Chapter 81 – Learning the Art of the Three Star Cave.mp3

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “image.jpg”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “What do you guys think?”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “Suoyuan is awesome. Zhang Junbao comprehended Tai Chi in this bgm and his enlightenment is definitely better than the interlude of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils!”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “Sanxing Cave’s learning is obviously more powerful. Although it’s just the Monkey King version from Journey to the West, it’s unbeatable on Earth. Becoming an immortal in three years and learning the Great Heavenly Immortal Technique, Seventy-Two Transformations, and Somersault Cloud in twenty years, it’s truly the ceiling of domestic dramas!”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “What about Pilip?”

Wind & Cloud Xu Zong: “Roar. (Forgive me for being straightforward, but Pilip’s music should have the same effect as the Prelude of the Little Knife Association.)”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “How about Li Xiaoyao?”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “I just checked. The song that Li Xiaoyao learned swordsmanship to is called ‘Wine Sword Immortal’.”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Alright then.”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “So, which one is better, Suoyuan or Sanxing Cave’s learning?”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Why not play both bgms together?”

Swallowed Star & The Nine Cauldrons & Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “Makes sense!”

Indeed, it’s possible to prepare more than one sound system. The only question is whether the two bgms should overlap or only the higher one should be played.

Xu Zong immediately tried it out. He used Suoyuan on the first day, Sanxing Cave’s learning on the second day, and both bgms combined on the third day.

Three days later, he opened the chat group again.

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “I’ve tried it out. When both bgms are played together, only the higher one takes effect. And Sanxing Cave’s learning surpasses Suoyuan in all aspects! It not only enhances physical training but also greatly boosts enlightenment. Truly the clever Stone Monkey!”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “So, from now on, we’ll use Sanxing Cave’s learning, right?”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Then let’s transfer our watches to you first. You download it and then transfer it back to us!”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “With four Xu Zongs, it will cost around 80 points for this back and forth. But for someone with a hundred thousand points, it doesn’t make much difference, right?”

Wind & Cloud Xu Zong: “Roar… (Is there a possibility that Swallowed Star Xu Zong can directly upload Sanxing Cave’s learning bgm to the chat group, and then we can download it to our watches?)”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “…”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “…”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “…”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “Right!”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Why didn’t I think of that!”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “Strange, what’s wrong with my brain?”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “Sanxing Cave’s learning.mp3”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “This should be the limit of the talent of the buff sound system. There shouldn’t be any bgm more awesome than this, right?”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Speechless.jpg”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “This chat group really knows good stuff!”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “Tsk.”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “Tsk.”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “Rare to see you two reach a consensus.”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “After all, handsome guys are the natural enemies of ugly ones.”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “After losing something, you will regret it.”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “What the hell, are you implying something?”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “What the hell, who are you calling ugly?”

Wind & Cloud Xu Zong: “Roar… (Here we go again…)”

Although the Xu Zongs have been chatting in the group, their actions are not slow either. One by one, they quickly downloaded Sanxing Cave’s learning bgm to their watches.

Even though there is no data connection, by silently thinking about it in the chat group, they managed to download it!

As a result, all the Xu Zongs unanimously changed their cultivation bgm to the single loop of Sanxing Cave’s learning.

A few days later, in mid-May.

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “I did it! I’ve reached the fifth level of World Annihilation!”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Goodness gracious, it’s only been a few days. It’s faster than when I cultivated the fourth level of World Annihilation last time. By the way, I’ve also learned all ten powerful martial arts and even comprehended the Invincible in Ten Directions. Given time, I think I can even create my own Basalt Inner Energy.”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “I feel like I’m progressing faster in the later stage of Gang Jin. To be honest, Sanxing Cave’s learning bgm is really awesome!”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “The only problem is that it’s almost useless for cultivating the mind.”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “You noticed too?”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “Yeah, I feel that the speed of cultivating the divine power is almost the same as before. It seems that we can’t rely on the Monkey King to cultivate the mind!”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “It’s enough for me. I don’t pay much attention to cultivating the mind anyway. Just practicing a bit is sufficient for me.”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “By the way, I’m back in the Jin Kingdom. I plan to go and defeat Yin Zhong tonight!”

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: “Shouldn’t we livestream it?”

Martial World General Xu Zong: “Right away!”

In the Martial World.

Jin Kingdom, Longze Villa.

After a journey of one and a half months, Xu Zong finally returned to Longze Villa.

This Divine Continent is much larger than the Earth in his previous life, and the distance between countries is also far. It took him half a month to return from the Song Kingdom to the Jin Kingdom.

After handing over the horses to the servants, Xu Zong entered the villa with Zhou Zhiruo.

He planned to sneak into the Sword Mastery Villa tonight and defeat Yin Zhong!

Having learned the ten powerful martial arts and cultivated the Great Annihilation for over a month, his current strength is explosive enough to dominate the entire Martial World. He doesn’t believe he can’t defeat Yin Zhong, who has a spiritual injury!

“Cang’er, you’re finally back!”

As soon as Xu Zong returned to the villa, Granny Long greeted him with a worried expression.

