Chapter 97 – Investigate the truth

Zi Huang Mengdi stood up, waves surged in her chest, and the sudden rise in pressure made the surrounding maidservants dare not breathe.

“What exactly is going on?”

She asked with a cold face, “Even if it’s a bit lazy, it still has the strength of a True Immortal now. As a general of the Heavenly Palace, how could it die? Who can kill it?”

The maidservant cautiously said, “Maybe… it was done by those foreign cultivators?”

Zi Huang angrily said, “Nonsense! Limited by the laws of heaven and earth, those foreign cultivators can only exert the power of the peak of Ascending to Immortality at most. They are at least two realms lower than it. How could they pose a threat to it?”

Ling Xi, who was beside her, interjected, “Could it be the work of those guys? You defeated them last time and won the position of the Heavenly Envoy. They might hold a grudge and secretly play tricks to make things difficult for you.”

Zi Huang suddenly calmed down, her eyes changing constantly. There is competition within the Heavenly Human Clan, and the calculations and conspiracies between various factions are no less inferior to the human civilization in the Great Void.

After thinking for a moment, Zi Huang said, “This possibility cannot be ruled out. Let’s do this, I allow you to bring people to the mortal realm and find Zhu Yan first. We need to see the person alive or the corpse. It is not appropriate to make a big move now. After the spatial channel is closed, we can slowly settle this matter.”

She took out a token and handed it to Ling Xi.

Ling Xi smiled helplessly, “I have to work as soon as I take office. It’s really not peaceful.”

“It’s okay, as long as you find that guy’s whereabouts. Besides, you can take this opportunity to go out and have fun. It’s okay to play for a few more days.”

Zi Huang secretly transmitted her divine sense. Her attitude towards her childhood playmate and best friend was naturally different.

“Okay, then I’ll go.”

Ling Xi put away the token, said a few more words to Zi Huang, and then turned and left.

In the boundless wilderness.

Two groups of cultivators were fighting to the death. They were teams of hundreds of people, and the radiance of various magical treasures and divine spells intertwined. Blood mixed with severed limbs scattered in the air, and the screams and curses of dying cultivators echoed one after another.

After a short time, one group of cultivators gradually fell into a disadvantage. The number of casualties among their companions increased, but they still fought desperately, firmly protecting the few core figures in the middle.

The majority of the other group, who had the upper hand, were beautiful women with charming appearances. Their clothes were so scanty that it was outrageous. The few male cultivators left were mostly bodyguards.

A female cultivator in the middle gently stroked the jade flute in her hand and said with a seductive voice, “Fellow cultivators from the Azure Fall Divine Sect, the situation is stronger than people. You should stop resisting and obediently let this palace see what good things you obtained from that maze.”

“Get lost! You shameless fox from the Heavenly Palace! We know you have ulterior motives. Do you think we will be fooled and give up our opportunities? You’re daydreaming!”

A young man with red lips and white teeth in the opposite crowd cursed angrily, but he looked around anxiously. He had already sent a warning message, but the reinforcements from his sect were too far away. It was hard to say when they would arrive.

“Hehe, still hoping someone will come to save you?”

The female cultivator sneered, “To be honest, this palace is in a good mood now. As long as you give me that thing, I will spare you. Otherwise, I will take you all down today! Hmm, the top talents of the Azure Fall Divine Sect will surely taste good!”

“You… shameless! Shameless!”

The young man’s face turned red. Due to his good upbringing since childhood, he couldn’t come up with any vicious insults. “You insist on forcing us, aren’t you afraid that the Azure Fall Divine Sect will declare war on you in the future?”

Just like the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, the Heavenly Palace was also dominated by female cultivators. However, their reputation has never been good. Although they claim to be orthodox, the Dao Lineage forces in the Great Void all unanimously regard them as evil demons.

The main cultivation method of the Heavenly Palace is dual cultivation, so they usually do not prohibit the recruitment of male disciples. In fact, they are just tools for refining pills. The better ones can only be bodyguards.

But because of the temptation of beauty, there are always a large number of male cultivators who can’t resist and voluntarily become the subordinates of this Dao Lineage, allowing themselves to be manipulated. Sometimes, even some True Immortal disciples of certain Supreme Dao Lineages have fallen into their trap.

“Stop talking nonsense, just capture them!”

