Chapter 159 – Return journey

Deep in the vast expanse of the void lay the Main Altar of the Calamity Fate Palace.


In the ancient hall, filled with an aura of vicissitudes, spiritual mist rose and treasure light shone brightly. Dozens of figures sat quietly, a tremendous pressure enveloping the space, creating a rather solemn atmosphere.


Ever since the progeny of the Magic Clan began to wreak havoc in the territories of human cultivators within the Great Void, the domains of the Calamity Fate Palace had not been spared. With vast territories to oversee and protect, the loss of disciples and followers had been significant over the days.


On the ancient, colorfully speckled bronze lotus throne, filled with mysterious Dao Rhyme, sat the imposing figure of the Palace Master of the Calamity Fate Palace, with the Holy Maiden Mei Qingfeng seated at the foremost right.


"…This calamity has come somewhat unexpectedly!"


The voice of the Palace Master revealed an imperceptible hesitation: "With my expertise in the divination of the Heavenly Secrets, it was only at the last moment that I sensed something amiss. This indicates that a powerful being must have shielded the Heavenly Secrets, reversing and confusing Yin and Yang, to have kept us in the dark."


The hall fell silent for a moment before an elder spoke up: "If that's the case, why did their method of concealing the Heavenly Secrets suddenly fail? Could it be due to some unforeseen event?"


"Highly likely,"


The Palace Master pondered: "Upon reviewing the origins and developments of this calamity, it's almost certain that these aberrations did not intend to launch a large-scale offensive just yet. Their hand was likely forced due to the accidental exposure of their lair, triggering a series of chain reactions, leaving them no choice but to resort to desperate measures."


The progeny of the Magic Clan had not openly appeared in the Great Void for many millennia, at least not within the domains of human cultivators. Of course, their covert infiltration and lurking activities against human cultivators had never ceased.


Elder Yuan Xuan Kong spoke indifferently: "According to information leaked from within the Dao Court, the first to discover the traces of the Magic Clan progeny and report to the Dao Court was the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, for which they received high praise from the higher-ups of the Dao Court."


Mei Qingfeng's expression turned serious as she asked: "Why was it specifically them? I refuse to believe this is mere luck. Could it be because of that Qing Muling?"


Without any particular reason, but guided by a woman's intuition and the premonitions of her divine abilities, she immediately thought of the enigmatic Qing Muling. The idea that such a significant matter could be unrelated to him was something Mei Qingfeng instinctively refused to believe.


Luo Yu Jue looked at her in surprise and said: "We have yet to ascertain that. In any case, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace reported it under the sect's name, so the Dao Court's reward was for the entire sect. Whether it has anything to do with Qing Muling, we can investigate slowly."


Mei Qingfeng nodded without saying more, but she considered whether she should personally visit Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace one day. As the Holy Maiden of the Calamity Fate Palace, a formal visit was unlikely to be refused by Mu Yinghua, given the generally friendly relations between their Dao Lineages.


The Palace Master continued: "Given the situation, let's mobilize the sect's strategic reserves and fully exterminate the Magic Clan progeny! Despite the suddenness of the event, they are not prepared, so this is not necessarily a bad thing for us. The overall situation is still under our control. If thousands or tens of thousands of years were to pass, allowing them to breed and train enough elites, the pressure on our human cultivator camp would be terrifying!"


No matter what, the early triggering of this calamity was more beneficial than detrimental. The human cultivator camp currently held a significant advantage and could comfortably exterminate the Magic Clan progeny.


Although the cost in casualties was not small, the majority of those who died were unaffiliated cultivators. As one of the Supreme Dao Lineages, they had enough power to keep losses within an acceptable range.


"By the way, what reward did the Dao Court give to Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace?"


The Palace Master asked again: "I heard they recently repaired their Main Altar, which is good news. With the Dao Court's reward, I believe they should perform quite well in the upcoming calamity."


Luo Yu Jue's expression became puzzled as he said: "Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace made some extravagant requests. Mu Yinghua actually sought to borrow ten billion heavenly merits from the Dao Court."


The elders present showed a hint of astonishment. Normally, such a request would indeed be excessive. Heavenly merits, as an unquestionable strategic resource and one of the most precious, were always tightly controlled by the major powers and rarely circulated.


