Chapter 218 – Completely reasonable, right?

“Haha, not bad, this time we will make them perish like the wind!”

The Wuguard also wore a black robe, with a hint of the leader’s intention, and laughed.

“Uh, is this how it’s used?”

The man in the black robe was slightly stunned and asked in surprise.

“What’s the problem?”

The Wuguard glanced at him.

“Perish like the wind, isn’t it to make the dead look like they’ve been torn apart?”

“…That’s absolutely right!”

The man in the black robe was stunned, admiringly giving a thumbs up.

Above the Xiao family, a group of black-robed figures descended from the sky, each exuding the aura of a King of Combat or higher. Countless powerful auras swept in all directions, causing the members of the Xiao family to flee in panic.

“Who are the experts who have come to visit my Xiao family?”

Sensing the immense auras, Xiao Zhan immediately felt that something was wrong and hurried to the martial arts arena. When he saw the black-robed figures that looked extraordinary, he was shocked and forced a smile as he stepped forward.

“Hehe, you are the current head of the Xiao family?”

The Wuguard stepped forward, first giving a strange laugh, then arrogantly looking at Xiao Zhan.


Xiao Zhan knew that the other party was not just passing by, but had come for his Xiao family, and his heart sank.

“I heard that your Xiao family has an ancient jade that has been passed down through the generations. Hand over that ancient jade, and we will spare your life!”

“You better think carefully about how to answer!”

“If we are not satisfied, hehe, your Xiao family will perish like the wind today!”

The black-robed figures all laughed strangely, and for a moment, an eerie atmosphere filled the surroundings of the Xiao family’s martial arts arena.

Xiao Zhan’s expression changed at first, then he clasped his hands respectfully.

“I dare not deceive you. It is true that my Xiao family’s ancestors had an ancient jade, but it has disappeared without a trace in the past few generations. It has not been passed down to my generation. Please see the truth!”

“Disappeared without a trace?”

“Do you think we are easy to fool?”

“Something that has been around for thousands of years, who knows?”

The black-robed figures looked at each other.

They were ordered to come to the Xiao family to seize an ancient jade that had been passed down through the generations, but it was not clear what kind of ancient jade it was. The Xiao family was just a declining small clan in the northwest, and the things passed down to them might not be valued by the Xiao family themselves. It was not impossible for them to have disappeared at some point.

“Send someone to search!”

The Wuguard snorted coldly.

“I will personally capture Xiao Zhan and use severe torture to force the truth out of him. After a round of torture, I don’t believe we won’t get the answer!”


The black-robed figures dispersed and rushed in all directions of the Xiao family.

The Wuguard reached out with a big hand and grabbed towards Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan’s expression changed suddenly, and he sighed in his heart. He knew that the Xiao family was in trouble today, but he couldn’t let the Xiao family’s secret be known by the villains!

He stirred up his entire body’s combat energy, and an illusory image of an angry lion appeared behind him, as if he was prepared to die with the other party.

But the Wuguard just sneered, turning the combat energy into a solid form, not using any combat techniques, but condensing the fierce combat energy into a beam, which burst out in one direction, and the unparalleled combat energy forced Xiao Zhan to fly backwards, completely powerless to resist.

“When you arrive at our Soul Hall, we have ten thousand ways to make you speak!”

The Wuguard took a step forward with an indifferent stride, walking towards Xiao Zhan.

Not far away, the black-robed figures had also clashed with the members of the Xiao family, looking like they were close neighbors. The members of the Xiao family were all loudly thanking the ancestors of the black-robed figures.


At this moment, an extremely powerful wave suddenly spread throughout the entire Xiao family.

In an instant, the people who were fighting in the Xiao family’s territory were frozen in place, as if someone had pressed the pause button, and all movement stopped, with only pairs of eyes turning around in fear.

“Space blockade?”

The Wuguard was surprised to see this, and angrily shouted.

“Who dares to interfere with the affairs of our Soul Hall!”

At this moment, Xiao Zhan was also unable to move, only able to observe his surroundings with his eyes. He was secretly shocked, wondering how he had attracted so many experts to the Xiao family today.

“Your Soul Hall is becoming more and more presumptuous!”

As she spoke, a woman in white descended slowly from the sky, landing calmly in front of Xiao Zhan.

At the same time, she extended her right hand, and with a flick of her fingers, sharp gusts of wind shot out like arrows, piercing through all the black-robed figures who were fighting with the members of the Xiao family, causing them to fall to the ground and die in a state of complete disarray, with no one spared.

It was truly a scene of perishing like the wind.

“A Combat Saint expert!”

The Wuguard exclaimed in shock, without hesitation turning and running, and in an instant, he disappeared into the sky.

It was only at this moment that the space blockade around them was lifted. The members of the Xiao family looked at each other, their eyes filled with confusion, completely unable to understand what had happened.

“Thank you for helping us, miss!”

Xiao Zhan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stepped forward to thank the woman in white.

“I wonder who the young lady is?”

“I am your son’s master, so it’s only natural for me to save you.”

