Chapter 101 – Origin of the ruins

The Himalayan Ruins.

The main program intelligence of the ruins appeared in front of Xu Zong, using the crystal humanoid as a medium.

“Sure enough, I said that this ruin has abundant energy, and the intelligent crystal humanoid still exists. How could there be no main program!”

Upon hearing this, Xu Zong immediately understood.

He had actually guessed this a long time ago. The intelligence of this ruin definitely still existed, but for some reason, it did not appear in front of humans on Earth.

But now, he had even more doubts.

How long had this ruin existed? Why was there still energy? Why hadn’t it communicated with humans on Earth?

Most importantly, why was there no mention of this ruin in the original work?

“I know you have many questions, but let’s first drive away the others before we talk.”

As soon as the crystal humanoid finished speaking, its eyes turned slightly red.

Suddenly, the entire ruin began to tremble rapidly. Alarming red lights flashed in every corridor, and the piercing alarm sound spread throughout every corner of the ruin, causing the Earth’s war gods and staff stationed here to be shocked.

“Alarm! Alarm! The assessment facility is about to close. Please quickly leave if you are inside. Please leave quickly!”

Upon hearing this alarm, no one took it as a joke. They all ran out one after another.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a drive away.”

Noticing Xu Zong’s vigilance, the crystal humanoid explained.

“Among the entire Earth, only you are qualified to receive my inheritance. No one else can witness this scene. So I need to drive away the others. And if I really wanted to harm you, I wouldn’t have come out to talk to you. I would have trapped you here directly.”

This main program even understood the relationship of interests. Obviously, it was not an ordinary intelligence.

And what it said successfully made Xu Zong hesitate.


Suddenly, a figure rushed out from the depths of the ruins, passing by Xu Zong and the crystal humanoid, and ran towards the outside of the ruins.

Xu Zong paused for a moment. He saw the familiar white training clothes and long ponytail.

The person in front seemed to notice him too. After looking at him in surprise, their footsteps paused for a moment before leaving the ruins.

“Why is it her again?”

Seeing that glance, Xu Zong confirmed that the person was indeed Bai Zhiwei.

She was actually wandering in the depths of the ruins? There was clearly nothing inside, so what was she doing there? Could it be her first time here, wanting to try and find hidden passages?

“Alright, everyone has left. I’m going to close the door now.”

As soon as the crystal humanoid finished speaking, a heavy sound came from the direction of the entrance of the ruins, and the entire ruin instantly sealed off.

“Please have a seat. I believe you have many doubts. As long as I can answer them, I will explain them to you.”

Suddenly, the ground behind Xu Zong opened, revealing a square chair.

Seeing that nothing strange appeared around him, Xu Zong relaxed slightly and sat down.

He organized his words a bit and asked the questions he cared about the most.

“First question, where did you come from and how long have you existed on Earth?”

“I will answer your questions in order. You have received the inheritance, so you should know about the existence of my Fire Empire. However, your Earth is very remote, not even entering the universe, and knows very little. Let me explain a bit more. The civilizations in this universe are divided into three levels. The lower-level civilizations are called kingdoms, with several to hundreds of star systems. The middle-level civilizations are called empires, with dozens to hundreds of subordinate kingdoms and vast territories ranging from thousands to millions of star systems. The higher-level civilizations are called grand empires, with thousands of middle-level civilizations and billions of star systems. My Fire Empire is one of the middle-level civilizations in the universe, under the rule of the grand empire, the Bairo Empire, and has 342 subordinate kingdoms, with a total of 26,753 star systems…”

“Hold on!”

Xu Zong interrupted the main program’s upcoming long speech with a strange expression.

“I ask you, do you know the Qianwu Universe?”

“What kind of country is that?”

The crystal humanoid asked in confusion.

“Do you know the Human Race, Insect Race, Demon Race, and Mechanical Race?”

“Never heard of them. Are they ordinary races from some corner?”

Xu Zong’s expression became even more strange.

“In the Fire Hundred Forms, it is mentioned that there are seven peak races in the universe. Can you tell me about them?”

“That’s easy. The seven peak races are the Mangjin Race, the Emperor Silkworm Race, the Grey Feather Race… and the Dream Eater Race where my Fire Empire is located.”

The crystal humanoid listed the names of the seven peak races.

None of them matched what Xu Zong remembered.

“Do you know the Virtual Universe?”

“Never heard of it. The universe can also be virtual?”

“It seems that it’s not me who has a problem, but you.”

