Chapter 153 – The knockout stage begins

The universe genius battle is divided into two stages.

In the first stage, it is the selection battle of the universe countries, which selects the top 1000 experts from the major universe countries.

In the second stage, it is the peak final battle, which gathers the top 1000 experts from each universe country and conducts the final battle to determine the top 1000 rankings in the universe.

Soon, more than a month passed.

On April 16th, the registration button on the official website of the virtual universe turned white, indicating that the registration deadline had passed and no more registrations were accepted.

At the moment of registration deadline, an email was sent to the network mailboxes of all participants.

The four of them were currently in the virtual universe. After being reminded by the virtual assistant, they all opened the email.

It was an email to the 8.225 billion participants from the Qianwu Universe.

“Over 800 billion!”

Lei Shen’s eyes widened.

Those who dare to sign up for the universe genius battle must have some confidence in their abilities. Even so, they were able to gather over 800 billion people in just over a month? This number is simply staggering!

On average, each galaxy can produce thousands of formidable stellar-level warriors!

“Read the email carefully.”

Hong’s breathing became slightly hurried.

“The selection battle of the Qianwu Universe is divided into two parts: the preliminary elimination round and the arena final battle.”

“In the preliminary elimination round, 100 world zones will be divided in the virtual universe, and the 8.225 billion participants will be distributed among these 100 world zones, with over 8.2 billion participants in each world zone!”

“The over 8.2 billion participants will fight each other in the same world zone, earning points by killing. The more they kill, the more points they earn. Each person only has one life, and death means the end.”

“Based on the final points ranking, the top 1001 participants in each world zone will pass the preliminary round, which means that only 100,100 people can enter the second round of the arena final battle!”

After reading this, Luo Feng and the others took a sharp breath.

Out of the 8.225 billion participants in the Qianwu Universe, only 100,000 would remain after just one round of elimination! The probability of elimination is so high, it’s simply shocking!

After reading the entire email, Hong and Lei Shen’s mood became heavy, and Luo Feng’s expression also became solemn. Xu Zong, on the other hand, remained calm.

“In other words, we have to rank in the top 1001 among the 8.2 billion people in one world zone, otherwise we won’t even be able to enter the arena final battle of the Qianwu Universe!”

“Then let’s kill!”

Hong closed the email, took a deep breath, and smiled lightly.

“With Xiaosi’s existence, the future of Earth is already guaranteed. So the rest of us can go through this universe genius battle without any burden and with the most carefree attitude. If we can pass, it will be an achievement. If we can’t, it will still prove ourselves!”

Xu Zong nodded silently.

But to be honest, he also had some concerns in his heart.

With his current strength, it’s definitely no problem to rank in the top 1000 of the universe. However, the problem is Luo Feng. If Luo Feng can also make it, then there will be two race-level geniuses from Earth, which will definitely attract a lot of attention and put Earth in the spotlight!

How to solve this situation needs to be carefully considered.

“Let’s kill!”

“Let’s kill!”

After hearing Hong’s words, Lei Shen and Luo Feng also became high-spirited.

After the registration deadline, the virtual universe company began preparations. After all, there were over 800 billion participants from the Qianwu Universe, and the Qianwu Universe was only average among the 1008 universe countries. There must be even more stellar-level geniuses among the entire human race. The amount of preparation work was almost unimaginable.

A month later, on May 16th, 2066, according to the Huaxia time.

On this day, the virtual universe sent an email, asking all participants from the Qianwu Universe to enter the virtual universe for assembly.

The four of them didn’t hesitate and logged into the virtual universe one after another, arriving at the Black Dragon Island.

The entire Black Dragon Island was already crowded with people. Countless figures gathered around, varying in height and size. Only a small part of them were participants, while the vast majority were spectators.

The universe genius battle was a major event in the universe. Not to mention the Black Dragon Empire, even the royal family of the Qianwu Universe, and even the founding emperor, would pay attention to it. The interests involved were not something that could be explained in a few words.


Suddenly, among these countless figures, a part of them disappeared into thin air.

Xu Zong felt his vision blur and found himself on an incredibly huge continent.

“Attention, all participants, the preliminary elimination round will begin soon. Please check your equipment in time. Once the competition starts, you won’t be able to request weapons anymore.”

A loud voice appeared in the sky above this continent.

The four of them immediately understood that the virtual universe had moved all the participants to this continent, and the over 800 billion people around them would be their opponents in the upcoming battles!

Xu Zong and the others lowered their heads and looked at the screen in front of them, choosing their weapons.

“Under normal circumstances, whether it’s a warrior or a mind teacher, they will choose weapons of the third rank at most, because weapons of the fourth and fifth ranks are too weak and cannot be used at all!”

Xu Zong swiped on the screen and pondered about what weapon to choose.

“But I have already stepped into the threshold of the laws, so I can even use high-ranked weapons. Then I’ll choose these few…”

In a short while, Xu Zong confirmed his selection on three consecutive long spear-like weapons.Then, a message appeared on the screen, “The item has been placed in your spatial ring.” Xu Zong sensed it slightly, and indeed, the three long spears he had selected had appeared out of thin air in his spatial ring.