Xu Zong turned around and smiled at Xiao Zhan.

“My son’s master?”

Xiao Zhan was completely relaxed, but was also greatly surprised. When did my son become so capable, to find such a beautiful and young Combat Saint expert as his master?

“Young lady, what about the person who escaped just now?”

“It doesn’t matter. This branch of the Soul Hall is finished.”

Xu Zong was completely unconcerned, and even seemed to be in a very good mood.

Xiao Zhan nodded in understanding, then quickly had someone send Xiao Yan back home.

On the other side, the Wuguard fled alone. After leaving Wutan Town, he took a step and directly traversed space back to the outside of the branch hall, looking very rushed as he rushed into the hall.”Palace Master, it’s terrible, a Dou Zun master has appeared!”


The vice-palace master, who was at the nine-star Dou Zong Realm, hadn’t even reacted to the news when he was slapped in the face by the incoming Wu Protector. His head exploded instantly, dead beyond any doubt, his soul shattered to pieces as it was seized by the attacker.

“Isn’t it normal for a vice-palace master to be killed when a Dou Zun master arrives?”

Wu Protector muttered to himself, then headed to the Soul Storage Chamber of this branch palace.

Inside the Soul Storage Chamber, it was dark and filled with countless black chains floating around. Each chain was locking a soul, and every soul was a renowned figure on the Northwest Continent. Their bodies had long been destroyed, and only their souls were kept here, constantly facing the agony of being refined.

Wu Protector stepped forward and used the soul techniques of the Soul Hall to unlock all these black chains. The tormented souls, already weakened to the extreme, quickly found release and dissipated one after another upon being freed.

At the very center of these black chains, a black jade bottle was placed on a stone pillar. The bottle contained something that emitted an extremely pure soul force fluctuation.

This was a unique secret technique of the Soul Clan, capable of refining many souls into pure soul essence. Consuming it could greatly enhance one’s soul power!

The Soul Emperor had been collecting powerful souls from all over the continent and refining their soul essence for consumption, all to enhance his own soul power.

Wu Protector stepped forward, picked up the black jade bottle, and drank all the soul essence inside.

His soul power surged in an instant, and his perception became even clearer.

“Facing the attack of a Dou Zun powerhouse, it’s logical for me, Wu Protector, to absorb the soul essence to protect the branch palace, advancing to the Spiritual Realm and breaking through to the nine-star Dou Zong, right?”

Wu Protector chuckled lowly, then took a step forward.

His body suddenly transformed into a sea-blue flame, roaring and spreading in all directions. The astonishing heat was unbearable even for Dou Zong powerhouses, and the leaping flames turned everything in sight to ashes.

This sea-blue flame was formed after she had refined Han Feng’s Sea Heart Flame following the practice of the Red Lotus Nine Tribulations. Just this flame alone could kill a Dou Zong powerhouse, and with the characteristics of the Red Lotus Nine Tribulations, the more and stronger the flames refined, the greater the power!

Soon, the entire branch palace was burned to nothing in the fierce flames.

The flames reconverged, forming the figure of a woman in white, and then with a flicker, transformed into the appearance of Wu Protector. Whether it was the appearance or the aura, there was no difference from Wu Protector himself.

“Although I am now a nine-star Dou Zong, I am still no match for a Dou Zun powerhouse. It’s only reasonable that I barely escaped with my life as the branch palace was reduced to ashes.”

Wu Protector chuckled, then turned and flew towards the Black-Corner Region.

She was now at the pinnacle of Dou Zun, and the Red Lotus Nine Tribulations could refine multiple Exotic Fires. It was time to take the small Fallen Heart Flame from beneath the Jia Nan Academy.

With the Fallen Heart Flame, she would no longer have to worry about her Dou Qi being unstable and could confidently advance her Realm.

It was easy to elevate the Dou Qi Realm, and as for the soul Realm, once she got her hands on the Fallen Heart Flame, she could head to the Central Plains Continent.

“Soul Hall headquarters, here I come! Hehehe!”

In Wu Tan Town, a figure descended like a streak of light from the sky, landing in the Xiao family’s training ground.

He was a handsome young man with a tall and slightly lean figure, young in age but exuding an impression of unyielding determination.

His expression was extremely grave at the moment. With a sweep of his soul power, he noticed that many in the Xiao family were bandaging wounds, and bloodstains were everywhere. His face darkened, and he hurried to the Xiao family council hall.

Inside the council hall, Xiao Yan, the family head, and several elders were gathered. The elders were indignant, pointing at Xiao Yan and shouting angrily.

Seeing this scene, the handsome young man’s expression sank, and an astonishingly fierce aura suddenly burst forth, pressing down on the elders.

“Elders, how dare you show such disrespect to the family head when I’ve only been away for a short while?”

“Xiao Yan?!”

The elders, upon seeing the young man and feeling the overwhelming aura, cried out in shock, their eyes widening in disbelief.

This young man, who had hurried back, was none other than Xiao Yan, the third young master of the Xiao family, who was once labeled as trash but later rose to prominence.

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