Chapter 234 – Xu Zong joins the group

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

【Ding! Welcome 'Type-Moon Xu Zong' to the chat group!】


A mechanical voice echoed in the minds of all Xu Zongs, instantly appearing in their thoughts.


In an instant, numerous Xu Zongs joined the group.


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Whoa! Has Type-Moon Xu Zong finally arrived? Tell me, who is the final boss of the second part?"


Desolate Xu Zong: "Goodness gracious, a newcomer finally joined? How many years has it been?"


Lotus Lantern Xu Zong: "Ten years! A full ten years! I've been counting!"


Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: "Does that mean we guessed right? After the last upgrade, the interval for new Xu Zongs to join the group really did extend to every ten years?"


Desolate Xu Zong: "I've always felt this was unfair!"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Hmm?"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "What's the weird thing today?"


Martial World General Xu Zong: "Newcomer, pay attention. This chat group is the golden finger of the 99 worlds style, and you can control it with just a thought. You should first open the group file in the top right corner, find the Newbie Sprite 5.0 video, click to download it, and you'll understand the basic settings!"


Demon Slayer Xu Zong: "+1"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Let me take a look."


Wind and Cloud Xu Zong: "Type-Moon, the Xu Zong of this world has finally arrived."


Wind and Cloud Xu Zong: "I wonder who this world's Xu Zong has become, or like Swallowed Star, remains as himself."


Dragon Ball Xu Zong: "To be honest, the Type-Moon world has such a complex worldview, and it's so counterintuitive and dangerous. Living there really requires luck."


Dragon Ball Xu Zong: "Gas explosion.avi"


Ultraman Xu Zong: "Hululululu…"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Hahahahahaha!"


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "?"


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "What's wrong with the newcomer? Too excited and passed out?"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Not at all."


Desolate Xu Zong: "To be honest, doesn't anyone else find the newcomer's laughter a bit familiar?"


Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: "This rhythmical laughter, it's as if it's been rehearsed countless times, and just hearing it feels like a meme video is playing right next to my ear!"


Martial World General Xu Zong: "Newcomer, tell us straight, who have you become?"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Gilgamesh."


Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: "I knew it!"


Against the Demons Xu Zong: "Nice!"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Damn!"


Dragon Ball Xu Zong: "Pass the mic.jpg"


Dragon Ball Xu Zong: "Newcomer, tell us your story!"


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "I remember Golden Sparkle has clairvoyance, and it can see the future! So, who is the final boss of the second part of FGO?"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Firstly, using clairvoyance to see gods will get you cursed by them."


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Is that a thing? I'll look it up on Baidu!"


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Oh, it was mentioned in the first part, chapter seven, that if clairvoyance is used on gods, the gods will notice and curse you back on the spot. That's the setting."


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "But I just checked again, and it seems Golden Sparkle also has the skill Omniscient Omnipotent Star, which is way more powerful than Clairvoyance EX!"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "However, that's a Noble Phantasm Golden Sparkle obtained after becoming a Heroic Spirit. I'm still alive and have just come of age."


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "So, you don't know who the final boss of the second part is?"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Currently, I really don't know. If you're patient, you could wait a few thousand years and go see for yourself at Chaldea."


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Seems like that's the only option."


Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: "Actually, if you want to know the answer, you could choose to die once, ascend to the Throne of Heroes, go directly to the future to incarnate, and then run to Chaldea. Of course, that's assuming the timeline is the FGO world line."


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Is there a possibility that I could live forever?"


Against the Demons Xu Zong: "I'm actually more curious about what the real people behind those risqué FGO card faces look like. Does the master really fight in a purple fetish bodysuit?"


Martial World General Xu Zong: "Typical lewdster, focusing on what normal people wouldn't!"


Against the Demons Xu Zong: "What right do you have to say that to me?"


Martial World General Xu Zong: "I was thinking the same thing!"


Against the Demons Xu Zong: "Then it's all good."


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Speaking of which, which Xu Zong in the group is suitable to cross over to my world?"


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Is it dangerous over there?"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "Not at the moment, but there will definitely be danger in the future."


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "Oh, there might be the emergence of Tiamat, the Mother of Creation. She's indeed a bit troublesome, mainly because she doesn't have the concept of death and can resurrect no matter how you kill her."


Desolate Xu Zong: "The concepts in the Type-Moon world are quite unique. Since they are born from the history of humanity, they can also change form with human cognition. Even in places without people, concepts don't exist."


Desolate Xu Zong: "From this perspective, you could just throw Tiamat into space, and that would solve the problem!"


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "You're right, but it's impossible for me to become strong enough to throw Tiamat into space in just a few decades."