Xu Zong’s eyes twitched as he looked at the crystal humanoid with a strange expression.”From what I know, there are only six major peak races in this universe, among which four are humans, demons, insects, and machines. The virtual universe is a technology of the human race. In the third-class civilization of the universe, the elementary civilization is called an empire, the middle civilization is also called an empire, and only the advanced civilization is called a cosmic country.”

“I can’t understand what you’re saying.”

The crystal man paused for a moment, tilted his head, obviously everything Xu Zong said didn’t match what he knew.

“Are you sure you know about the universe and not being fooled by others?”

“Of course, I’m sure!”

Xu Zong nodded decisively.

“It’s okay if you don’t understand. When you encounter other intelligences in the future, communicate with them and you will understand.”

“You’re right. I learned from the internet that there are many facilities left by extraterrestrial civilizations on your Earth, so there should be other intelligences.”

The crystal man nodded in agreement and continued.

“Now, let me answer your second question just now. Regarding how long I have been on Earth, according to my internal records, I have been on Earth for about five months.”

“What did you say?!”

Xu Zong widened his eyes.

“That’s impossible. Every relic on Earth has a history of at least tens of thousands of years. I’ve never heard of just a few years, let alone your five months!”

“That’s the truth.”

The crystal man said with certainty.

“Five months ago, the central administrative star of the Flint Empire where I was located was invaded by enemies. The enemy was incredibly powerful. With just one palm, the entire administrative star collapsed instantly. The emperor of the empire was killed by the aftermath. In order to protect the empire’s heritage, I entered hibernation for the first time. Although I entered hibernation, I still maintained the basic recording function. I am very sure that from the moment I appeared in this underground cave under the Himalayas until today, only five months have passed.”

“According to Earth’s calendar, the day I appeared here was January 15, 2060.”

Xu Zong’s expression fluctuated.

If what he said was true, then he should have appeared on Earth when the Swallowed Star was just defeated.

How could this be so coincidental?

“You said you have records, then show them to me!”


The crystal man’s eyes rolled, and his eyeballs directly protruded, projecting an image.

It was a planet in the boundless universe, where technology was extremely advanced and Xu Zong couldn’t understand everything. Then, at a certain moment, a blood-red giant hand suddenly descended from the sky, and with just one palm, it shattered all the defense systems and the planet itself. A majestic figure rushed into the sky, but was directly shattered by the aftermath of this attack, leaving no trace.

Then, the image in the projection turned black, as if closing its eyes, and when it opened again, it appeared in this underground cave under the Himalayas.

Xu Zong watched with excitement. That blood-red giant hand was obviously just a casual attack from the enemy, but it could directly crush the planet itself. This level of destruction with a single wave was truly fascinating.

But then again.

“Doesn’t this blood-red giant hand resemble the blood pool I saw in the deep room earlier?”

“I can’t say for sure, maybe there is a connection. I have to thank you for helping me deal with that blood pool.”

“Okay, anyway, I have some understanding of your origin now.”

Xu Zong stood up from his chair and rubbed his throbbing forehead.

For now, it seems that the intelligent program of this relic did not lie. Everything he said is likely to be true, but because it is true, it makes Xu Zong feel a chill down his spine.

If this relic really appeared on Earth five months ago, could it be that someone with unimaginable power smashed the central administrative star of the Flint Empire with a single slap and threw this relic to this infinitely distant Earth?

There was an even more terrifying speculation in Xu Zong’s mind.

The background of the Flint Empire is very similar to the original universe that Xu Zong knows. Many things are passed down from generation to generation, such as warrior secret techniques and secret patterns, but they don’t know about the famous virtual universe in the universe.

If, and only if, this so-called Flint Empire is not in some distant place, but in the past of this original universe… could it be that someone threw it here directly from the distant past?

“Ouch! My head hurts!”

Xu Zong fiercely rubbed his forehead.

He couldn’t think about this. The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became!

Forget it, forget it. After all, I’m just an ant. Let’s talk about these things when I become stronger in the future.

“I believe what you said. Let’s stop here regarding the question of your origin.”

Xu Zong waved his hand, trying not to think about those overly terrifying things, and instead focused on another matter.

“You are the assessment facility on the central administrative star of the Flint Empire, right? Are you only responsible for assessing the Celestial Level?”

This is unreasonable. The facilities that can stay on the central administrative star should be more advanced than this, right?

“Of course not.”

The crystal man turned around and walked towards the depths of the relic.”Follow me, into the depths of this facility. I will show you the full picture of this place. You will be grateful for receiving an unimaginable great inheritance!”

(End of this chapter)

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