Chapter 103 – You won’t escape from my grasp

Returning the money was merely an excuse for Murong Wenxi; without it, how could she find a legitimate reason to seek out Chen Qingyuan in the future?


So, when Chen Qingyuan mentioned there was no need to pay interest, Murong Wenxi sternly refused: "The debt I owe must be repaid. If I don't, wouldn't that tarnish my reputation?"


"Uh… Alright then!"


Chen Qingyuan was out of options, his expression one of helpless resignation.


"Two thousand left, I'll owe you that. Don't worry, I'll definitely pay you back in this lifetime."


Murong Wenxi's tone softened.


Had he known he'd be entangled by Murong Wenxi, Chen Qingyuan would never have agreed to forgo the interest.


Sigh! What's done is done, and there was nothing Chen Qingyuan could do about it.


"I've taken the money; it's time for me to go back."


Chen Qingyuan spoke and prepared to leave.


"Wait." Murong Wenxi dismissed her accompanying guards and whispered softly, "I've come all this way to repay you, won't you at least offer me a cup of tea?"


"Please, have a seat!" Left with no choice, Chen Qingyuan returned to the elegant room and poured a cup of fragrant tea.


The two sat opposite each other, and Murong Wenxi took a sip of her tea: "Weren't you supposed to duel Wu Junyan back in the day? How come you suddenly disappeared?"


"I'm not telling you."


Chen Qingyuan didn't want to reveal anything about the Academy just yet.


"Tch, suit yourself."


Murong Wenxi snorted coldly.


"Do you know why Wu Junyan went to the Tri-Core Star Domains?"


The atmosphere in the room was somewhat tense, so Chen Qingyuan brought up Wu Junyan's affairs to ease the awkwardness.


"Not sure," Murong Wenxi shook her head.


"Alright then!"


Next time he had a chance to meet Wu Junyan, he'd have a proper chat.


Chen Qingyuan feared that the next time they met, it wouldn't be a friendly catch-up but a direct confrontation. The thought alone gave him a headache.


"Have you heard about that incident at Eastern Joy Palace?"


Murong Wenxi asked.


"What incident?" Chen Qingyuan looked puzzled.


"Over a decade ago, someone reportedly broke through the secret realm of Goose Snow City in Eastern Joy Palace and was proclaimed a holy maiden."


Murong Wenxi set down her teacup, her expression growing serious.


"So what?"


Chen Qingyuan felt indifferent.


"That person is Bai Xixue, your former beauty and confidante."


Murong Wenxi's lips curled up slightly.


"Oh." Chen Qingyuan's heart remained unmoved upon hearing the news.


"Aren't you surprised?"


Seeing Chen Qingyuan's calm demeanor, Murong Wenxi expressed her surprise.


"What does it have to do with me?"


Chen Qingyuan gave Murong Wenxi a look and said indifferently, "Since when did you become so gossipy?"


"It seems you've truly let go of the past, which is good."


Murong Wenxi smiled faintly.


"If there's nothing else, I'll be on my way."


Saying this, Chen Qingyuan made a move to stand up.


"Sit down, I haven't finished talking yet," Murong Wenxi glared at him with a displeased tone.


"Please continue, I'm all ears," Chen Qingyuan quipped.


"You have a brother named Han Shan, right? There's been quite a stir about him lately."


Although Murong Wenxi's main intention was to see Chen Qingyuan, she wouldn't come empty-handed, naturally bringing information with her.


Last time she did the same, informing Chen Qingyuan about the new list of the Ten Heroes of the Northern Wilderness, and this time she brought equally important news.


The Murong family had the most extensive intelligence network, and Murong Wenxi could only use this method to close the distance with Chen Qingyuan.


If she wanted to, Murong Wenxi could also find out about Wu Junyan. However, she didn't have the leisure for that. If Chen Qingyuan were willing to humble himself and ask her, she might consider it.


"Oh? What's up with Old Han?"