This was quite considerate, protecting the privacy of each contestant’s strength.

As for the equipment, the highest one could choose was a second-order Force Battle Suit. Everyone was under the same conditions, there was no choice, and once chosen, it was directly worn on the body.

“If there’s no limit to the weapons, can I choose a few more shields, javelins, and the like? Can I choose telekinetic weapons?”

Xu Zong was immersed in the selection of weapons, and Luo Feng and the others were doing the same.

Suddenly, another screen appeared in front of the numerous contestants, with only numbers written on it.

“All contestants, please note, a screen with numbers has appeared in front of you. These numbers are between 1 and 100, and they will be the world zones you are assigned to.”

The loud voice rang out again in the sky above the continent, and familiar people quickly confirmed with each other, wanting to see if there were any acquaintances in the same competition zone.

The allocation of world zones was completely random, so there was indeed a certain probability of encountering acquaintances in reality.

“I’m in World Zone 72, what about you guys?”

Hong raised his head and looked at the three of them.

“I’m in World Zone 88, I like this number!”

Lei Shen touched his bald head and laughed.

“World Zone 1!”

Luo Feng grinned and then looked at Xu Zong.

“What about you, Xiao Zong?”

“What a coincidence!”

Xu Zong looked at the number in front of him and laughed.

Then he pushed the screen in front of him out to show the three of them.

On it were two large numbers.


“We’re in the same competition zone!”

“What a coincidence!”

The three of them widened their eyes in surprise, not expecting such a small probability event to happen to them.

“Xiao Si Zi, please take care of me!”

Lei Shen laughed heartily, looking very pleased.

“There are 8.2 billion people in total, we don’t even know if we can meet.”

Xu Zong shook his head, not very optimistic.

“Haha, do your best and leave the rest to fate!”

Lei Shen patted Xu Zong’s shoulder, not caring at all.

“Among the four of us brothers, the third and fourth are sure to make it through. I don’t believe I can’t fight my way out!”

As for asking Xu Zong to take care of him, he was just saying it. Once inside, he would definitely rely on himself. He didn’t believe that he couldn’t even make it through the first round!

Hong also nodded, his expression firm and steady. With their strength, it was possible to break into the top 100,100!

At this time, hearing Lei Shen’s words, a young man in a fiery red battle suit seemed to be attracted and looked at them in surprise.

“Sure to make it through? Country bumpkins really have no experience.”

The young man had a blue scale on his forehead, and he muttered to himself with a slight smirk at the corner of his mouth.

Although the voice was low, everyone was at the Celestial Level, how could they not hear it?

“Hey! Who are you calling a country bumpkin?”

Lei Shen’s face darkened immediately, and he asked with a frown.

Hong and Luo Feng also frowned, and Xu Zong looked over.

“I’m from the Qian Witch Secret Realm.”

The young man didn’t care at all, he looked at Lei Shen indifferently, his demeanor slightly proud.

“Qian Witch Secret Realm!”

Lei Shen’s pupils contracted at the words.

The Qian Witch Secret Realm was a very famous place in the entire Qian Witch Universe Nation!

Within the Qian Witch Universe Nation, there were several famous genius training bases, such as the Qian Witch branch of the Virtual Universe Company, the Giant Axe Fighting Arena branch, and the five major forces were all absorbing geniuses within the Qian Witch Nation.

And under these five major forces, the Qian Witch Secret Realm was the most notable!

The Qian Witch Secret Realm, in simple terms, was a secret realm set up by the Qian Witch Nation to absorb geniuses within its own universe. It would absorb Celestial Level, Star Level, and Universe Level geniuses, and train them for the future. Although it couldn’t compare to the five major forces overall, it had the advantage of quantity and because it had the local advantage, many geniuses would join the Qian Witch Secret Realm, some of which could even rival the lower-tier geniuses of the five major forces.

For this Universe Genius Battle, according to the information circulating on the Virtual Universe Network, the Qian Witch Nation had sent more than 100 million geniuses to participate!

That’s right, among the more than 800 billion Celestial Level participants, more than 100 million were sent by the Qian Witch Nation!

Geniuses from such secret realms were definitely much stronger than native geniuses, at least they had all comprehended domains!

“I know you’re not convinced, I won’t refuse your challenge!”

The young man lit up the screen in front of him, and the large number 88 caught the eyes of Lei Shen and Xu Zong. Then he pointed his thumb at himself.

“Remember, my name is Pu Zha Luo, from the proud Blade Clan!”

“I’ll remember.”

Xu Zong nodded indifferently at his words.

Seeing this, the expressions of Luo Feng and the others became strange, and Lei Shen even cast a sympathetic look at Pu Zha Luo.

The three of them had “you’re done” written all over their faces, which made Pu Zha Luo frown uncomfortably.

“Countdown to group teleportation, 10, 9, 8…1! Teleport!”

The loud voice appeared again in the sky above the continent.

“Good luck!”

“Same to you!”

The four of them encouraged each other.

Then, more than 8.2 billion people disappeared in unison.

(End of Chapter)

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