Chapter 88 – Life on earth

“You regret it, what’s the use!”

The disfigured young man pointed angrily at Xu Qi.

“If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have ended up like this! You did well, I came back with this face and my wife wanted a divorce, my child looks down on me, they all say I’m a monster, I don’t even dare to attend my son’s parent-teacher conference, afraid of embarrassing him! My parents cry every day, if it weren’t for you, would I end up like this?!”

“I considered you my good brother back in military school, is this how you treat your brother?”

Young people who join the military always have a natural respect and fondness for the descendants of martyrs.

Old Zhao was the same, knowing that Xu Qi was a descendant of a martyr, he treated him like a real brother.

But it has turned into such a tragic situation.

“I’m sorry.”

Xu Qi lowered his head, trembling, and knelt down on the ground, kowtowing heavily to Old Zhao three times.

More and more people gathered around, the chaos grew, and some even took out their phones to record videos.

Xu Zong sighed.

He originally thought he was here to show off, but he realized how shallow he was.

Liu Wenqing was also dumbfounded on the side, she never expected such a storm-like development.

“Hey, Luo Hua, it’s me. I have a few bottles of Life Water in my suitcase. Can you help me get one out? I’ll send my fighter jet to pick it up right away. Okay!”

Xu Zong opened the auxiliary brain and made a brief call with Luo Hua.

“Uncle Zhao, I’ll just call you Uncle Zhao. It has come to this point, and I can’t say anything. I can only compensate you as much as I can. I have a bottle of Life Water here that can restore your appearance.”

Xu Zong walked forward and said in a deep voice to the disfigured young man.

“Life Water?”

He was stunned on the spot, his eyes filled with astonishment.

“You mean, the one developed by the government, limited edition auctioned every year, even sold for 30 billion, the Life Water that can cure any injury or disability?”

Xu Qi and Liu Wenqing also looked at him in surprise.

“That’s right.”

Xu Zong nodded.

“In addition, I can also provide 30 billion Huaxia coins as compensation. In the future, if you have any requests, you can tell me.”

“Your child can go to the best school, your wife can find the best job, and I can also find plant spirits for your parents to prolong their lives.”

“I won’t say let bygones be bygones, but I will do my best to help you heal your past wounds.”

While saying this, Xu Zong used the auxiliary brain to control the fighter jet to take off and fly towards Mingyue Community in Yangzhou City, causing another round of cheers.

After Xu Zong finished speaking, the three people in the field were stunned for a while.

“Can you really do it?”

Old Zhao, the disfigured young man, looked at Xu Zong with a skeptical expression.

It’s not surprising that he doubted, Xu Zong’s appearance was too young, how could a sixteen-year-old boy have such power, who would believe it?

“If you don’t believe me, I can find someone now!”

Xu Zong simply made another phone call, whispered a few words to the person inside, and then flicked his finger, projecting the image in front of Old Zhao.

“Soldier Zhao, I can vouch for everything Xu Zong says.”

“Vice Chairman Zhu, Zhu, Zhu Xi!”

Old Zhao widened his eyes and was completely dumbfounded.

The man appearing in the image was named Zhu Xi, one of the three parliamentary-level powerhouses loyal to the Huaxia country, and the current Deputy Chairman of the Military Department, in charge of the military power!

After Xu Zong became a Celestial Level, he obtained the phone numbers of many people. Many people came to establish connections with him, and this Congressman Zhu Xi was one of them.

“I believe! I believe!”

Old Zhao nodded repeatedly, and the expression on his face finally relaxed.

But then, his expression turned cold.

“I want the Life Water, the school my son wants to attend, and the plant spirits for my parents, but I don’t want the 30 billion. If people find out, they will think I, Zhao Yuntian, only care about money!”

“What about your wife?”

Liu Wenqing couldn’t help but ask.

“We’re divorced!”

Zhao Yuntian said coldly.

Liu Wenqing was speechless.

“Uncle Zhao, you can refuse the 30 billion, but your son and parents should still need it, right?”

Xu Zong nodded and persuaded.

“What path did your son choose? Warrior? That will definitely require money in the future. Hundreds of millions of Huaxia coins will flow like water. For the sake of your child, you should accept it.”

Zhao Yuntian hesitated, he had also heard that warriors were notorious for spending money.

Don’t be fooled by the glory of warriors, it’s all built on money. Techniques, equipment, which one doesn’t cost money? If you don’t spend money, it’s hard for ordinary warriors to make a name for themselves!

“Old Zhao, just accept it.”

Xu Qi saw the hesitation and smiled bitterly.

“I owe you in this life, I’m willing to repay it in the next life, but let me have a little peace of mind in this life. If you don’t accept it, my conscience will never be at ease.”

“Fine, I’ll accept it!”Zhao Yuntian hesitated for a long time before reluctantly agreeing.

More than ten minutes later, Xu Zong’s fighter jet returned to the empty space of the hospital.

Xu Zong walked into the fighter jet and took out a bottle of Life Water from inside, then handed it to Zhao Yuntian.

“Just drink it directly.”

Seeing the hesitant expression on Zhao Yuntian’s face, Xu Zong understood and said.