Chen Qingyuan's expression changed slightly as he quickly inquired.


"Others might find it hard to uncover, but I've put in some effort and got a clue," Murong Wenxi was clearly seeking credit, deliberately keeping Chen Qingyuan in suspense.


"I owe you one, just tell me!"


Chen Qingyuan knew he was being played but still promised a favor. Matters concerning his brother couldn't be taken lightly.


"Fine!" Seeing Chen Qingyuan's good attitude, Murong Wenxi revealed the truth: "Do you know about the Four Holy Sects of the Renling Star Domain?"


"I've heard that the Four Holy Sects are the top forces in the Renling Star Domain, consisting of one main and three branch veins. They have powerful figures in residence, with profound foundations."


Chen Qingyuan was naturally aware of the truly first-rate forces of the Northern Wilderness.


"Han Shan is likely a member of the main vein of the Four Holy Sects."


Murong Wenxi confirmed this after extensive investigation. She was shocked for a long time when she got the answer.




Chen Qingyuan was taken aback.


He never imagined his brother would be connected to the Four Holy Sects.


Suddenly, Chen Qingyuan recalled something Han Shan had said years ago.


It seemed someone had found Han Shan and given him some properties, making him quite wealthy, and said it was a test.


Could it be that Old Han truly had an extraordinary background?


The more Chen Qingyuan thought about it, the more likely it seemed.


Little did he know, if it came to backgrounds, the Qing Sect and the Academy behind Chen Qingyuan could easily crush the Four Holy Sects. It was just that Chen Qingyuan himself hadn't realized it yet.


"Hundreds of years ago, the main vein of the Four Holy Sects experienced a significant upheaval over power struggles, leading to many deaths, including the legitimate son of the main vein's family head. However, things don't seem as simple as they appear on the surface."


"Decades ago, some hidden guards of the Four Holy Sects came to our remote corner, searching for Han Shan's life story. When the hidden guards were gathering information, they were discovered by the Murong family's spies."


"At first, I didn't care, but then a series of events happened, and I discovered something interesting. Han Shan's age is very close to that of the main vein's legitimate son who died unexpectedly. Recently, there have been many strangers around Han Shan, lurking in the shadows, seemingly protecting the Dao, with no weak abilities."


Piecing together all the clues, Murong Wenxi had a bold speculation. She hadn't even mentioned this to the Murong family's higher-ups, fearing getting dragged into the vortex.




Chen Qingyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, his interest in Han Shan's origins piqued.


"Last month, I heard something. The second son of the main vein of the Four Holy Sects left the Renling Star Domain, and his whereabouts are unknown. It's likely he knows of Han Shan's existence and has gone to the Yunhai Star Domain."


The Yunhai Star Domain was where Han Shan resided.


If Han Shan hadn't appeared, the second son would be the future heir of the Four Holy Sects' main vein. However, Han Shan's survival posed a huge threat to the second son.


Even a blood brother seems fragile in the face of power and status.


"Got it." Chen Qingyuan's gaze sharpened: "Miss Murong, thank you."


"You're welcome, just remember you owe me a favor."


Murong Wenxi had expended unimaginable resources and effort to obtain this information. However, she was happy to be of help to Chen Qingyuan.


"How about we call it even with the two thousand Spirit Stones, and I won't owe you the favor?"


Chen Qingyuan tentatively suggested.


"Don't even think about it, that would be letting you off too easy."


Murong Wenxi rolled her eyes and huffed.


Debts of gratitude are the hardest to repay.


Chen Qingyuan, concerned for his brother, didn't linger to chat with Murong Wenxi and prepared to set off for the Yunhai Star Domain.


He would pass through the Yunhai Star Domain on his way home, so he might as well check on Han Shan's recent situation.


Murong Wenxi tactfully stepped aside, watching Chen Qingyuan leave, and murmured to herself, "Chen Qingyuan, you won't escape from my grasp."

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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