Even though the Dao Court had such reserves, without a special reason, they would never lend it out casually. Wouldn't it be better to use it to cultivate their own direct descendants, refine powerful Postnatal Spirit Treasures, or high-level pills?


Mei Qingfeng couldn't help but say: "Aren't they a bit too much? They should have already exhausted their connections and goodwill with the Dao Court's higher-ups with the last ceasefire request. How dare they make such a demand now? The higher-ups of the Dao Court couldn't possibly entertain them, right?"


"Unfortunately, the Dao Court's higher-ups really agreed,"


Luo Yu Jue said somberly: "It was the Qinghuan Emperor herself who approved it, so Mu Yinghua has successfully obtained the heavenly merits. As for what private deals they made, our intelligence network has no way of knowing."


The Palace Master pondered: "Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace asking for so many heavenly merits is likely to awaken their slumbering founding ancestor's third-generation direct disciple: Xinyu Emperor, right? If not, then it's for repairing those damaged Innate Spirit Treasures?"


Luo Yu Jue nodded: "Indeed, Xinyu Emperor has awakened. Although ten billion heavenly merits are unlikely to completely heal her old wounds, her ability to take action is now certain. So… with her, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace's overall strength is actually very close to its peak from ten thousand years ago."


The elders fell silent. Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace had quietly made this move, effectively taking the initiative when dealing with the surrounding Supreme Dao Lineages. Regardless of whether the Sect Masters were pleased or not, they would have to consider the presence of Xinyu Emperor in future dealings with Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace.


As a Supreme Dao Lineage, the influence and power of each were not equal. The presence of a Quasi Holy Emperor within a sect made a stark difference in status and influence.


The Armillary Sphere Star Palace also had a slumbering Quasi Holy Emperor within their Hidden Cave Mystical Realm, but whether they could gather enough resources for an awakening was uncertain. As for the Bright Moon Sword Sect, Azure Fall Divine Sect, and Nine Spirit Proto Gate, they had no Quasi Holy Emperors and could not even contemplate it.


As the oldest of the Supreme Dao Lineages, the Calamity Fate Palace naturally had a Quasi Holy Emperor, such as the current Palace Master, who had reached this realm thousands of years ago and was now at the peak of his power.


Of course, the Quasi Holy Emperor of the Calamity Fate Palace focused more on divination and the domain of Heavenly Secrets rather than combat. But an Emperor was an Emperor, with strength and status beyond the reach of ordinary immortals.


"It seems Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace owes a significant favor this time,"


After a while, the Palace Master finally said: "The Qinghuan Emperor's move is likely intended to pull this Dao Lineage under her wing as support. There must also be some benefits exchange we are unaware of."


"Let's leave it at that for now. There's no need to interfere with the power dynamics of those Dao Lineages. We'll discuss everything after this calamity has passed."




The elders agreed.


"Is there anything else?"


"Yes, the higher-ups of the Dao Court have already sent out a decree to all Dao Lineage powers within the Great Void. In response to the great calamity, they've decided to convene a Gathering of Immortals ahead of schedule, opening up a batch of special high-level blessed lands and mystical realms for the outstanding descendants of each Dao Lineage to seek their fortunes. Whatever they obtain within can be kept or transferred to the Dao Court at a reasonable price," Yuan Xuan Kong reported.


Such gatherings of immortals had occurred more than once in the past, held by the Dao Court to win hearts and expand their influence, with considerable success to date.


The Palace Master nodded slightly: "In that case, Qingfeng, prepare yourself. In a few days, you will lead the team on your journey."


"Your disciple obeys."


Mei Qingfeng respectfully complied.


Despite the Calamity Fate Palace's vast resources and treasures, there were still some special resources owned by the Dao Court that they could not refuse.




In the secret chamber.


Qing Muling, looking slightly haggard, browsed through the messages in the communication jade talisman. Important matters within the sect were recorded, and with his current level of access, there were hardly any secrets he was not privy to.


"The situation in the various territories seems rather tense?"


Qing Muling pondered softly: "Although there are no major issues at the moment, the offensive of the Magic Clan progeny is becoming more fierce, and with their vast numbers, this could become quite dangerous if it continues."


Qi Yalan, unconcerned, said: "The matter of the great calamity is being handled by the Sect Master and the elders. Junior Brother, your task now is to focus on your cultivation. Nothing else matters, nor do you need to be on the front lines. Why worry so much?"


