Chapter 130 – Elite among the elites

Devouring the World.

Xu Zong was still in the slaughter arena when he received the information from Xu Zong in the Wild Mire. His eyes lit up and he immediately chose to pause the battle and leave the killing space.

He opened the chat group and clicked on the profile picture of Xu Zong in the Wild Mire, finding the skill of “True Meaning of Space Avenue” for the first time.

Devouring Xu Zong: “It seems that I can only form a skill after reaching the threshold.”

Wild Mire Xu Zong: “How is your practice of the Law of Time?”

Devouring Xu Zong: “I just started comprehending the Law of Time three months ago. Don’t worry, I estimate that I will be fast.”

Wild Mire Xu Zong: “Alright, the main thing is that I am comprehending the Way of Time now. Without Jidian’s guidance, it will probably take longer than comprehending the Space Avenue.”

Devouring Xu Zong: “Jidian didn’t come to find you?”

Wild Mire Xu Zong: “No…”

Devouring Xu Zong: “That’s strange.”

Devouring Xu Zong: “I’m going to try the effect of sharing the Law of Principles.”

After saying that, he went offline and left the virtual universe directly.

Sitting in the gravity room of the castle, Xu Zong shared the true meaning of the Space Avenue of Xu Zong in the Wild Mire. Immediately, a great enlightenment emerged in his mind.

It took Xu Zong nearly an hour to organize these insights into a case.

He extended a finger and tried to use the Space Avenue.

But only a very weak ripple emerged, and then there was no movement.

“As expected, it failed.”

Xu Zong sighed inwardly, but this was also within his expectations.

The Space Avenue of the Wild Mire World and the Space Law of the Swallowed Star World were not the same thing after all. It was impossible to take something from one world and use it intact in another world.

“But from the slight ripple just now, it is not completely unusable. After all, it is still a matter of adaptation. These insights can still have a similar effect. When I comprehend the Space Law, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort!”

But the Space Avenue can wait. After comprehending the Law of Time, he will then comprehend the Space Avenue. After all, there is still plenty of time.

After the experiment, Xu Zong logged back into the virtual universe.

“Xiao Sizi, when did you go offline?”

In the corner of the slaughter arena hall, Luo Feng and the other two were resting. When they saw him online, Thunder God waved at him with a smile.

“Just relaxing.”

Xu Zong sat down next to the three of them.

His gaze swept around the hall, and suddenly his eyes narrowed.

In the corridor not far away, a man with pointed ears and blood-red eyes walked out of the killing space. As if sensing his gaze, he looked over in this direction.

“Nuo Lanshan?”

Luo Feng and the others also noticed him, but their expressions remained calm.

In this virtual universe, unless they entered special places like the killing space, no matter where they were, everyone had the same level of a fourth-order apprentice. They were all in the same realm, and they couldn’t kill each other. Who would be afraid of whom?

“Xu Zong!”

Ignoring Luo Feng and the others, Nuo Lanshan walked straight to Xu Zong, his gaze sharp as a knife.

“100 billion Qianwu coins, I’ll buy the ownership of your Earth!”

“100 billion Hunyuan, I can consider it.”

Xu Zong smiled slightly and waved his hand.

At the same time, he didn’t bother to talk much with this guy and directly shared the intelligence-reducing aura of Xu Zong in Battle Through the Heavens.

“Hunyuan… Are you crazy!”

Nuo Lanshan looked at Xu Zong, feeling like he was being provoked by an ant. An unnamed anger surged in his heart.

“It seems that I should teach you all a lesson in respecting the strong!”

With anger in his heart, Nuo Lanshan took a big step forward and threw a punch at Xu Zong!

“Nuo Lanshan!”


Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God all shouted angrily and were about to stop Nuo Lanshan’s fist.

But Xu Zong’s actions were faster than theirs. As Nuo Lanshan’s fist came, Xu Zong propped up his body with one arm and directly crossed the table, kicking fiercely at Nuo Lanshan’s fist!


At the moment of the collision between the fist and the foot, Nuo Lanshan’s expression changed and he retreated several steps.

Xu Zong was thrown out of the table and landed directly back on the chair, his expression unchanged and his posture still elegant.

Nuo Lanshan’s face changed unpredictably, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

“Such strong force, definitely reaching more than forty times. I’m not much weaker than him! How can this kid at the Celestial Level be so powerful?”

A wave of shock and horror surged in his heart. At the same time, his killing intent soared.

This kid was so terrifying that he must not be allowed to live!

“What are you doing?”

But at this moment, a lazy voice suddenly came.

Nuo Lanshan’s mind suddenly cleared, and he quickly stepped back and respectfully saluted the person who had arrived.

“Lord Manlu! I dare not deceive you, it was this kid who provoked me first!”Silently, the old man with green skin appeared in front of Xu Zong and the others. He smiled and looked at them.

“Nuo Lan Shan, do you want to lose face?”

“You clearly wanted to forcefully buy our hometown and now you want to use force!”

“It seems that even the celestial-level experts don’t know how to be sensible.”

Luo Feng and the others were immediately angered by these words and began to mock and ridicule.

“Lord Man Luo.”

Xu Zong closed his intelligence-reducing aura and stood up to bow to the old man with green skin.

