Chapter 148 – Dao Court

Miro Immortal Realm.


Compared to the usual territorial divisions within the Great Void's starry expanse, this immortal realm spans an exceptionally vast area, almost equivalent to twenty ordinary immortal realms combined.


Together with over thirty large immortal realms in the surrounding starry space, they all fall under the core territories of the Dao Court.


After eons of meticulous management, the environment of this starry space has become significantly superior to other immortal realms. The floating landmasses scattered throughout the void are generally larger, with some spanning millions or even tens of millions of miles. Landmasses exceeding a hundred million miles are not uncommon. These floating lands are abundant in spiritual energy and boast picturesque landscapes. Many areas meet the standards of blessed paradises, and at the very least, are suitable for vast numbers of mortals to thrive and reproduce.


As for those desolate and inhospitable dead zones, they have become exceedingly rare.


This is the achievement of the Dao Court's mighty ones. Every year, the higher-ups of the Dao Court plan large-scale transformations of the floating lands within their territories. They purify the dead zones and then merge numerous floating lands together to form even larger landmasses.


The larger the landmass, the more stable its atmospheric shield and the richer the concentration of spiritual energy on its surface, which in turn gives rise to more blessed paradises suitable for cultivation.


Such an unprecedented grand project naturally consumes resources beyond the imagination of ordinary cultivators, but the Dao Court's higher-ups have persisted, never ceasing their efforts since the establishment of the Dao Court.


The benefits reaped from this are tangible. The Dao Court has now become recognized as the premier immortal sanctuary in the Great Void's starry space. Many sects and especially the talented elites among the loose cultivators flock here, eager to join the Dao Court in hopes of securing a promising future.


Over time, the Dao Court has amassed an increasing number of talents, and its influence has naturally risen, now surpassing all Supreme Dao Lineage forces. Even the ancient and mysterious Calamity Fate Palace pales in comparison to this behemoth.


Moreover, compared to other immortal realms, the concentration of heavenly and earthly essence and Dao Rhyme in the starry space where the Dao Court resides is notably higher, making it easier for those who live and cultivate here to break through their cultivation realms.


This is no empty claim, but a conclusion drawn from the personal experiences of countless cultivators. Consequently, more frustrated grassroots geniuses and loose cultivators have been drawn here, hoping to find their own opportunities.




At this moment, deep within the Miro Immortal Realm, boundless purple clouds and rosy light support a magnificent and splendid complex of palaces. The jade buildings and golden pavilions stretch as far as the eye can see, with golden radiance enveloping the vast sky and auspicious light shining for tens of thousands of miles. The extremely dense heavenly and earthly merit and purple qi continuously gather from the depths of the void, far surpassing the grandeur of ordinary Supreme Dao Lineages.


Inside a dazzling hall, three grand thrones are arranged in a triangle, each throne occupied by a majestic and elusive figure shrouded in a faint purple mist. The profound and serene Dao Rhyme pervades the surroundings.


These are the three giants of the Dao Court: the Xuan Yin Emperor, Qinghuan Emperor, and Wei De Emperor.


"…The reappearance of the Magic Clan's descendants in the Great Void's starry space is not good news,"


A clear and powerful voice echoed in the hall: "Many of the Dao Court's important plans may have to be adjusted because of this, and some matters also require the cooperation of those super Dao Lineage forces. We need to discuss carefully how to proceed."


Another voice, more steady, spoke up: "Three years ago, when I was contemplating the Dao, I had a premonition. Little did I expect it to be related to this matter."


"Regardless, now that the problem has arisen, we must find a solution. Inform those Dao Lineages and the various clans to deploy capable hands to search and hunt for traces of the Magic Clan's descendants within their territories. Once discovered, they must be eliminated without mercy!"


"This is our duty, and I agree."


The descendants of the Magic Clan are the common enemy of all intelligent beings in the Great Void's starry space, an enemy that must be dealt with decisively. Therefore, all available forces must be mobilized to respond.


"The sect that reported this important news is Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. What do you think would be an appropriate reward?"


"Select a decent magical treasure to bestow upon that disciple, along with some medicinal pills and merits. That should settle the matter."


"I'm afraid it's not that simple! They reported in the name of the sect, not a specific disciple. We need to consider the reward carefully."


A smooth and authoritative voice, tinged with coldness, spoke up. This was the Qinghuan Emperor.




The Xuan Yin Emperor fell silent for a moment before asking, "They are quite clever. What do you think we should do?"


The Qinghuan Emperor replied with a faint smile, "That Sect Master wishes to borrow from the Dao Court, and the amount is not small. What do you think we should reply?"


The hall suddenly grew quiet.


