Chapter 226 – Dragon Ritual Princess: You are all scum

The outcome of the negotiations did not surprise Qing Muling.

Compared to being discovered and taken away by the original master of the Origin Star Palace, along with the annihilation of the entire Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, this was already the most ideal result.

Xinyu Emperor and Qinghuan Emperor understood this as well. As the one from the Origin Star Palace gradually awakened, the whereabouts of the Harmony Spirit Seed would become increasingly difficult to conceal, and Qing Muling’s identity being fully exposed was only a matter of time. However, they could not stand idly by and watch him be snatched away by the other party.

Instead of being caught in an unfavorable situation later, it was better to form an alliance now while there was still a chance, to jointly confront that individual.

Currently, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace only had one Quasi Holy Emperor, and there was no possibility of a second one emerging in the short term. Therefore, these three Emperors from the Dao Court were indispensable key allies.

“… Muling’s cultivation is still low. If Dragon Ritual Princess wishes to have her desires fulfilled, she might have to wait a bit. How about letting her come back in two years? By then, Muling should be able to break through to the Feather Transformation Realm!” Mu Yinghua concluded.

Since they were to be Dao Companions of equal status, the gap in cultivation between them could not be too great, otherwise one party would inevitably suffer. Given Dragon Ritual Princess’s dominant status, this was almost an unavoidable outcome, unless Xuebing Xuan and the other ladies could break through to the Xuan Immortal realm ahead of time.

“No worries, let them start getting to know each other and cultivate feelings!”

Qinghuan Emperor said with a smile, giving no chance for Mu Yinghua to find loopholes and delay.

The principle of “the longer the night, the more dreams may occur” was well understood by the Emperor; such matters could not be delayed. If Qing Muling did not have her own people by his side, she would not feel at ease.

Mu Yinghua sighed inwardly, knowing that Qinghuan Emperor would not be fooled, and thus conceded, “Then let’s go with your suggestion.”

Glancing at Qing Muling beside her, she thought it was a pity for him, but there was no other way. Otherwise, not only would he be unable to protect himself in the future, but even Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace might become history.

Qinghuan Emperor keenly noticed her reaction and immediately said, “So Muling is with you? Let him come over and speak a few words with this palace!”

She also wanted to see the prospective husband of her daughter. It had been a while since they parted at the Dao Court, and she indeed missed and looked forward to seeing him.

She then felt her thoughts were somewhat unusual, but fortunately, her expression remained unchanged, and neither Xinyu Emperor nor Mu Yinghua noticed.

Knowing he could not avoid it, Qing Muling stepped out from behind Xinyu Emperor and approached the magical projection mirror, greeting with neither arrogance nor servility.

“As expected of a being transformed from a Harmony Spirit Seed, in such a short time, the fortune and destiny have shown significant changes, truly astounding this palace.”

Qinghuan Emperor’s beautiful eyes shone brightly, scrutinizing the handsome youth up and down, as if she could never get enough. Previously, his identity was only a speculation, but now it was confirmed, and naturally, the perception was completely different.

At this moment, she somewhat regretted her past decision. If she had been more decisive back then and kept this young man in the Dao Court, not only would Dragon Ritual Princess have been able to fulfill her wishes early, but even…

Now that Qing Muling had returned to Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace and was protected by the restored Xinyu Emperor, it was impossible to expect him to abandon Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace and join the Dao Court. Therefore, they had to adopt the current compromise.

“Since the matter has been decided, let’s leave it at that!”

Xinyu Emperor said, “After the fall of those four Dao Lineages, their territories and all their legacies, as well as the surrounding ownerless immortal domains, will belong to our Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. We hope the Dao Court will not interfere at that time.”

The four powers naturally referred to Armillary Sphere Star Palace, Bright Moon Sword Sect, Nine Spirit Proto Gate, and Azure Fall Divine Sect.

Qinghuan Emperor nodded, “Of course, after this calamity passes, the Great Void will inevitably face another major reshuffling of power. The territories of the surviving forces will all undergo a significant expansion. How much each can seize will depend on their own abilities.”

With Qing Muling present, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s strength would not only not diminish during the great calamity but would instead expand dramatically. The scope of power they could possess in the future would likely be equivalent to more than ten past Supreme Dao Lineages combined. Other forces, even if they wanted to interfere, would not find a suitable reason, nor would they necessarily have the strength.

After one last look at Qing Muling, Qinghuan Emperor finally closed the magical projection mirror and said to Dragon Ritual Princess beside her, “The matter has been settled, prepare yourself, and strive to set off as soon as possible!”

“Uh… alright.”

Dragon Ritual Princess’s beautiful face blushed slightly as she softly agreed.

And this time, it had to be her true self who personally went, not a mere avatar.

