Chapter 152 – The top three thousand women are ranked among the immortals

After gradually adapting to the majestic power brought on by the realm advancement, Luo Huan opened her eyes and looked towards Qing Muling beside her. To her surprise, she saw a thin layer of thunderous light enveloping him, slowly sinking into his body, its aura identical to the recent heavenly tribulation.


"Junior Brother, you…"


Luo Huan's expression turned to one of astonishment. Could it be that Junior Brother had absorbed part of the power of the heavenly tribulation? Such a thought was too bizarre, wasn't it?


Qing Muling replied calmly, "Indeed, it is as you think, Senior Sister. As for the specific reasons, they are not clear at the moment, but you will gradually understand in the future."


"Oh, alright then."


Considering Qing Muling's uniqueness, Luo Huan didn't say much more. Perhaps whatever happened to Junior Brother in the future wouldn't be impossible after all?


However, since Junior Brother was now her Dao companion, whatever fortunes he encountered, she might also benefit from them. There was no need to be overly envious.


"Time is getting late, shall we return to our cultivation?"


Luo Huan looked around. This desolate and silent floating land was uninhabited, chosen temporarily just so she could cross her tribulation undisturbed. Next, she would need to consolidate her realm and familiarize herself with the power of an Elemental Immortal, which of course, would have to be completed after returning.


Qing Muling agreed and summoned a slender and elegant ivory-colored celestial boat. He and Senior Sister Luo Huan boarded it and sped away.




At this moment, deep within Qing Muling sea of consciousness, the Harmony Spirit Seed and the phantom of the Blue Lotus leaf both underwent some changes. A layer of dazzling blue thunder covered their surfaces, and from afar, one could sense the destructive power contained within, the same terrifying force from the previous heavenly tribulation, absorbed by the Harmony Spirit Seed in some unknown manner.


Qing Muling focused his senses and discovered that the blue thunder was slowly dissipating, or more accurately, being absorbed and digested bit by bit by the Harmony Spirit Seed.


As the power of the heavenly tribulation flowed in, the Harmony Spirit Seed's changes became more pronounced. It grew slightly larger, its surface color became brighter and more vibrant, and at the bottom, some chaotic light strands seemed to be differentiating, as if they could sprout roots at any moment.


Upon closer sensation, it seemed that every strand of the heavenly tribulation's power absorbed by the Harmony Spirit Seed would release a strange chaotic clear qi inside. This clear qi contained an incredibly vast and surging power, yet also brimming with vitality, slowly merging with Qing Muling's Divine Soul.


Moreover, those differentiated chaotic light strands extended into the depths of the void on their own, and soon Qing Muling sensed more essence of spiritual qi and droplets of profound Dao Rhyme feedback, merging with his Divine Soul and body.


"So this is another wondrous use of the Harmony Spirit Seed? It's truly unheard of…"


At this moment, Qing Muling also felt a sense of shock. The Harmony Spirit Seed, having absorbed the power of the heavenly tribulation, displayed various changes that were beyond imagination and unprecedented. Its roots could even penetrate deep into the void, continuously drawing spiritual qi essence from different dimensions to nourish itself.


Meanwhile, the five phantoms of the Blue Lotus leaves seemed to have grown slightly and become more solid, and the sixth Blue Lotus leaf phantom was already faintly visible, with its complete formation being only a matter of time.


"It seems that my realm and cultivation have not improved significantly, but the benefits are still immense. I feel that my mana is now inexhaustible, with no possibility of running out. Does this mean that from now on, I won't need mana-restoring elixirs? Can the Harmony Spirit Seed alone satisfy all consumption?"


Qing Muling contemplated the changes in the Harmony Spirit Seed. It was, after all, a part of his body. With the roots extending into the depths of the void, it could easily draw various essences of spiritual qi to nourish itself, never running dry.


There are countless dimensions in the void, and while the spiritual qi energy in some mysterious spaces is indeed powerful, it is unusually violent and difficult to refine and absorb. Some spiritual qi even contains deadly poison. However, with the Harmony Spirit Seed, all forces can be easily absorbed and digested, then transformed into gentle and rich spiritual qi essence for Qing Muling to absorb.


Therefore, Qing Muling's strength has once again received a significant boost. In battle, even without elixir supplements, he could endure for an unimaginably long time. Even prodigies two or three major realms higher than him could potentially be worn down to death by him.




Armillary Sphere Star Palace.


In the Council Hall, many core elders gathered together, and the Supreme Sect Master Yan Qinyang frowned, scrutinizing the jade slip in his hand for a long time without a word.


