Chapter 221 – Secret negotiations

Calamity Fate Palace Main Altar.

In the secret hall sealed by layers of formations, Holy Maiden Mei Qingfeng, together with her master, was hosting a banquet for the sisters Zihuang and Lingxi, who had traversed time and space to be here. Core high-ranking members like Luoyun Shui, Meng He, and Yuan Xuan Kong accompanied them.

“…The calamity of the Magic Clan erupted just like that?”

After hearing the Palace Master recount the recent upheavals in the Great Void, Zihuang set down her wine cup, frowning in contemplation: “The territories of my Heavenly Human Clan are inconvenient to reach from here, making it difficult to lend assistance. This calamity will have to be faced by you alone.”

The Palace Master of the Calamity Fate Palace smiled: “The progeny of the Magic Clan may be formidable, but they are not yet a threat to the foundation of the Great Void’s cultivation world. At least the Dao Court remains as stable as a rock, and its directly governed territories are calm and peaceful. Many quick-witted small and medium sects, as well as countless individual cultivators, have sought refuge there.”

“Indeed, our Calamity Fate Palace has also taken in some forces. Although there aren’t many ‘materials’ suitable for your needs, with diligent searching, we should be able to gather enough to meet your needs for the next century. As for more… we’ll have to find another way.”

Lingxi frowned inwardly, understanding all too well what these ‘materials’ were. The Calamity Fate Palace would secretly collect a group of boys and girls every so often and hand them over to the Heavenly Human Clan through special channels.

These were cultivators with exceptional talent, gathered through the vast intelligence network of the Calamity Fate Palace using unsavory means. In return, the Heavenly Human Clan would pay with rare resources.

For millions of years, the Calamity Fate Palace had profited immensely from this dark trade, secretly cultivating a massive number of elite disciples, significantly increasing their influence in the Great Void.

Zihuang nodded slightly, saying, “Even with a great calamity upon us, business must go on. This matter is agreed upon; we’ll follow the old trading rules.”

“However, that’s not the main point. I’ve come especially to inform you that the Misty Illusion Secret Realm will open again in half a year. At that time, all cultivators of the Great Void will be able to enter freely with their quotas to seek fortunes.”


The Palace Master’s eyes flickered, quickly grasping the intentions of the Heavenly Human Clan’s higher-ups. They must have been dissatisfied with the results of the last “harvest” and planned to reopen the Misty Illusion Secret Realm soon to harvest once more.


“Is there a problem?”

Zihuang asked sharply.

“Your Excellency is insightful. With the calamity of the Magic Clan intensifying, about seventy percent of the small and medium sects have perished, and the majority of the survivors are barely clinging on, struggling to survive. I fear there won’t be many cultivators willing to risk entering the Misty Illusion Secret Realm,” explained Elder Yuan Xuan Kong.

Aside from the Dao Court and the Calamity Fate Palace, as well as a limited number of old and supreme Dao Lineages, ancient clans, and noble families, the remaining forces had suffered staggering losses. Self-preservation was already difficult, let alone sending people into the Misty Illusion Secret Realm to seek fortunes. Even though the realm held many treasures, the allure for cultivators was significant.

Zihuang pondered briefly: “That problem? It’s up to you to find a solution. I believe you can manage it.”

The Palace Master: “…”

Seeing the troubled expressions of the elders, Zihuang smiled and said, “I understand your difficulties. How about this: once this round of harvesting is complete, the benefits given to your side will be increased by twenty percent as compensation. How does that sound?”

Mei Qingfeng, displeased, said, “Twenty percent is too little. It should be at least fifty percent.”

Zihuang chuckled, “Considering our many years of good relations, we shouldn’t be too greedy. An increase of twenty percent is already fair for your extra efforts. How about an additional five percent?”

The Palace Master spoke with a steady tone: “That’s not quite right. Acting at this critical moment of great calamity, we are taking significant risks. If word gets out, we will undoubtedly be attacked by all sects, including the Dao Court, with unimaginable consequences! Therefore… at least a forty-five percent increase is necessary!”