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "So, how many people in the group can do it?"


Swallowed Star Xu Zong: "…"


Desolate Xu Zong: "…"


Ultraman Xu Zong: "Hululululu…"


Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: "I'm now a Dou Saint, so I should barely be able to do it. If Tiamat emerges in a few decades, by then I'll at least be a Dou Emperor, and destroying the Earth won't be a problem."


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "There's one more thing."


Type-Moon Xu Zong: "I want to drive all the gods out from the earth without leaving a single one behind."




In the Type-Moon world.


The time in this world is still around 2700 BC, and the oldest civilization of mankind has just emerged on the plains of Mesopotamia.


Xu Zong stood on the city wall, gazing at the vast plains. This broad and fertile land nurtured many city-states and their people, where the earliest civilizations thrived.


But it was accompanied by the anomaly of gods.


Even his own body, the fifth king of Uruk, was merely a device designed by the gods.


This half-human, half-god body was a wedge of heaven created by the gods to connect with the world's people. However, the gods didn't create this wedge to bring prosperity to the humans on earth, but to suppress them.


The gods were gradually leaving this era, but they were unwilling to let the earth be ruled by humans. So, they created this wedge to maintain their dominion over the land and humanity.


Essentially, this wedge was a tool of the gods, a tool for their arbitrary actions.


If the gods wanted him to be a tyrant, he had to be a tyrant; if they wanted him to wage war, he had to wage war. The gods issued various commands to him, arrogantly using him to complete their ravaging of the earth. They saw themselves as the supreme storm, and humans should naturally endure their ravaging without a word of complaint.


After all, humans indeed wouldn't resist a storm.


"How boring."


Xu Zong tugged at the corner of his mouth, filled with disdain for the gods.


"Outdated relics should be swept into the tomb of history, not like centipedes, clinging onto humans and sucking their blood!"


He opened the chat group and shared talents like No Bottlenecks in Cultivation, Memory Kill, Baidu, and Invincible Slide Tackle to himself, then downloaded skills like Desolate Buddhist Scriptures, Xingyi Five Elements Fist, and Hou Yi Archery.


Regardless of how much these abilities could be utilized in the Type-Moon world, the point was to share them all.


"King, it's time to go back and deal with state affairs."


As the sky gradually brightened, a woman in a black veil came up to the city wall. She wore a teal body-hugging long dress, and a white headscarf covered her tea-colored long hair. Although her face was not visible, her demeanor was gentle and kind, exuding a strong maternal aura.


Without a word, Xu Zong turned and walked down the city wall.


The city before him was bustling. Although it was less than five kilometers in length and width, and the total number of inhabitants was only about fifty thousand, stone brick roads were everywhere, rain-shielding umbrellas were abundant, and the faces of the vendors were all smiles. The fruits on display were juicy and fresh, and an atmosphere of prosperity filled the city.


This was the most prosperous city of the era. Xu Zong used his clairvoyance that could see the future to bring technologies of later ages to this time.


It was his first time being a king, and naturally, he wanted to achieve something, hoping to lead his people towards prosperity and strength.


And now, this city-state had indeed become prosperous and strong. Everyone had clothes to wear, food for every meal, and plenty of houses to shelter from the wind and rain. If a survey were conducted, the happiness index of the residents would certainly be high.


But there was one thing that was different from what he had initially expected.


"Thanks to the great gods for their gifts!"


"This is all thanks to the guardian god An's grace!"


People wore smiles on their faces, sincerely grateful to the gods.


They had no idea what they really meant in the eyes of the gods, no idea how the gods viewed them. They were so sincere and simple in their gratitude to the gods, as if all prosperity was a grace from the gods.


"Even if one day such prosperity disappears, these people would probably think they have angered the gods, and so the gods have sent down punishment."


Xu Zong murmured in his heart.


Having been a king here for twenty years, he had long seen through the humans of this era.


The bringer of prosperity was not the gods, but him. The gods only wanted to rule over them, arrogantly looking down on humanity, yet these humans were so foolish.


"Siduri, do you think if I spread atheism in this era, it would catch on?"


Xu Zong stopped walking and asked the veiled lady behind him.


"King, please don't joke about such things!"


Siduri was startled. She quickly looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to them before she breathed a sigh of relief and warned him seriously.


"If the gods hear such words, the whole of Uruk will be punished by the gods! Famine, disease, floods… By then, all the prosperity you've created will be gone!"


Siduri was right.


In this era, the gods possessed supreme power, and humans were no different from livestock in their eyes.


"So, we must first drive the gods out without leaving a single one behind!"


Xu Zong silently resolved.

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