figured out the reason and sat in contemplation.


Seeing this, Chen Qingyuan didn't dare to disturb him and sat upright and proper.


No matter the era, strength always reigns supreme.


Anyone who could sit and chat with Yu Chenran was surely a Powerful Figure of this world.


In Chen Qingyuan's story, he didn't mention what had transpired between Shangguan Rong and Yu Chenran, because he himself was unclear.


"Kid, your Grandmaster's name is Shangguan Rong, right?"


Song Wenxian asked.


"Yes." Chen Qingyuan nodded.


This mystery needed to be investigated.


Song Wenxian had a plan in mind.


Perhaps Chen Qingyuan and the Mystic Azure Sect were not as simple as they appeared on the surface.


The best way to clarify this matter was to find Yu Chenran and ask directly.


"Alright! Let's leave our chat at this for today. I'll come find you again in a few days."


Song Wenxian stood up, ready to leave.


"Predecessor, take care."


Chen Qingyuan saw him out.




In the next moment, Song Wenxian transformed into a streak of light, heading towards the gates of the Song Family residence.


"Dad, are you going out?"


Song Xiufeng sensed it and quickly teleported to the clouds, appearing in front of Song Wenxian.


"There's something I find unusual, and I want to get to the bottom of it."


Song Wenxian's expression was grave.


"You don't need to go out yourself, right? Just send any of the clan elders."


Song Wenxian was the pillar of the Song Family, and Song Xiufeng was somewhat worried, not wanting any mishaps.


"Relax, although I'm old, I'm still vigorous and far from my dying day," Song Wenxian reassured, seeing Song Xiufeng's concern: "Besides, I'm going to the Dao One Academy to investigate. Apart from me and a few other old fellows, would the academy give face to any other member of the Song Family?"


"Alright then!"


So it was a trip to the Dao One Academy; indeed, no other clan elder was qualified to handle this matter.


Then, Song Wenxian took out a major teleportation talisman, capable of crossing adjacent Star Domains.




Song Wenxian crushed the talisman in his hand, and his body instantly vanished.


"What a lifesaver that is! Such a waste!"


Seeing this, Song Xiufeng felt the pinch. Even for the wealthy Song Family, crafting a major teleportation talisman that could cross Star Domains was no simple feat.


Little did he know, Song Wenxian didn't use just one major teleportation talisman, but dozens.


To reach the Dao One Academy in the shortest time possible, Song Wenxian didn't care about these treasures.


If others in the clan knew about this, they'd probably feel the pinch for quite some time.


Dao One Academy, White Goose Hall.


Yu Chenran, who was lying on the water's surface with his eyes closed, sensed a familiar fluctuation of the Law and slowly opened his eyes: "Why has Old Song come?"


Yu Chenran lifted the Prohibition outside the Dao One Academy, allowing Song Wenxian to enter.


Then, Song Wenxian, familiar with the place, arrived at the White Goose Hall and sat down next to Yu Chenran, appearing to merge with the water's surface, yet his clothes remained dry.


"Old Yu, it's been many years since we've met. I've brought a few pots of fine tea."


Song Wenxian knew Yu Chenran enjoyed tea tasting and catered to his preference.


"Don't butter me up, get to the point."


Yu Chenran knew Song Wenxian too well; nothing good comes without a reason, he said sternly.


"Heh, we're old friends, no need to be so formal, right?" Song Wenxian grinned: "I heard you took on a new disciple, just curious to ask about it."


"Oh, that?"


Yu Chenran feigned realization, with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.


"Old Yu, you weren't interested in taking disciples, so why the sudden change of heart?"


Voicing his inner doubts, Song Wenxian poured two cups of fragrant tea, levitating them in mid-air.


"I felt like it, it's none of your business."


Yu Chenran huffed lightly.


"Then let me ask another question. Is the Mystic Azure Sect really just an ordinary sect? And that Shangguan Rong who visited you hundreds of years ago, is he an ordinary cultivator?"


Song Wenxian didn't like beating around the bush and directly stated his purpose, hoping to get an answer.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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