“Thirty percent, no more!”

“Forty percent, perhaps? We are old friends, why quibble over such details?”

The Palace Master chuckled, his laughter cunning like a wily old fox. As a qualified sect negotiator, he naturally aimed to maximize benefits. Not to mention a whole percent, even a tenth of a percent represented a substantial benefit, so why would he easily relent?

Zihuang’s eyes held a cold glint as he took a slow sip of wine, then calmly said, “Your human saying goes, ‘Even brothers must settle accounts clearly.’ We of the Heavenly Human Clan have a similar creed: ‘Brothers remain brothers, but finances must be clear.’”

“We’re engaging in mutually beneficial dealings, so why must you insist on taking more than your share? We have never let you suffer losses.”

The Palace Master’s smile faded slightly: “Without our help, your side would struggle to deceive even a single cultivator. Compared to the benefits you receive, your contributions are insignificant!”

The expressions of the elders became subtle. After so many years of interaction, some things were understood without needing to be spoken.

Lingxi hesitated, ultimately remaining silent. Naturally carefree and disinterested in mundane affairs, she was genuinely unskilled at haggling. Instead, it was her ambitious bestie who seemed born for this line of work.

“Fine, then thirty-five percent,”

Zihuang’s voice was somber: “This is the greatest concession I can offer. If you’re still unsatisfied, we may have to consider finding another partner.”

“So be it, let’s agree on that.”

The Palace Master raised his wine cup cheerfully: “In no more than ten days, news of the Misty Illusion Secret Realm’s reopening will spread throughout the Great Void. In half a year, we guarantee there will be enough cultivators entering.”

Mei Qingfeng sighed inwardly. The reopening of the Misty Illusion Secret Realm was hardly good news for the countless cultivators of the Great Void.

Especially during the raging calamity of the Magic Clan, the Heavenly Human Clan would seize the opportunity to strip away a large portion of fortune, akin to adding insult to injury. Aside from the Calamity Fate Palace reaping some benefits, other Supreme Dao Lineages, including the Dao Court, were unlikely to gain any advantage.

Of course, as the Holy Maiden of the Calamity Fate Palace and the future helmswoman of the sect, she naturally had to prioritize the interests of her sect and could not consider the well-being of outsiders.

At that moment, Mei Qingfeng suddenly thought of that young man from the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. Surely he would also enter the Misty Illusion Secret Realm to seek fortunes, wouldn’t he?

If she could use this opportunity well and arrange for the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s high-level insider to secretly abduct his physical body back to the Calamity Fate Palace, once his Divine Soul returned from the secret realm, he would fall completely under her control, belonging solely to her.


At the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace Main Altar, in the sect’s secret realm behind the mountain.

Faced with Xinyu Emperor’s questioning, Luoyun Shui offered no excessive defense, only softly saying:

“I am fully aware of my deep sins, which are unforgivable. I only ask for the Ancestor’s mercy, considering the difficulty of my cultivation journey, and for a chance to redeem myself. Once I have recovered, I will surely fight and charge into battle for the sect, striving to compensate for the losses.”

As one of the few Daluo-level powerhouses in the sect, and the former Supreme Sect Master, this was already a very humble stance. If it were some less resolute superiors, they might consider relenting.

After all, the value and influence a Daluo-level powerhouse could create were immense. Without delving into other matters, even if she were to mine spirit ores as hard labor, the amount of rare spirit ores she could refine in a year would be equivalent to the painstaking efforts of an ordinary True Immortal over tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, Luoyun Shui didn’t say much more. As long as she regained her strength and cultivation, there would be plenty of time to do whatever she wished.

Hmm, I heard that the young man named Qing Muling was brought back by the current Sect Master? Perhaps I could use some tricks to win him over. As long as I can control him, I’ll have a significant bargaining chip in my hand, making any future endeavors much easier.

