Chapter 3 – No bottleneck in cultivation

Talent: Cultivation without bottlenecks!

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Damn it! When did I get such an amazing talent!"

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Could it be that every newcomer who joins the group will awaken, or be granted a badass talent?"

Is this the "most useful function" that the other me talked about?

It is indeed the most useful!

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "It shouldn't be, based on my experience, my talent was something I had after reincarnation, unrelated to the chat group. Your talent should be the same, you had it after reincarnation. It's just that the chat group showed it to us."

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "After reincarnation? How come I didn't know at all? If I had this talent before, wouldn't I have been just a senior student until I was 16?"

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "Goodness gracious, I remember Luo Feng was only a senior student when he was 18 years old! Are you really this awesome?"

Starting with fainting during the college entrance examination, not being able to get into the ideal university, and thus having to "settle" to pursue the way of the warrior, how subtly satisfying was this at the time, he still remembers it.

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "However, as I remember it, early stage warrior cultivation doesn't have any bottlenecks, it's all about physical training, right? There's basically no room for your talent to come into play. And your realms in fist technique and body movement are quite high, can ordinary people achieve this at 16?"

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Now that you mention it, you do make sense."

Xu Zong suddenly realized.

In the 16 years after his reincarnation, he devoted 80% of his energy to physical training. Only in his spare time would he look online for fist and body movement techniques to practice, at most only half an hour a day. Yet he practiced his fist technique to specialization and body movement to the detailed realm.

He thought his talent was simply amazing, but he didn't realize that it was because…his talent was truly amazing!

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "Your talent is really insane. It might not be obvious in the early stages, but later, when others are trapped by any bottleneck, desperate for progress but unable to make an inch of progress for millions of years, you could breakthrough just like that, wouldn't that infuriate people?"

Never mind the later stages, he's envious to death right now!

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "At least it's better than my funny talent!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Zong in the training room became interested, he exited his own avatar and clicked on his avatar.

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong:

Shareable list:

Talent: Invincible Slide Tackle

Skills: Xingyi Five Element Fist (Inner Power), Xingyi Five Element Spear Following Shadow (Perfect)


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Invincible Slide Tackle…heh, heh! Ahem, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you, it really is invincible!"

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "You don't have to comfort me, compared to your talent, Invincible Slide Tackle really isn't much."

The voice on the other side suddenly became depressed.

He originally thought his talent was pretty good, but then comparing people could be disheartening!

Even though we are both me, why is there such a difference between us?

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "This should be a rule-type invincibility, different from my talent, it should be useful in battle."

He tentatively gave a relatively objective evaluation.

But comparing them, his "Cultivation without bottlenecks" is definitely more attractive.

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "By the way, where did you learn your Xingyi Quan? In the world of The Nine Cauldrons, only the protagonist Teng Qingshan knows this, right? Did you become his disciple?"

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "Not really, I reincarnated as a character from the original story, do you know Teng Qinghu?"

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "The protagonist's cousin? You reincarnated as him?"

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "Yes, that's how it is……"

Although both are reincarnation-type transmigrations, it seems there are differences in the methods of transmigration between different Xu Zongs. After Swallowed Star Xu Zong transmigrated, although the era and family circumstances are all different, at least the name is still his own, while The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong directly replaced a character in the original story.

Maybe the Xu Zongs who join the group later will have even more diverse transmigration results.

They might not even be human!

After being born in Teng Family Village and being named Teng Qinghu, Xu Zong in this world immediately understood that he had transmigrated into the world of The Nine Cauldrons. He targeted his not-yet-born self, who was the cousin, and also the destined protagonist of this world, "Teng Qingshan".

Teng Qingshan, a man from the world of The Nine Cauldrons on Earth, was an internal martial arts assassin who practiced Xingyi Quan. After perishing alongside his enemies, through a serendipitous set of circumstances, he transmigrated to the Teng Family Village on the Jiuzhou continent, founded the system of internal martial arts, and eventually found his own path, breaking through the void and departing.

Teng Qinghu is Teng Qingshan's direct cousin. Since he had transmigrated into the protagonist's cousin, he couldn't waste this great opportunity.

On a certain day when Teng Qingshan was three years old, Xu Zong barged into his room unannounced, with an "I'm here to play with you" demeanor.

At that time, Teng Qingshan was practicing the Tiger Fist of the Twelve Forms of Xingyi Quan on his bed. Because he was just a three-year-old child, he naturally didn't dare to practice outside, so he had to practice secretly in his room under the guise of sleeping.

Despite being a master of internal martial arts in his previous life, he was just a three-year-old child in this life.

Upon seeing a "three-year-old child who claimed to be going to sleep, but was actually practicing something secretive," Xu Zong sternly declared that he would tell the child's parents!