Dragon Ritual Princess’s true self was in closed-door cultivation all year round. Last time at the gathering of immortals, she only met Qing Muling with an avatar. Now that she had decided to choose him as her Dao Companion, it would definitely be her true self who would go.

Her cultivation had already reached the peak of Xuan Immortal before the retreat. After years of absorbing and refining the ancient Phoenix’s true blood, she had made further progress upon exiting the retreat, breaking through the shackles and attaining the Golden Immortal Dao fruit with ease.

A Golden Immortal was considered a significant figure in the entire Great Void. If it were a weaker Supreme Dao Lineage, such cultivation would already qualify one to take over as Sect Master. For instance, when Mu Yinghua first took over as Sect Master, she was at the peak of Golden Immortal and later broke through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal level.

It was said that Qing Muling’s Senior Sisters were still at the True Immortal level, striving to break through to the Xuan Immortal realm. Considering her own cultivation, suppressing them would not be an issue. After going there, she wouldn’t have to worry about being ostracized or targeted. Dragon Ritual Princess thought to herself.

On the other side, Mu Yinghua embraced Qing Muling somewhat apologetically, wanting to comfort him but not knowing where to start.

Xinyu Emperor, however, didn’t see any issue and said indifferently, “After all, she’s a rare beauty. You’re not at a loss, and there are countless benefits to come, so don’t be too sentimental!”

Qing Muling thought to himself that he wasn’t being sentimental at all; it was all the Emperor’s imagination. It was just that the princess’s cultivation was too high, and he was not fortunate enough to enjoy it unless he was willing to be drained dry.

Mu Yinghua snorted, “She and her mother are just coveting Muling’s body, unlike us…”

She then realized her words were inappropriate, her face blushing, and quickly changed the subject, “In two days, your Senior Sisters will be back. With half a year left before the Misty Illusion Secret Realm opens, spend some quality time with them. See if you can help them break through to the Xuan Immortal realm quickly! As for Dragon Ritual Princess, if she comes, just leave her hanging for a while.”

On their home ground of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, Mu Yinghua naturally did not want Qing Muling to be wronged, even if they had reached a strategic alliance with the Dao Court. There was still room for maneuver in some specific details.

Qing Muling nodded, then hesitated before saying, “When the Misty Illusion Secret Realm opens, should we take her with us? If we deliberately hide it from her, it seems a bit difficult to handle, right?”

Once Dragon Ritual Princess arrived, the secret that he could freely enter and exit with vast resources would definitely be exposed. If she became interested, wouldn’t they have to share some benefits with the Dao Court?

Xinyu Emperor laughed, “That’s no problem. Qinghuan Emperor is Qinghuan Emperor, and the Dao Court is the Dao Court; there is a difference between the two. If she wants benefits, she can exchange them with equivalent conditions.”

“Alright, let’s do that.”

Qing Muling said no more. With the Emperor and his master watching over him, he wouldn’t be at a disadvantage. Instead, it was Dragon Ritual Princess who would have to rack her brains on how to please him.

Xinyu Emperor looked at Qing Muling and said, “There are still over fifteen hundred Supreme Elders in the Hidden Cave Mystical Realm who have not recovered. Do you want to heal them first or accompany your Senior Sisters in closed-door cultivation?”

“Let’s heal them first. It won’t take too much time, especially now that we can use the time acceleration formation with a three-hundred-fold increase.”

“Rebirth in the Great Waves Era”

Qing Muling said that with the effect of the time acceleration formation, it would take at most half a month for these elders to fully recover. At that time, the high-end combat power of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace would be unprecedentedly strong, facing the upcoming calamity with even more ease.

Of course, the most important thing was to add another Quasi Holy Emperor to Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, which would give them greater confidence when confronting the one from the Origin Star Palace in the future.

Unfortunately, this was not something that could be rushed, and the current Qing Muling was also powerless, only able to wait for the future.

Two days later, Xuebing Xuan and the other ladies returned safely to the sect’s Main Altar.

However, they did not see their Junior Brother but were called by Mu Yinghua to her cave dwelling, where they were informed of the sect’s high-level decision.

“… The Emperor and the Sect Master are right; I have no objections.”

Looking at her silent Junior Sisters, Xuebing Xuan finally spoke up. Regardless of whether she was happy or not, as the Senior Sister, she had to take the lead. The matter concerned the life and death of the sect, and she could not afford to be petulant.

“It’s just unfair to our Junior Brother.”

Qi Yalan said sullenly. The decision of the Emperors was undoubtedly a win-win result, although it left them feeling less than thrilled.

However, Luo Wanqing felt both angry and somewhat relieved. After all, the Sect Master had already agreed to let her and Junior Brother advance their relationship, so there was no need to wait any longer. As for that vixen, Dragon Ritual Princess, let her wait a few more years!

Mu Yinghua smiled slightly, “You have been with Muling the longest and have the deepest bond. She and Muling are at most just a transaction and cannot compare.”

