Chapter 211 – Silence, you impudent disciple!

Bright Moon Immortal Domain.

The Main Altar of the Bright Moon Sword Sect, a colossal land spanning billions of miles, was now fully enveloped by the Mountain Protection Array. The entire landmass was shrouded in a thick, surging radiance, with clouds billowing and myriad colors of auspicious light forming an unimaginably solid barrier.

In the void, endless hordes of Magic Clan progeny surged forward like a raging tide, frantically assaulting the outer layers of the array’s cloud-light, bombarding it with countless divine abilities and spells, gradually wearing it down.

The Mountain Protection Array struck back fiercely, with deep purple thunder dragons, resembling actual dragons, bursting forth from its depths. Amidst the rolling thunder, countless Magic Clan progeny were obliterated into dust, leaving vast empty spaces that were quickly filled by more of their kind.

At the heart of the landmass lay a range of majestic mountains stretching endlessly into the clouds. The solemn and majestic Council Hall of the Bright Moon Sword Sect was perched atop the main peak, tens of thousands of miles high.

On the white jade steps in front of the main hall, surrounded by a throng of elders, the Supreme Sect Master Lin Xuan Yuan stood with a darkened face, gazing up at the relentless Magic Clan progeny swarming in the sky, silent for a long time.

The Mountain Protection Array, painstakingly maintained by the Bright Moon Sword Sect for millions of years, was naturally formidable. These non-human creatures had besieged it for half a year without truly shaking its foundation, only to senselessly sacrifice countless elite troops.

However, this was not a sustainable solution. The array, operating at full capacity, was consuming resources every moment—wealth beyond the lifetime earnings of an ordinary True Immortal.

Even with the sect’s substantial reserves, which could support the array for three, five, or even ten to eighteen years, what about beyond that? If the Magic Clan was determined to fight to the death against the Bright Moon Sword Sect, what then?

The Magic Clan progeny currently attacking were mostly at the Destiny Realm or Feather Transformation Realm, with the occasional Elemental Immortal emerging as the strongest. The Mountain Protection Array could handle them.

But as time passed, the real test would come when groups of powerful non-human creatures above the True Immortal level began to appear.

Of course, what Lin Xuan Yuan feared most was the emergence of individuals from the Magic Clan at the Taiyi or Daluo levels, or even the terrifying presence of a Quasi Holy Emperor. That would be a dire crisis, as the array would not last long.

“Has there been any word from Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace?”

After a long while, Lin Xuan Yuan turned and asked coldly.

A Core Elder replied softly, “There has been a response, but those female cultivators’ demands are too outrageous. Our envoy couldn’t reach an agreement with them.”

“What exactly do they want?”

“They demand the return of twenty-four Spirit Treasures, including the Jiuli Wind Thunder Mace, as well as all the rare treasures and resources we took from Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, the return of all territories originally belonging to the Cloud Dream Immortal Domain, and additionally, the cession of thirty-six rich territories in the great star domains…”

The Core Elder listed a series of conditions, each one striking Lin Xuan Yuan’s heart like a sharp blade, darkening his expression further.

“What madness has possessed these greedy women?”

Lin Sheng Qing couldn’t help but curse angrily, “If our Bright Moon Sword Sect falls, the Magic Clan will target them next! Don’t they understand the principle of mutual dependence? How dare they make such exorbitant demands?!”

The surrounding elders exchanged glances, none speaking.

When they learned of Xinyu Emperor’s recovery, the high ranks of the Bright Moon Sword Sect felt not only shock and anger but also deep fear. This Quasi Holy Emperor, upon learning of the changes in the sect over the past ten thousand years, might well consider revenge against their old nemesis.

Fortunately, with the calamity of the Magic Clan looming, the Great Void Starry Sky required unity and mutual support to overcome the crisis.

After all, the Bright Moon Sword Sect’s territory was not too far from Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. If they fell, the Magic Clan progeny would undoubtedly target them next.

After much consideration, Lin Xuan Yuan sent an envoy to propose returning their territories in exchange for Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s assistance, hoping Xinyu Emperor would help resolve their immediate crisis.

Unfortunately, the leadership of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace was unmoved, demanding unimaginable and harsh conditions, nearly driving Lin Xuan Yuan to fury.

