Chapter 214 – Exchange of interests

Inside the exclusive Hidden Cave Mystical Realm of Xinyu Emperor.

By the lakeshore, as clear and blue as a mirror, two peerlessly elegant women adorned in luxurious dresses were deeply engrossed in a game of strategy, having been locked in contest for quite some time.

After a long while, with the gentle placement of a piece by Xinyu Emperor, Miao Xin, the Buddha Master of Great Brahma Temple, sighed softly and reluctantly conceded defeat.

“This makes ten games now,”

Xinyu Emperor slightly lifted her chin, her tranquil eyes fixed on the other: “Since you’ve lost, you must honor our agreement. You are not to harbor any more designs on him.”

Miao Xin replied helplessly: “Your cultivation is superior to mine, and in divining the workings of fate, I naturally cannot match you. Isn’t it only to be expected that I would lose to you?”

She was not yet at the Quasi Holy Emperor Realm, and facing Xinyu Emperor at her peak, there was little chance of victory, hence the ten consecutive losses.

Xinyu Emperor remained unmoved: “Spare me such useless talk. A loss is a loss. Are you suggesting there’s a valid excuse for your weakness?”

“Fair enough,”

Miao Xin spoke softly: “Since Qing Muling was discovered and retrieved by your Sect Master, he is indeed a fortuitous opportunity belonging to Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. I never truly intended to poach him from you. However, our two Dao Lineages have supported each other for many years, advancing and retreating together on many critical matters. I think it’s only reasonable to collaborate once more on matters concerning him.”

“What do you intend to do?”

“My master once told me that within a thousand years, I would surely break through the final barrier and ascend to the Quasi Holy Realm. But with the great calamity upon us, I fear I won’t make it in time. If I cannot withstand this trial, I may perish completely.”

“And so?”

“I need to borrow the power of his fortune and destiny to enlighten my path ahead of time, so that I have sufficient strength to withstand the tribulations, just like his Senior Sisters.”

Miao Xin was candid about her intentions, not bothering to conceal her real plans. After all, currently, only Qing Muling could assist her.

Thanks to the past good relations between their Dao Lineages, Miao Xin had visited the Main Altar of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace several times in her early years and had naturally met Xuebing Xuan and the others. At that time, she thought their talents and destinies were merely decent, but nowhere near their current level.

Now, it goes without saying, if Qing Muling could induce such a transformative change in their fortunes and destinies, then surely she could too.

Xinyu Emperor shook her head lightly: “Impossible. The gap in your cultivations is too great, and the risk to him is incalculable. You must at least wait until he reaches the Xuan Immortal realm before we can even consider it.”

“Moreover, the value of a Quasi Holy Emperor’s Dao fruit is immense, and I need not elaborate on that. Why should Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace help you to such an extent? Can you offer something of equivalent value in exchange?”

Even blood brothers settle accounts clearly, let alone between two Supreme Dao Lineages. Despite their past good relations, there’s no reason for one to benefit at the other’s expense without recompense.

Miao Xin fell silent for a moment, then smiled slightly: “You make a fair point. I can wait for him, and of course… Great Brahma Temple can pay a sufficient price for this matter, both for him and for Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace.”

“I trust the Emperor will prioritize the long-term interests of both our Dao Lineages and make the most pragmatic decision. After all, if Great Brahma Temple were to fall, it wouldn’t bode well for Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace either, right?”

After a moment of contemplation, Xinyu Emperor finally nodded: “Then you should return and wait for news. When he becomes a Xuan Immortal, come back to negotiate.”

Following the successful Tribulation Crossing of the first group of Female Cultivators, the skies above Yunji Peak were tumultuous with constant changes and thunderous roars for the next several months. The dense and dark Tribulation Clouds dispersed and gathered repeatedly.

Once all the Female Cultivators at the Destiny Realm had crossed their tribulations, it was time for the peak Elemental Immortal Female Cultivators to group together for their collective Tribulation Crossing. Each batch consisted of one hundred and fifty, with three batches per day.

In other words, with each passing day and night, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace would gain an additional four hundred and fifty Elemental Immortals.

Even though Elemental Immortals are the lowest rank among immortals, their status and power are still far beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators. Especially such a large number of Elemental Immortals could significantly enhance the overall strength of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace.

Such a major event would normally be impossible to conceal from others. High-level spies lurking within the sect could easily notice the anomalies above Yunji Peak.

However, Mu Yinghua had anticipated this early on and took stringent and meticulous security measures. With the cooperation of Xinyu Emperor, this step proceeded quite smoothly.

All Female Cultivators needing to cross their tribulations would be received and screened by Xinyu Emperor herself in batches, and any hidden spies would be directly identified by her.

It’s rare in the Great Void to deceive the divine abilities of a peak Emperor without leaving any trace unless another Emperor took action, but even then, it would be difficult to remain completely undetected.

Furthermore, even those Female Cultivators who passed the screening still had to swear a great oath and have a restriction placed within them by the Emperor, forbidding them from revealing anything about Qing Muling to anyone. The restriction would last for a thousand years.

During this process, indeed thousands of spies were exposed under Xinyu Emperor’s gaze and were subsequently dealt with, from various sects.