Xinyu Emperor silently watched her for a while before shaking her head: “It seems you still haven’t given up. Thousands of years of reflection have not made you realize your sins, or perhaps, you are still resentful?”

Luoyun Shui’s expression stiffened slightly: “Ancestor, why would you think so?”

“You can’t fool me,”

Xinyu Emperor said expressionlessly: “I’m aware of the causes and consequences of the sect’s decline, and after verifying with the Heavenly Secret Art, I’ve confirmed that there is no injustice in their accusations against you. Everything was a result of your reckless actions, leading the sect to its current state.”

Luoyun Shui fell silent for a moment, her expression turning cold: “Regarding the past, I have nothing to say. My intentions were good; I did not betray the sect.”

“The way of the sage is to judge by actions, not intentions,”

Xinyu Emperor said coldly: “No matter what you thought, messing up means you are unforgivable! This time, the high-level elders unanimously demand your punishment, and they don’t wish for your recovery. Even I cannot plead for you, so you must continue to slumber.”

Luoyun Shui’s face changed drastically: “They dare to be so ruthless?”

“It’s not them; you went too far back then!”

Xinyu Emperor sighed: “Nearly every high-ranking elder has lost disciples, close clan members, or mentors in the great calamity because of you. How could they possibly forgive your actions?”

Silence enveloped the area, and the divided spirits of the still-slumbering Supreme Elders remained quiet, silently observing.

“But I…”

Luoyun Shui gritted her teeth: “Can the Ancestor summon the current Sect Master? And those high-ranking elders? I want to ask them their stance face to face. Many of my direct disciples also perished back then. Didn’t they see that?”

“Save it. Right now, no one in the entire sect wants to see you!”

Xinyu Emperor’s voice was low: “I came to see you one last time, out of the final bit of kinship. You and the elders of your line must spend the rest of your days here until your lifespan runs out and you fade into oblivion.”


A cold light flashed in Luoyun Shui’s eyes, and her true body within the blue crystal lotus suddenly burst into a brilliant golden radiance, rapidly brewing an almost apocalyptic aura.

She intended to self-destruct her physical body and Divine Soul, destroying the entire Hidden Cave Mystical Realm, completely indifferent to the fact that nearly half of the Supreme Elders were still slumbering within.

Cries of alarm rose from all around:

“Luoyun Shui, have you lost your mind?”

“What exactly do you want?”

“Indeed, a heart of treachery never dies! How could our sect produce such a disaster like you?”


“You can’t blame me! You all forced me!”

Luoyun Shui’s expression was ferocious, her face twisted with a sickly smile: “Since I have no chance of recovery, let’s all depart together! If we must die, we die as one…”

“Enough, you’ve fallen into devilry!”

Xinyu Emperor’s last shred of reluctance dissipated: “This place is no longer suitable for you. You’ll be suppressed deep within the earth’s core in my personal Hidden Cave Mystical Realm until the day you dissipate!”

The surrounding space suddenly solidified, everything coming to a standstill. Then, the golden radiance spilling from the blue crystal lotus retracted inch by inch until it was completely withdrawn into the lotus. No matter how desperately Luoyun Shui struggled, it was futile.

Next, the entire blue crystal lotus rose from the ground, shrinking to the size of a palm and falling into Xinyu Emperor’s hand, disappearing from sight.

Then, nearly a hundred other blue crystal lotuses were collected by her, all of which belonged to Supreme Elders who had committed grave sins over the long years. They were now all deprived of the chance to recover and were sent to be suppressed in Xinyu Emperor’s personal Hidden Cave Mystical Realm.


In Yu Lingzhou’s dwelling.

“…This wine tastes good. Is there more?”

Qing Muling said, setting down the jade dragon wine cup in his hand, his eyes slightly intoxicated. Despite having drunk quite a bit, his head felt somewhat heavy.

“Of course, there’s plenty of good wine here, and you can drink as much as you want!”

