Chapter 208 – The only goal is to live off someone else

Qing Muling was well aware of the renown of Xinyu Emperor.

Back when he first entered the forbidden Hidden Cave Mystical Realm behind the sect to heal Ice Falcon Heavenly Lord, this third-generation disciple of the founder of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace had communicated with him through divine thoughts, though he had never met her in person.

Thanks to the ten billion merits from Dao Court, Xinyu Emperor finally awoke, free to leave the forbidden grounds and roam at will, becoming the most reliable pillar of high-end strategic force for Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. With her presence, certain matters that were previously inconvenient for the sect could now be put on the agenda.

The presence or absence of a Quasi Holy Emperor in a Supreme Dao Lineage greatly affects its status and influence in the Great Void. The influence of an Emperor who is grievously injured and in slumber, one who is injured but can still act, and one at their peak condition, are all vastly different.

Behind Imperial Dao Peak, ancient trees reached for the skies, and the secluded springs murmured. The clear spring water flowed, winding and turning, eventually gathering in a clear pond below the cliff, covering over a hundred acres. The rich spiritual energy gathered into mists, drifting slowly with the wind.

On a stone bench by the pond, a voluptuous and graceful woman sat quietly, her deep purple dress lavish and luxurious, her dazzling aura shrouding her entire body, making her facial features indistinct.

Her presence filled the entire back mountain area with a profound and mysterious Dao Rhyme, unfathomable and irresistibly alluring.

Mu Yinghua, accompanied by Qing Muling, approached and greeted her with proper respect. In front of this figure, everyone in Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace was a junior, and no one dared to be disrespectful.

Qinghuan Emperor had once observed Qing Muling from the shadows at Dao Court but had never met him face to face.

To Qing Muling, this was the most powerful being he had encountered since arriving in this world, her strength unfathomable, nearly reaching the pinnacle of the Dao.

Xinyu Emperor turned her head slightly, her gentle eyes sizing up the handsome and dignified youth opposite her. With a slight nod, the entire Imperial Dao Peak suddenly brightened, as an immeasurable and profound force spread out, shielding all destinies and causality.

A sweet and elegant voice with a hint of majesty spoke, “A Harmony Spirit Seed taking form is unheard of, even during the era when our founder achieved Dao. Although I have seen some innate beings in the depths of the chaotic void, they are mostly fierce, cruel, and bloodthirsty. One like you, who has awakened intelligence and perfectly integrated into the cultivation world, is extremely rare since the beginning of heaven and earth.”

“Mu Yinghua’s encounter with you is her fate, as well as Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s. She has told me enough about your deeds, which is why I wanted to have a chat with you today. What are your requests for the sect? What are your views on the situation in the Great Void? And what are your plans for the future? Feel free to share.”

Qing Muling felt a bit nervous; this was like an assessment by the Emperor herself. He had to satisfy her to pass this test.

Mu Yinghua smiled at his side, “There’s no need to be nervous. Just answer as you truly feel. You have done great services for the sect, and we will not treat you harshly.”

She thought Qing Muling might be too shy to speak his mind, so she reassured him not to be too constrained.

“I don’t have any particular thoughts,”

Qing Muling said frankly, “The matters outside are handled by my master and senior sisters. I just need to lie low and enjoy life. I lack nothing in terms of food, drink, and other pleasures. Helping them with cultivation and crossing tribulations is just a small effort, so for me, continuing to be a gigolo is quite nice!”

Xinyu Emperor: “……”

Mu Yinghua: “……”

They had thought that no matter what grand statements Qing Muling made, it wouldn’t be surprising. Given his background, it was certain he would achieve the realm of Quasi Holy Emperor, and among the senior sisters close to him, one or two might reach such heights.

With more than one Quasi Holy Emperor in Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, its prosperity could only be imagined. Not to mention sweeping away surrounding hostile forces, even competing with Dao Court would be as natural as water flowing into a channel.

Little did they know, the youth had no such lofty aspirations. His only goal was to be a gigolo, to continue being a gigolo indefinitely. This ‘simple and honest’ desire was… beyond words for them.

“Have you never thought of becoming the Sect Master of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace?”

Xinyu Emperor hesitated for a moment but couldn’t help asking.

If this young man could take the position of Supreme Sect Master, it would mean the sect’s future was inseparably linked to his fate and fortune, and they wouldn’t have to worry about other powers poaching him.

“That’s my master’s position; I’m not interested!”

Qing Muling shook his head; he indeed had no interest in his master’s position, only in his master herself.

“So, if your master wishes to revitalize the sect and make Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace the strongest Dao Lineage in the Great Void, you would help her achieve that, right?” Xinyu Emperor asked again.

Qing Muling’s answer did not disappoint her: “If my master truly wishes so, I will definitely help her.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Xinyu Emperor breathed a sigh of relief. Since the young man didn’t like to be involved in affairs, they would find ways to deepen the bond between Mu Yinghua and him, as well as with his senior sisters.

After a moment’s thought, she took out nine radiant talismans exuding an invisible pressure, and with a slight gesture, they flew into Qing Muling’s body.

“Your cultivation at the Destiny Realm is still low, not enough to protect yourself. So, I’ve specially crafted a few life-saving measures for you. When you encounter insurmountable tribulations, you can activate them to protect and keep you safe.”

Xinyu Emperor explained, feeling a bit regretful. She had wanted to give Qing Muling more benefits, but her own treasures were too advanced for his current level of cultivation. He wouldn’t be able to use them now, and they would only be a burden. It was better to wait until he reached at least the True Immortal level.

“Thank you very much, Emperor!”

Qing Muling was quite satisfied. Life-saving measures crafted by a Quasi Holy Emperor were not something just anyone could have. Perhaps even Mu Yinghua didn’t have them, let alone Yu Lingzhou, Ice Falcon Heavenly Lord, and Yueyi Heavenly Lord.

“Alright, now let Muling heal you!”

Mu Yinghua finally spoke up. Xinyu Emperor’s injuries were too severe, and without Qing Muling’s divine abilities and the vast merits of heaven and earth, there was no other way to heal her.

Qing Muling nodded, stood up with permission, and a pure and deep azure-purple light emanated from his hands, enveloping Xinyu Emperor’s delicate body, silently merging with her.

Within the azure-purple light, specks of chaotic brilliance emerged, dazzling and beautiful, carrying the endless Dao Rhyme of creation, spreading lightly and profoundly.

After ascending to the Destiny Realm, the Dao Rhyme from the Harmony Spirit Seed became even richer, both in quantity and quality, thus becoming effective even for beings at the level of Quasi Holy Emperor.

Under Mu Yinghua’s watchful eye, the azure-purple light infused with Dao Rhyme continuously merged into Xinyu Emperor’s divine body and soul, slowly and firmly healing her hidden injuries, and her dim life force began to show signs of revival and strengthening.

As Qing Muling gradually increased his efforts, a huge Blue Lotus phantom emerged from within him, enveloping him, Xinyu Emperor, and Mu Yinghua, with more Dao Rhyme flowing into her body like converging rivers, bringing an indescribable comfort and joy.

With ample spiritual essence to replenish, Qing Muling persisted for half an hour before stopping.

“It feels quite nice!”

Xinyu Emperor said contentedly, “You did well. Will you continue?”

“Not now.”

Qing Muling, looking a bit tired, replied. In his current state, he needed to rest and recover before continuing.

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