Qing Muling smiled without saying anything. A month had passed since he last stabilized his cultivation, and his third Senior Sister had finally become his Dao Companion. They practiced dual cultivation daily, which rapidly advanced their cultivation.


She wore a thin, translucent dress, her voluptuous and stunning body always a sight to behold. Sitting beside her Junior Brother, she would occasionally tenderly feed him various spiritual fruits and pastries from the table.


However, dual cultivating with two Senior Sisters at the same time was a considerable drain on physical and spiritual energy. Even though Qing Muling had reached the True One Realm, his Senior Sisters had stepped into the Elemental Immortal realm, true immortals with indescribable delights, but not without their challenges.


Overworked by his insatiable Senior Sisters, Qing Muling looked somewhat fatigued. Fortunately, the Harmony Spirit Seed's recovery ability was extraordinary, continuously replenishing him with spiritual essence, allowing him to quickly return to his vigorous state.


"However, Junior Brother needs to purify the dead zones to earn heavenly merits and hone his combat skills, so he still needs to go to the battlefield."


A seductive voice came through, and Luo Huan, who was massaging Qing Muling's legs, peeked out from under the table, her beautiful eyes filled with blissful obsession.


She took out a white silk handkerchief to wipe her glossy lips, stood up, and said: "Junior Brother's cultivation is not weak now, and with our protection, it's good for him to kill more Magic Clan progeny. With enough heavenly merits, his cultivation can continue to advance rapidly!"


Qi Yalan nodded lightly: "That makes sense, let's go together then. But which star domain should we choose?"


The floating lands currently under Qing Muling's control had mostly been purified, and the Magic Clan progeny's nests had been exterminated, leaving little else to do.


Luo Huan raised her hand slightly, projecting a light mirror with her magic power, displaying a detailed star map of the surrounding void.


Qing Muling said: "Although I can't return to the sect's Main Altar for safety reasons, visiting those peripheral territories should be fine, right? Like the Dao Court branch that third Senior Sister manages outside."


He recalled his first entry into Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, where his Senior Sister had been stationed in the floating lands of the void. Since returning to the Main Altar, he had not visited again.


"Alright then, let's decide on that. We'll go together."


Qi Yalan agreed.




The next morning, after Qing Muling had entrusted all matters to Chi Xing Zi and others, he set off on the return journey with his two Senior Sisters.


The speed of the celestial boat was extremely fast, and once they entered the territory of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, they used the super long-range star space transfer arrays along the way. It didn't take long for the familiar floating land to appear in Qing Muling's view.


The gray-black landmass of over a hundred thousand miles was mostly unusable dead zones, with only the southwest region being habitable. Within the pale blue, glass-like light screen of the Mountain Protection Array, one could clearly see hundreds of mountains of various sizes, beautiful and rich in spiritual energy, with exquisite pavilions, terraces, and palaces scattered among the peaks.


Qing Muling remembered that when he left last time, he was only at the Understanding Mystery Realm, a newcomer to the path of cultivation. Now, returning to the same place, he was at the True One Realm, a core disciple among the veterans.


Inside the Mountain Protection Array, mist filled the air, and visible spiritual energy flowed like water ripples. Ancient trees stretched to the sky, clear springs babbled, and extraordinary beasts roamed the forests, while cranes carrying spiritual mushrooms soared among the clouds, with rising smoke and brilliant rosy light.


This branch Dao Court had been managed by the disciples of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace for many years and was quite well-established. However, it paled in comparison to the sect's Main Altar.


Outside the light screen of the Mountain Protection Array, nourished by the overflowing earth's spiritual energy, there were large oases, plains, lakes, and rivers, with numerous cities and towns thriving with life.


Qi Yalan said to him: "Junior Brother, why don't you purify these unsightly dead zones first? In the future, the spiritual energy here will become more abundant, capable of supporting a larger population."




Qing Muling agreed. With the supply of Pure Elemental Reincarnation Pills now open to him, he was equivalent to having the cultivation of the Heart Demon realm. Activating his divine abilities only took half a moment, allowing him to restore a layer of earth four hundred miles in radius and a thousand feet deep to normal. Restoring this floating land was a mere trifle.

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

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