Yu Lingzhou smiled with her eyes curved, her beautiful face flushed with drink. She looked stunningly beautiful, her translucent gown revealing her sinfully curvaceous figure. With her movements, her full bosom trembled slightly.

Her jade hand refilled the wine cup and offered it to him, her voluptuous body leaning in, brushing against him now and then, almost clinging to him.

Well, it’s just a little brush, nothing serious.

Yu Lingzhou reassured herself.

“You mentioned earlier that the remnant soul of the former Supreme Sect Master has reincarnated. Hasn’t it been found yet?” Qing Muling asked.

Mu Yinghua’s master, Miaoching Immortal, was also a peak Daluo powerhouse. If she could return in time and regain her memories and cultivation from her previous life, it would undoubtedly benefit the sect.

When it came to serious matters, Yu Lingzhou’s demeanor became more solemn: “Yes, apart from that Heng Yi ancestor who concealed your destiny, there’s no one else in the sect skilled in the Heavenly Secret Art, so this matter has remained unresolved…”

Although Mu Yinghua had taken over as Sect Master, her authority and experience were limited, and she couldn’t possibly command a Supreme Elder like Heng Yi to help, despite her desire to do so.

Moreover, there were many cultivators in the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace who had reincarnated over the years, but only a few were fortunate enough to be found, with the vast majority remaining untraceable.

Considering a peak Daluo-level powerhouse, the cost of divining the Heavenly Secret would undoubtedly be substantial. If Mu Yinghua were to facilitate this for her master, what about the others? Should they all receive the same treatment? That would likely exhaust even ten Heng Yi ancestors’ lifespans.

“But now, Heng Yi ancestor has recovered, and Xinyu Emperor should be able to handle this.”

Qing Muling spoke, among the first batch of Supreme Elders he had completely healed was Heng Yi ancestor.

“Only if you ask for it,”

Yu Lingzhou said with a smile: “If your Sect Master makes this request, it could be seen as using public resources for personal gain, inevitably leading to criticism. Only your special status won’t cause any backlash.”

A super sect with a history of millions of years naturally had strict rules and regulations. Even the Sect Master couldn’t easily overstep without a valid reason, with many high-ranking elders from various factions watching.

Now, aside from Qing Muling, there probably wouldn’t be anyone else who could disregard these rules. After all, his role was too special; even Xinyu Emperor would have to accommodate him if necessary.

“Alright, I’ll take care of it.”

Qing Muling agreed.

A thought suddenly crossed his mind. With him around, Heng Yi ancestor no longer needed to worry about lifespan depletion. Couldn’t he then act almost without restriction? Couldn’t he find all the elders who had to reincarnate for various reasons?

If this could be successfully accomplished, the strategic strength of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace would surely grow significantly.

“Sister, do you know how many reincarnated elders there are in the sect?”

Qing Muling asked after some thought.


Yu Lingzhou’s beautiful face changed slightly, and she instantly understood Qing Muling’s intention, cautiously saying:

“I’m not certain. We’d have to check the special archives in the sect’s treasury to know the details. But just from the elder names I’ve heard, there must be hundreds. Their cultivation levels vary, with many Taiyi and Daluo powerhouses among them.”

Qing Muling nodded lightly: “It seems we’ve found another way to strengthen the sect. This matter requires careful planning. Hmm, I’ll discuss it with the Sect Master another day. I think… I should start learning the Heavenly Secret Art.”

A sect of such magnitude couldn’t rely solely on one Heng Yi ancestor in the field of the Heavenly Secret Art; they needed to cultivate several talents. Since others couldn’t be counted on for a while, only Qing Muling could achieve proficiency in the shortest possible time.

“Of course,”

Yu Lingzhou hugged him and kissed him affectionately: “Talents in the field of the Heavenly Secret Art are always in demand, no matter the power. Especially with Junior Brother’s foundation and talent, once you’ve achieved something in the future, even the Emperor might not match you. Finding all those reincarnated elders and bringing them back is not impossible.”

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