Seeing Lin Xuan Yuan’s expression, a Core Elder mustered the courage to speak softly, “Sect Master, times have changed. Under these circumstances, we may have to make concessions. Whatever it takes, we must first ensure the survival of our sect’s legacy.”

Having a Quasi Holy Emperor in a sect meant a completely different level of status and influence. Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace had an Emperor, and the Bright Moon Sword Sect did not, so their statuses could not be equal.

Compared to the complete collapse of the sect and the death of all disciples, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s demands, though steep, were not unacceptable.

Lin Sheng Qing said coldly, “Even if we agree to their terms, their Emperor might not honor the agreement. What if, after repelling the Magic Clan’s assault, she decides to turn on us? Can we defend ourselves?”

Silence fell again.

Such a disastrous scenario was not impossible. With the power in their hands, the Bright Moon Sword Sect would be like a plump piece of meat, ready to be sliced as they wished.

Lin Xuan Yuan exhaled and asked, “How is the recovery of the Emperor from the Armillary Sphere Star Palace going? Can we form an alliance with them again? Not just to combat the Magic Clan’s calamity but also to suppress Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace?”

The Armillary Sphere Star Palace and the Bright Moon Sword Sect had a traditional alliance and shared enmity with Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, so their mutual trust was naturally higher. Rejoining forces was a logical choice.

Core Elder Luo Han reported, “The Emperor’s recovery is limited; at most, she can take action three times. Despite their efforts, the Armillary Sphere Star Palace has not secured enough heavenly merits, so they can barely protect themselves.”

“Yan Qinyang, the Sect Master, said they would consider an alliance, but the Bright Moon Sword Sect must first provide at least two billion heavenly merits as a sign of sincerity.”


Lin Xuan Yuan cursed, “With so many merits, we wouldn’t need their help! They’re as extortionate as Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace! Do they think we’re easy targets?”

Yet many elders showed interest. Among the surrounding Supreme Dao Lineages, only the Armillary Sphere Star Palace still had a Quasi Holy Emperor, while the others had none and little say.

Two billion heavenly merits were extravagant, but the price was negotiable. If they could secure the support of the Armillary Sphere Star Palace, there was hope to preserve the sect’s legacy. With the current situation, there were no better options for the Bright Moon Sword Sect.

Lin Xuan Yuan understood the stakes. After venting his frustration, he turned to his son, Lin Sheng Qing, and instructed, “You go personally and negotiate with their Sect Master. We must form an alliance!”

“Yes, Father,” Lin Sheng Qing agreed.

Lin Xuan Yuan frowned at the dense swarm of Magic Clan progeny in the sky, wondering how Xinyu Emperor from Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace had recovered. Did they possess a secret method to obtain vast amounts of heavenly merits?

Unfortunately, such sect-defining secrets were likely known only to the Supreme Sect Master of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace and a few core individuals, beyond the reach of others.

Imperial Dao Peak, behind the mountain.

By the tranquil pond, several exquisite white jade cauldrons were set up, with pale blue spiritual flames leaping tirelessly beneath them. The thick broth inside was boiling, with faint glimmers of radiant light flickering.

The ingredients included several cleanly plucked Thunder Feather Star Pengs and numerous spiritual and sacred herbs, along with rare mountain delicacies, all simmering for quite some time, releasing an enticing aroma.

Qin Muling and Mu Yinghua sat side by side on a stone bench, whispering to each other.

“…It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a relaxed and comfortable moment.”

Mu Yinghua’s voice carried a hint of nostalgia. Since taking the position of Supreme Sect Master, she had been diligent and devoted, pouring her heart and soul into the revival of the sect, never having a moment’s rest.

Qin Muling spoke warmly, “These years, Master has indeed worked hard.”

Mu Yinghua turned her radiant face toward the young man beside her, her luminous eyes fixed on him, “If it weren’t for you, perhaps I would have collapsed in this position without ever reviving the sect. Muling, you… you are my benefactor!”

Before meeting Qin Muling, Mu Yinghua was regarded as capable and accomplished, but still short of the standard for a sect’s revival. This was not her fault, but rather because the foundation of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace had been nearly squandered by the previous Saintess.