The female cultivator waved her hand, “Try to capture them alive, but it doesn’t matter if you can’t! What’s so great about the Azure Fall Divine Sect? This palace doesn’t mind offending them!”


The cultivators on this side responded and intensified their attacks. The formation on the opposite side became more chaotic. In just a short time, more than a hundred people were killed or injured. The leading cultivator saw the unfavorable situation and finally ordered a retreat.The party in the advantageous position relentlessly pursued and attacked, vowing to exterminate the other side.

In the high sky, the shadow of the heavenly boat flashed by and disappeared at the end of the horizon.

On the front deck, Qing Muling saw this scene from afar, his heart unaffected. This was a common occurrence in the cultivation world, and he had seen it many times in the past few days.

Although the Misty Illusion Secret Realm was different from the Great Void Starry Sky, the grudges between Dao Lineages remained unchanged. Once they met inside, they would inevitably fight to the death until one side was completely wiped out.

“So it’s the scum from the Huaqing Divine Palace!”

Xuebing Xuan, the senior sister, couldn’t hide her disgust and resentment in her voice. “If it weren’t for the important matters at hand, we would have killed them all!”

Qing Muling asked, “Do they have old grudges with our sect?”

“It’s more than just old grudges. It should be said that there is a deep connection!” Yueyi Heavenly Lord sighed lightly. “The founder of the Huaqing Divine Palace a million years ago was originally one of the outstanding disciples of my Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace and had the opportunity to compete for the position of the next Supreme Sect Master. Unfortunately, he took the wrong path and made a big mistake, so he was expelled by his master.”

“After she left, she was unwilling and somehow obtained the inheritance of an ancient evil Supreme. Her cultivation greatly advanced, and later she established the Huaqing Divine Palace in the Huaqing Immortal Domain. She used the dual cultivation replenishment technique passed down by the evil Venerable as the main cultivation method. From then until now, her influence and power have been growing, and who knows how many male cultivators have fallen victim to her!”

Now, the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace is in decline and facing increasingly difficult circumstances, while the Huaqing Divine Palace is thriving and its influence extends throughout the Huaqing Immortal Domain. It has also become one of the members of the Supreme Dao Lineage.

The path of desire is the most tempting and alluring, and cultivators are no exception.

To the point where the current Sect Master of the Huaqing Divine Palace openly declared more than once that they were the legitimate successors of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. The Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace should have unconditionally submitted to them long ago in order to restore the status and glory of the Supreme Dao Lineage.

Qing Muling remained silent for a moment and asked, “Didn’t the ancestors of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace think about cleaning up their own sect?”

Yu Lingzhou angrily said, “Of course they did! It’s just that they have never succeeded. The Huaqing Immortal Domain is too far away from the Cloud Dream Immortal Domain, and they are unwilling to ‘lower themselves’ to establish connections. Therefore, they have good relationships with many demonic powerhouses, and they will lend a helping hand at critical moments, causing the encirclement and suppression of the sect to fail time and time again.”

Qing Muling shook his head. The long-standing grudges between the two sides were already impossible to clarify. Anyway, now, whenever disciples from both sides meet outside, it is certain that they will fight to the death.

Qi Yalan said coldly, “Junior Brother, you must be careful in the future. When you encounter them, don’t listen to what they say and just kill them!”


Qing Muling nodded. Since it was a sect based on the replenishment technique of the evil path, his existence was considered a rare treasure in the eyes of the other side, no different from the Tang Monk’s flesh. Once he fell into their hands, it would be impossible to survive.

“By the way, where are we going now?”

After thinking for a moment, Qing Muling asked again, “After killing that strange beast, I always feel that things are not that simple. What if that big guy has a master, and the master investigates after sensing something wrong? The consequences would be extremely serious.”

Yu Lingzhou pondered for a moment and said, “We handled it cleanly enough at the beginning. All suspicious traces have been erased, and we even used the Heavenly Machine Secret Technique to reverse the Yin and Yang, confusing and obfuscating the heavenly secrets. Even if the high-level members of the Heavenly Human Clan sense that something is wrong, they won’t be able to find us for a while.”

“Of course, what you said makes sense. Let’s not look for the spiritual crystal veins for now and go to the Savage Wilderness area. Try to avoid meeting those guys.”

To be honest, with Qing Muling’s existence, the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace has already gained tremendous benefits. The total amount of resources they have obtained so far is enough for the entire sect to extravagantly use for thousands of years. It wouldn’t be a problem to save some for nearly ten thousand years.