This caused the remaining spies to become extremely cautious, opting to lay low for fear of attracting the attention of the higher-ups within their sects. They generally belonged to the group of cultivators without the need for Tribulation Crossing, so for the time being, the investigation had not reached them.

For the higher-ups of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, as long as they could keep things under wraps during this period and ensure all Female Cultivators who needed to cross their tribulations did so successfully, the task would be considered a great success.

What could those hostile forces do to Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace afterward, even if they caught wind of it? What’s done is done, and faced with an opponent whose strength had significantly increased, would they really risk their sect’s foundation to initiate a war? Not to mention, the calamity of the Magic Clan was not yet over!

Therefore, no incidents occurred until the last batch of Elemental Immortal Female Cultivators withstood the heavenly tribulations on the Ascension Platform and transformed into Elemental Immortal beings.

Next, it was the turn of the peak Elemental Immortal Female Cultivators to cross their tribulations. Accumulated over tens of thousands of years, the total number amounted to thirty-three thousand.

This was a more challenging task. With Qing Muling’s current cultivation, he could ensure that a batch of fifty Female Cultivators could overcome their tribulations and complete the transformation of the True Immortal laws each day.

In comparison, among those old Supreme Dao Lineages, the number of cultivators stuck at their cultivation levels, afraid to face their tribulations, was even greater than that of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. If all could successfully cross their tribulations, the overall strength of the Great Void’s cultivation world would leap several major levels.

Of course, this was merely wishful thinking. Without an extraordinary opportunity like Qing Muling’s, they would hardly have the chance to pass the test of heavenly tribulations. When their lifespan ended, they would have to disperse their cultivation and sit in meditation. The lucky ones might leave a remnant soul for reincarnation, while the unlucky ones would simply vanish into dust.

Therefore, in the eyes of the higher-ups of those forces, such cultivators whose potential was exhausted and who had no hope of advancing further were basically no different from cannon fodder. After the calamity of the Magic Clan began, they were sent as expendable troops to various territories to defend. If they could take down a corresponding number of enemies before dying, it was considered a profit.

So with each passing day, the strength of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace rapidly increased, while the strength and foundation of those other Supreme Dao Lineages irreversibly declined.

After safeguarding the Tribulation Crossing of tens of thousands of peak Elemental Immortal Female Cultivators, Qing Muling decided to enter closed-door cultivation for three months to recover his damaged fortune and spend quality time with his Senior Sisters, while allowing the Harmony Spirit Seed to absorb and digest a wave of the power of heavenly tribulations.

Sect Master Mu Yinghua naturally agreed and arranged a time-accelerating Formation Array. He was now the number one hero of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, and whatever he wished to do was reasonable.

The Formation Array provided a twenty-fold increase in the flow of time. Since it was Qing Muling’s first attempt at dual cultivation within a Formation Array, a higher time flow rate was not arranged to allow for an adaptation period. However, by the end of this closed-door cultivation, it would be enough for his cultivation to surge to the peak of the Destiny Realm.

In the boudoir of the Senior Sister.

After the intense activity on the spacious embroidered bed, a fatigued Qing Muling released his grip and began to silently recuperate.

Dual cultivation with a Dao Companion who had advanced to the True Immortal realm naturally resulted in a transformative increase in combat power within the boudoir. To ordinary Destiny Realm cultivators, it was akin to facing a demon. Only Qing Muling, with his exceptional talent, could withstand it.

Deep within his sea of consciousness, the phantom of the Blue Lotus leaf radiated dazzling brilliance. Pure elemental essence flowed in torrents, swiftly integrating into Qing Muling’s entire body, visibly restoring his spirit, energy, and essence.

“Junior Brother, you’ve worked hard!”

Luo Huan spoke tenderly, hugging Qing Muling and planting a kiss on him. With a slight gesture, a plate of fresh and tender five-colored lotus seeds floated over from a table not far outside the embroidered curtains. Her delicate fingers picked up a seed, held it in her lustrous and charming lips, and then leaned down to feed her Junior Brother.

Enjoying his Senior Sister’s meticulous care, Qing Muling soon fully recovered. He reached under the pillow for his communication jade talisman, infused it with mana to activate it, and began to check the latest major news from within and outside the sect.

【Yu Lingzhou: That Buddha Master Miao Xin has already left, and so have the ladies from Goddess Sect, Qingqiu Hall, and Lu Hua Palace. They say they plan to come back after some time, but of course, I hope they never do!】

Those troublesome individuals had finally left?

Qing Muling let out a small sigh of relief in his heart. It seemed that Xinyu Emperor and his master had handled things well. There was no need for him to intervene, and they had sent them away. Although he couldn’t guarantee they would give up for good, having some peace for a while was still welcome.