“This Mr. Nuo Lan Shan has come to me multiple times, wanting to buy my hometown planet. The price he offered was unsatisfactory, which probably exposed his poverty and made him feel embarrassed. That’s why he wanted to bully us and regain his sense of superiority!”

“You’re talking nonsense!”

Nuo Lan Shan became furious upon hearing this.

This brat is really good at distorting the truth!

“Enough, be quiet!”

Man Luo furrowed his brows upon hearing this.

He glanced at Xu Zong and thought to himself that this kid is really good at turning the tables!

But then he realized that this kid remains calm in dangerous situations, values his hometown, and is both loyal and level-headed. He has an excellent character and is a good seedling!

“Nuo Lan Shan, you are not allowed to have any ideas about their hometown planet in the future, do you understand?”

Man Luo glanced at Nuo Lan Shan and said indifferently.

“Lord Man Luo!”

Nuo Lan Shan’s face immediately changed, and he wanted to say something.

“I know the whole story very well. Don’t think I don’t know about the tricks of your adventurer family!”

Man Luo’s expression turned cold, and he gave Nuo Lan Shan a cold look.

“I’ll say it again, you are not allowed to have any ideas about their hometown planet, and you are not allowed to resort to assassination or any other despicable means. If I find out, there will be no need for your Nuo Lan Shan family to exist!”

Nuo Lan Shan trembled and his face turned ugly upon hearing this.


His cheeks twitched for a while before he forced a smile and bowed to Man Luo.

Then he disconnected from the virtual universe and left.


On a certain mission planet, Nuo Lan Shan sighed with a desolate expression.

“Ba Ka Luo, go back to the family. This mission is canceled.”

He opened the virtual universe communication and conveyed the message to his disciple.

In the killing field.

“Do you mind if this old man sits here?”

After Nuo Lan Shan left, Man Luo resumed his casual appearance and looked at the four people in front of him with a warm expression.

“Please, my lord!”

Xu Zong reached out and pulled out a chair for him.

“Good, knowing how to respect the strong is the key to survival!”

Man Luo praised with satisfaction and sat down on the chair.

Luo Feng and the others exchanged glances and stood up from their chairs.

“Why are you standing up? Sit down, sit down! I don’t like that kind of formality!”

Under Man Luo’s seemingly casual invitation, they had no choice but to sit back down.

“You have been in the killing field for quite some time. Why have you been wandering in the killing space all this time?”

Man Luo looked at them with a smile.

“The virtual universe is not just about the killing space. The adjacent battle space is also quite popular. The cost there is only one-tenth of here, and you can fight against the strong from all over the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. It’s more realistic than the intelligent killing space.”

“There’s also such a place?”

Luo Feng and the others were surprised and looked at each other.

They had been immersed in the killing space for these past few days and could clearly feel their progress. Hong, in particular, had made significant progress in his domain and was close to reaching the triple level!

“You three didn’t know, what about you?”

Man Luo turned to Xu Zong and became more serious.

“May I ask, senior, are there any comprehension of laws among the celestial-level experts in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire?”

“Only you.”

“In that case, it’s not interesting for me to go there.”

Xu Zong shook his head.

“So you look down on those opponents.”

Man Luo nodded understandingly.

“That’s right. With your strength, not to mention the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, even in the company branches of the Qianwu Empire, you would be among the top of the top, the elites among the elites!”

“Company branches?”

Luo Feng and the others looked surprised.

“May I ask, senior, what are you?”

“I am a member of the Black Dragon Mountain branch of the Virtual Universe Company. I am usually in charge of this killing field and I also like to discover talents for our Black Dragon Mountain branch. You three are qualified to join our branch as talents!”

Man Luo looked at Luo Feng and the others, first pointing at Luo Feng and Thunder God, and finally at Hong.

“The two of you, one is a first-order comprehension of the stellar level, and the other has a high level of consciousness. In our Black Dragon Mountain branch, you would be considered third-rate talents. As for you, you are a ninth-order celestial level with a double peak in the domain. You can be considered a first-rate talent!”

“What about Xiao Zong?”

Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask.”He is unmatched in our Black Dragon Mountain branch, and even in the Qianwu branch, he is the elite among the elites.”

Manluo said with a slight smile.

Her words implied, “You three are not on the same level as him.”

“Senior, I wonder how I would be considered at the company headquarters?”

Xu Zong couldn’t help but ask again.

However, he saw Manluo shake her head slightly.

Xu Zong thought he was very poor, which was somewhat unbelievable, and then he heard Manluo speak again.

“The headquarters does not accept Celestial Level geniuses, so there’s no basis for comparison.”

Xu Zong finally understood.

Indeed, how many Celestial Level beings are there in the entire universe? If all Celestial Level beings were to be included, even the Virtual Universe Company would be overwhelmed.

“Under normal circumstances, our Black Dragon Mountain branch is responsible for receiving Celestial Level and Stellar Level geniuses. If they win the internal qualification battle, they can go to the Qianwu branch for further study. If they become Universe Level in the Qianwu branch and win the qualification battle again, they can go to the company headquarters and become a core member of the company!”

Manluo paused for a moment, and raised a finger with a smile.

“But there are always exceptions, and there is a special entry channel, which is the Universe Genius Battle!”

(End of this chapter)

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