Behind her were Tong Bo, Tong Zhan, Tong Xin, Dou Dou, Zhao Yun, and others.

“Huh? This Lord looks a lot like Big Brother!”

Tong Xin had a silly expression on his face, with a carefree smile.

Tong Zhan and Tong Bo’s expressions changed, and Tong Zhan quickly interrupted Tong Xin’s words, taking him aside, while Tong Bo wore a bitter smile.

“Now that you mention it, they do look quite similar… Tong Big Brother, are you acquainted with this Lord?”

Dou Dou leaned in next to Tong Bo and asked him in a low voice.


Tong Bo hesitated, not knowing how to respond.Before leaving the Water Moon Immortal Realm, the patriarch of the Tong Clan, Tong Zhen, secretly summoned him and revealed his true identity, which greatly disturbed him in the following days.

“Brother… young man, you must be the man in black that day.”

Tong Bo hesitated for a moment before forcing a smile and explaining to Dou Dou. However, he only explained the surface of the matter, keeping the deeper issues hidden.

“So it was him!”

Dou Dou was taken aback upon hearing this, her cheeks puffing up in anger. She hadn’t forgotten the grudge of the Blood Ruyi being taken away.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yun, who was standing nearby, looked at Xu Zong with a peculiar expression, quietly sizing him up.

“Grandma, why are you all here?”

In response to everyone’s varied reactions, Xu Zong turned to Granny Long and asked.

“Something terrible has happened!”

Granny Long said anxiously.

“The Spirit Mirror has been taken by Yin Zhong!”

“What the hell?!”

Xu Zong was taken aback.

I was only gone for a month, how could you let Yin Zhong get the Spirit Mirror?

“Explain to me clearly, what exactly happened!”

“Let me explain.”

Tong Bo stepped forward, giving Xu Zong a complex look.

“Here’s what happened…”

The story began after Xu Zong left.

Xu Zong used the Blood Ruyi to heal Tong Zhen, but Tong Xin was still missing. The Tong Clan decided to find Tong Xin, so the next day, Tong Bo and Tong Zhan left the Water Moon Immortal Realm.

However, during the spatial transmission, Tong Bo was suddenly hit by a stone mirror.

Because Xu Zong had repeatedly emphasized that they should take the stone mirror if they encountered it, Tong Bo and Tong Zhan brought the stone mirror with them to the outside world.

Yin Zhong learned of the Tong Clan’s appearance and, in order to heal his spiritual injury, quickly led his troops to track them down.

After a series of disturbances, Tong Bo and the others found Tong Xin. They discovered a tunnel under an old house in the city, and after coming out, they arrived at Longze Villa.

Granny Long was overjoyed to see them, especially Tong Bo. Following Xu Zong’s instructions, she let them stay at Longze Villa temporarily.

Originally, they were safe hiding in Longze Villa.

However, two days ago, Yin Zhong suddenly attacked and forcibly took the Spirit Mirror from Tong Bo!

“How could this happen?”

Xu Zong immediately furrowed his brows.

“Yin Zhong has a spiritual injury, Tong Bo should have been able to repel him.”

Under normal circumstances, Yin Zhong was very weak.

“Yin Zhong used a powerful defensive martial skill that could harness the power of heaven and earth into a protective aura. It was very powerful, and I couldn’t repel him.”

Tong Bo looked serious, with a hint of regret in his eyes.

“Moreover, he had a very powerful helper. Even all of us together couldn’t beat him!”

Tong Zhan added, his expression full of unwillingness.

“A helper? Could it be Murong Hua?”

Xu Zong had a thought, recalling Murong Hua who he had encountered during his night raid on the underground city.

Murong Hua’s Innate Aura was very powerful, and his real identity was Gu Yu Tian, the leader of the Supreme Alliance of the Han Dynasty. His famous Dragon Palm was very famous. If he also made a move, and Yin Zhong had learned the Innate Aura, it would be normal for these people to be unable to beat him.

“That’s not what he called himself.”

At this point, Zhao Yun stepped forward as if to draw Xu Zong’s attention.

“He called himself Ji Dongming, a master of magic. Even the Tong Clan found his skills exceptionally profound. He assisted Yin Zhong in stealing the Spirit Mirror.”

“Wang Defa? Who did you say?!”

Xu Zong suddenly gasped, staring at Zhao Yun in disbelief.

“Ji Dongming?”

Zhao Yun looked at him strangely. Who was Wang Defa?

“Ji Dongming… Oh no, his real name should be Sima Dongming, the current emperor of the Jin Kingdom!”

Xu Zong immediately got up and began pacing back and forth.

“The key point is, Ji Dongming is a character from the God and Ghost Eight Array Picture Field, and the God and Ghost Eight Array clearly states the existence of the ‘Cultivation World’… I was wondering where the ancient Dragon God and those who broke through the void went, so they all went to the Cultivation World!”

“We’re doomed, if Yin Zhong gets the Spirit Mirror, he will quickly recover from his spiritual injury. We can’t stay in Longze Villa anymore, you guys should leave and go back to the Water Moon Immortal Realm!”

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