Chapter 83 – Dangerous

At the foot of the mountain, the bronze ship had already landed.

At the position of the ship’s belly, a glowing portal slowly opened, and hundreds of black-clothed true disciples of the Calamity Fate Palace lined up, followed by nearly a hundred dignified elders with high hats, and then more than thirty core disciples in white robes, exuding an immortal aura.

After they disembarked, they lined up neatly at the foot of the mountain and waited for a while. It was only after Dao Lineage Mei Qingfeng walked out with the escort of several elders that she appeared. She wore a gorgeous deep blue dress, with a light veil covering her face, concealing her breathtaking beauty. The mysterious and majestic aura made all the disciples present instinctively hold their breath.

In her delicate hands, Mei Qingfeng held a simple and ancient bronze formation plate. Faint purple light lingered on the mottled formation plate, and flames seemed to burn on it, emitting a terrifying aura of destruction.

Mei Qingfeng looked around, her vermilion lips slightly parted, and her melodious and pleasant voice sounded, “After the joint deduction of the elders, we are already seventy to eighty percent sure that the legendary Heavenly Medicine will appear in the depths of the Weak Water Galaxy this time. This treasure is of great importance and belongs to our Calamity Fate Palace.”

The disciples and elders around responded with a resounding agreement. In their understanding, the Calamity Fate Palace was the supreme Dao Lineage in the Great Void Starry Sky, and such treasures should not fall into the hands of outsiders.

“Alright, let’s go up the mountain now,” Mei Qingfeng continued, “The Heavenly Medicine should be at the summit of this sacred mountain. We must act quickly and seize the opportunity ahead of the other Dao Lineages. No hesitation or retreat is allowed, otherwise, the rules of the sect will be merciless!”

At this moment, on the other side of the mountain peak.

Thousands of male and female cultivators exuding a sinister aura and murderous intent were already prepared. Led by several outstanding disciples, they began to climb the mountain.

“…The people from the Calamity Fate Palace actually made a move too? It seems that there are truly extraordinary treasures on this sacred mountain!” The leader, a young man dressed in feathered clothes and a silk headdress, clapped his folding fan and said with a smile that was not a smile. “Moreover, all those old friends have come. I guess none of them plan to return empty-handed. I wonder how many of them will survive after this battle?”

Beside him, a woman with sharp eyes and blood shadows flickering around her coldly said, “When it comes to competing for opportunities, our Secret Demon Sect has never been afraid of anyone. Whoever dares to block our way will be killed!”

Everyone agreed. The people of the Demon Sect were always unruly and fearless. Faced with such an extraordinary opportunity, there was no reason to show weakness or retreat. Even if the heavens themselves came, they would be pushed aside.

“Alright, everyone, form a formation and set off. The formation restrictions along the way are dangerous, so remember to support each other and be careful!”


A bright sword light cut through the air. A monster with a fish head, bear body, and wings couldn’t dodge in time. Its protective blood light disintegrated inch by inch, and its huge body was split in half by the sharp sword light. With a desperate roar, the monster fell to the ground, and its blood splattered on both sides of the mountain path.

Under the guidance of Yueyi Heavenly Lord, Luo Huan took out the monster’s eyeballs, and the parts that had little value were discarded. After confirming that there were no more threats around, the women continued to move forward with Qing Muling.

Along the way, Qing Muling and the senior sisters killed many fierce and savage spirit beasts and obtained a satisfactory harvest. At first, they could still see the teams of other forces advancing on different paths, but soon, the dense fog obscured everything. Except for the people around them, there was only a hazy lake hundreds of feet away.

When encountering some relatively ordinary spirit beasts, Qing Muling would take the initiative to make a move to hone his combat skills. With his current strength, he could easily kill spirit beasts in the Spirit God Realm, but those in the True Person Realm were relatively troublesome, and those in the True One Realm were even more difficult to deal with.

Later on, as more high-level spirit beasts appeared, for the sake of saving time, the senior sisters did not allow Qing Muling to make a move. Instead, they joined forces to quickly resolve the threats using powerful divine spells.

“Sisters, let’s take a break and set off again in half an hour.”

In Qing Muling’s perception, countless tiny runes condensed into a thick light curtain on the gravel path in front of them, slowly sliding past them.

If they were to rush into it like this, they would definitely be trapped in this natural formation restriction and encounter unimaginable troubles. Even if they could eventually escape, who knew how long it would take?

The women stopped their steps as instructed. Xuebing Xuan looked back and saw that the foot of the mountain had already disappeared into the dense green clouds. Looking up, the gravel path meandered upwards, still without an end in sight.

She thought for a moment and asked, “Junior Brother, our progress should be the fastest, right? Is it possible for us to reach the summit of the sacred mountain before the other teams?”

Qing Muling replied, “It should be possible, but the restrictions at the summit of the sacred mountain will undoubtedly be more terrifying. It won’t be an easy task to pass through smoothly.”

The senior sisters also thought about it. If they were to pay a great price and finally break through the restrictions, only to have other forces arrive at that moment, they would be robbed by outsiders.

“Perhaps we can…”

Just as Qi Yalan was about to speak, she shook her head and didn’t continue.

But Qing Muling understood her meaning. She wanted to deliberately slow down their progress and watch the teams of other Dao Lineages fight each other on the mountain peak. After both sides suffered losses, they could take advantage of the situation.However, this balance was difficult to maintain. A slight carelessness could potentially result in missing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, leaving empty-handed. If those hostile forces were to gain an advantage, the consequences would be far from ordinary.

“We should speed up our pace!”

Yu Lingzhou said, “Regardless, we’ll discuss it when we reach the summit of the holy mountain. As long as we can get there first, the initiative will be in our hands. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

The senior sisters all nodded in agreement, believing that with Junior Brother around, their luck wouldn’t be too bad. If their group couldn’t seize the opportunity, it would be even more difficult for those other forces.

Gradually, they encountered more and more strange creatures on the road, and their ranks also rose accordingly, from Heart Demon Realm to Destiny Realm, from Destiny Realm to Feather Transformation Realm, and finally to the Ascending to Immortality Realm… Even if the senior sisters relied on their powerful magic weapons to jointly attack, they had to expend nearly half of their mana, just to deal with one wave.

Fortunately, they carried a sufficient amount of holy and divine medicine resources, which could be used extravagantly. They could easily replenish their consumption, so there were no problems. If it were those teams that were not as well-off, there would likely be a large number of casualties.

As they continued on their journey, the mountain terrain became steeper and more dangerous. From time to time, fierce gales swept across, and in the shadows of the dense forest on both sides of the gravel path, countless eyes filled with murderous intent were staring at this group of foreign cultivators.

Ten miles, twenty miles, fifty miles…

Just as Qing Muling faintly sensed the end of the path in the far distance, accompanied by a hair-raising rustling sound, countless human-head-sized ants, their bodies wrapped in flames, surged out from the dense forest, their numbers covering the sky and the earth.

——Author’s Note——

There will be another update before dawn, I won’t go back on my word.

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