Taking over was like inheriting a mess. After years of maintaining the sect’s base without collapse, reviving its former glory was no easy feat.

Mu Yinghua had thought that if, after many years, Xuebing Xuan could take over, maintaining the status quo and regaining some strength would be an achievement.

But everything changed with Qin Muling’s arrival. Under the auspices of the Harmony Spirit Seed’s terrifying fortune, Mu Yinghua finally felt unstoppable. Sect affairs, both internal and external, were handled with ease, without the previous exhaustion.

The subsequent events spoke for themselves. As Qin Muling’s cultivation soared, so did the strength of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. Now, with Xinyu Emperor back at her peak, the sect had completely shed its millennia of weakness, becoming one of the top superpowers in the Great Void Starry Sky.

“Now that the sect is thriving, it seems you have even more to do.”

Mu Yinghua raised her delicate hand, instinctively wanting to stroke the young man’s head, but then thought better of it and instead caressed his face gently before wrapping her arm around his shoulder.

“What does Master need me to do?”

“First are the Supreme Elders still slumbering in the Hidden Cave Mystical Realm; they all need your abilities to heal and recover, especially Elder Heng Yi, who sacrificed her lifespan to shield your destiny.”

Mu Yinghua explained that the Supreme Elders were irreplaceable, as Xinyu Emperor couldn’t handle everything alone.

“Sure, that’s no problem. What else?”

“Then there are the elders and disciples in the sect who need to cross their tribulations. There must be tens of thousands of them, from the Heart Demon Tribulation and Feather Transformation Tribulation to Elemental, True, Xuan, and Golden Immortals. You’ll need to assist them.”

Mu Yinghua continued, these two major tasks being of utmost importance. Once handled properly, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s overall strength would surge, roughly equivalent to the combined strength of a dozen Supreme Dao Lineages.

Moreover, Qin Muling’s divine ability to mass-produce sacred and divine herbs was indispensable. Any Dao Lineage’s power had an insatiable need for medicinal resources. With him around, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace would have endless sacred and divine herbs, able to cultivate a vast number of new disciples.

“That’s also no problem. But I feel that having only one Quasi Holy Emperor in the sect still seems insufficient.”

Qin Muling pondered. He had read Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s records, and at the beginning of its founding, including the founding ancestor, there were five Quasi Holy Emperors in the sect.

However, this golden era didn’t last long. The founding ancestor ascended with all the second-generation disciples, leaving only Xinyu Emperor from the third generation to lead the sect.

“So… what do you plan to do?”

Mu Yinghua sipped from her jade cup and passed it to Qin Muling.

He accepted it and took a sip of the Spiritual Wine and Nectar, saying, “How far is Master from the Quasi Holy Emperor Realm? My enlightenment aura should be effective for you now, right?”

“It is effective, but…”

Mu Yinghua hesitated, a blush spreading across her beautiful face. It was one thing for her close disciples to benefit from Qin Muling’s enlightenment aura, but as their Master, it was embarrassing to join them in seeking his help, especially when considering the revealing attire they wore during cultivation, almost baring their flawless beauty.

“But what?”

Qin Muling’s eyes flashed with curiosity, asking innocently.

If he could accompany his Master in cultivation for hundreds or thousands of years, helping her break through the next realm wouldn’t be too difficult. However, this would mean leaving the sect’s daily affairs to the Senior Sister, who would likely be frustrated for a while.


Mu Yinghua’s gaze drifted away, “Your enlightenment aura is useful to me now, but the effect isn’t significant enough from just a few sessions of closed-door cultivation to break through.”

Qin Muling looked surprised, “Is that so? Then the only better method than the enlightenment aura would be…”

“Silence, you impudent disciple!”

Mu Yinghua’s eyes flashed with embarrassment and anger, her voice suddenly stern.

Qin Muling: “???”

He had only meant to suggest using a time acceleration formation, given his ample lifespan, but his Master seemed to have misunderstood.

Seeing the young man’s confused and helpless expression, the Master felt a twinge of regret but couldn’t bring herself to speak softly. She stood up without a word and vanished into the light.

“Sun and Moon Splendor”

In the future, while he and his Master would be deeply immersed in cultivation within the secret chamber, the Senior Sister would be outside, dealing with various affairs, her resentment unspoken.

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