【Fairy Butterfly: From your tone, it’s as if they were trying to steal your Dao Companion. Are you that nervous?】

【Yueyi Heavenly Lord: Of course, we can’t show any kindness to any vixen who has designs on our Junior Brother! With countless beauties in Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, what kind of good woman can’t we find? Do we need outsiders to worry about it?】

【Fenghua Fairy: Indeed, no matter the reason, the various secrets about Junior Brother should not be revealed to outsiders. It’s enough that we understand them ourselves.】

【Mu Yinghua: Let’s not dwell on this matter. What’s the situation like in our territories outside?】

【Ice Falcon Heavenly Lord: There’s not much to say. Recently, the defensive lines in various territories have been holding up well. The losses of those outsiders have been heavy, and there are signs of them slowing down their offensive, so no major battles have occurred during this period.】

【Yu Lingzhou: It should be the reinforcements we sent out that have made an impact. Compared to the defensive lines of other sects, we now have a relatively ample supply of living forces at our disposal.】

Some time ago, after over a hundred thousand Female Cultivators succeeded in their Tribulation Crossing, Mu Yinghua arranged for them to stay in the time-accelerating Formation Array for several days, which allowed them to stabilize their realm and cultivation.

Then, they were dispatched to different territories to defend, resisting the invading Magic Clan progeny; otherwise, they served as mobile support forces, ready to assist any regions in danger at a moment’s notice.

With such a sudden increase in living forces, the situation in the many star domains under Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s control improved significantly. Not only did the casualty rate among Disciples decrease sharply, but they also killed a vast number of Magic Clan progeny.

It was foreseeable that as time passed, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace would not only be able to hold all its territories but could also consider launching a counteroffensive to reclaim the star domains that had been lost.

【Fairy Butterfly: We’re doing well here, but other sects aren’t faring so well. I heard that a Quasi Holy Emperor of the Magic Clan appeared outside the main altar of Jiuyou Senluo Hall, causing them heavy casualties and almost breaking through their Mountain Protection Array!】

【Yueyi Heavenly Lord: Jiuyou Senluo Hall’s luck is really terrible. How did they get targeted by such a terrifying creature? What happened next?】

Jiuyou Senluo Hall also had a Quasi Holy Emperor in residence, but due to an unhealed old injury, they could only exert about seventy percent of their strength.

【Fairy Butterfly: Their Emperor fought back with the help of the sect’s heavy weapons, wounding the invading Magic Clan Emperor at the cost of their own injuries, thus averting the crisis. However, it’s uncertain when that Emperor will recover unless the Dao Court is willing to lend a hand.】

【Yu Lingzhou: Although Jiuyou Senluo Hall is a demonic path force, they also obey the Dao Court, so perhaps they can secure some support?】

【Mu Yinghua: Indeed, I just received news that Xuan Yin Emperor of the Dao Court has agreed to provide Jiuyou Senluo Hall with ten billion heavenly merits of aid, along with a batch of high-tier resources, which should be enough for them to hold on for a while longer.】

“…If the situation allows in the future, can I undertake this kind of service externally? In exchange for a massive amount of rare resources, help certain cultivators from friendly forces to cross their tribulations?”

Qing Muling pondered.

The threat of the Magic Clan’s calamity was growing, and even some of the old Supreme Dao Lineages were beginning to feel the strain. In another two or three years, more Supreme Dao Lineages might collapse.

Once those Dao Lineages were gone, the successful Magic Clan leaders could concentrate more forces to besiege the remaining Supreme Dao Lineages, and the pressure on Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace would inevitably rise.

So, while the situation had not yet deteriorated, helping allied Dao Lineages to strengthen a bit could at least allow them to hold out a little longer and share some of the burden with Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace.

Beside Qing Muling, Xuebing Xuan, with a flushed and contented expression, propped up her smooth and delicate body and spoke softly:

“It’s feasible, but we need to manage it well. The number of slots we offer each time can’t be too many, and it’s best to limit it to those below the True Immortal realm, so as not to affect the long-term interests of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace.”

“I understand. As for the specific terms, let Sect Master decide,”

Qing Muling said. With the Magic Clan’s great calamity at hand, these allied Dao Lineage forces naturally tended to unite and act together.

But whether the relationships between the various Dao Lineages would remain harmonious after the calamity was over was another matter.

Just like in the secular world, there are no eternal friendships between nations, only eternal interests.

Qi Yalan, lying lazily beside him, turned over, her long and shapely legs pressing down on Qing Muling. Her eyes half-closed, she spoke languidly like a sated cat:

“Let’s not talk about this for now. Tomorrow is the day to help the remaining Elemental Immortals cross their tribulations. Once that’s done, we can go out and hunt the Magic Clan to earn heavenly merits, how about that?”

The Senior Sisters, who had advanced to the mid-stage of True Immortal and had not yet experienced battle, were naturally eager to try. After all, this was also a quick way to enhance their strength.

Cheng Yulan, who was massaging his legs, lifted her head and said, “Of course, but Junior Brother still needs to heal those Supreme Elders sleeping in the Hidden Cave Mystical Realm. We have to finish this task before we can leave.”

Qing Muling nodded: “There’s no rush with that. We’ll take our time.”

The next day, Yunji Peak, which had been quiet for a while, became lively again.

An error has been corrected, and I’d like to inform my readers that the author has been banned from speaking on the official website for a week and won’t be able to respond to some of the enthusiastic comments from readers until the 21st. I hope everyone can be understanding.

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