Chapter 189 – New test/challenge

Seeing Su Zhengji flip his stance, Cheng Yulan’s bright eyes slightly tensed, and the surrounding formations immediately changed with her will. Layers of moon-white mist, like light gauze, materialized out of thin air, blocking the swiftly approaching blade light.

If they were outside the Hidden Cave Mystical Realm, Cheng Yulan would certainly not dare to cross swords with Su Zhengji, for he was a figure on the cusp of becoming a Golden Immortal. However, inside this realm, where everyone’s cultivation was limited to the peak of the Feather Transformation Realm, there was no need for excessive concern.

“…If only this old ghost could be trapped in the mystical realm forever. Alas, he surely has a life-saving jade talisman on him. Killing him would only allow him to resurrect unscathed, leaving us helpless against him.”

Cheng Yulan pondered with a hint of regret, ready to counterattack, when a faint luminescence flickered above the dome, and a thin, translucent screen of light descended, separating them from the disciples of the Shadow Assassination Hall.


Su Zhengji’s expression shifted slightly. The reaction of the tower spirit was an unmistakable warning. If he persisted, what might happen next was unpredictable.

“Enough, consider yourselves lucky this time.”

The core elder of the Shadow Assassination Hall snorted and refrained from further attacks. Seizing the opportunity at hand was crucial; it would be unwise to lose the greater prize over something trivial.

The cultivators around them also quelled their thoughts, each unleashing their best techniques, divine abilities, or treasures, sparing no effort to compete for the clear-colored rain threads falling from the dome. The scene was chaotic for a time. Nonetheless, no one dared to fight over it anymore.

As for the area within thirty miles of Qing Muling, due to the coverage of the formations, all the descending rain threads were swept up and divided among the three of them. Other cultivators, no matter how dissatisfied, dared not come over to share in the spoils.

The drizzle of clear-colored rain threads lasted for a quarter of an hour before gradually stopping.

In terms of volume, this rain could have filled a lake, but spread among nearly ten thousand cultivators, each person’s share was actually quite limited. Except for Qing Muling and his two senior sisters, who were quick to seize the opportunity and grabbed more with the help of the formations.

“It’s a bit risky,”

Cheng Yulan said with joy and concern, “If there’s another opportunity like this, I’m afraid I won’t be able to enjoy it. Otherwise, sooner or later, I won’t be able to suppress my cultivation, and if I accidentally break through, that would be the end.”

Her current realm was at the peak of the Elemental Immortal, almost a hair’s breadth from the threshold of becoming a True Immortal, and a breakthrough could happen at any time. She had to try to suppress it with all her might.

After all, she was participating in the Dao Court’s Gathering of Immortals as a new generation disciple, different from those who had sealed their cultivation. If she were to break through to become a True Immortal midway, according to the Dao Court’s usual practice, she would automatically lose the qualification to continue participating, and any future opportunities would no longer concern her.

Yu Binghua’s eyes sparkled with a playful smile, “It seems that before the Gathering of Immortals ends, Senior Sister, you can’t cultivate with Junior Brother anymore. Otherwise, if you break through, who could you even reason with?”

Her true cultivation was much lower than Cheng Yulan’s, still far from a breakthrough, so it was naturally easier for her to suppress it, leaving her without any pressure.

“I understand that, and it’s all to your advantage!”

Cheng Yulan responded with annoyance, feeling incredibly frustrated. Could it be that in the future, this flirtatious sister would accompany Junior Brother in cultivation, and she could only watch helplessly? Just the thought was infuriating.

“The efficacy of this dew is quite good; if only there were more, my cultivation could surely advance further.”

Qing Muling wisely changed the subject to prevent the two senior sisters from bickering again, as being caught between them was not a comfortable position, siding with either would be inappropriate.

Yu Binghua’s attention was indeed diverted, “Junior Brother, how much has your cultivation increased?”

“By two minor realms, I suppose. Both my physical body and Divine Soul have strengthened, and while the changes in my fate and fortune are not yet apparent, they should also benefit.”

Qing Muling shared, after being bathed in the clear-colored rain, his current cultivation had reached the fourth level of the Heart Demon Realm, with his physical body and Divine Soul both enhanced by about half, a pleasant surprise indeed.

Considering his innate talent was already superior to those so-called monstrous geniuses, his cultivation of body and soul had reached the pinnacle of perfection for his current realm, almost incapable of further improvement. Yet, the effects of the clear-colored rain were miraculously potent.

Of course, this was after Qing Muling had given most of the rain to the Harmony Spirit Seed. Otherwise, the improvement might have been even greater. The good news was that the eighth shadow of the Blue Lotus leaf was now faintly visible, on the verge of fully materializing.

Moreover, the Harmony Spirit Seed’s efficiency in absorbing the essence of spiritual qi and the subtleties of the Dao Rhyme had increased, which directly affected the speed of Qing Muling’s cultivation progress. With such a trend, the threshold of the Destiny Realm was not too far off for him.

While relying on others might be sweet and comfortable, catching up with his senior sisters was still Qing Muling’s unwavering goal, a matter of male pride, even though his senior sisters doted on him.

“Only two minor realms?”

Cheng Yulan was surprised, yet also astounded by Junior Brother’s talent. If it were any other prodigy, a whole major realm advancement might have been possible. Qing Muling’s current state only indicated that his foundation and talent were too profound, making advancement all the more difficult.

Yu Binghua caressed Qing Muling, smiling seductively, “If only we could move this entire tower back with us, then constantly receiving the blessings of the clear-colored rain would not only accelerate our cultivation but also potentially mass-produce prodigious seeds.”

Qing Muling’s eyes brightened, seriously considering before shaking his head regretfully, “It’s not easy. Given the rank of this Yunji Inquiry Tower, it’s at least the pinnacle of a Postnatal Spirit Treasure, and it might even be an Innate Spirit Treasure. Gaining its recognition? Easier said than done.”

“Gene Era”

Cheng Yulan’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly as she hugged Qing Muling and kissed him, “If anyone here has a chance, it’s you, Junior Brother. No rush, when the time is right, we can give it a try. Who knows, it might just work?”

Qing Muling nodded, saying no more.

After the rain had dissipated, nearly ten thousand cultivators silently digested their gains and waited for a moment before the scene changed again.

Qing Muling’s perception was the sharpest. He felt an odd Dao Rhyme fluctuation emanating from the depths of the dome’s luminescence, brushing over all the cultivators in the field in what seemed like a slow but swift motion. In an instant, it was as if the mysterious tower spirit had seen through everyone’s secrets.

“What is she trying to do?”

Qing Muling looked around discreetly, noting that the other cultivators seemed to have sensed something too, but only about one-seventh of them were aware, while the rest were clueless, seemingly unaware of what had just happened.

Qing Muling immediately understood that this was another of the tower spirit’s selection and filtering mechanisms. Those who sensed something in the field were the cultivators with higher foundational qualities and deeper potential, with further opportunities ahead.

As for the rest… Without a reaction, they would likely soon face the fate of being eliminated.

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