If his parents were to find out, he likely wouldn't be able to practice alone in secret anymore. His parents would certainly check on him while he was sleeping, leaving him no time to practice.

So, Teng Qingshan chose to tell the "truth".

A great warrior happened to pass by the Teng Family Village, saw his exceptional aptitude, and decided to take him as a disciple, teaching him a set of martial skills.

"How amazing is the martial skill? Teach me, teach me!"


Teng Qingshan agreed readily, without much thought.

He had wanted to teach Tiger Fist to the village people for quite some time, after all, the Jiuzhou continent is notoriously chaotic. Teaching Tiger Fist to the villagers would certainly be beneficial, giving them an additional skill.

But he was just a three-year-old child, his words carried no weight. Even if he demonstrated Tiger Fist, the movements imitating a sleeping tiger would probably just be dismissed as a child's play, no one would believe that it could cultivate the legendary Inner Power!

Only his nine-year-old cousin, Teng Qinghu, would probably believe him.

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "You sly old fox! You actually deceived your cousin, don't you feel guilty?"

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "???"

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "How can you make false accusations? I didn't deceive him at all! In fact, it's the opposite! I went to care about my little cousin's sleep quality, and he lied to me instead! There was no great warrior passing through Teng Family Village!"

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Wow, you! Wow, you…… you make so much sense!"

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "Moreover, I've helped him quite a bit, when he was six, during the annual ceremony, to not disappoint his parents, he put on a show, and when he was about to be sent to the Returning to Origin Sect for further cultivation, he sold me out, claiming that Tiger Fist was my invention and that I had taught him. He almost dragged me down with him!"

Of course, Xu Zong was not one to suffer losses either, he quickly learned the Twelve Forms of Xingyi Quan from Teng Qingshan.

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "To be serious, it's because Teng Qingshan was willing to teach me. If he didn't want to, I couldn't have forced him."

In the training room, Xu Zong touched his head.

Another self, after his reincarnation, clearly had a brand-new life of his own. He couldn't understand what the relationship was between the other him and Teng Qingshan, unless the two Xu Zongs could share memories. However, it seemed that the chat group didn't have this function.

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "I've digressed. Back to the main point, you've seen what I can share, right? You can directly click in, and you'll receive my talents and skills."

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "I'll give it a try."

Xu Zong controlled with his mind and clicked on his first skill.

Xingyi Five Element Fist (Inner Power).

Suddenly, a surge of memory directly poured into his mind.

These memories mainly consist of three parts: the Twelve Forms, the Five Element Fist, and the Three Body Posture.

The Twelve Forms refer to the traditional routines of Xingyi, which simulate the life forms and fighting characteristics of twelve animals, including the dragon, tiger, monkey, horse, turtle, chicken, swallow, sparrow hawk, snake, bird of paradise, eagle, and bear. Based on the boxing technique, many hand techniques, body movements, leg techniques, and footwork are added, forming a total of twelve complete practice routines.

The Five Element Fist, on the other hand, simplifies the complex doctrine of the Five Elements into five punching styles, namely, Metal Element Chopping Fist, Water Element Drilling Fist, Wood Element Crashing Fist, Fire Element Cannon Fist, and Earth Element Cross Fist.

The final Three Body Posture is the foundation and essence of Xingyi Quan, encompassing the Dao of Heaven, Earth, and Man. Even grandmasters have to practice it regularly.

"So, that's it. This Xingyi Quan emphasizes more on 'intention' rather than 'form'. Achieving a state where every move and every action come naturally without being constrained by form is the highest realm of returning to simplicity! Blindly imitating animals is inherently inferior."

Heavy form, light intention.

Heavy form, heavy intention.

Light form, heavy intention.

These are the three stages that practitioners of Xingyi Quan progress from beginner to expert!

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "Set the price for your talents and skills."

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Price?"

A thought stirred in Xu Zong's mind, and he silently said, "Share price."

"Ding! Please set the price for the talents and skills you can share!"

As the words fell, a pop-up window appeared in his mind.

Numbers could be adjusted up and down in the column, and the currency used was points.

So, it could also sell for points?

The minimum was 0 points.

The maximum was…

"Damn! I can't set it to the top, forget it!"

Xu Zong simply set all the prices to 0 points.

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "It's done."

In a short while.

"Ding! Group member 'The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong' applies to share your talents. Do you agree with the price of 0 points?"


"Ding! The sharing was successful! Would you like to maintain this operation for 'The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong's' future requests?"



The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "A burly youth giving an OK.jpg"

The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong: "I'm off now, going to test the effects of 'Cultivation Without Bottlenecks'! If there's anything, @ me, bye!"

How did he send the picture?

Before Xu Zong could ask, The Nine Cauldrons Xu Zong's avatar darkened, clearly indicating he had gone offline.

Seeing this, Swallowed Star Xu Zong also exited the chat group.

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