Luo Huan muttered softly, “I just fear that Junior Brother’s soul might be hooked away by that vixen. Since she’s come prepared, she won’t be content with just being a tool. She’ll definitely try to vie for favor!”

Yu Binghua laughed, “She won’t be able to compete with us, after all, she’s just one person.”

Yet she felt a pang of sympathy for Qi Shuyu, Su Yunmo, and the other ladies. With Dragon Ritual Princess cutting in line, who knew how much longer they would have to wait, which was quite depressing.

After more than ten days, when Qing Muling successfully emerged from closed-door cultivation, a large delegation from the Dao Court also arrived.

To Mu Yinghua’s surprise, it was Qinghuan Emperor herself leading the team. She had thought at most it would be Dragon Ritual Princess bringing some attendants over.

Such a high-level dignitary’s visit was something Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace might not have encountered in tens of thousands of years, so they dared not neglect it. They immediately put on the highest standard of welcome ceremony, with the Sect Master and Xinyu Emperor personally receiving them.

After the tedious ceremony, it was time for a private meeting between the two parties, and Qing Muling naturally had to accompany them.

On the side of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace were Xinyu Emperor and Mu Yinghua, along with the recovered Fengge Emperor, plus Qing Muling himself, Yu Lingzhou, Yueyi Heavenly Lord, and Ice Falcon Heavenly Lord; as for the other side, it was naturally Qinghuan Emperor and Dragon Ritual Princess, along with Su Yuanzhen, the princess’s accompanying maid of honor, who was currently at the peak of Golden Immortal cultivation.

“So Princess Her Highness is already a Golden Immortal? It seems a bit difficult!”

Xinyu Emperor pondered, “Muling is currently only at the Destiny Realm. The gap in cultivation is too great. At the very least, he must step into the Elemental Immortal realm before he can be with Her Highness…”

She also found it troublesome. Compared to the current Xuebing Xuan and the other ladies, Dragon Ritual Princess was like a great shark, and even if they joined forces, they might not be able to compete with her.

Dragon Ritual Princess, dressed in snow-like palace attire and veiled, did not speak. Her eyes occasionally glanced at the purple-robed, handsome youth across from her with a clear gaze and majestic posture, then coyly averted her gaze.

It was not until this moment that she felt the heavy stone in her heart had fallen. The frustration and regret of missing out on an extraordinary opportunity finally dissipated. As long as she carefully guards his growth in the future, her Dao path will have the greatest assurance.

Qinghuan Emperor’s smile remained undiminished, “That’s no problem, Dragon Ritual can wait! After Muling becomes an Elemental Immortal in the future, they can cultivate together. For now, she can just be his protector and slowly cultivate feelings.”

“Let’s do that then!”

Xinyu Emperor knew that the other party would not make too many concessions on such a fundamental issue. Since they had already come, could they really ask them to go back and wait? Impossible.

“Alright, Muling, come over here and let this palace have a look, shall we?”

Qinghuan Emperor said softly, her eyes full of fervent anticipation.

A being transformed from a Harmony Spirit Seed, even in the era when the heavens and earth were about to open and the primordial chaos was undivided, was rarely recorded. Now, she had the opportunity to observe him face to face, which was an encounter that even her past self would not dare to dream of.

Qing Muling hesitated for a moment, seeing that his master and Xinyu Emperor had no objections, he then nodded, got up from his seat, and approached Qinghuan Emperor.

Suppressing her excitement, Qinghuan Emperor gently took Qing Muling’s hand, and her supreme power quietly activated.

In an instant, Qing Muling’s body radiated a clear brilliance, and magnificent auroras flowed. Boundless primordial purple qi rose up, converging above his head into a five-layered auspicious cloud canopy. Amidst the misty and splendid aurora, countless golden lamps, rainbows, immortal palaces, purple mansions, and the virtual shadows of billions of star rivers appeared and disappeared, while the profound and distant Dao Rhyme spread out.

Even with their strong composure, Su Yuanzhen and Dragon Ritual Princess could not help but be fixated on the fortune phenomenon on Qing Muling’s body, overwhelmed with shock.

“Truly a favored child blessed by destiny and fortune,”

Qinghuan Emperor sighed softly, “This fate and fortune even surpasses the current me. In time, when you step into the Golden Immortal realm, wouldn’t you…”

She did not continue, as such a heaven-defying opportunity could no longer be measured by specific benefits. It could only be said that whoever obtained him would have the hope of taking that step that would withstand ten thousand calamities, eternal and indestructible, achieving the supreme Dao fruit of a primordial holy person.

Dragon Ritual Princess’s eyes shone brightly as she gazed deeply at Qing Muling. This youth would ultimately belong to her. As for his Senior Sisters, they were merely insignificant, unable to compete with her.

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