Chapter 201 – Mount Rain Phase

The headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company in the virtual universe is located in a special dimensional space.

It is a floating mountain peak surrounded by clouds and mist, making it difficult to see clearly. From a distance, the mountain peak appears incredibly huge, even larger than a planet, with many streets and buildings constructed on top of it. On a stone path on the mountain peak, two figures suddenly appeared. It was Xu Zong and Luo Feng.

“Is this the virtual headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company?” as soon as they appeared, they looked around.

The mountain peak was too large, and with the surrounding clouds and mist, even their vision could only see a small part of it nearby, and the distant view was unclear. Far above the mountain peak, there was a huge island shrouded in thunder and lightning, even larger than the mountain peak they were standing on, with countless thunder and lightning swirling around it, making it impossible to see the scene clearly. The thunder and lightning emitted a majestic pressure, indicating that it was not a place for ordinary people to go.

“Your Highnesses, I apologize for the wait!” Not long after the two appeared, an old man with white hair and wearing a white robe hurriedly approached them and bowed to them.

“Who are you?” Xu Zong asked the old man.

“I am Aituo, the manager of the Rainfall Mountain Primitive Area.” The old man in the white robe smiled slightly, exuding a warm feeling like the sun. There was even a flame pattern on his forehead, indicating that he was a realm master recognized by the original source law.

“I was in a hurry to know that Your Highnesses had arrived and didn’t have time to come immediately. Please forgive me, Your Highnesses!”

“Your Highnesses…” Luo Feng was speechless. And the one who came to greet them was actually a realm master recognized by the original source law? This was too extravagant!

“As this is the first time Your Highnesses have come here and are not familiar with this place, it is the rule here. I will show you around and introduce you to the situation in the Rainfall Mountain.” Aituo explained.

Aituo gestured for the two to follow him, and they looked at each other before following his lead. The Rainfall Mountain was a gathering place for personnel below the immortal level of the Virtual Universe Company, including geniuses from the four major secret realms and a large number of staff, with a diameter of up to 8.9 million kilometers, much larger than the Earth. The huge island shrouded in thunder and lightning in the distant sky was called Thunder Island, where immortal powerhouses resided. Those below the immortal level were unable to enter, so it was temporarily irrelevant to them. The Rainfall Mountain was mainly divided into five major areas: the Primitive Area, the Primordial Area, the Heaven and Earth Area, the End Times Area, and the Public Area. Each area was roughly the same size, with the Primitive Area being the gathering place for geniuses from the Primitive Secret Realm, the Primordial Area for geniuses from the Primordial Secret Realm, and so on.

It should be noted that it was not allowed to move between these four major areas. For example, people from the Primordial Area going to the Primitive Area, or people from the Primitive Area going to the Primordial Area, was not allowed. The Public Area was for trade and entertainment, open to everyone. In other words, Xu Zong and Luo Feng, as geniuses from the Primitive Secret Realm, could only operate in the Primitive Area and the Public Area, and the other three areas were off-limits. Those who were eliminated by the Heaven and Earth Secret Realm and absorbed from the outside world would initially enter the End Times Area. To put it bluntly, the End Times Secret Realm was the least favored place by the Virtual Universe Company, and all unwanted geniuses were swept into the End Times Secret Realm. This resulted in the low status of geniuses in the End Times Secret Realm, and when they met people from the other three major areas, if they were below the immortal level, they all had to address them as “Your Highness.”

“In fact, among these four major secret realms, the status of geniuses in the first three secret realms is far higher than that of the ordinary royal family of the 1008 Universe Nations. After all, these geniuses are the future hope of the human race, so addressing them as ‘Your Highness’ is really nothing.” Aituo explained, looking completely unconcerned. The geniuses from the first three secret realms, as long as they did not die, would definitely be recognized by the original source law in the future. His ability was completely insignificant in front of the geniuses from the first three secret realms. The geniuses from the first three secret realms, placed in various places outside, were invincible realm masters, and killing them would be a piece of cake. Luo Feng nodded in realization. Since it was a company regulation, there was nothing more to say.

“In addition, people from the End Times Area have to do a lot of trivial tasks. For example, I am in charge of the Primitive Area, and the Your Highnesses of the Primitive Area do not need to do any trivial tasks. After all, the time of Your Highnesses is very precious and cannot be wasted on trivial matters.” Aituo pointed to himself.

He was a realm master from the End Times Area, and he took on the task of managing the Primitive Area, which was also beneficial to him.

“People from the End Times Area have to do trivial tasks?” Luo Feng was surprised. Even the geniuses from the End Times Area were among the top one thousand in the battle of geniuses, and they still needed to do trivial tasks?

“How many people are there in the End Times Area?”

“There are tens of millions of people in the End Times Area.” Aituo explained, “Generally, a realm master can live for tens of millions of years. The geniuses from the four major areas of the Rainfall Mountain are the accumulation of the human race for tens of millions of years. To put it bluntly, eighty percent of the future strong people of the human race will come from here!”