That’s why Yu Lingzhou decided to go to the Savage Wilderness area, where the remnants of the Heavenly Human Clan rarely set foot. At this point, every day they stayed was a profit. As long as Qing Muling’s special ability wasn’t exposed, there might still be a chance to enter and plunder during the next opening of the secret realm.

Yueyi Heavenly Lord took out a map stored in a jade talisman. After opening it with a specific spiritual technique, a huge projection mirror appeared in the room.”…This is the Phoenix Nest Basin, spanning tens of millions of miles. The nearest settlement of the Heavenly Human Clan is over nine hundred million miles away. Tens of thousands of years ago, several generations of our sect’s high-ranking members conducted large-scale explorations here, intending to develop it into a resource treasury exclusive to our sect. However, due to the numerous mysterious and deadly elements within, countless lives were lost, and the plan ultimately fell short…”

“Afterwards, our sect encountered a great catastrophe, and our influence significantly declined. We could no longer afford to continue this project, so it was left idle.”

Yueyi Heavenly Lord explained. In fact, every Supreme Dao Lineage had a few such secret regions, all of which required unimaginable manpower and resources to conquer, often at the cost of countless lives over tens or even hundreds of thousands of years. They were also part of the sect’s foundation. Ordinary Dao Lineage forces could not afford such an investment.

Qing Muling asked, “Are there some rare resources produced here that are indispensable to the sect?”

Yu Lingzhou nodded, “Of course. The Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace is a sect exclusively for female cultivators. Among the many heavenly treasures produced here, eleven are particularly beneficial to female cultivators. They can strengthen the body, refine mana, temper the Divine Soul, and maintain youth. That’s why the Sect Master at the time intended to develop this place as a resource secret realm exclusive to our sect.”

“The elders last went to gather resources over ten thousand years ago. In terms of the time in the Misty Illusion Secret Realm, it’s been over thirty thousand years. I presume a considerable amount of mature resources have accumulated there.”

“Well, let’s bring them back this time.”

Qing Muling said. While resources like spirit crystals and spirit ores could be priced, some special resources were priceless. No matter how many spirit crystals were offered in the Great Void, they couldn’t be bought. The superpowers would rather let them rot in their hands than sell them to other forces.

Several days later.

In the vast mountains, a bright red sun descended from the sky. It was an ancient-looking bright red carriage, exuding a breathtaking pressure.

“Should… be here, right?”

A young girl named Lingxi stepped out of the carriage, walking on air, gradually approaching the ground. Her bright eyes scanned the surroundings, muttering uncertainly.

On the ground, there was a gorge over a hundred miles wide, stretching tens of thousands of miles east to west. The residual spiritual energy was still extremely rich. Perhaps due to recent heavy rain, the bottom of the valley had accumulated several feet of rainwater. In no time, this place should become a large river.

Around the river were collapsed mountains, countless shocking cracks on the ground, and magma spewing from the cracks. Hundreds of pitch-black smoke columns stood in areas near and far.

Clearly, a earth-shattering battle had taken place here not long ago. Although the culprits had taken many measures to cover it up, some traces were impossible to hide.

After observing for a while, Lingxi waved her hand slightly. A piece of residual spirit crystal flew over from the edge of the valley and was caught by her for a closer look.

“Foreign cultivators, huh? That makes sense. Only they would need to mine spirit crystal veins on such a large scale to exchange for resources. So, Zhu Yan must have encountered them, had a conflict, and was eventually killed by them?”

Lingxi’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. At first glance, this reason seemed plausible, but upon further thought, something didn’t seem right.

“This spirit crystal… doesn’t seem to be a rare item. It can’t be sold for many crystal jade, yet they’ve hollowed out an entire vein. What exactly are they trying to do?”

Due to different cultivation systems, the Heavenly Human Clan descendants didn’t have a large demand for spirit stones and spirit crystals, much less than the cultivators in the Great Void. Moreover, the reserves of these items in the Misty Illusion Secret Realm were too abundant, making them worthless.

In the past, foreign cultivators rarely mined spirit crystals on a large scale. They couldn’t sell them for a good price and couldn’t take them away. Even for their own cultivation, they wouldn’t need much in a few years.

That’s why Lingxi found it hard to understand. At this point, she hadn’t realized that some cultivators could already take a large amount of resources out of the secret realm.

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