Only then did Zhao Yuntian realize, and then he opened the bottle cap and drank the Life Water in one gulp.

“Uh, actually, with your injuries, less than half of it is enough, the rest can be saved… it’s up to you.”

“Cough cough!”

Zhao Yuntian was choked by his own saliva and glared at Xu Zong.

You didn’t do it on purpose, did you?

Xu Zong shrugged, I didn’t even finish my sentence, why are you so impatient?

Soon, Zhao Yuntian felt an unbearable itch on his left cheek.

He had been a soldier for several years, and had endured a lot of torment during the ten years of disfigurement. He had a strong endurance. He endured it all the way, and visibly, the flesh on his face gradually grew back bit by bit. In just a few minutes, including his neck, all the lost flesh grew back, just a little tender.

“I’m healed? I’m really healed! That’s great, hahaha!”

Looking at his normal appearance in the mirror, Zhao Yuntian was overjoyed, laughing and tears unconsciously flowing from the corners of his eyes.

During these ten years, no one knew how much he had suffered, except for himself.

After a while, he gradually calmed down.

“I will fulfill the promises afterwards one by one.”

Xu Zong said to Zhao Yuntian, and transferred three billion into Zhao Yuntian’s bank account.

“Xu Qi, you have a good nephew!”

Zhao Yuntian sighed deeply.

“I accept this three billion. From now on, we are even. You are no longer my brother, nor my enemy. You don’t need to be a slave in your next life. Let’s go our separate ways!”

After saying this, Zhao Yuntian patted his butt and walked towards the hospital gate in a carefree manner.

“By the way, you mentioned earlier that you have the support of the War God?”

Xu Zong suddenly remembered something and asked Zhao Yuntian.

Zhao Yuntian had disfigured himself ten years ago, but he didn’t seek revenge on Xu Qi until now. This revenge had been delayed for too long. How could it be so coincidental that the War God was willing to support him?

“There is a War God who contacted me and said he is willing to help me seek revenge. I didn’t ask much and just agreed.”

Zhao Yuntian stopped and pondered for a moment, calmly saying.

“Now that I think about it, it seems a bit strange. I don’t know him at all, why would he want to help me… Could it be that he knows Xu Qi has a powerful nephew, so he wants to use me as a pawn?”

“What is his name?”

Xu Zong’s face immediately darkened.


Without hesitation, Zhao Yuntian sold him out.


In the morning, Xu Zong took Xu Qi out of the hospital.

“Little Uncle, someone may be targeting me recently. I’ll arrange a safe place for you to live for a while.”


“The teacher’s dormitory in the Elite Training Camp of the Martial Arts School.”

Xu Zong answered.

There were many powerful War God experts in the Elite Training Camp, and Wang Yu personally presided over it. Everyone on the Celestial Level on Earth knew what kind of place it was. Usually, people would avoid it. Anyone who openly trespassed there would be directly at war with the Martial Arts School, even Atkin didn’t have the courage to do so.

He had already talked to Wang Yu, and Wang Yu readily agreed, and reminded him, “No matter what happens, the Martial Arts School is your strongest backing.”


Xu Qi knew that living outside would only be a burden to Xu Zong, so he readily agreed.

“Xiaozong, you may think I’m being nosy, but I still want to remind you – in life, when you do anything, you must carefully consider whether your choices will make your future self regret. Choose the path that you will never regret and stick to it firmly!”

Xu Qi said with a solemn expression.

Back then, he knew that he had caused his good brother’s disfigurement and the breakdown of his family. He blamed himself for a long time and even thought about going to Zhao Yuntian to commit suicide to show his guilt.

But in the end, he didn’t do it because Xu Zong was still young at that time.

His older brother and sister-in-law had just died in the wilderness, and the whole family only had him and Xu Zong relying on each other. If he died, the six-year-old Xu Zong would have no one to rely on.

But his heart was still tormented. Helpless, he could only vent this emotion on the battlefield, desperately saving people to suppress his guilt.

“I understand.”

Xu Zong nodded with a smile.

The matter with Little Uncle had indeed taught him a valuable lesson.

The next day, Xu Qi moved to the teacher’s dormitory in the Elite Training Camp in Hongning Base City.

“Hello, I am your nanny.”

As soon as he entered the gate, a woman timidly greeted him.

“Nurse Liu? What are you doing here?”Xu Qi jumped in surprise, looking at the other party in disbelief.

“Your nephew said that I might also be targeted, so he arranged a high-paying job for me. I agreed, but I didn’t expect…”

Liu Wenqing was also very embarrassed. The calmness in the ward had disappeared without a trace.

Because next, they would have to spend a long time alone together.

“Ding dong!”

Soon, a message was sent to Xu Qi’s phone.

“Go for it! Try to get your aunt pregnant with a cousin within the year!”

“What message?”

Liu Wenqing leaned over.

Xu Qi couldn’t retract it in time, and she saw it clearly.

Both of them blushed deeply.


In Yangzhou City, Mingyue Community, Luo Family.


As soon as Luo Hua got home, he handed an invitation to Xu Zong, who was in the gravity room.

“What is this?”

“An invitation to the HR Alliance banquet!”

Upon hearing this, Xu Zong’s eyes narrowed.

“I see…”

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