"… The calamity is approaching, and there's trouble everywhere!"


After a while, Yan Qinyang sighed deeply and put down the jade slip, "Who would have thought that even in the most important core territories of our sect, so many Magic Clan offspring nests are hidden, causing us to lose so many disciples. One can imagine how numerous these alien species are in other regions!"


The core elders looked at each other. Since receiving the notice from the Dao Court, the high-level officials of the Armillary Sphere Star Palace did not dare to neglect it and immediately deployed elite forces for a large-scale investigation, starting with the most important core territories, of course.


The problem was not only discovered immediately, but it was also extremely serious, reaching a shocking level!


The number of Magic Clan offspring nests hidden deep in the earth's strata was unimaginable, especially with a high proportion of strong individuals. A single misstep resulted in heavy losses among the core disciples of the Armillary Sphere Star Palace. Some of the less fortunate ones were completely destroyed, beyond salvation.


Fortunately, the high-level elders reacted quickly, immediately deploying Elemental Immortal-level powerhouses with precious treasures for reinforcement. After a fierce battle, the situation was finally brought under control, and all discovered Magic Clan offspring were wiped out, preventing further trouble from spreading.


Now, large groups of disciples are still patrolling in teams, conducting a dragnet-style investigation. As soon as any abnormalities are discovered, enough forces are summoned for support.


Therefore, the number of Magic Clan offspring cleared out every day is quite astonishing. The cost is the different levels of losses among the disciples, especially the core disciples. Fortunately, there is a considerable amount of heavenly merit to be gained, which is somewhat acceptable.


This is the downside of having an overly vast sphere of influence. There are too many regions to care for, and neglect is not an option. Otherwise, once those dormant Magic Clan offspring grow in strength and suddenly cause trouble in the future, it will still be the disciples of one's own sect who suffer.


"Sect Master, this can't go on,"


Core elder Xie Changqing spoke up, "If the sect loses too much power, we may struggle to cope when the calamity truly arrives. What do you think…"


Yan Qinyang asked indifferently, "What are your thoughts?"


"Shrink our sphere of influence and give up some less important territories in advance to conserve our living forces and preserve the sect's vitality!" Xie Changqing said solemnly.


The surrounding elders looked sideways; Xie Changqing was one of the Supreme Sect Master's staunch confidants. His words were likely also the Sect Master's thoughts, just spoken through his mouth.


From a rational perspective, such a strategy is unobjectionable. However, it means actively giving up a large amount of territory, which doesn't sound good. Some forces within the sect that don't see eye to eye with Yan Qinyang might take the opportunity to make trouble, accusing him of cowardice, losing territory, and tarnishing the sect's dignity, and so on.


"It doesn't seem easy to handle."


A female elder frowned and said, "If we withdraw the sect's forces, what about the billions of civilians in those secular nations? Are we to leave them to fend for themselves?"


Withdrawing forces, of course, means pulling back the official disciples stationed in various places. Some wealth and resources can also be moved back, but the vast number of ordinary people cannot be managed.


Faced with the ferocious Magic Clan offspring, the military power of secular dynasties is simply insufficient to protect them. The foreseeable tragic outcome is their annihilation.


Xie Changqing said solemnly, "This is a necessary sacrifice for the greater good of the sect's long-term interests!"


In his view, the mortals are like ants; even if many die, as long as some seeds are left, in a few hundred or thousand years, a vast population can still be bred, not worth too much concern.


The elders fell silent for a while, and finally, someone said, "In that case, please make the decision, Sect Master! Everything is for the sect!"




Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace Main Altar.


On the Imperial Path Peak, flowers rained down from the sky, golden light shone everywhere, and boundless auspicious qi rose. The sound of celestial music echoed as thousands of beautifully dressed female disciples lined up to welcome the distinguished guests from the Dao Court.


A thick purple cloud descended slowly from the sky, carrying a palatial and gorgeous carriage on the cloud. A large group of celestial maidens, immortal officials, strongmen, and Dao soldiers surrounded it, with auspicious light permeating and an impressive aura.


Behind the procession followed many carriages, ships, and courtyards of various shapes, emitting auras that were either domineering and fierce, cold and severe, full of immortal qi, or deep and elusive. The guards beside them were also strong and intimidating, clearly influential figures.


These were admirers of the Dragon Ritual Princess, direct descendants from various Dao Lineages, supreme families, and ancient powerful clans. Any one of them was a well-known prodigious talent.