Luo Feng’s face turned pale as he listened, and Xu Zong couldn’t help but be amazed. Yes, there were so many geniuses on the Rainfall Mountain, and they were the accumulation of the human race for tens of millions of years, which was indeed precious. But the human race had already existed in this universe era for billions of years, so this amount of time was not much for the entire human race.

“There are tens of millions of people in the End Times Area, but there are only over ten thousand people in the Heaven and Earth Area, only over a thousand people in the Primordial Area, and only over a hundred people in the Primitive Area!” Aituo smiled slightly and continued to explain to the two.

“Over a hundred people?” Luo Feng was surprised again. There were actually so few people in the Primitive Area?”Indeed, there are so few people in the Primitive Zone because it is the secret realm with the least number of people among the four great secret realms. The geniuses within the Primitive Secret Realm are all treasures of the Virtual Universe Company!”

Aitor stood tall and proud, being a manager in the Primitive Zone was also a recognition of his identity and strength. Seeing the prince from the universe level constantly surprised, Aitor chuckled inwardly, thinking that this prince must have come from a very remote place with little inheritance. However, the other prince was different, remaining calm throughout, as if he already knew, probably coming from an extraordinary background. Although Aitor guessed that Luo Feng was from a remote place, he dared not show any disrespect, as anyone who could enter the Primitive Zone was not someone he could afford to offend.

Thus, he continued to perform his duties very competently, explaining in great detail to the two of them.

“The five regions on Mount Rain Phase are roughly the same size, but the Apocalypse Zone has the most people, with tens of millions, so the environment there is the worst. People in the Apocalypse Zone can only live in apartment buildings, while princes from the Heaven and Earth Zone each have a villa, and those from the Primordial Zone each have an estate spanning a hundred kilometers.”

“Lastly, the princes of the Primitive Zone each own a vast estate that spans thousands of kilometers!”

It’s truly maddening to compare oneself with others. People from the Apocalypse Zone can only live in apartments, while those from the Primitive Zone can sit on estates spanning thousands of kilometers!

In the Apocalypse Zone, I have an apartment.

“Not only that, but the princes of the Primitive Zone also have the best guard teams. For example, a prince from the Primordial Zone can have a World Lord from the Apocalypse Zone, ten Domain Lords, and a hundred universe-level beings as guards, but the princes of the Primitive Zone can have an Immortal, ten World Lords, and a hundred Domain Lords as guards, and this is true both in the virtual universe and in reality!”

Aitor’s voice suddenly rose several decibels, and his tone became excited. Luo Feng was startled again.

“An Immortal as a guard? That’s just outrageous!” Immortals are beings that have broken through the limits of lifespan, truly immortal, and yet they serve as guards for a universe-level youngster. That’s incredibly extravagant.

“The geniuses of the Primitive Secret Realm, as long as they can become Immortals, are definitely stronger than ordinary Immortals.”

Xu Zong interjected. He remembered clearly that it was mentioned in the original work that one-third of the World Lords in the Primitive Secret Realm have law comprehension close to that of a King, and the top-ranked ones even have law comprehension at the King level. Such geniuses, once they become Immortals, can quickly possess the strength of a Marquis or even a King. After all, it’s the accumulation of thousands of epochs, so it’s normal to have such strength. Moreover, with a high mortality rate, on average, there is one Marquis every few dozen generations and one King every few hundred generations.

“The prince is correct,” Aitor said with a smile.

“Currently in the Primitive Zone, there are 100 World Lords, 10 Domain Lords, 3 universe-level beings, plus Prince Berlan who arrived a few days ago and the two princes who arrived today, making a total of 6 universe-level princes.”

“However, the two princes should also be aware that being able to enter the Primitive Zone does not mean you can always stay. The Virtual Universe Company’s four great secret realms have something called a qualification battle. The qualification battle keeps the number of universe-level beings in the Primitive Zone at 3, Domain Lords at 10, and World Lords at 100. If your strength is not enough, you will be kicked down to the Primordial Zone.”

“The qualification battle for universe-level beings happens once every hundred years, for Domain Lords once every thousand years, and for World Lords once every hundred thousand years! As universe-level beings, if you want to stay in the Primitive Zone, you must possess strength that rivals or even surpasses that of the veteran universe-level princes within a hundred years!”

“There’s such a thing!” Luo Feng said, his expression turning serious.

The competition within the Virtual Universe Company is quite fierce, and the little pride he had from placing third in the Universe Genius Battle immediately dissipated from his heart, replaced by a strong sense of urgency.

Having entered the Primitive Zone, if he were to be kicked down to the Primordial Secret Realm after a hundred years and stay with Rong Jun and the others, they would surely laugh at him, wouldn’t they?

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