For a force like Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace to request a loan, they would not be asking for ordinary resources but rather strategic benefits coveted by all major forces, such as fate, merit, innate spirit treasures, or treasures that could even affect the supreme elders.


Any of these items could trigger a bloodbath among the Supreme Dao Lineages if they appeared outside.


"What do they want to borrow? How much?" the Xuan Yin Emperor inquired.


"Ten billion in heavenly and earthly merit," the Qinghuan Emperor answered.




The two Emperors fell silent again. The figure was no small matter, and even for them, it seemed a bit extravagant.


"Are they making such a request to heal their slumbering Emperor, or to repair a damaged innate spirit treasure?" the Xuan Yin Emperor asked.


"Most likely, the uses of a vast amount of heavenly and earthly merit are limited to a few, and their eagerness to restore their former strength and status is understandable," the Qinghuan Emperor explained.


"So, should we agree to their request?"


The three Emperors pondered in silence. Although it was only a loan that would eventually have to be repaid with substantial interest and additional conditions, whether the loan could be granted still depended on the borrower's connections and face.


Without the right relationships, there would be nowhere to borrow from.


"Let's take our time to consider this matter,"


The Wei De Emperor sighed, "A great calamity is approaching, and the Dao Court's reserves are also very tight. We can't afford to waste too much, and since Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace has declined too much and has not yet recovered, it's uncertain whether they can play a significant role in the upcoming calamity. It would be a loss to squander such precious resources on them."


The implication was clear: they could borrow, but it depended on what terms Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace could offer. The merit of discovering the Magic Clan's descendants was not enough to loosen the Dao Court's high-ups.


Understanding his thoughts, the other two Emperors did not point it out, and the matter was settled.


"Let's leave it at that! Additionally, I propose we open up some of the secret realms and dangerous lands controlled by the Dao Court to attract the outstanding talents from various Dao Lineage forces to seek their fortunes. This way, we can select suitable candidates to support and cultivate with the Dao Court's resources in preparation for the upcoming calamity."


"Very well, I have no objections."


"Neither do I."


Following that, one matter after another was brought up, all requiring the joint decision of the three great Emperors. The measures were quickly agreed upon with just a few words.




After an indeterminate amount of time, once all matters were settled, the figures on the thrones quietly faded away.


The Qinghuan Emperor returned to her chambers, where a celestial official came to report in a low voice, "Emperor, the envoy from Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace is still waiting for a message. What should we reply?"


"The matter is of great importance, and the Emperors have decided to put it on hold for now,"


The Qinghuan Emperor said indifferently, "However, if they are willing to relent and give up the Sect Master's fifth personal disciple, I can make a decision on their behalf to resolve this matter satisfactorily. Reply to them with that!"






At the main altar of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace.


In the Sect Master's abode atop the Imperial Dao Peak, Qi Yalan, Luo Wanqing, and the other ladies gathered together, paying their respects to Mu Yinghua on the high platform and recounting the details of their recent adventures in seeking fortunes.


It was an established custom that the various benefits gained from seeking fortunes belonged to the individual disciples. Whoever obtained them kept them, and even the Supreme Sect Master could not take them from the disciples without a valid reason.


"Alright, let's leave it at that,"


After a while, Mu Yinghua finally spoke, "I know what you girls are thinking. Of course, the Junior Brother is currently traveling abroad, and you are aware of the specific reasons, so there's no need for further explanation."


"Let's decide on the draw here."


As she spoke, a cylinder made of green jade appeared in front of her, containing four luminous black ivory lots.


Since Xuebing Xuan had already drawn, only Cheng Yulan and the other four ladies were left, each with a twenty-five percent chance of being chosen.


Qi Yalan stepped forward first, drawing a lot, followed by Luo Wanqing, Cheng Yulan, and Luo Huan in turn.


Luo Wanqing carefully opened hers to find it blank, followed by Qi Yalan, Luo Huan…


When all the lots were opened, the one in Luo Huan's hand revealed a bright red color, in stark contrast to the blank lots of her fellow disciples.




Luo Wanqing sighed in frustration, her heart set on success but always ending in disappointment.


"Congratulations, Junior Sister!"


Xuebing Xuan said with a smile, her own desires fulfilled and her position as the principal wife secure, she naturally didn't mind which Junior Sister advanced first.


Mu Yinghua spoke gently, "Since that's the case, Luo Huan, you may return to your Dao Court to prepare. You will set off tomorrow to meet with the Junior Brother. From now on, you will be responsible for taking care of his daily life."


"Disciple obeys."


Luo Huan joyfully complied.


Qi Yalan looked at her, bit her lip, and suddenly said, "Master, since the Senior Sister can't leave for the time being, can another Senior Sister accompany the Junior Brother for now?"



Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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