Having received the news in advance, Mu Yinghua led a group of high-level elders to personally welcome them. As the daughter of the Qinghuan Emperor and the designated successor of this great power, no one from any supreme Dao Lineage could afford to neglect her, and she must be received with high-standard ceremonial hospitality.


After the carriage landed, the Dragon Ritual Princess, resplendent and noble with a strong presence, finally appeared. Her bright eyes glanced around, seemingly satisfied as she nodded, then turned her gaze towards Mu Yinghua's rear.


To her disappointment, the person she hoped to see did not appear among the welcoming crowd, and even Xuebing Xuan and the other women were nowhere to be seen.


"Eh, Sect Master, where are your personal disciples? Why has none of them shown up?"


She was not one for pleasantries and asked directly.


Sensing something, Mu Yinghua maintained her composure and smiled gracefully, "Your Highness has come at an inconvenient time. All of my personal disciples are currently in seclusion or have gone out on travels, so they were unable to come and welcome you. I hope Your Highness will forgive us."


The Dragon Ritual Princess's dark eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she said nonchalantly, "Oh, this is not the place to talk. Let's go inside and discuss!"


"It would be an honor."


Mu Yinghua smiled lightly, gesturing with her hand to invite the Dragon Ritual Princess into the hall for a conversation, and with a mental message, she informed the core elders beside her to quickly arrange for the reception of the group of proud and influential young talents following behind.


In the Council Hall.


After the Dragon Ritual Princess sat down, she got straight to the point, "I bring the Emperor's decree and the heavenly merit needed by your sect. The condition is the same as last time. As long as you, Sect Master, agree to this matter and hand over Qing Muling to me, this merit will be yours."


She took out a heavy, solemn golden seal exuding endless majesty and placed it on the table in front of her, her calm eyes fixed on Mu Yinghua.


Silence fell around them, and everyone's gaze landed on the golden seal.


The seal was a specially made sealing artifact, capable of containing and storing the special resource of heavenly merit for a long time. In the vast Great Void, this was no longer a secret technique, as all the supreme Dao Lineages had this capability.


Ten billion heavenly merits was not a small amount; it was a critical bargaining chip that could determine the life and death of a supreme Dao Lineage. No leader of any major power could remain indifferent to it.


"The kindness of Your Highness and the Emperor is appreciated by the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace,"


After a moment, Mu Yinghua's calm voice sounded, "However, such conditions are truly unacceptable to us. Qing Muling is my personal disciple, a key figure prepared to inherit the Dao Lineage in the future. It is impossible to sacrifice him for some benefits."


"So, we must respectfully decline Your Highness's generous offer."


Others may not understand Qing Muling's value, but Mu Yinghua and the elders knew all too well. Not to mention ten billion merits, even if it were multiplied ten or a hundred times, it would not be possible. There was simply no room for negotiation.


Anyone who agreed would be out of their mind.


The Dragon Ritual Princess smiled indifferently, "So, in your eyes, Qing Muling's value is more important than an Emperor? Such a person is unheard of in the Great Void. I am indeed very curious. Regardless of whether you accept this condition or not, call him out for me to see, can you do that at least?"


Mu Yinghua elegantly shook her head, "Unfortunately, Qing Muling went out on travels half a year ago and has not yet returned, disappointing Your Highness!"


The Dragon Ritual Princess was slightly taken aback, "Out on travels? How is that possible? Wasn't it said that you've always protected him very strictly, not allowing him to leave? You actually let him go? What if something happens to him?"


"That's not a problem. The sect has made proper arrangements, and the protectors accompanying him are enough to ensure his safety. At worst, he can retreat unharmed."


The Dragon Ritual Princess's eyebrows knitted slightly, "Can you contact him and have him return as quickly as possible? I'll wait here! And your personal disciples, I would like to meet they too."


"Your Highness commands, and I shall comply. However, where exactly he has gone and when he can return is hard to say."


"As for Xuebing Xuan and the others, once their seclusion ends, I will definitely have they come and meet you."


Mu Yinghua answered flawlessly. The Great Void was vast and boundless, and once a cultivator traveled far, returning was not a matter of a day or two.


Knowing the Dragon Ritual Princess's intentions were not kind, Mu Yinghua made arrangements as quickly as possible, sending Xuebing Xuan and the other women into seclusion, keeping them out of sight from the people of the Dao Court.


After all, they had all had close contact with Qing Muling, and their fate, constitution, and talents had undergone earth-shattering changes. The Dragon Ritual Princess's visit this time surely included some with special divine powers, and if they noticed anything unusual, it would inevitably bring a host of troubles. It was better to hide.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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